PSYC 307 LCs for exam 3

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Francine is participating in a program using PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) where she is using the CSP (Control Signals Poster) traffic signal. The yellow light signals Francine to:

slow down-think

Researchers have found that adolescents who are not socially anxious or lonely use the Internet for communication more often than do adolescents who are anxious and lonely which lends support to the _____ hypothesis.

Rich get richer

Eloisa is a child who is rejected by her peers because she exhibits timid and anxious behaviors. According to the text, Eloisa may be a(n) _____ child.

Withdrawn rejected

Eloisa is a child who is rejected by her peers because she exhibits timid and anxious behaviors. According to the text, Eloisa may be a(n) _____ child.

with drawn

Kimberly has begun to show signs of guilt when she does something wrong. She seems to know when she has violated a moral standard (such as refusing to give her brother his toy back when he asks for it). Kimberly is MOST likely about _____ of age

2 years

Evelyn has begun to initiate more interactions with some children than with others, and contributes more when playing games with those children. According to the text, Evelyn is MOST likely around _____ old.

24 months

Sarah Jo does nice things and is considered a "good girl." According to Lawrence Kohlberg, Sarah Jo would be in Stage _____ of moral reasoning.


Gavin has begun to make and maintain friendships with his peers. This is a milestone that indicates Gavin is MOST likely about _____ old.

4 years

Children in India are much more likely than children in the United States to say that helping other people is:

A moral obligation, not a matter of personal choice

Victoria and Patricia, both 12-month-old infants, are in a playgroup with their fathers sitting nearby. Victoria finds a blinking toy she likes and Patricia, who likes it too, proceeds to tear the object away from Victoria, even though Victoria resists her and begins to cry. This can BEST be described as an instance of:


Ms. Bruce's 3rd-grade class has an unspoken policy that if a child forgets or does not have a lunch to eat, other children may choose to share an item of his or her lunch so the child will not go without a lunch. Ms. Bruce likes to remind her pupils that in doing this, one is not receiving a reward or some type of social approval. Ms. Bruce is asking her students to perform this act from _____ motives.


Jeffery and Natasha broke into the local pharmacy to steal drugs and then sell them on the street. Jeffery and Natasha are involved in:

Antisocial behavior

Adolescents who have _____ parents helps protect adolescents from peer pressure to use drugs, whereas having _____, overly strict, perhaps abusive parents increases adolescents' susceptibility to such pressure.

Authoritative; authoritarian

Arturo is the president of his high school junior class. He believes that school rules should involve active participation by students and that any decisions made by the student council should be written so they apply to all equally. According to Piaget, Arturo is in the stage of:

Autonomous morality

Paul's parents tended to use an authoritarian parenting style. According to the text, Paul has an increased chance of _____ compared with children raised by parents with an authoritative parenting style.

Becoming unpopular and victimized

Ten-year-old Danny chooses to eat with the same group of classmates at lunch and attends school events and "hangs out" with this same group. This group to which Danny belongs is a:


Henry, who is 4 years old, has a mother who helps to show him how to interact effectively with unfamiliar peers. She also makes suggestions about how to approach a group of his peers. Henry's mother is engaging in:


Sympathy often is an outcome of empathizing with another's negative emotion or negative situation. However, according to the text, the element of _____ distinguishes sympathy from empathy.


A disorder characterized by severe antisocial and aggressive behaviors that inflict pain on others or involve destruction of property or denial of the rights of others is called _____ disorder.


A particular allele variant of SLC6A4 is believed to make children especially reactive to their rearing environment. For children with this allele variant, high maternal responsiveness is associated with high levels of _____ at 15 to 52 months of age. Conversely, for children with this same variant, low maternal responsiveness is associated with low conscience.


The basic understanding of gender is completed around 6 years of age, when children achieve gender _____, the understanding that gender is invariant across situations.


David's 7-year-old daughter enjoys playing football with the neighborhood boys. David's daughter's choice of play is an example of:

Cross-gendered type

Tarik is on his high school's football and baseball teams. Most of his friends are members of the same teams. He and his friends refer to themselves as "jocks." Tarik is describing his:


Chelsea has been the victim of others forming unflattering, fake online profiles and sending her threatening and insulting text messages. Chelsea is a victim of:


Dane is 16 years old. Which individual is NOT one of Dane's peers?

Dane's baseball coach

With the growth of language skills, physical aggression _____ in frequency, and verbal aggression such as insults and taunting _____.

Decreases; increases

Seven-year-old Ryan begins to cry when his mother reads the "wish list" given by the local homeless shelter, which included such things as "not being forgotten." Ryan's response of sadness at observing another person's sadness or pain is referred to as:


Victoria is participating in a program using PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) where she is using the CSP (Control Signals Poster) traffic signal. At the end of going through the "lights," Victoria will see the words:

Evaluate-how did my plan work?

Michelle has some paintbrushes and is painting a picture. Henry is sitting across from her, and wants to paint, but he has no paintbrush. He looks around for a paintbrush and begins to become distressed because he has paint but nothing to paint with. Michelle notices that Henry is looking for a paintbrush and is distressed, so she smiles and hands Henry a paintbrush. Michelle is:

Exhibiting prosocial behavior

Kirsten is a 9-year-old girl who has developed and maintained a secure attachment with her father from when she was a newborn. According to the text, Kirsten is _____ likely to be confident,


According to the text, the origins of altruistic prosocial behavior are rooted in the capacity to:

Feel empathy and sympathy

Aggression would be described as a(n) _____ type of antisocial behavior.


Malcom, who is also known as Jocko, is a member of a group that is involved in minor crimes and vandalism and spend time together drinking and doing drugs. This group will at times threaten others who do not join them or enter their neighborhood. Malcom is a member of a:


Malik bought his son a toy truck and his daughter a new Barbie, Malik purchases for each child are examples of:

Gender typing

Genetics play a role in the development of conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder, although heritability seems to be stronger for _____ forms of antisocial behavior.

Overt, rather than covert

According to evolutionary psychology theory, certain behavioral tendencies occur because they:

Helped humans survive over the millennia

Five-year-old Malik believes that actions are wrong if his parents say they are wrong and that being punished for doing something wrong is justified. According to Piaget, Malik is in which stage of morality?

Heteronomous morality

Three-year-old Tim knocks Dan to the ground to get a toy away from him. Tim is probably demonstrating _____ aggression.


Don is very conscientious about rule breaking, and is careful always to cross at a crosswalk and not in the middle of the street. Lawrence Kohlberg would place his moral reasoning at the:

Law and order stage

According to the text, the most popular young children are:

Kind and cooperative

Caring for family members is much more important to people in some cultures than in others. This worldview might make them avoid postconventional actions even as they are acting according to the highest morals of their society. This is an example of a criticism directed at _____ for not taking cultural or gender differences into account.

Lawrence Kohlberg

How likely are romantic relationship among adolescents 15 years of age or younger to last as long as those among older adolescents?

Less likely

Adele came home from school today and complained that a classmate said something mean about her. According to the text, Adele is _____ to stop thinking about it because the child was a classmate, and not her best friend.

More likely

If children see others donate to charity, and if adults explain to them how donating helps others, they are:

More likely to donate to charity

Ellie has recently begun preschool and has one friend named Bea who is in the class with her. When Ellie engages in pretend play, she is _____ likely to engage in pretend play with Bea than with other children in the class.


Malcom has decided that Cedric is his best friend, even though he knows his parents do not approve of this choice. Malcom has made a _____ judgment.


The types of judgments that refer to actions in which individual preferences are the main consideration are called _____ judgments.


Early-onset conduct problems in children are associated with which family risk factors?

Poor parental supervision

Priscilla wants to obtain rewards and avoid punishments. Lawrence Kohlberg would consider this to be the goal of _____ moral reasoning.


Five-year-old Edward approaches a new student in his school and invites him to join in a game he is playing with other children. Edward is displaying:

Prosocial behavior

Cameron, who is unpopular among her peers at school, regularly ridicules and antagonizes other children while on the playground. Cameron's behavior suggests that she is an aggressive-_____ child.


Esmerelda is an 11-year-old child participating in a social-skills training program designed to help her gain important knowledge and skills that promote positive interaction with peers. According to the text, on the basis of their sociometric ratings, Esmerelda would MOST likely be classified as a(n) _____ child.


Walter has recently begun preschool and has one friend named Sam who is in the class with him. When Walter engages in pretend play, he is MOST likely to engage in pretend play with:


Logan has had problems paying attention to school rules, regulating his behavior, and problems getting along socially with other students. Which school-based prevention program would be directed toward Logan?

Secondary prevention

When individuals experience positive self-reactions for their behavior, they gain the sense of personal agency referred to as self-_____.

Self efficacy

Cognitive theories stress that individuals use their beliefs, expectations, and preferences to guide how they perceive the world and the actions that they choose Cognitive theorist refer to this as a(n):

Self socialization

A particular allele variant of SLC6A4 is believed to make children especially reactive to their rearing environment. SLC6A4 is a _______ transporter gene.


Children raised in adverse conditions (e.g., chronic stress, poor parenting, socioeconomic deprivation), along with having particular variants of the _____ transporter gene (SLC6A4), the _____ receptor gene (DRD4), or the MAOA gene tend to be more aggressive than children with different variants of these genes.

Serotonin; dopamine

During a lecture on human biology, Professor Tolbert described the differences in genetic composition and reproductive anatomy that determine whether a person is classified as male or female. Dr. Tolbert was referring to:


Francine is participating in a program using PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) where she is using the CSP (Control Signals Poster) traffic signal. The yellow light signals Francine to:

Slow down-think

Because Iris thinks that it is moral to break the law in some circumstances, Lawrence Kohlberg would place her moral reasoning at the:

Social Contract stage

Janie, who is a freshman in high school, is the subject of critical conversations, rumors and other classmates refusing to be her friend for fear of retribution from the "popular" student. Janie is a victim of:

Social bullying

Maxine likes to follow all classroom rules while in school, and she also likes to please her teachers. Her emphasis on these _____ is emphasized in Lawrence Kohlberg's second level of moral reasoning.

Social rules

Sue and Charlie are siblings and are very different from each other. Sue needs to be asked repeatedly to share, while Charlie freely shares with other children in need. According to the text:

Sue and Charlie's pattern of engaging in prosocial behaviors as children is likely to follow them into adulthood.

Lawrence Kohlberg's work is important because it demonstrated that children's moral judgment supposedly changes in relatively _____ ways with age.


Which statement is NOT a characteristic of bullies? They tend to be susceptible to peer pressure. Bullies tend to be callous and antisocial. They are usually higher in social status. They demonstrate empathy toward others.

They demonstrate empathy toward others

Which statement about cliques is NOT true? -They provide a sense of belonging. -They provide a way of avoiding sexual involvement with the other sex. -They provide a ready-made pool of peers for socializing. -They offer validation of the characteristics that the group members have in common.

They provide a way of avoiding sexual involvement with the other sex.

Robbie, who is a junior in a new high school, has been the victim of various harassments, insults and physical attacks and threats. Robbie has been a victim of both _____ and _____.

Verbal bullying; physical bullying

Which statement is NOT a reason why parental modeling can prevent antisocial behavior in children? -Parental monitoring may be important in that it reduces the likelihood that older children and adolescents will associate with deviant, antisocial peers. -Very strict parental monitoring of their children's peer group followed up by extremely punitive consequences can prevent antisocial behavior. -Parental monitoring makes it more likely that parents will know whether their children are engaging in antisocial behavior. -Parental modeling during the times from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on weekdays can prevent antisocial behavior and associating with antisocial peers.

Very strict parental monitoring of their children's peer group followed up by extremely punitive consequences can prevent antisocial behavior.

Ingroup bias would BEST be illustrated in which example?

Victoria is asked to rate her same-gender and opposite-gender peers, and rates her girlfriends higher for favorable traits.

According to the text, elementary school children use several different dimensions to evaluate their friendships. An example of the dimension labeled "help and guidance" would be:

We help each other with school work a lot

Fourth-graders Wan and Rahel are friends. They both were described by their teachers as shy and more withdrawn and sensitive than other children. In the United States, Rahel would be MORE likely to be viewed as:

Weak, needy and socially incompetent

Joseph believes that an action is good or bad based on the consequences of the action, not the motives or intentions behind it. Joseph is MOST likely:

Younger than 7 years old

Sixteen-year-old Mitchell is an aggressive teen who believes other people, even when they are nice to him, are negatively motivated in order to take advantage of him in some way, so he responds aggressively. Mitchell social cognitive explanation of the intentions is demonstrating:

a hostile attraction bias

April is a 35-year-old woman who generously donates her time and money anonymously to help people who are needy. According to the text, April has MOST likely experienced which scenario more regularly as a child?

a mother who aroused a sympathy response from April by explaining why donating stuffed animals to a hospital would make the children happy

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the age at which children achieve an understanding of gender as invariant across situations occurs at _____ when children begin to succeed on Piagetian conservation problems. Kohlberg argued that both achievements reflect _____ stage of thinking.

about the same time; the same

Shy teenagers are more likely to use electronic communication because it provides them greater _____.


To experience empathy, children must be able to identify the emotions of others and understand that:

another person is feeling an emotion or is in some kind of need.

Professor Houde is delivering a lecture to his psychology course about the ways in which physical sex differences and social ecology shape the different gender roles assigned to men and women. Professor Houde is lecturing on _____ theory.


The rate of conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder for children and adolescents is highest among:


Nine-year-old Carrie hangs out with the same group of girls at school and at the bus stop, but other than one other girl, does not really consider all of them close friends. This group with which Carrie hangs out is a:


According to the text, children who demonstrate more concern with others are:

consistent in the readiness to engage in prosocial behaviors all the way into adulthood.

A panel convened by the National Academy of Sciences concluded that the most successful positive youth development programs are those that do NOT emphasize: -the participants' physical and psychological safety. -developing a "me" first approach to social and community activities. -mentoring participants in skills to develop self-efficacy and providing opportunities to belong. -a clear structure, adult supervision, and positive social norms.

developing a "me" first approach to social and community activities.

According to the text, elementary school children use several different dimensions to evaluate their friendships. An example of the dimension labeled "conflict and betrayal" would be:

does not listen to me

School-based interventions for promoting prosocial behavior have been _____ at promoting prosocial behavior in children. This suggests that _____ factors must contribute to its development.

effective; environmental

Parents do NOT encourage prosocial behavior in their children by: -arranging opportunities for their children to engage in prosocial behavior. -emphasizing individualistic, self-serving values and behaviors. -using an authoritative parenting style to elicit prosocial behavior. -communicating and reinforcing cultural beliefs about the value of prosocial behavior.

emphasizing individualistic, self-serving values and behaviors.

According to the text, the origins of altruistic prosocial behavior are rooted in the capacity to:

feel empathy and sympathy.

Children do not yet realize that gender is permanent in the _____ stage of gender-role development.

gender identity

Pat describes Terry as "very masculine" because Terry is confident, active, and physically strong. Pat is referring to Terry's:

gender typing

Amanda has a high-quality relationship with her parents and peers. According to the text, it is MOST likely that Amanda may have a romantic relationship that is characterized by:

high levels of intimacy and commitment.

The tendency to evaluate individuals and characteristics associated with the ingroup as superior to those associated with the outgroup is referred to as:

in-group bias

Children use a(n) _____ to classify other people as either "the same as me" or "not the same as me."

in-group/outgroup gender schema

Paul and Troy have been playmates since they were very young. As they move through their toddler and preschool years, their fathers notice that the boys' cooperation and coordination in pretend play together has:

increased substantially

According to the text, one twin study of children's prosocial behavior suggested that the role of genetic factors in children's prosocial behavior:

increases with age

During her prenatal development, Gwen was exposed to abnormally high levels of testosterone, producing a syndrome called congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Now 14 years old, Gwen has a female gender identity, but her genitalia actually appear more masculine than feminine. She also displays other masculine characteristics, such as a deeper than normal voice for a girl and the appearance of some facial hair. According to the discussion in your text, Jessie is:


According to the text, elementary school children use several different dimensions to evaluate their friendships. An example of the dimension labeled "conflict resolution" would be:

makes up easily when we have a fight

It has been found that children who were securely attached at age 12 months were ____ socially competent in elementary school than were children who were not securely attached. This predicted _____ secure relationships with friends at age 16 and later in romantic relationships.

more; more

Deirdre has recently begun preschool and has a friend named Samantha who is in the class with her. When Deirdre engages in pretend play, she is _____ to engage in pretend play with Samantha than with other children in the class.

most likely

The role of the biological correlates of aggression can BEST be summarized as:

neither necessary nor sufficient to cause aggressive behavior in most children.

Three-year-old Brian is playing with his 5-year-old sister Allison, who becomes frustrated that her books fell down while they were playing library. Allison begins to cry, and Brian laughs at Allison. This could BEST be described as:

normal behavior because of Brian's age.

Evolutionary explanations for prosocial behaviors could BEST be explained as:

pertaining to the human species as a whole without explaining individual differences in empathy, sympathy, and prosocial behavior.

Four-year-old Kieran and his friend Donte are playing make-believe firemen by using their toy fire trucks to "put out" a make-believe fire in a "building" they constructed out of Legos. Kieran and Donte are engaged in _____ play.


Three-year-old Xavier joins his friend Charlie, who is playing make-believe war with toy soldiers. Xavier, on instruction from fellow 3-year-old Charlie, sets up the walls and barriers required to "fight" the war; then he pretends to be on the other side and fights Xavier's solders, exclaiming, "I got you!" Xavier and Charlie are engaged in _____ play.


Mia attends a school in which they have posters that encourage respecting others and her teachers have been trained to model appropriate behavior and to praise children when they behave appropriately. Mia's school has instituted a _____ program to prevent aggressive behavior.


The parents of 8-year-old Deshawn have a hard time knowing how to teach Deshawn better how to share without "making him" do it. According to the text, Deshawn's parents could best help Deshawn learn to share through the use of _____.


The parents of 8-year-old Timothy have a hard time knowing how to teach Timothy better how to share without "making him" do it. According to the text, Timothy's parents could best help Timothy learn to share through the use of:


Two-year-old Grace attends a playgroup for toddlers with her mother. When Grace takes another child's toy or pushes another child, Grace's mother gently asks her, "Do you see how that hurts [the other child]?" Grace's mother is engaging in an effective parenting style to increase prosocial behavior through:

reasoning in an emotional tone of voice.

In an effort to encourage sharing, Anthony was regularly punished for failing to engage in prosocial behaviors. His parents place him in time out every time he fails to share. The discipline style that Anthony's parents have adopted may result in Anthony:

receiving the message that prosocial behavior is primarily a way to avoid punishment.

Six-year-old Genevieve becomes angry at her classmate, Ava, and tells Ava that she is not going to be invited to anyone's birthday parties. Genevieve is engaged in which type of aggression?

relational agression

Which factor has NOT been found to be a consequence of student participation in service learning? -awareness of larger social issues and the ability to participate in a cooperative activity -participation in these activities increasing students' empathy for the needs of others -developing a capacity for making responsible decisions -requiring student participation in student learning programs having a negative impact on future participation in volunteer activities

requiring student participation in student learning programs having a negative impact on future participation in volunteer activities

Marcus is very shy and does not have good communication or social skills. He finds he feels more socially competent when he communicates with peers online. Marcus' use of online communications is supported by the _____ hypothesis.

social compensation

Two-year-old Kelly watches as her 4-year-old brother trips and falls down and begins to cry. According to the text, Kelly is MOST likely to:

stand and watch him without saying or doing anything.

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, in order to locate a person's stage of moral reasoning, the crucial factor is:

the reasons behind his or her answers to questions about a moral dilemma.

Which statement is NOT a characteristic of bullies?

they demonstrate empathy toward others

Ever since 24-year-old Jason was a child, he identified himself as a male even though his biological sex was female. After struggling with this throughout his childhood and early teens, he self-identified as a male. Jason is:


Five-year-old William does not share very well with his siblings, and often will jump to the front of the line first or serve himself first. His parents place him in time out every time he fails to share. The discipline style that William's parents have adopted may result in William:

viewing prosocial behavior as primarily a way to avoid punishment.

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