Psych 101

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People tend to use emotion-focused, rather than problem-focused, coping strategies when they:

believe they cannot change a stressful situation.

_____ offers medication and other biological treatments.

biomedical therapy

Dr. Barlow states that most people wish to become better human beings and that today's problems are more important than the experiences of the past. Dr. Barlow's beliefs are MOST consistent with _____ therapy.


Lou is worried that he will become addicted to the drug he has been taking to relieve his pain and anxiety. He is MOST likely taking a(n):


Brad has noticed that the girls he has gone out with still expect him to pay the bill when they go out, even though they may have asked him out in the first place. These expectations are called gender;


Spencer has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. His parents have a difficult time understanding him because his speech is fragmented and bizarre. He jumps from one idea to another, sometimes within sentences, creating a word _____.


To help Tom reduce his fear of flying, a therapist encourages him to physically relax and then simply imagine that he is taking off in an airplane. The therapist's technique BEST illustrates:

systematic desensitization.

Which form of self-injury is NOT one that is nonsuicidal?

taking an overdose of prescription medication

Sadie is experiencing a sexual dysfunction. She is not alone: just over_____percent of women experience some type of sexual dysfunction


Mrs. Higgins believes that aliens from another planet have removed her stomach and are watching to see how long it takes her to grow another. Mrs. Higgins is MOST likely suffering from:


Two-year-old Alma has numerous new toys in her playpen. Nonetheless, even before playing with these toys, she wants to explore the room and tries with all her being to escape. She is motivated to escape the playpen to:

seek optimum levels of arousal.

Lynette is released after a four-week stay at a psychiatric hospital. She needs to find an apartment near her job because she can't afford a car. When she talks to potential landlords, how should she describe herself?

she should not tell them she was in a psychiatric hospital. Many people react negatively to those labeled "mentally ill."

Boris is a prolific painter. However, he is also prone to periods of hopelessness and depression, which are followed by periods of mania. It is MOST likely that Boris is suffering from a(n) _____ disorder.


A friend of yours is sad because of a low test score. You decide to play a DVD of funny cartoons to cheer her up. What could you ask her to do to increase the likelihood that she will laugh at the cartoon?

smile while watching the cartoon

Corey is trying to cut back on his consumption of caffeinated beverages. He will NOT experience:

increased energy

several times in the past two months, Petra has experienced a racing heart, intense fear that something horrible is about to happen, and an inability to breathe. Petra MOST likely is suffering from _____ disorder.


Neal has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Neal interprets negative stressful events using a pessimistic explanatory style. His explanatory style creates a hopeless depressed state, which then hampers the way Neal thinks and acts, causing more negative stressful events. Neal's depression is MOST likely due to a:

vicious cycle

Imagine that you see an oncoming car driving directly toward you. You experience an emotion. According to the _____ theory, your heart pounds, then you experience fear.


Evidence that emotion follows physiological arousal would be MOST consistent with the _____ theory of emotion. Evidence that emotion follows the placement of a cognitive label on physiological arousal would be MOST consistent with the _____ theory of emotion.

James-Lange; two-factor

Jennifer was driving her car to school when it broke down. Which of the following statements is true?

Jennifer's feelings of frustration are a stress reaction.

Dr. Endsley suggests that the increasing problem of obesity in Western cultures might be attributable to our inherited predisposition to love the taste of sweets and fats. Although these foods were difficult for our ancestors to find, they helped them to survive famines. Now these foods are easily available, and Westerners are eating too much of them. Dr. Endsley is MOST likely a(n) _____ psychologist.


A therapist helps Rebecca overcome her fear of water by getting her to swim in the family's backyard pool three times a day for two consecutive weeks. The therapist's approach to helping Rebecca BEST illustrates:

exposure therapy.

Frank was seen laughing inappropriately in the library as if he were responding to internal stimuli. On the bus home, he was crying uncontrollably and suddenly became angered when a fellow passenger offered him a tissue. His excess of inappropriate behavior reflects the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


Dr. Wagner works in a large hospital. She specializes in treating adolescents with eating disorders. She prescribes antidepressants and, occasionally, antianxiety medication for some of her patients. Based on this information, Dr. Wagner is a:


A gender ____ is a set of expected behaviors for males or females.


Nina was almost hit by a bus. However, she is okay, and her parasympathetic system is responding accordingly. Nina's parasympathetic system is:

slowing her heart rate and activating her digestion.

A patient at a mental health clinic is suffering from involuntary movements of his facial muscles and tongue. It is possible that this _____ is a side effect of his long-term use of antipsychotic medication.

tardive dyskinesia

this is a caring, accepting, nonjudgmental attitude, which Carl Rogers believed to be conducive to developing self-awareness and self-acceptance.

unconditional positive regard

Dr. Pimler is conducting a study on a new antipsychotic medication. In order to determine if the drug is effective, he should:

use the double-blind technique.

Jose is trying to quit smoking. A withdrawal symptom that he would NOT experience is:

weight loss

You would probably be LEAST likely to commit the fundamental attribution error in explaining why:

you failed a college exam.

Carlos is suffering from bipolar disorder, a disorder where his mood shifts between periods of depression, periods of mania, and normal functioning. To help control the symptoms of his disorder, Carlos takes medication regularly. Carlos MOST likely sees a therapist who specializes in what type of therapy?

biomedical therapy

In _____ cultures, people are more likely to commit the fundamental attribution error, while in _____ cultures, they are less likely to commit the fundamental attribution error.

individualist; East Asian

Jessica was walking home from work when she found a 20-dollar bill on the ground. There was no one around, so she picked up the money. As she rounded the corner, she saw a woman with an armful of groceries entering a building. Which of the following scenarios is most likely?

Jessica rushes to hold the door for the woman.

Jim recently received a large inheritance from a distant relative. Based on research, we can expect that:

Jim will initially be happy, but will then adjust and need more to be happy.

Which individual is MOST likely to benefit from the use of lithium?

Miranda, who experiences periods of extreme sadness, followed by episodes of optimistic overexcitement

Maggie just started her fourth year of medical school and is an avid cyclist. During her summer off of medical school she had a bike accident that produced a large contusion on her knee. If Maggie had the same accident during finals week what would you expect to happen?

She would heal more slowly than in the summer.

You have very strong opinions about the tuition increase at your university. However, once you are the student representative for the college board, you develop a more favorable attitude about the tuition increase. Which theory BEST explains why?

cognitive dissonance theory

Several years after his wife's death, Mr. Sanchez remains incapacitated by feelings of guilt and sadness. To reduce Mr. Sanchez's depression, a therapist is actively encouraging him to stop blaming himself for his inability to prevent his wife's death. The therapist's approach is MOST representative of:

cognitive therapy.

The fundamental attribution error involves:

underestimating the situational influences on another person's behavior.

Imagine that you see an oncoming car driving directly toward you. You experience an emotion. According to the Schachter-Singer theory:

your heart pounds, and you simultaneously label the arousal, causing you to experience fear.

According to the facial feedback hypothesis:

facial expressions can affect a person's emotional experience.

Declan, a Ph.D. candidate, tells his department's undergraduate student organization that his dissertation research is in the area of motivation. Declan is investigating the:

factors that energize and direct behavior.

Billy has an identical twin that was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Research suggests that the chances are _____ that Billy will also suffer from bipolar disorder at some point in his life.

7 in 10

Approximately _____ percent of Americans have experienced a phobia of a specific object or situation in the past year.


A psychologist has a limited budget for research, so she needs to focus on a small sample of individuals who are most likely to develop alcoholism and antisocial personality disorder. Given what we know about gender differences, which group would the researcher choose?

A group of adult males

Amanda loves desserts (especially ice cream), but she would like to eat less of them. What is one strategy she could use to reduce the amount of dessert she eats?

Amanda can buy one kind of ice cream to limit her choices.

Which psychologist is MOST likely to agree with the idea that dreams offer valuable clues to the unconscious mind?

Dr. Dominguez, a psychoanalytic therapist

Which statement reflects the fundamental attribution error?

Eryn cheated on the exam because she's dishonest.

Tyrone has a serious case of amnesia and has no memory of anything that occurred more than a minute ago. If he was to eat dinner, and then be offered dinner again, what would the likely outcome be?

He would not remember his recent meal and would eat a second meal.

A month ago, Jason lost his job due to circumstances beyond his control and he is very concerned about his financial situation. Since then, he has learned that his wife will not be able to return to the U.S. because she cannot get her "green card," and that his rent-controlled apartment is being sold so he must find another place to live. Given what happens when people feel unable to control their environment, which of the following do you think is happening to Jason?

His immune response is dropping.

Studies show that depictions of women being sexually coerced and enjoying it tend to ____ viewers' acceptance of the false idea that women enjoy rape and ___ male viewers' willingness to hurt women.

Increase, increase

Marcus is a young male recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. His symptoms, however, developed over a long period of time. According to the research available on schizophrenia, what are the chances that he will recover?

Not good; the slow progression of symptom development suggests he will probably never fully recover.

Marina's therapy with a 15-year-old patient has been going well, but the patient tends to bottle her feelings when discussing her relationship with her mother. Marina believes that the patient can benefit from her family's involvement, which will promote positive communication. Today's session brings together Marina's patient and her parents. Marina is engaging in _____ therapy.


Alec is a male. His genetic sex is:


According to the _____ law, performance is optimal when arousal is moderate.


Bradley served two tours of duty during the war in Iraq. Since his return home, however, Bradley finds himself reliving many of his experiences from his time in the Armed Forces. Sometimes he swears he smells gun fire and feels the terror of being shot at. Bradley is MOST likely suffering _____ associated with _____.

flashbacks; PTSD

Each Monday evening, Beth plays the guitar in jam sessions with friends. Beth enjoys the challenge of these musical improvisation sessions. During these jams, Beth may experience a state called:


To "brainwash" captured American soldiers during the Korean War, the enemy made effective use of the:

foot-in-the-door phenomenon

Although few therapists practice using Freud's original theory, it did help:

form the foundation for treating psychological disorders.

After three days of taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), Dennis is disappointed because he is not feeling any better. However, it generally may take up to _____ week(s) for this type of antidepressant to reach full effect.


Alan reluctantly decided to take a long-awaited trip to New Zealand. The thing that is most disturbing to him is that he must leave his pet monkey behind. There is a "pet hotel" in the city that has agreed to take him. Should Alan worry about him?

Yes. Monkeys under stress due to social disruptions have weakened immune systems.

Alone in your house, you hear a noise in the middle of the night. Your heart starts to pound, and you jump out of bed trembling. If an emotional response is made up of physiological arousal, expressive behavior, and conscious experience, which critical component is missing from your description of the event?

You feel fear.

Around the world, people may experience the same genetically based disorder quite differently, depending on their personal expectations and their cultural definition of abnormality. This BEST illustrates the need for what model?

a biopsychosocial approach

Cheryl's father-in-law had a serious heart attack several weeks ago. She is concerned because he lives alone. After his heart attack, which of the following acquisitions would increase his odds of survival?

a dog

Raina is 25 and happily married. However, she has been feeling much less interested in sexual activities since having her ovaries removed. Which factor might be causing this?

a drop in her testosterone level

Susan has been diagnosed with panic disorder and refuses to leave her home without her husband. She fears any situation in which she cannot escape or find help when a panic attack would strike. Susan suffers not only from panic disorder, but also from:


Adbul has just discovered his term paper is due tomorrow when he thought it was due next week. According to Hans Selye, Abdul will likely be experiencing the ______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


A speeding car almost runs Lena over while she is riding her bike. The frightening experience causes a surge of activity in Lena's:


Marci suggests that the aggressiveness of her sister's new friend is the result of the friend's abuse during childhood. Marci's inference about the cause of the girl's behavior is an example of:

an attribution

To help Jacob overcome his smoking habit, a therapist puts him in a room with a carton of cigarettes laced with a chemical to induce nausea. He displays images of the dangers of smoking both on the walls and on a television set. This approach to treatment BEST illustrates:

aversive conditioning.

In its introduction to biomedical therapy, the text describes therapeutic lifestyle change. Because therapeutic lifestyle change includes components aimed at improving the body's physical health, reducing negative thinking, and increasing meaningful social engagement, it BEST reflects a _____ approach to treating psychological disorders.


The police brought Elaine to the emergency room after she was seen running down the street in her underwear yelling that she "has the power!" Elaine was also spending large amounts of money across town and was rude and reckless over the last five days. In the ER, Elaine would not be quiet long enough for the nurse to ask her questions. Elaine is MOST likely suffering from _____ disorder.


Brendan must give an oral presentation in 10 minutes, at the start of his class. In response to this "threat":

blood flow increases to Brendan's muscles.

Monique hasn't eaten since early this morning. It is now time for dinner. Her stomach is growling and she feels very hungry. One reason that she is feeling hungry is because her:

blood glucose level has dropped.

Need is to incentive as _____ is to _____.

body; environment

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Laura alleviated her stress by avoiding contact with her ex-boyfriend and by planning recreational activities with her best girlfriend. Laura's behavior BEST illustrates _____-focused coping.


Sarah recently had a routine medical test conducted. Her doctor contacted her and told her that there were some irregularities and further tests were needed. While Sarah was concerned about the results, she dealt with her stress by talking to friends, spending time with her family, and staying busy. This is an example of:


Randall is a 25-year-old homosexual man who wonders why he is homosexual and his two brothers are not. A partial explanation might be that he was exposed prenatally to levels of the hormone _____ that are typically experienced by female fetuses.


Dr. Chan argues that, although gay men are less likely to reproduce than straight men, the genetic basis of male homosexuality persists because gay men enhance the survival of such kin as nieces and nephews by providing additional child care and financial resources. Dr. Chan is MOST likely a(n) _____ psychologist.


Sabrina's genital areas have become engorged with blood. Her vagina expands and secretes lubricant, as her breasts and nipples enlarge from her boyfriend's caresses. She is in the _____ phase of the sexual response cycle.


One is MOST susceptible to illness during the _____ phase of the general adaptation syndrome.


Amber stops for a cup of coffee and the server yells at her when she sits at a table that has not been cleared. Amber is convinced that the server should find another line of work—one in which her angry personality traits will not interfere with her job. However, she disregards the possibility that the restaurant is short of help that day. Amber has just fallen prey to:

fundamental attribution error

Delilah is continually tense and plagued by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. Delilah MOST likely suffers from _____ disorder

generalized anxiety

The three main features that humanistic therapists hope to exhibit are:

genuineness, acceptance, and empathy.

The assistant chief of police has decided to use a variation of a polygraph test on a suspect and will assess the suspect's physiological responses to a series of very specific crime-scene details, known only to the police and the perpetrator of the crime. This is known as the _____ test.

guilty knowledge

Jason is a 25-year-old homosexual man who wonders why he is homosexual and his two older brothers are not. Which statement might be a partial explanation?

he was exposed in utero to hormone levels typically experienced by female fetuses.

Ramona smells coffee brewing in the morning, and it is the only reason she is willing to get out of bed. In this situation, the coffee is a(n):


If you have a parent or sibling with depression or bipolar disorder, your chances of also having depression or bipolar disorder:


Julia is suffering from depression. In addition to medication to alleviate her symptoms, Julia's doctor may also recommend that she _____ to increase serotonin.

increase exercise

Thirty-seven-year-old Steven is a single male who has suffered from depression all his life. He has been in treatment for the last week and a half and has begun taking an antidepressant. He is starting to feel better, but he is tired of living this way and doesn't want to face another depressive episode. In terms of risk factors for suicide, Steven:

is more likely to attempt suicide because his energy and initiative are rebounding.

Helena believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. Helena believes in the _____ model of psychological disorders.


Gina sat quietly in her room and paid attention to her internal emotional and physical state without judging. This is called ______.

mindfulness meditation

According to the World Health Organization, Thomas, who is 42 years old and has a body mass index (BMI) of 31 would be considered _____.


Without success, Regine spends hours each day trying to suppress the intrusive worry that she may have forgotten to lock her house when she left for work. Her experience is MOST symptomatic of _____ disorder.


Martina knows little about politics and is not especially interested in the outcome of political races. Martina would MOST likely be persuaded by a campaign message relying on the _____ route to persuasion.


Thirty-five-year-old Aria needs to have her blood taken. She is so distraught by this that she must mentally prepare herself for it as well as take a short-acting sedative. Aria seems to be suffering from a(n) _____.


Which phase of the sexual response cycle is CORRECTLY described?

plateau—a gratifying series of rapid muscular contractions excitement—physical changes start becoming evident orgasm—the body returns to a relaxed state resolution—a phase in which muscles continue to tense, breathing and heart rate continue to increase, and blood fully engorges the penis excitement

After surviving breast cancer, Carol finds her closest relationships are deeper than they had been, and her spiritual life seems richer. Carol's example BEST illustrates:

posttraumatic growth.

During her weekly therapy sessions, Sabrina will often abruptly shift the focus of her attention and lose her train of thought. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


A recent ad for toy cars stated the following: "Your son will feel ten feet tall today. He will be able to explore his world. He will be able to create cities. He will be able to drive his imagination to new places." This is an example of a gender:


Your neighbors have three children, and both parents work. Without fail, whenever there is a sick child in the family, the mother will stay home to care for the child because she is expected to do so. The mother is fulfilling a set of expectations called a gender ______.


Nine-year-old Jared has one very good friend. The two boys spend a great deal of time playing one-on-one basketball, and often can be heard talking to each other about a wide range of personal topics. Compared with other boys his age, Jared's social behavior is:

somewhat unusual because most boys his age typically play in large groups and do not engage in intimate discussion

Jared has not read the chapter on psychological disorders, so he misunderstands some basic facts. For example, he believes that schizophrenia refers to a multiple personality split, rather than a:

split from reality

Our attitudes about another person are MOST likely to influence the way we treat that person if our attitudes are:


A 5-year-old child is wary of trying new lamb stew. He is also not that excited about trying frog legs. This avoidance of unfamiliar foods:

surely have been adaptive for our human ancestors.

According to LeDoux, the "low road" in the brain's processing of emotion includes the _____ and the _____.

thalamus; amygdala

People often commit the fundamental attribution error, especially when they explain:

the behavior of strangers who have been observed in only one type of situation.

in a double-blind procedure, one group of men is given a beverage containing alcohol and a second group is given a similar-tasting beverage that contains no alcohol. In each group, half the men are told they are drinking an alcoholic beverage and half are told their beverage is nonalcoholic. All the men then view erotic movies. After watching the erotic material, research indicates that:

the men who thought they were drinking alcohol will feel less guilty than those who did not think they were drinking alcohol will, regardless of the true content of the beverage.

arianna displays very dysfunctional behavior. She is unable to care for herself, cannot dress herself, and has limited understanding of her surroundings. Prior to the reform movement influenced by Philippe Pinel, Arianna's behavior would MOST likely have been considered:

the result of demon possession.

In an eating disorders clinic, the patients receive merits for good eating behaviors such as finishing their meal, not exercising after their meal, and for appropriate behaviors on the unit. This BEST illustrates an application of:

the token economy.

A group of protesters went on a hunger strike and drastically lowered their caloric intake. It is likely that, in response to this semistarvation:

their basal metabolic rate decreased and they lost weight.

At his weekly therapy session, Henry became agitated at his therapist, saying that she was controlling, domineering, and trying to ruin his life with all of her mothering. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


Todd is attracted to his therapist. His attraction reflects the feelings he had toward his mother when he was a young boy in the midst of the Oedipal conflict. Todd's experience illustrates:


Approximately 1 in _____ Americans reports having experienced a depressive or bipolar disorder in the past year.


Which statement does NOT accurately identify a difference between psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalytic therapy?

Psychodynamic therapy takes place several times a week as opposed to just once or twice a week.

_____ says that we actually have many emotional reactions apart from, or even before, our interpretations of a situation.

Robert Zajonc

Danielle recently gained 80 pounds when she began eating a lot more food and driving to work instead of walking. Now that she has reduced her food intake to what it was before, and has started walking to work again, what will she find regarding her weight loss?

The same amount of food that she used to be satisfied with will now leave her hungry and she may begin to regain the weight.

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, many people from around the country went to New York City to lend aid. This response to stress is an example of:

a tend-and-befriend response.

Dewey just won a $145 million lottery prize. If he is typical, one year from now, he will be:

about as happy as he was before he won the lottery.

John has been an active member of his church for the past 35 years. His good health may be attributed to:

access to a support network.

Psychotherapy does NOT entail:

administering electroconvulsive therapy.

Harold has never been able to keep a job. He has been in and out of jail for theft, sexual assault, and spousal abuse. Harold would MOST likely be diagnosed as having _____ personality disorder.


Nancy's therapist is an active listener who often paraphrases what she says. He does not judge her and is quite open to her exploration of her weaknesses. He gives her appropriate validation and encourages her to reflect on her feelings. He wants to deepen her self-understanding. Her therapy is MOST likely:


Ashley has a master's degree. Based on this information alone, Ashley CANNOT be a:

clinical psychologist.

Angel has been arrested for grand theft auto. He claims that it wasn't him and that he knows nothing about the crime, as another one of his personalities must have done it. The court-appointed psychiatrist knows immediately that Angel does not suffer from _____ disorder, as the original personality generally denies awareness of the others.

dissociative identity

Lara's mouth is dry, and she realizes that she hasn't had anything to drink all morning. The water level in her cells has dropped, and she feels thirsty. As soon as she leaves her classroom, she will go directly to the nearest drinking fountain. Which explanation can be used to understand why she is motivated to get a drink?

drive-reduction theory

Lorenzo is preparing a lecture on the benefits of exercise and he will highlight all of the following EXCEPT:

exercise provides decreased warmth and body arousal.

_____ is NOT a psychoactive drug.


Susan was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and was referred by her doctor to a mindfulness meditation group. Her doctor explained that meditation may help her by:

improving immune functioning and coping.

For the past four weeks, Odessa has been feeling lethargic and worthless. Her friends are worried because she no longer shows interest in her normal social activities. It is MOST likely that Odessa is suffering from:

major depressive disorder.

Victor's mother is frustrated because she cannot get Victor involved in any activities. Although he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, she still expects him to do things around the house. But most days, he sits in a chair with no expression on his face. This type of absence of appropriate behavior is reflects the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


Two disorders that involve anxiety are:

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In a residential treatment facility for troubled youth, adolescent children receive large colored buttons when they hang up their clothes, make their beds, and come to meals on time. The children return the buttons to staff members to receive bedtime snacks or television privileges. This BEST illustrates an application of:

operant conditioning.

A researcher defines subjective well-being as the ratio of positive to negative emotion words that participants check on a list. This precise _____ definition should allow subsequent researchers to replicate her work.


Dr. Navarre investigates the link between coping strategies and immune system functioning during stressful situations. Dr. Navarre is BEST described as a:


Angelina is suffering from depression. Once a week, she sees a therapist and, with the therapist's help, she has begun to explore her past experiences and how they might have contributed to her depression. In addition, Angelina's therapist has Angelina begin to adopt new ways of thinking about the current events in her life. Angelina's therapist is MOST likely using which type of therapy?


A person who is depression-prone has increased activity in his or her:

right frontal lobe.

_____ disorder may result in the avoidance of speaking in public, eating in public, and/or going to parties.

social anxiety

Elijah notices that he eats more food when he has dinner with his large family. He eats less when he dines alone, even if the food is prepared and presented exactly the same way. This is an example of:

social facilitation.

When 6-year-old Sara imitates her mother by carefully wrapping and setting out presents for the holiday celebration, she is praised and given holiday cookies. Sara's learning of gender-linked behaviors is best explained by_____theory:

social learning

Religiously active AIDS patients _____ than do their nonreligious counterparts.

survive longer

Ariel is drinking a can of beer. Barry is smoking a cigarette. Cord is smoking a marijuana cigarette. Who is using a psychoactive drug?

All these people are using psychoactive drugs.

Sandy participated in a research project in college, and she was identified as being happier than average. During a follow up study 20 years later, researchers found all of the following EXCEPT:

Sandy was more likely to have met all of her life goals than less happy peers.

Julia is awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of breaking glass. Her increased heart rate and respiration can BEST be explained as:

a fight-or-flight response.

Calvin is extremely manipulative. He can look anyone in the eye and lie convincingly. His deceit often endangers the safety and well-being of those around him, but he is indifferent to their suffering as a result of his actions. Calvin's behavior BEST illustrates _____ personality disorder.


Shane's doctor suggests that he begin an aerobic exercise program in addition to the psychotherapy for his depression. As a result, Shane will experience all of the following EXCEPT that he will:

become more depressed from the stress of the exercise program.

dr. Brooks has a client who suffers from substance abuse. In therapy, she suggests that his abusive home environment, limited sense of life purpose, and deficient dopamine reward circuits might account for his abuse. Dr. Brooks is MOST clearly using a _____ approach to understanding addictive behaviors


Nancy's therapist encourages her to think about her strengths, rather than her weaknesses, and to develop a habit of thanking others when they complement her or provide emotional support. The therapist's approach BEST illustrates:

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

A student in Norway enjoys eating gravlax (fermented raw salmon), which a student in the United States considers disgusting. This is an example of the influence of _____ on taste preferences.


Blake's doctor told her that she should not drink alcohol while taking Xanax. This is because antianxiety agents such as Xanax:

depress central nervous system activity.

Cory Monteith, star of the television show Glee, died from a toxic combination of alcohol and heroin. Alcohol and heroin are both:


Joe has been in treatment for lung cancer for the past 11 months, but has described himself as thankful and happy for every day that he has. The personal strength that has helped him to cope can be described as:


The arousal that lingers after an intense argument may intensify sexual passion. This BEST illustrates the _____ effect.


Which of the following people is the BEST example of a Type A personality?

Andre, a competitive, easily-angered journalist

_____ rate is the body's resting rate of energy output.

Basal metabolic

Brooke is a female. Her genetic sex is:


celebrity endorsements represent one way to influence an audience via _____ route persuasion.


Maya owes the credit card company $20,000, her adjustable-rate mortgage has just gone up, and she has been out of work for 3 months. Her husband of 15 years came home today to tell her he was having an affair and wants a divorce. With that news, she collapsed and had to be taken to the emergency room. In Selye's general adaptation syndrome, Maya is in Phase:

3, in a state of exhaustion.

Early one Halloween evening, Bart's friends asked him to join them in smashing their neighbors' decorative pumpkins. He complied. Later, he was surprised by his own failure to resist them when they asked him to throw eggs at passing police cars. Bart's experience BEST illustrates the:

foot-in-the-door phenomenon

Dr. Donaldson is a physician. His annual salary is approximately $215,000, which is very nearly average for a male physician. His colleague Dr. Yan is female; she earns the average salary for a female physician. Dr. Yan's salary is approximately


Anders has just received devastating news about the coffee shop he owns. Things seem very bleak because a nationally known competitor is moving in on the same block. Anders has many debts to pay off and his wife is expecting their fourth child. When he hears the bad news, his heart rate zooms and he feels faint, as if he is in shock. According to Seyle's general adaptation syndrome, Anders is in Phase:

1, experiencing an alarm reaction.

Shawn has a fraternal twin who was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Research suggests that the chances are _____ in 10 that Shawn will also suffer from bipolar disorder at some point in his life.


Who is at GREATEST risk for drug use?

Brett, whose family just moved to a new state midway through the school year

Alec looks down while sitting at the top of the Ferris wheel. He immediately feels his heart start to pound and simultaneously experiences fear. The _____ theory BEST explains this emotional response?


_____ route persuasion uses evidence and argument to motivate careful thinking, whereas _____ route persuasion uses superficial cues to trigger emotion-based judgments.

Central; peripheral

John is a 28-year-old male who suffers from bipolar disorder. He does not like lithium because of the side effects. His doctor prescribes this medication, originally used to treat epilepsy. This medication is:


As she was riding her bicycle down a hill, Amy hit a large rock and started to lose her balance. She managed to come to a stop without falling. Once she stopped, she noticed her heart was racing and she was shaking. After that, Amy realized she was frightened. The _____ theory of emotion BEST explains this sequence of events.


The first theory of emotion in psychology's history was the _____ theory.


Imagine that you see an oncoming car driving directly toward you. You experience an emotion. According to the _____ theory, your heart pounds, and you simultaneously label the arousal, causing you to experience fear.


If people who are aroused by watching rock videos are then insulted, their feelings of anger will be greater than those of people who have been similarly provoked but were not previously aroused. This is BEST explained by the:

Schachter-Singer two-factor theory.

Jane and Sue leave a building and see a dog running toward them. Jane assumes that the dog wants to play. Sue assumes the dog is going to attack. Which of the following is MOST likely?

Sue's stress reaction will be more negative than Jane's.

Zander has been struggling with personal issues and has decided to seek help at a mental health clinic. Unfortunately, he was put on a waiting list and told he would likely have to wait several weeks before he could meet with a therapist. According to Hans Eysenck's findings, what do you predict will happen to Zander?

The chances are good that he will improve during this waiting period.

Betty's husband passed away two years ago after a prolonged battle with cancer. To this day, Betty finds it difficult to function. She quit her job, rarely leaves the house, and cries almost every day. Recent changes to the DSM would allow Betty to be diagnosed with:


Reeghan was diagnosed with high cholesterol which led to a heart attack at the age of 52. According to research, which of the following factors increases her likelihood of having further heart problems?


Marlow is suffering from schizophrenia. In addition to medication, Marlow sees a therapist once a week to help him improve his social skills and modify his maladaptive behaviors. Marlow's therapist is MOST likely using what approach?


Serafina is preparing a lecture on the benefits of exercise and she will highlight that exercise orders up mood-boosting chemicals such as _____.


Tom would like to lose weight. Which change to his eating habits is MOST likely to help him eat less food?

serve food on small plates

When Greg's autonomic nervous system was aroused, he misinterpreted from his past experience the harmless symptoms as indicators of an impending heart attack. This misinterpretation caused him an unusually intense level of fear. His emotional response is BEST understood in terms of the _____ theory of emotion


Dr. Guthrie explores why the same person may act differently in different situations. Dr. Greenwald investigates why different people act differently in the same situation. Which statement is MOST likely true?

Dr. Guthrie is a social psychologist, whereas Dr. Greenwald is a personality psychologist.

Elsa is a 50-year-old teacher who is openly gay. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Elsa's homosexuality:

is not classified as an illness.

Jennifer has been experiencing depression. Which of the following recommendations from her doctor is likely to be MOST successful?

join an exercise group

Joseph has been experiencing financial problems associated with his recent divorce. He was able to save $300 from his tips, but since he could not pay off his bills, he decided to purchase a flat screen television to help him take his mind off of his stress. This is an example of ______ coping.

maladaptive emotion-focused

Earthquakes, floods, and wildfires are examples of _____.


Delores has been in therapy for two years, but her last session is today. If you ask her next month how effective her psychotherapy was, she is likely to:

overestimate its effectiveness.

An advertising agency is developing advertisements to promote a political candidate. One ad is a radio spot airing during "drive time," when listeners are stressed, distracted, and impatient. Another advertisement is a print ad to appear in national newspapers and business magazines. With respect to persuasion, how do these different types of ads relate to the central and peripheral routes?

The radio spot will rely on the peripheral route, while the print ad will rely on the central route.

Nadine has strong feelings about a website used to enroll in health insurance. These feelings stem in part from her political beliefs, and they may influence her voting behavior in subsequent elections. Nadine has a(n):


People develop _____ when they generate an explanation for their own or others' behavior.


As a parent, you are skeptical of treatments that sound too good to be true. When you arrive at the psychologist's office, you ask about what is the empirically supported treatment for bed-wetting as your 6-year-old son has been having difficulties. You learn that _____ therapy is the empirically supported treatment.

behavior modification or conditioning

Maia has plenty of food and lives in a nice house. Now she feels she needs to find someone she can share her life with. According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, what is motivating her?

belongingness and love needs

As David approaches the counter at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the clerk yells at David for having waited in the wrong line. David is convinced that the clerk should find another line of work-one in which his angry personality traits will not interfere with his job. However, David disregards the possibility that the Department is short of help that day. David has just fallen prey to the _____ error.

fundamental attribution

When faced with an overwhelming workload, an example of problem-focused coping would be:

getting a deadline extended.

Cathy went through gastric bypass surgery for her severe obesity. The surgery reduced the size of her stomach. This helped reduce her appetite because her remaining stomach produced less:


Terrell is not feeling hungry at the moment. This is likely because his:

ghrelin levels are low.

Davis was a consultant hired to give advice to operators of assisted living facilities. The advice he was hired to give is meant to improve the health of residents. What type of advice would Davis provide in order to positively influence the health of residents?

give residents more control over social activities and cafeteria food offerings

In the 1990s, Alanis Morissette sang that "a traffic jam when you're already late" is ironic. While it actually may not be ironic, this situation is indeed a(n):

daily hassle.

Dr. Robb argues that people help others because it feels good to do so; it is rewarding. Dr. Wayne notes that people are most likely to help family or other kin; helping therefore promotes the persistence of their genes. Dr. Wayne is MOST likely a(n) _____ psychologist.


During a therapy session, Jenny focuses on several intrusive thoughts that have been bothering her. The therapist tells Jenny to report any ideas or memories stimulated by these thoughts. Jenny's therapist is using a technique known as:

free association.

The _____ perspective in therapy emphasizes people's inherent potential for self-fulfillment.


Emotion is a response that includes physiological arousal, expressive behavior, and conscious experience. Which description of these three components is accurate?

pounding heart, increased pace, sense of fear

Amanda blames herself for her recent job loss. Her therapist suggests that her depression results from this blaming of herself rather than the slumping economy. Her therapist's suggestion BEST illustrates a:

social-cognitive perspective

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