PSYC Modules 3-4 (Ch. 11-20)

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Which of the following statements about osteoporosis is true?

A family history of osteoporosis increases risk of the condition.

Which of the following students is the most likely to be academically successful?

Eva, whose parents engage in joint decision making

Which of the following middle-aged adults is the most likely to be stagnant?

Barbara, who spends little time with her grown children

Helen regards death as part of life's journey. Helen is most likely to say,

"After reading everything I could about my illness, I really believe I can handle anything."

Alec has warm, supportive parents. He is most likely to affiliate with which of the following crowds?


As Heather approaches the end of midlife, she has realized that she is comfortable with herself. She is more independent, assertive, and committed to her personal values than she was at 30. Heather probably believes that midlife is

"the prime of life"

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to participate in the Road Scholar program?

67-year old Marie, who is a retired math professor

Research indicates that Mabel, age 75, requires about _____ hours of sleep per night.


Geraldine's husband died two years ago, just after she turned 81. Which of the following statements about Geraldine is most likely true?

After a period of intense grieving, Geraldine is faring well.

Marion has just learned that her brain contains an abundance of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. Marion's doctors are probably concerned that she has

Alzheimer's disease

Which of the following older adults is the most likely to experience maltreatment?

Andy, who is Caucasian American

Which of the following 88-year-olds is expected to live the longest?

Bert, who is a low-SES black man from Mississippi

Which of the following recently widowed seniors is the most likely to show resilience in the face of loneliness?

Betty, who is outgoing

Which of the following McDonald's employees with two years of experience will probably perform more competently in the workplace?

Blake, a middle-aged adult

Frankie and Mike are a dual-earner couple. They would like to have a better balance between work and family. Which of the following is good advice to help them combine their work and family roles?

Both Frankie and Mike should critically evaluate the time that they devote to work in view of their family values and priorities, cutting back where needed.

Which of the following statements about friendship for 43-year-old Janet and 51-year-old Brendan is probably true?

Both Janet and Brendan have become more selective about their friendships.

Brad and Ashley live in the United States and are married with children. They both work full-time. Which of the following statements is most likely true?

Brad participates in child care about 85 percent as much as Ashley does.

Which of the following statements about individuals with bulimia nervosa is true?

Bulimics usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits.

Which of the following college students is the most likely to show improvements in propositional thought?

Cali, who took a science course

Which of the following girls is the most likely to experience puberty at the earliest age?

Chandra, who lives in a conflict-ridden family

Which of the following statements about gay and lesbian parenthood is true?

Children in gay and lesbian families do not differ from children of heterosexual parents in peer relations or sexual orientation.

Alice lives in a small town. Her sister, Henrietta, lives in a big city. Which of the following statements is probably true?

Henrietta lives closer to social services.

Horatio, age 17, took his parents' car without asking last Friday. He did not get in an accident, and he did not get caught. Which of the following statements is the most likely to be true?

Horatio will be more likely in the future to take his parents' car without asking than peers who have not tried it.

Which of the following statements about the physical signs of aging is true?

In men with heredity pattern baldness, hair follicles begin to produce fine, downy hair

Eileen, a 48-year-old Korean American, and Ann, a 52-year-old Caucasian American, are both caring for an aging parent with mental disabilities. Which of the following statements is probably true?

Eileen feels a higher level of family obligation than Ann.

Which of the following individuals is likely to experience the most barriers to exercise?

Ella, who is unemployed and impoverished

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to be a smoker?

Damien, a high school dropout

Which of the following statements about causes of death in the United States is true?

Death rates for all causes exceed those of other industrialized nations.

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to experience sexual difficulties?

Denise, who has had six partners

Which of the following delinquent youths is the most likely to experience a life-course pattern of aggression and criminality?

Doug, who first showed signs of physical aggression at age 3

Forrest lives in a Green House-style nursing home. In comparison with traditional nursing home residents, which of the following statements is most likely true?

Forrest will report substantially better quality of life.

Which of the following employees is the most likely to be assigned to a high-level management job?

Gene, a Caucasian-American man

Ginger, a female middle manager, and Geoffrey, a male middle manager, are both promoted to comparable positions. Which of the following can you predict?

Ginger probably has earned higher performance ratings than Geoffrey.

Currently, the average healthy life expectancy in __________ is only 28 years.


Which of the following young adults is the most likely to return to live at a parent's home after first leaving?

Isabella, who is a recent college graduate

Janelle, a divorced mother with two children, is marrying William, a divorced father with three children. Which of the following statements is most likely true?

It will take three to five years for Janelle and William's blended family to develop the connectedness and comfort of intact biological families.

Which of the following older adults is expected to live the longest in full health, without disease or injury?

Kiyoko, from Japan

__________ increases the likelihood that teenagers will be sexually active.

Living in a high-crime neighborhood

Which of the following teenagers is at highest risk for suicide?

Lou, a Native-American boy

Which of the following college freshmen is the most likely to graduate?

Luca, who feels that her college community is concerned about her as an individual

Which of the following maternal grandmothers is the most likely to be the preferred caregiver of her grandchildren while their parents are at work?

Lupe, a Mexican-American homemaker

Which of the following cohabiting unions is the most likely to dissolve within two years?

Maggie and Scott, who live in the United States

Which of the following statements about partner abuse is true?

Many treated perpetrators repeat their violent behavior with the same or a new partner.

Sixteen-year-old Mark is from Texas and 17-year-old Darryl is from Alberta, Canada. Which of the following statements about the likelihood of each sexually active teen contracting AIDS or another sexually transmitted disease (STD) is true?

Mark is more likely than Darryl to contract AIDS or another STD.

Martin, age 47, is single and has no children. Which of the following of Martin's activities reflects generativity?

Martin volunteers at the YMCA as a basketball coach for the youth program.

Which of the following individuals will likely experience the lowest level of death anxiety?

Marvin, a 93-year old

Both adults and peers view Michaela as physically attractive, lively, and sociable. She is a leader at her school. Her brother, Daniel, however, is viewed as anxious and moody. He is either stressed or depressed. Which of the following statements is probably true?

Michaela and Daniel are both late-maturing teenagers.

Which of the following statements about risk factors of elder abuse is true?

Most abusers are dependent, emotionally or financially, on their victims.

Which of the following statements about the prevention and treatment of suicide is true?

Parents and teachers must be trained to pick up on the signals that a troubled teenager sends.

Which of the following young adult women is the most likely to live on her own before marriage?

Paris, an economically well-off Caucasian American

Which of the following statements about stereotypes of aging is true?

People "see" older adults in stereotypical ways, even when they appear otherwise.

Which of the following couples in the most likely to report high marital satisfaction?

Peter and Linda, who share family responsibilities

Which of the following girls is the most likely to be satisfied with her size and shape?

Phoebe, who is African American

Reece is 42. His sister, Dana, is 25. Which of the following statements is most likely true based solely on their ages?

Reece is more likely than Dana to anticipate and plan ways to handle future discomforts.

Which of the following statements about exercise in middle adulthood is true?

Regular exercise equips adults to handle stress more effectively.

Which of the following parents is the most likely to report a dip in marital and life satisfaction?

Rick, the father of a 14-year-old

Which of the following older adults is the most likely to enter a nursing home?

Roger, a Caucasian American

Which of the following statements about becoming a college student in midlife is true?

Role demands outside of school pull many returning women in conflicting directions.

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to help you make a rational decision about whether to make a costly repair to your house?

Roshawndra, a 45-year-old (oldest)

As Bill and Sonja approach middle age,

Sonja will become more self-sufficient and Bill will become more considerate.

When presented with the Heinz dilemma, Luann overlooks Heinz's intentions and, instead, focuses on fear of authority and avoidance of punishment. Luann is at which of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

Stage 1: The punishment and obedience orientation

Which of the following statements about changes in vision in adulthood is true?

The muscles controlling the pupil weaken.

Carl and Maria have been dating for several weeks. __________ best predicts whether their relationship will continue for years to come.

The warmth and trusting affection they demonstrate to each other

Tom and Joyce just had their second baby. Which of the following statements is probably true?

Tom is taking a more active role in parenting.

Christian, Betty, Steve, and Nadine all quit drinking. Which of the following statements is probably true?

Two of them will relapse within a few months.

Which of the following older adults is the most likely to retire the earliest?

Victoria, who is a clerical worker

Dr. Hader shows participants a series of stimuli on a computer screen and asks them to press the space bar only after a particular sequence occurs. Which of the following adults will most likely receive the lowest score?

Wanda, who is 51 (oldest)

Which of the following statements about relationships with adult children in late adulthood is true?

Warm bonds with adult children reduce the negative impact of losses on psychological well-being.

Which of the following situations is the best example of the imaginary audience?

When her fork falls off her tray in the cafeteria, Hannah is certain that everyone is thinking that she is clumsy.

Which of the following statements about nontraditional students is true?

When support systems are in place, most returning students gain in self-efficacy and do well academically.

Yolanda has achieved ego integrity. Which of the following statements is most likely true?

Yolanda has a close relationship with her adult children.

Sylvana asks her friend, Babbette, "Did you know that the Williams boy received a full scholarship to State?" Which of the following functions of friendship is Sylvana providing?

a link to the larger community

Four years ago, 89-year-old Hyrum began experiencing a falloff in cognitive performance. This is a sign of

a loss of vitality and impending death

Laurie, a young adult, just started her first job in her chosen field and wants to select a helpful mentor. Which of the following people would most likely be her best choice?

a member of her professional association

The feminization of poverty is

a trend in which women who support themselves or their families have become the majority of the adult population living in poverty.

Most older gays and lesbians in long-term partnerships

point to their partner as their most important source of social support

Mark and Peter, both age 15, are best friends. Their discussions probably focus on


Sixteen-year-old Garrett feels that he has a great relationship with his mother, with whom he feels free to have spirited discussions about politics and religion. Garrett is likely to be in a state of identity


Emme selectively attends to and better recalls emotionally positive over negative information. Emme has the ability to maximize positive emotion and dampen negative emotion. This ability is known as

affect optimization

After graduating from high school, Raymond floundered for a brief period. He did not know what he wanted to do or who he wanted to be. He tried several different things. According to Erikson, Raymond experienced

an identity crisis

Most gay, lesbian, or bisexual youths experience

an inner struggle that is intensified by a lack of role models and social support.

Trey, a late-developing teenage boy, is quickly gaining muscle mass. He is exhibiting aggressive behavior and mood swings. An initial health screening indicates that Trey has acne, excess body hair, and high blood pressure. Trey's symptoms are consistent with

anabolic steroid use.

Indigestion-like pain or crushing chest pain, called __________, reveals an oxygen-deprived heart.

angina pectoris

According to Erikson, when an adolescent cannot resolve an identity crisis, she may

appear shallow, directionless, and unprepared for the challenges of adulthood.

Before her death, Irene contacted her estranged sister and made amends. She took control of the time she had left, and confronted and prepared for death. Her death made sense in terms of her pattern of living and values. Irene experienced a(n) __________ death.


When Ted began to experience age-related vision problems, he purchased computer software that read text aloud. This is an example of

assistive technology

In adolescence, __________ parenting predicts high self-esteem.


In middle age, Shelley finds that she worries much less about what others expect of her and uses her own values to guide her decisions. Shelley has developed a strong sense of


Travis, who sees himself as a separate, self-governing person, is striving to rely more on himself and less on his parents for decision making. Travis is developing


Mr. Martinez is dying. Because of their cultural beliefs, his Mexican-American family will probably

avoid informing him of his condition because they believe doing so hastens death

On hearing the news that her brother died, Nicole was initially in shock and then refused to believe it. Her disbelief lasted for four days. Nicole experienced the __________ phase of the grieving process.


Compared with school-age children, teenagers' self-evaluations place more emphasis on

social virtues

Dying of cancer, Janice promises God that she will devote her life to the church if He lets her live. According to Kübler-Ross, Janice is exhibiting which of the five typical responses to the prospect of death?


Depressive symptoms increase dramatically __________ and occur more often in __________.

between ages 12 and 16; girls

Suffering from an age-related physical disability, Jack has learned to focus on his cognitive, emotional, and social powers. According to Peck, Jack has attained

body transcendence

Victor has been a certified nursing assistant for 20 years. He is having a hard time liking his job as the years progress. He feels mentally exhausted and does not feel like he is accomplishing everything he is accountable for doing. Victor is experiencing


According to Kübler-Ross, a terminally ill person first reacts to the news that he or she is dying

by denying the seriousness of the illness

Nontraditional students report a strong desire for help in

choosing the most appropriate courses.

Noah and Ava are married and voluntarily childless. They are probably


If Pukiq, an 80-year-old Inuit woman, is asked for her thoughts on aging well, she is most likely to mention

community involvement

Harriet can handle dressing, shopping, and food preparation by herself. However, Harriet allows her daughter Ada to assist with these activities, leaving Harriet more stamina for gardening. Harriet is managing her aging by

consciously giving up primary control in some areas to remain in control of other, highly valued pursuits.

Levinson found that during the transition to early adulthood, most young people

construct an image of themselves in the adult world that guides their decision making.

Sixteen-year-old Max has been introspective lately. He has been wondering who he really is, thinking about his values, and pondering the direction he will pursue in the future. Max is

constructing his identity

In high school, Jamie is a class leader. She is highly social and involved in several activities. Jamie socializes with a large, loosely organized group of popular classmates. This group is Jamie's


April sees that her mother, May, is having trouble making the bed. April assists May, talking to her while they work together. April's behavior towards her mother illustrates the __________ script.


Fifteen-year-old Beatrice no longer enjoys riding horses, which she has done since she was 8 years old. She feels sad and frustrated. She is having trouble sleeping and concentrating, and she has little energy. Beatrice has symptoms of


Wayne was misdiagnosed with dementia. He is most likely to suffer from which of the following conditions?


Reggie feels he made many wrong decisions, yet time is too short to find an alternate route to integrity. Reggie is experiencing


Alexandra has difficulty forming close relationships with others and tends to compete rather than cooperate. According to Erikson, she has

developed a sense of isolation

Research on identity development indicates that individuals who are stuck for a long time in identity __________ are the most likely to use or abuse drugs.


When Tom's husband, Joe, died, Joe's relatives barred Tom from attending the funeral. Tom is at risk for

disenfranchised grief

After a classroom discussion analyzing a piece of literature, Walter is asked which of two interpretations was correct. He replied, "You'd have to ask the author. He wrote it." Walter is using

dualistic thinking

Older female college students often report feeling self-conscious and hesitant to talk in class

due to negative aging and gender stereotypes.

Cliff and Claire are married and have four children. Cliff works as a doctor, and Claire works as a lawyer. They both try to balance the time and energy they devote to their occupations, their children, and their relationship. They have a(n) __________ marriage.


The transition to adult roles has become so delayed and prolonged that it has spawned a new transitional period extending from the late teens to the mid- to late twenties, called

emerging adulthood

Mr. Salazar has difficulty breathing caused by an extreme loss of elasticity in lung tissue. This is known as


Jaime, age 47, left her part-time job in retail, pursued a bachelor's degree in social work, and accepted a job as a child welfare worker. According to Levinson, Jaime is engaged in which of the following developmental tasks?


Shelby is adventurous, persuasive, and a strong leader. According to Holland's six personality types, Shelby is a(n) __________ person.


Seventeen-year-old Paulette is Native American. She is aware of her cultural ancestry, feels a strong sense of pride in being Native American, and is becoming more sensitive to the attitudes and feelings associated with being part of her tribe. Paulette is developing

ethnic identity

Parent-adolescent disagreements focus largely on __________, such as __________.

everyday matters; driving, dating partners, and curfews

Janet wished she went to college instead of taking a job as an administrative assistant in her early twenties. Preston always wanted to be a teacher, but his father would only pay college tuition if Preston majored in engineering. In midlife, Preston went back to college and obtained a degree in elementary education, whereas Janet continued working as an administrative assistant. Compared to Preston, Janet will probably

experience poorer physical health over time

Jane is critical and condescending towards her colleagues. She can be rude and is prone to angry outbursts. Jane's __________ is associated with greater cardiovascular arousal, coronary artery plaque buildup, and heart disease.

expressed hostility

Throughout his twenties, Randy was preoccupied with finishing college and graduate school and building his career. According to Levinson, around age 30, Randy will probably

focus on finding a life partner.

Mallory accepts her parents' political beliefs without question. She is characterized by identity


Besides reducing body fat and building muscle, exercise

fosters resistance to disease.

Danielle, an overweight young adult, will probably

get heavier

After his father died, Jonah felt nauseous, was profoundly sad, and could not sleep, yet felt exhausted. Jonah's physical and psychological distress is known as


For the first time in her career, 43-year-old Schuyler is truly satisfied with her job. Which of the following aspects of Schuyler's job satisfaction is the most likely to have improved?

happiness with the work itself

Kay displays a committed, involved approach to daily activities. She regards most experiences as controllable and she views change as a challenge. Kay displays


Mr. Johnson was in a skiing accident. He suffered traumatic head injuries when he came in contact with a tree. Mr. Johnson's cerebral cortex no longer registers electrical activity, but his brain stem remains active. Mr. Johnson

has entered a persistent vegetative state

Logan is a high school graduate who does not plan to attend college. He is likely to

have trouble finding a job

Changes of aging in __________ are twice as rapid for men as for women.


Nan, age 70, feels more out of breath while exercising. This is probably because

her vital capacity has reduced significantly due to aging

Charlie is a male nurse. Which of the following individuals is Charlie most likely to be worried about stigmatizing him?

his male friends

Reggie is a 74-year-old hospice patient. Reggie will most likely die in

his own home or a homelike setting

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to provide Claude with informal assistance with tasks of daily living?

his wife

Ethan's blood pressure is higher than normal. This means that Ethan suffers from


Declines in __________ functioning contribute to many conditions of aging, including increased susceptibility to infectious disease and cancer.

immune system

Marta is shown a list of words that includes the word back and then is asked to fill in the word fragment b--k. Marta completes the fragment as back rather than book or buck. Marta is using __________ memory.


Most American deaths take place

in hospitals

Sean visits his mother, Maribeth, daily. When Maribeth handles her self-care and household tasks on her own, Sean usually reads or attends to e-mail. This illustrates the __________ script.


Neil and Mark cannot wait to spoil their granddaughter. They love the idea of having fun with her all day and then sending her home with their son when she gets tired and cranky. Which of the following grandparent gratifications is probably most important to them?


Today we know that adolescent development is

influenced by biological, psychological, and social forces.

Betty, age 77, needs assistance with food preparation, housekeeping, and paying her bills. Betty cannot carry out some

instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)

Charlie and his best friend, Max, visit each other, watch their favorite college team play football, and confide in each other. Which of the following functions of friendship do Charlie and Max provide for each other?

intimacy and companionship

When a doctor ends a suffering patient's life without the patient's permission, the doctor is practicing

involuntary active euthanasia

Katherine stated in writing that without reasonable expectation of recovery, she should not be kept alive through medical intervention. This document

is called a living well

Christine is a high-achieving tenth grader. Christine's parents probably

keeps tabs on her progress

After her three children finished college and moved out on their own, Debra created a family blog to make sure everyone stayed in touch. She also volunteered the family home for family and holiday gatherings. Debra is her family's


Michele openly lives her life as a lesbian. Statistics indicate that Michele probably lives in a

large city

Creative accomplishment tends to peak in the __________ and then decline, but with considerable variation across individuals and disciplines.

late thirties or early forties

Thomas, age 45, has been married for 20 years. When asked about his sex life, Thomas will probably say that sex is __________ than it was in his early married life.

less intense

Cohabiting gay and lesbian couples are __________ cohabiting heterosexual couples.

less likely to have children in common than

Trena is an overweight adult. Compared with her normal-weight agemates, Trena is __________ likely to __________.

less; receive financial aid for college

Quentin went to college with the goal of becoming a social worker. Instead, he gave in to pressure from his new spouse and changed his major to business. When looking back at age 50, Quentin wished he had pursued his original dream of becoming a social worker. Quentin is experiencing a(n)

life regret

Adolescents who gain most in moral understanding have parents who

listen sensitively

According to Rita's eye doctor, she may go blind. The light-sensitive cells in the central region of her retina are breaking down, causing her central vision to blur. Rita is developing

macular degeneration

One reason that adolescents go to bed much later than they did as children is that they

may have developed an increased neural sensitivity to evening light.

When Maea lay dying, relatives and friends gathered around him to give spiritual strength and comfort. Older adults and other experts conducted a karakia ceremony, reciting prayers asking for peace, mercy, and guidance from the creator. Maea is most likely a(n)

member of the Maori tribe

Recent surveys on the negative stereotypes of aging reveal that more people are viewing

middle age as a potentially upbeat, satisfying time for both genders.

Liam and Olivia met six months ago. They moved into an apartment together three months ago. They are not engaged. Compared to U.S. couples who wait to live together until after they have made a formal commitment to each other, they are __________ likely to __________.

more; be androgynous

Vaillant's research on the midlife crisis suggests that

most people do not experience a crisis but, rather, slow and steady change

When Waylon's grandmother died, people brought food over to his mother's house. Friends and neighbors gathered there for three days after the death. At the funeral, people wore black and rose to share stories about Waylon's grandmother. These expressions are known as


Kim tends to worry a lot. She is temperamental, emotional, and vulnerable. She is high on which of the following "big five" personality traits?


Devices such as "smart caps" and sensor-activated room lights are

not considered essential medical equipment under U.S. government-sponsored health-care coverage

Caregivers of older adults with dementia often do not accept respite services because

of cost, concerns about the patient's adjustment, or guilt

Viagra and other medications for impotence

offer temporary relief from erectile dysfunction.

Among the diverse strategies available for helping at-risk teenagers, which of the following is among the most successful for preventing dropout?

offering remedial instruction in small classes

Low-SES adult college students

often need sessions in confidence building.

Immigrant parents from cultures that highly value family closeness and obedience to authority

often react more strongly to adolescent disagreement.

Tilda, age 83, is actively engaged with her family and community. She enjoys close friendships and leads a fulfilling daily life. Tilda fits the contemporary view of

optimal aging

Genevieve's doctor tells her she has degenerative joint disease. Genevieve is suffering from


Marlon, an extraverted 75-year-old, reminisces about his wife, who passed away when Marlon was 65. He enjoys reliving his relationship with his wife. Marlon engages in __________ reminiscence.


With regard to romantic love,

partners who are similar in personality are more likely to stay together.

At her patient's request, Dr. Yobst withholds or withdraws treatment, permitting the patient to die naturally. Dr. Yobst practices

passive euthanasia

Lexi, age 13, is likely to mention __________ as a reason for dating.

peer status

Which of the following is the strongest predictor of depressive symptoms?

perceived negative physical health

Compared with adults making decisions, teenagers

perform less well because they must inhibit emotion and impulses in favor of thinking rationally.

Gilles, age 50, tells his brother, "I'd like to maintain my physical health and work on getting emotionally stronger. I want to be a good friend and a role model to my nephews and nieces. I don't want to be that guy who never comes to family get-togethers because he is too busy working. I want to be successful in my career, but not at the expense of my family. Of course, I want to find my own special partner, but if I don't, I know I'll always have you and the kids." Gilles is discussing his

possible selves

When Garrett attended graduate school, he discovered that the more he knew about the world, the more contradictory it seemed. Everyday dilemmas did not have clear-cut solutions. Garrett's reflections fit the observations of researchers who have studied __________—cognitive development beyond Piaget's formal operational stage.

postformal thought

Dana is skilled at analyzing how to best achieve goals that have a high degree of uncertainty. She quickly sizes up real-world situations. Dana has

practical problem-solving ability

Barry deals with stress by carefully thinking about what to do and then taking action. Barry uses __________ coping.


People who integrate the "masculine" and "feminine" sides of their personalities tend to be

psychologically healthier

As a college sophomore, Ben pursued an interest in social science, but he had not yet selected a major. Once he decided on history, he considered whether to pursue teaching or museum work. Ben is in the __________ period of vocational development.


Suzanne has come to understand that her religious beliefs are her "truth" and her boyfriend's beliefs are his "truth." Suzanne is using

relativistic thinking

Trey, age 72, is most likely to

remain living in or near his home.

When Joe's grandpa talks to Joe about his high school days, he is exhibiting __________ memory.


Gloria's marriage was riddled with jealousy, emotional highs and lows, and desperation about whether her husband returned her affection. Though she offered support to her husband, Gloria did so in ways that poorly fit his needs. Based on this information, it is likely that Gloria has a(n) __________ attachment history.


Following her husband's death, Suzanne had to learn to pay the bills and manage the yardwork. This occurs in the __________ phase of the grieving process.


Research suggests that foods __________ in __________ can forestall free-radical damage.

rich; vitamins

Tom, age 50, cares for his teenage daughter and his aging mother. Tom also provides some weekend care for his newborn grandson. Tom belongs to the __________ generation.


Adolescent experimentation with any drug

should not be taken lightly because a single heavy dose can lead to permanent injury or death.

During adulthood, friends are usually

similar in age, sex, and SES.

Marty has Alzheimer's disease. As the disease progresses, Marty's __________ will __________.

skilled and purposeful movements; disintegrate

To compensate for her age-related language production losses, Beth is likely to display

slightly more hesitations

Oscar, a pilot, will most likely show

smaller age-related attentional declines.

In response to Kohlberg's Heinz dilemma, Paige says that if Heinz is prosecuted for stealing, the law needs to be reinterpreted to take into account situations in which it goes against people's natural right to keep on living. Paige is reasoning at the __________ orientation stage.

social contract

As Raeann approaches age 50, she probably relies less on __________ comparisons in judging her self-worth and more on __________ comparisons.

social; temporal

As Jane grows older, she feels closer to her siblings and more connected with her spouse. At 85, her contact with acquaintances has diminished and she is left with a few very close relationships. She is not terribly interested in forming any new social ties. Jane's behavior is consistent with __________ theory.

socioemotional selectivity

Walter, age 75, says that he feels about 60 years old. Sixty is Walter's __________ age.


Queenie, age 95, sees death as an opportunity to pass a legacy to her grandchildren and their grandchildren. As a result, she does not fear death. Queenie has a sense of

symbolic immortality

Which of the following abilities is the most likely to decline in midlife?

taking a timed test

Effective sex education programs

teach techniques for handling sexual situations.

Ingredients of effective rape intervention include

teaching social skills and social awareness.

When the transition from life to death is imminent, a person often moves through which of the following three phases?

the agonal phase, clinical death, mortality

Rachel wonders what signs will indicate the onset of puberty in her daughter. You can tell her that her daughter's puberty will probably begin with

the budding of the breasts and the growth spurt.

Jeanine is 55 years old. According to her doctor, Jeanine's reproductive capacity has ended. She has reached the midlife reproductive transition called

the climacteric

According to his eye doctor, 60-year-old Bobby has developed a condition called presbyopia. This means that

the lens has lost its capacity to adjust to objects at varying distances entirely.

Because legalization of same-sex marriage is so recent, research on same-sex couples in the context of marriage is scant. But evidence of cohabiting same-sex couples suggests that

the same factors that contribute to happiness in other-sex marriages do so in same-sex unions.

Arthur is looking forward to having more time for leisure pursuits after retirement. He is excited about trying out new options. Arthur should know that leisure activities pursued during retirement typically include

things that have been lifelong interests

At his patient's request, Dr. Feiger administers a legal dose of drugs. Dr. Feiger practices

voluntary active euthanasia

Francine is emotionally mature. She has broad practical knowledge and is able to apply that knowledge in ways that make life worthwhile. Francine displays


Online interactions

with strangers offer some teenagers vital social support.

Mia and Jacob are newlyweds. When are they most vulnerable to divorce?

within the first seven years of marriage

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