Psych 1030 Chap 9 & 10

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A feature of crystallized intelligence is that it does not increase throughout the life span


According to Ainsworth, babies who demonstrate proximity to their mother and separation anxiety when apart are showing indications of ______

identity exploration

According to Arnett, what is a feature of the stage of emerging adulthood


According to Piaget's cognitive development theory, the preoperational stage is characterized by the use of words and symbols to represent objects and relationships among them

individual psychology

Adler's theory of personality, which emphasizes the unique potential of each individual

creative self

Adler's theory of the self-aware part of personality that organizes goal-seeking efforts - strive to achieve full potential

initial pre-attachment

Ainsworth identified three stages of attachment: the _________ phase, the attachment-in-the-making phase, and the clear-cut-attachment phase


Alfred Adler believed that people are motivated by the collective unconscious. (true or false)


Biting one's fingernails or smoking cigarettes is a sign of conflict experienced during early childhood


Bloodletting and vomiting were once recommended as ways of coping with depression (true or false)


Carl Rogers believed that we all have unique frames of reference (true or false)

Electra complex

Conflict during phallic stage in which girls supposedly love their fathers romantically and want to eliminate their mothers as rivals


During Middle adulthood, people are at their height of sensory sharpness, strength, reaction time, and cardiovascular fitness - true or false


Erik Erikson considers the life crisis of adolescence to be ego identity versus role ___


Erik Erikson is credited with developing the psychosexual stages of development (true or false)

generality versus stagnation

Erikson labeled the life crisis of the middle years as

establishment of close relationships

Erikson's intimacy versus isolation stage

psychosocial development

Erikson's theory, which emphasizes the importance of social relationships and conscious choice throughout eight stages of development

dependent on their primary caregivers

Erikson's trust versus mistrust stage of psychological development in children states ___


Freud believed that children encounter conflict during each stage of psychosexual development. (true or false)

psychodynamic theory

Freud's perspective, which emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts as forces that determine behavior

phallic stage begin in the 3 year

Freud's third stage of personality development, during which children obtain gratification primarily from the genitals.

oral stage

Greg becomes a chain smoker in his early teens. According to the psychosexual stage of personality development, he is fixated at the ____

contact comfort

Harry Harlow (1959) demonstrated that attachment in rhesus monkeys was related to ______


Hippocrates associated a choleric personality with warmth and cheerfulness (true or false)

analytical psychology

Jung's psychodynamic theory, which emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes

Collective Unconscious (Jung)

Jung's theory that we all share an inherited memory that contains our culture's most basic elements


Neonates show___, which are simple, unlearned, stereotypical responses elicited by specific stimuli


Paiget's ___ operation period is characterized by conservation and reversibility

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Piaget's stages of cognitive development are, in order of increasing age ___


Self-esteem is connected with patterns of acculturation among immigrants (true or false)

a girl longing for her father and resenting her mother

The Electra complex involves:

Socialcultural Perspective

The focus on the importance of social and cultural contexts in influencing the behavior of individuals.


The preconscious mind contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them (true or false)

fetal stage

The third stage of prenatal development, lasting from two months through birth. On ultrasound, you can hear a strong heartbeat, able to see fingers and toes, baby frequently kicks.


Vygotsky used the concepts of scaffolding and the ___ of proximal development to explain cognitive development

the influence of teachers on children's cognitive development

Vygotsky's sociocultural theory focuses on:

Latency stage

Which stage of psychosexual development is characterized by the repression of sexual impulses


___ operational though is characterized by hypothetical thinking and deductive logic


_____ intelligence is mental flexibility as shown by the ability to solve new kinds of problems

Oedipus complex

a boy's sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father

unconditional positive regard

a caring, accepting, nonjudgmental attitude, which Carl Rogers believed would help clients to develop self-awareness and self-acceptance a parent's unconditional love


a child looks at rain and thunder and says that they are caused by adults. In the sensorimotor stage this is termed as artificialism - true or false

gender schema theory

a child's means of organizing their perception of the world - a cluster of ideas about masculine and feminine physical traits.

They zygote divides repeatedly while moving to the uterus

a feature of the germinal stage of prenatal development

ego identity

a firm sense of who one is and what one stands for

learning to recognize the mother's voice because of more exposure to these sounds before birth

a newborn shows a preference for his or her mother's voice rather than the father's voice. this is most likely the result of _____


a person who defines herself or himself in terms of relationships to other people and groups and gives priority to group goals

amniotic sac

a sac within the uterus that contains the embryo or fetus


a shy person, characterized by intense imagination and the tendency to inhibit impulses


a two year old child has a pet dog called Sophie. The child visits her neighbor's house and sees their pet dog. Even though the neighbors dog is larger and of a different color, the child points to it and calls it a dog. Which of Piaget's cognitive processes is the child demonstrating?

reality principle

according to Freud, the ego is guided by the ____

pleasure principle

according to Freud, the id follows the____


according to Piaget, objective responsibility is the assignment of blame according to the motives of the actor rather than the amount of damage done.


adolescent egocentrism gives rise to the ___ audience and the personal fable.

identity exploration

adults experimenting with careers and romance

imaginary audience

an adolescent's belief that other people are as concerned with their thoughts and behavior as they are is called the ______


an adult who chooses not to park in a handicap space because they want to avoid a ticket and fine, is operating at the ______ level of Kholberg's theory


changing to adapt to a new culture

fetus's heart has its first heartbeat

characteristic of the fetal stage of prenatal development

the preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive development therory

children attributing life and consciousness to physical objects

conditions of worth

children believe that they only have merit if they behave as their parents with them to behave. standards by which the value of a person is judged

it was too vague to scientifically measure the psychic structures

criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic theory

Carl Jung

developed the psychodynamic theory called analytical psychology

self-focused age

emerging adults focus on themselves as they develop the knowledge, skills, and self-understanding they need for adult life

inferiority complex

feelings of inferiority hypothesized by Adler to serve as a central motivating force


fertilized egg


formal operations allow adolescents to think ___

false - they cannot become pregnant until they ovulate

girls can become pregnant immediately after menarche - true or false


how outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive a person is - express feelings and impulses freely

psychosexual development

in psychodynamic theory, the process by which libidinal energy is expressed through different erogenous zones during different stages of development


intelligence associated with the intellectual attainments of a lifetime or acquired knowledge is called _____

selective optimization with compensation

is the reshaping of a person's life to concentrate on what he or she finds to be important and meaningful in the face of physical decline and possible cognitive impairment.

anal stage

lauren is obsessed with the cleanliness of her room. according to the psychosexual stages of personality development, she is fixated at the ___ ___

social cognitive theory

learning by observation and on the cognitive processes that underlie personal differences

observational learning

learning by observing others


learning theory focused on enduring personality characteristics that were generally presumed to be embedded in the nervous system (true or false)

first menstruation

menarche is the term used to describe


nicholas develops a new assessment tool to measure the psychological concept of extraversion. He finds that individuals who take the test repeatedly tend to score similarly each time. Which dimension of assessment has nicholas established?

crystallized intelligence

one's accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age

conditional positive regard

parent's accept children only when they behave in a desired manner. Judgement


puberty begins with the appearance of ____ sex characteristics, such as the deepening of the voice in males and rounding of the breasts and hips in females


repression of sexual impulses

do not

research shows that most parents (do or do not) suffer from the empty-nest syndrome


someone oriented toward maximizing personal gains, without regard to the rest of the group. give priority to your own goals


states that people are capable of free choice, self-fulfillment, and ethical behavior.

Estrogen production in females

stimulates the growth of tissue in the hips


the ___ is connected to the mother by blood vessels in the uterine wall

gender typing

the acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role


the embryonic stage of pregnancy lasts from the beginning of the third month until the birth of the baby

Oral Stage (during the first year)

the first psychosexual stage, in which experience centers on the pleasures and frustrations associated with the mouth, sucking, and being fed

germinal stage

the first stage of prenatal development, during which the dividing mass of cells has not become implanted in the uterine wall


the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential

Genital Stage (puberty on)

the mature stage of psychosexual development, characterized by preferred expression of libido through intercourse with an adult of the other gender


the psychic structure, present at birth, that represents physiological drivers and is fully unconscious


the reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another


the reliability of a test refers to the stability of one's test results from one testing to another (true or false)


the rorschach inkblot test is an example of an objective test (true or false)


the second psychic structure to develop, characterized by self-awareness, planning, and delay of gratification

Anal Stage begins in the 2nd year

the second stage of psychosexual development, when gratification is attained through anal activities. Learn to delay the gratification that comes with eliminating whenever they feel the urge


the third psychic structure, which functions as a moral guardian and sets forth high standards for behavior


the view that people are completely free and responsible for their own behavior

It emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes

true of Carl Jung's analytical psychology theory

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