PSYCH 1030

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24. Colin and Stavina are unrelated 12-month-old infants. Colin can already walk easily, but Stavina has yet to take her first steps. What is the most likely explanation for the difference between their ability levels?

"Each infant has her own timetable of physical maturation and developmental readiness to master different motor skills."

27. Naida's neighbor becomes alarmed after not seeing Naida outside for almost a week. When he knocks on her door to check on her, he finds that Naida has barricaded all the doors and windows because she is convinced "dark forces" are going to attack her and her pets. Naida appears to be suffering from:

Delusions of persecution

71. Sid is seriously ill, and his doctor has warned him that his chances of survival are not good. When Sid's wife visits him in the hospital, Sid tells her that he is feeling much better and expects to be home in a couple of days and back to work in a matter of weeks. According to Kübler-Ross's model of dying, Sid is in which stage of the dying process?


14. "Hal got hit by a car when he was jogging? Well, it doesn't surprise me," Erin commented. "He never wears reflective gear, so I bet the driver couldn't even see him." Erin's response illustrates an attributional pattern called:

Fundamental attribution error Blaming the victim

55. Based on numerous studies he has conducted, Dr. Galindro is convinced that children actively develop cognitive categories for masculinity and femininity. He contends that these mental representations influence how children perceive, interpret, and remember representations of gender-appropriate behavior. Dr. Galindro's views are most consistent with the _____ theory of gender-role development.

Gender schema

74. Milgram's first obedience study was conducted with 40 male participants. Asma is participating in a replication of one of Milgram's obedience experiments, in which the 40 subjects are all women. You can safely predict that:

Gender will not make a difference

61. People with _____ are constantly tense and anxious, and their anxiety is pervasive. They feel anxious about a wide range of life circumstances, sometimes with little or no apparent justification.

Generalize Anxiety disorder

53. Richard's daughter Linda wants to go to a concert on a school night and come home past her usual curfew. Richard says, "If it's that important to you, I'll pay for the ticket and let you take my car." Richard is demonstrating which parenting style?


36. When Ms. Yoon had a stroke that left her partly paralyzed and cognitively impaired, her husband took care of her. After four months, Mr. Yoon has adjusted to the daily routine, but he seems tense, and his ability to cope with new stressors is diminished. It is very likely that Mr. Yoon is now in the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome, but if the situation gets worse and continues for a prolonged period of time, he may enter the _____ stage.

Resistance stage Exhaustion stage

25. Janeen enters the playroom of the psychology lab with her one-year-old daughter Peggy. Initially, Peggy clings to her mother, but then becomes interested in the attractive toys in the playroom. She picks up a toy and brings it back to her mother, then drops it and approaches the toy box again. Peggy cries when Janeen leaves the room, but quickly calms down again when her mother returns. Peggy would most likely be classified as:

Secured Attached

17. When Yoshiko's hard work and ability landed a big contract for her company, she would not accept the credit, insisting it was pure luck. When she failed to get the contract in another situation, however, she said it was her fault for not trying hard enough. This example illustrates:

Self-effacing (or modesty) bias

65. Ginny's son Jayden is almost 13. Ginny has always enjoyed a good relationship with Jayden, but after hearing horror stories from other parents about their teenaged children, she is worried that once Jayden becomes a teenager their relationship will deteriorate and he will become impossible to handle. According to psychological research, Ginny and Jayden's relationship during adolescence will most likely:

continue to be good throughout adolescence, since their relationship was good during childhood.

80. Temperament researchers agree that individual differences in temperament have a genetic and biological basis. Researchers also agree that:

environmental experiences can modify a child's basic temperament.

64. When seven-year-old Philip was caught pocketing a candy bar that he had not paid for, he felt ashamed and guilty. Using Freud's terminology, the sense of shame and guilt that Philip felt was a product of his:


49. Dr. Drummond is a practicing clinical psychologist. She uses a variety of psychotherapy techniques, and tends to choose the therapeutic approach based on the problem and the characteristics of the person seeking help. What is the best description for Dr. Drummond?

Dr. Drummond uses the Eclectic psychotherapy approach

1. Dr. Stevens is a client-centered therapist who is treating Tamara. During therapy sessions, Dr. Stevens actively listens to what Tamara says. Dr. Stevens often responds by reflecting back to Tamara what she seems to be saying. What is Dr. Stevens doing?

Empathetic understanding

72. According to Alfred Adler:

1) Believed that most fundamental human motive is striving for superiority (desire to improve oneself, master challenges, and move toward self-perfection and self-realization (Arises from universal feelings of inferiority that are experienced during infancy and childhood, when the child is helpless and dependent on others.) 2) Helpless feelings motivate people to compensate for their real or imagined weaknesses by emphasizing their talents and abilities and by working hard to improve themselves

8. The drawing depicts Sigmund Freud's famous iceberg analogy for the structure of personality. Which letter labels the personality dimension that Freud called the "ego"?

A - Ego - conscious B - Superego / preconscious c. C - ID / Unconscious

42. Which of the following is NOT one of the suggested guidelines for helping to prevent someone from taking his or her own life? (Obviously, for this question, you will need to know the guidelines for suicide prevention discussed in the textbook.)

Actively listen as the person talks/vents about feelings Do NOT deny/minimize person's suicidal intentions Identify other potential solutions they may have instead of committing suicide Ask them to delay their decision. They may have mixed feelings. Encourage them to seek profession help, and do not leave them alone. Help them to find a mental health professional.

46. Regarding the difference between normal and abnormal behavior, which of the following statements is TRUE? (Obviously, you will need to refer to the appropriate discussion of this topic mentioned in Chapter 13 of the textbook.)

Abnormal vs. Normal behavior is determined by how often a behavior occurs, in social/cultural context.

15. After 20 minutes of waiting outside the baggage claim area for your friend to pick you up, you decide to go inside the airport terminal to use the restroom. Standing a short distance from you is a kind-looking older woman. "Would you mind watching my luggage while I head back in to use the restroom?" you ask politely. "I'd be happy to watch it for you," she replies. "My ride is not coming for another half-hour." When you return less than five minutes later, the old lady and your luggage (including your laptop) are gone. This example illustrates one of the problems associated with:

An implicit personality theory

10. Your friend Aleksei is going through a difficult time. His partner left him and his company just announced there will be a large round of layoffs in his department. You stop at Aleksei's apartment after work one evening and notice that he is gulping coffee and chain-smoking cigarettes. He explains that the stress is getting to him and that he's had trouble sleeping. What advice can you give Aleksei?

Avoid/Minimize use of stimulants Exercise Get enough sleep Practice relaxation / meditation techniques

69. Psychoanalyst Karen Horney described _____ as "the feeling that a child has of being isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world."

Basic anxiety

19. Gillian's club is planning a five-mile race as a fundraiser. Because Gillian had never run in a race before, she was certain that she would not be able to complete the five miles and instead volunteered to screen and register the runners. How might the social cognitive theory be used to explain Gillian's behavior?

Beliefs of self-efficacy Self-system - a person's cognitive skills, abilities, and attitudes Self-Efficacy - the beliefs that people have about their ability to meet the demands of a specific situation ; self-confidence

29. Spencer and Campbell's relationship became intense very quickly. However, Spencer became increasingly uneasy after a few weeks. Campbell seemed to constantly demand Spencer's attention and constantly asked Spencer to restate his commitment to their relationship. On one occasion, Campbell arrived at Spencer's office unexpectedly to have lunch. When Spencer told her that he was taking two important clients to lunch, Campbell became enraged. Shortly after this incident, Spencer tried to break off the relationship, but Campbell began screaming profanities at Spencer in a crowded public place. Several days later, Spencer learned that Campbell had been hospitalized for overdosing on prescription medications. Campbell's pattern of behavior seems to fit which of the following disorders?

Borderline Personality Disorder

57. To help Woody conquer his fear of driving, Dr. Furlong develops a treatment plan that includes behavior modification, shaping, reinforcement, modeling, and challenging Woody's irrational beliefs . Dr. Furlong is probably practicing which form of psychotherapy?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

23. José has some technical glitches with his computer program during an important presentation at a company meeting. Although flustered, he quickly recovers, and carries on with his presentation. He gets a round of enthusiastic applause at the end and a personal compliment from the company president. But afterward, José agonizes over his technical problems with the computer program and is certain that he has forever disgraced himself in the eyes of his superiors and will never get promoted. According to Beck's cognitive therapy (CT), José is demonstrating a(n) _____ called "_____."

Cognitive Bias Selective abstraction

33. Before Jackie left for college, she told her friend Lisa that she thought sororities were filled with snobs and that she would never consider joining one. But during Jackie's first week on campus, she was approached by a sorority member who invited her to a social function and encouraged her to pledge. After Jackie attended the party, she told Lisa, "Sororities do a lot of good things for the community. They're really service organizations." Jackie's change in attitude to match her behavior relates to which of the following concepts?

Cognitive dissonance

66. When Jinhee made an oral presentation in class, Meagan joined her classmates in applauding at the end, even though she did not think the presentation was very clear or well organized. Meagan's behavior in this example illustrates:


7. What is a major issue with using social media to diagnose disorders?

Could violate privacy.

9. Which of the following is NOT a valid criticism of Piaget's theory of cognitive development? (Obviously, for this question, you will need to know all of the criticisms of Piaget's theory discussed in the textbook.)

Critic 1 - Piaget underestimated the cognitive ability of infants and you children Critic 2 - Piaget underestimated the impact of social and cultural environment on cognitive development Critic 3 - Piaget overestimated the degree to which people achieve formal operational thought process

62. Carissa overslept, got caught in rush hour traffic, and was late for work. During lunch she spilled coffee on her clothes. When she left work that afternoon she got caught in a sudden downpour of rain. By the time she arrived home she felt drained, grumpy, and stressed out. Carissa's present state is the result of the cumulative effect of:

Daily hassles

11. A middle-aged woman is sitting on a bench in a busy shopping mall, holding her head in her hands, visibly upset and crying. Nobody stops to see if she needs assistance. Based on what you read in the text, the most likely explanation for why nobody helps in this situation is:

Diffusion of responsibility

43. There is a cognitive basis to prejudice and often an emotional component as well. When prejudice is displayed behaviorally, it is called:


39. Dennis, a New York City investment broker, quit his job in a fit of rage after being accused of embezzling thousands of dollars of his clients' money. Four months later, the police discovered Dennis driving a cab in Los Angeles after they pulled him over for speeding. Dennis claimed that his name was actually Michael Hart, that he had always been a cab driver in Los Angeles, and that he had no knowledge of Dennis. Even after he was positively identified as Dennis, "Michael Hart" insisted that he was someone else. Assuming that he was not faking his condition to escape arrest, Dennis was probably suffering from:

Dissociative Disorder (Fugue)

58. Jeremy is an ambulance driver and a paramedic. He and some of his co-workers sometimes appear to do their job in a detached, depersonalized, but nevertheless efficient manner. Jeremy and his co-workers are using _____ to some degree to help them deal with distressing situations.


38. As compared to the typical antipsychotic medications, the atypical antipsychotic medications are less likely to produce movement-related side effects because they:

Do not block dopamine receptors in the movement areas of the brain. Instead, they more selectively target dopamine receptors in brain areas associated with psychotic symptoms

20. Erik Erikson defined "ego integrity" as:

Feeling that one's life has been meaningful

70. Because her baby seemed to enjoy putting so many things in his mouth, Aisha provided the infant with many different kinds of pacifiers and chewable toys. According to Freud's theory, Aisha is running the risk of producing _____ at the _____ psychosexual stage of development.

Fixation ; oral

28. Rob has put all of his energies into his job as a stockbroker, often working 12 or more hours a day, and usually working on weekends. Because of this preoccupation with his job, Rob has been very successful and, by the age of 45, has already amassed what amounts to a small fortune. Although he continues to put in long hours at work, he is beginning to feel dissatisfied and bored with his life. According to Erikson's theory, Rob is probably facing the psychosocial conflict of _____ and is likely to develop _____.

Generativity Stagnation

79. Phenotype is to genotype as:

Genotype - The genetic makeup of an individual organism Phenotype - the observable trait or characteristics of an organism as determined by the interaction of genetics and environmental factors

60. The textbook provides guidelines to help you understand the special nature of the therapy relationship and develop realistic expectations about the process of psychotherapy. Which of the following is NOT one of those guidelines?

Guideline to help understand special nature of therapy relationship + have realistic expectations about the process of psychotherapy 1. Find a competent, qualified psychotherapist 2. Strengthen your commitment to change 3. Therapy is a collaborative effort. 4. Don't confuse catharsis with change i. Catharsis - the emotional release that people experience from the simple act of talking about their problems 5. Don't confuse insight with change. 6. Don't expect your therapist to make decisions for you 7. Expect therapy to challenge how you think/act. 8. Your therapist is not a substitute friend 9. Therapeutic intimacy does not include sexual intimacy i. IT IS NEVER ETHICAL OR APPROPRIATE FOR A THERAPIST TO HAVE ANY FORM OF SEXUAL CONFLICT WITH A CLIENT. No exceptions 10. Don't expect change to happen overnight.

77. As a new immigrant to the United States, Yangtse was faced with two fundamental questions: "Should I seek positive relations with the dominant society?" and "Is my original cultural identity of value to me, and should I try to maintain it?" Yangtse answered "yes" to both. Yangtse chose:

Integrated individuals continue to value their original cultural customs but also seek to become part of the dominant society - they embrace a Bicultural identity

16. Thirty-year-old Alayna is painfully shy and so sensitive to rejection that she rarely talks to people other than her co-workers and her family members. Occasionally, a man asks her out, but she always refuses. She spends a good deal of time reading and writing in her diary about her loneliness and other feelings. According to Erikson's theory, Alayna is facing the psychosocial conflict of _____ and is likely to develop _____.

Intimacy Psychologically isolated

22. When does a fetus double in weight, gaining an additional three to four pounds of body fat?

Last 2 months

40. Even before she enrolled in college, Latoya dreamed of becoming a lawyer. She is taking several college classes required to apply to law school. What are Latoya's possible selves likely to have a positive effect on?

Level of motivation and beliefs on self-efficacy

6. As part of the process of treating Sebastian's episode of manic behavior with lithium, the psychiatrist regularly monitored Sebastian's blood to ensure that blood levels of lithium:

Levels are not too high causing poisoning or too low causing manic symptoms

47. A local television station did an on-the-scene news report about a nearby town that was almost totally destroyed when a tornado ripped through it. Most of the residents lost their homes and possessions. During the newscast, some of the residents made direct appeals to the viewers for help. According to your textbook, the victims of this tragedy are:

Likely to get help because they are seen as deserving of the help and are in a dangerous situation.

1. Nicholas is just over a year old, but he is very curious about his surroundings. When his father takes Nicholas along to the grocery store or on other errands, Nicholas smiles and waves at the people they encounter and is quite fearless about being in a strange environment. In terms of Jerome Kagan's temperament classification system, Nicholas would probably be classified as:


73. What does this photo show?

Milgram Obedience test

3. When Sabrina tried to talk to her husband Antwan about the problems she was having with her boss, Antwan interrupted her and said, "This is nothing to be upset about." He went on to explain to her why her reaction was illogical, how she should be feeling instead, and what she should say and do if the situation ever occurred again. Based on the criteria discussed in the In Focus box "Providing Effective Social Support," how would you evaluate Antwan's attempt to provide social support for Sabrina?

Minimizing importance of problem, and giving unsolicited advice

32. Researchers on effective psychotherapy have identified several common factors that contribute to a positive therapy outcome. Which of the following is NOT one of those common factors? (Obviously, for this question, you will need to know all of the characteristics of effective psychotherapy discussed in the textbook.)

Most important is the quality of the therapeutic relationship - therapist/client relation has mutual respect, trust, hope, and common goals Therapist characteristics: caring attitude / ability to listen empathetically Client characteristics: motivated, committed, and actively involved clients are more likely to succeed. Emotional/social maturity and ability to express thoughts/feelings is important. External circumstances: living situations, support system, ect can enhance effectiveness of therapy e. Effective therapists are sensitive to cultural differences that may exists between them/client Eclecticism - The pragmatic and integrated use of techniques from different psychotherapies (These therapists tailor therapy approach to the problems/characteristics of the person seeking help)

41. Studies that compared attachment in infants who attended day care with attachment in infants who were cared for by a parent at home showed that:

Most of the infants in both groups were securely attached

34. Jayne was in a fast-food restaurant when a man walked in, drew a gun, and started shooting, killing two people before killing himself. Although Jayne was not injured in the shooting spree, she has since been unable to return to work. She can't seem to stop thinking about the event. She has recurrent nightmares, is unable to sleep, and does not want to leave her home. It is most likely that Jayne is suffering from _____ disorder.


59. When Erica suggested to Milo that they go out for coffee on Friday night, Milo said, "Sorry, I can't make it Friday, perhaps some other time?" Erica did not suggest another time, but instead thought to herself that she was obviously not very attractive and always said the wrong thing to people she'd like to date. Martin Seligman would say that Erica has a(n):

Pessimistic explanatory style

1. Which best characterizes the typical course of human development?

Prenatal: Conception to birth Infancy and toddlerhood: Birth - 2 years Early childhood: 2 - 6 years Middle childhood: 6 - 12 years Adolescence: 12 - 18 years Emerging adulthood: 18 - 25 years Young adulthood: 25 - 40 years Middle adulthood: 40 - 65 years Late adulthood: 65 - death

37. Faced with the financial and personal problems associated with returning to school as an adult student, Azumi estimated how much she would need to live on, how much time she could devote to working, and how much study time she would need to succeed academically. Azumi is using a(n) _____ coping strategy called "_____."

Problem-Focused Planful problem solving

4. According to the Focus on Neuroscience box "The Adolescent Brain: A Work in Progress," a key process is involved as the brain matures during the adolescent years to adulthood. What is that process?

Pruning and maturity in the prefrontal cortex.

35. _____ can be described as the use of psychological techniques to increase understanding and treat emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal problems.


26. A religious leader in a small city led a crusade against the local X-rated movie theaters, topless dance bars, and strip clubs, often leading groups of angry citizens to storm the buildings and threaten to shut them down. After a great deal of publicity, however, the newspaper published photos of the same man frequenting strip clubs and patronizing prostitutes in a neighboring state. Sigmund Freud would explain this man's behavior as an example of:

Reaction formation

54. Dr. Wilkerson has given her new patient several psychological tests. What approach should Dr. Wilkerson take in interpreting the test results?

She should combine her knowledge of the test results with behavioral observations and information from other sources, including the patient himself

68. Logan and Chelsea were debating what would happen to society if the government collapsed and the military and police were disbanded. Logan was convinced that society would collapse and that chaos would occur, as there would be nothing to hold back the destructive, hostile tendencies of people. Logan's views are most similar to those of:

Sigmund Freud

45. After Michael studied the chapter on social psychology, he decided to try an experiment. He wanted to see how people on a half-empty bus would react if he politely asked someone to move so he could have a particular seat. But when Michael boarded the bus, he found he was just too embarrassed to carry out his experiment. Michael's behavior appears to be governed by:

Social Norms

2. _____ is to how we interpret the meaning of other people's behavior as _____ is to how our behavior is affected by situational factors and other people.

Social cognition b. Social Influence

18. The viral infection theory of schizophrenia:

Some believe it's caused by exposure to influenza or other viral infection during prenatal development or shortly after birth. i. Viruses CAN spread to brain through spinal cord

12. Kelley and Madison are identical twins who were separated at birth and raised in different families. In a twin study, similarities in their personality traits would be judged to be due to _____, and differences in their personality traits would be considered to be due to_____.

Specific genetic potential inherited (nature / heredity) ; How, when, whether potential is used (nurture / environment)

75. Sixty-five-year-old Bernice is taking courses at the university with the intention of completing a bachelor's degree. Some members of her family think she is not likely to succeed because she is much too old to learn new information. These family members are demonstrating:


5. Leslie's partner, Robin, is an anthropologist who accepted a grant to research a remote group of people. Robin has been gone for over two months. Since Robin's departure, Leslie has painted their living room, planted a vegetable garden, and is now hard at work building a new deck. Freud would probably describe Leslie's burst of creative and productive activities as an example of:

Sublimation displacement - creative/productive behavior representing the rechanneling of sexual energy

44. Dr. Duran showed his patient Adam a series of cards, each of which depicted an ambiguous scene, such as two people talking on a park bench, or an older woman looking over a young woman's shoulder. Dr. Duran asked Adam to tell him a story about the picture. What test is Dr. Duran using?

The Thematic Apperception Test - Psychological test for testing personality

50. Seven-year-old Amy demonstrates logical thinking when she plays checkers with her father, but she has some difficulty thinking logically about hypothetical situations or abstract ideas. Amy is most likely in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

The concrete operational stage

30. What do the famous writers Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, and Sylvia Plath have in common?

They all suffered from episodes of major depression

48. When David is asked to describe his best friend Josh, he responds: "Josh is very friendly, pretty intelligent, and a really nice guy. He seems laid-back, but he actually works hard at keeping up with his college classes. He's a lot of fun because he's always ready to try something new." David's description of his friend's personality would be most consistent with which of the following approaches to personality?

Trait theory - Surface Traits and Sources traits

78. Carmen has been seeing a therapist for some time. However, she has been responding to her therapist with anger during her last few sessions of psychoanalysis. Carmen often responds similarly to her parents, especially her mother. What is Carmen likely experiencing?


13. According to the information presented in your text, what does this drawing show?

Trephining - primitive surgery on the brain ( is a surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull.), presumably a treatment to allow evil spirits to leave the body.

63. Four-year-old Brooke throws a tantrum when her parents want to leave the playground and go home. Instead of punishing her, Brooke's parents patiently and lovingly try to teach Brooke a more acceptable way of coping with disappointment and frustration. Using Carl Rogers's terminology, Brooke is experiencing a high degree of _____ from her parents.

Unconditional positive regard

31. The basic assumption of behavior therapy is that:

Unlearn maladaptive behaviors and replace them with adaptive, appropriate behaviors

52. Imagine that you are a psychiatrist reviewing patients who might be candidates for electroconvulsive therapy. Based on the information presented in your textbook, for which of the following patients would electroconvulsive therapy NOT be an appropriate treatment?

Very effective treatment for severe cases of major depressive disorder: About 80% patients improve

51. The textbook provides several practical suggestions to defend against being manipulated by various persuasion techniques. Which of the following is NOT one of the practical suggestions you can use in making important decisions? (Obviously, for this question, you will know the various persuasion techniques discussed in the textbook.)

Ways to avoid being manipulated include: Sleeping on it Playing devil's advocate Do nothing if you have doubts.

76. Researchers on effective psychotherapy have identified several common factors that contribute to a positive therapy outcome. One common factor relates to the characteristics of the therapist. Which of the following is NOT a therapist characteristic that is related to a positive outcome in psychotherapy?

a. Most important is the quality of the therapeutic relationship - therapist/client relation has mutual respect, trust, hope, and common goals b. Therapist characteristics: caring attitude / ability to listen empathetically c. Client characteristics: motivated, committed, and actively involved clients are more likely to succeed. Emotional/social maturity and ability to express thoughts/feelings is important. d. External circumstances: living situations, support system, ect can enhance effectiveness of therapy e. Effective therapists are sensitive to cultural differences that may exists between them/client f. Eclectic psychotherapy - The pragmatic and integrated use of techniques from different psychotherapies i. These therapists tailor therapy approach to the problems/characteristics of the person seeking help g. Integrative psychotherapy - use multiple approaches to therapy, but tend to blend them together rather than choosing different approaches for different clients

67. Depression that repeatedly occurs with onset of autumn and winter is to _____ as chronic, low-grade depression is to _____.

seasonal affective disorder; persistent depressive disorder

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