Psych 105- Accumulated Quiz Questions

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According to the text, which of these is NOT a basic goal of the nervous system? a. send information to the brain for interpretation b. secrete hormones throughout the body c. gather information using sensory organs d. execute decisions to form behaviors


Which of the following has the best temporal resolution


On one trial of an experiment, a participant is shown the sequence GWXT. On a different trial, the participant is shown the sequence PAFE. On the basis of prior research, we should expect that

PAFE will be easier to perceive than GWXT because detectors for PA and FE are likely to be well primed

Neurons communicate with one another through the release of neurotransmitters that bind to channels on the postsynaptic neuron. This is analogous to a lock and a key. In this example, the lock is the ______ while the key is the neurotransmitter


When the receiving neuron reaches a certain ________ of activation, it produces an action potential that starts within the cell body and travels down the ______

Threshold, axon

How is face perception different from normal object recognition?

We are more sensitive to global configuration of faces, but are more sensitive to features of objects

Stoop interference demonstrates that a- word reading is automatized b- practice with a color-naming task leads to automaticity c- automatic tasks do not exist d- the identification of a stimulus requires few resources


Which of the following statements most accurately describes visual illusions? a-the cognitive architecture that helps us in most cases causes illusions in other cases b- illusions are mostly beneficial to perception c- illusions can occur for shape and size, but not for color or brightness d- illusions will not occur if you know how to avoid them


the idea of a "cognitive budget" is used several times in this chapter. Which of the following is NOT true of the "cognitive budget" a- the budget can increase through practice b- the budget contains task-specific and task-general resources c-tasks may require fewer resources after practice d-one can only perform multiple tasks is the sum of the tasks demands do not exceed the budget


A late selection view of attention suggests that

all inputs are fully processed; however, only the attended input reaches consciousness.

A researcher wishes to fine the receptive filed for a particular neuron in the visual cortex. To do this, the researcher will need to specify

an area within the visual field where in the cell will fire if the target appears

An experienced driver can drive while holding a relatively complex conversation. This combination of activities is difficult, however, for a novice driver. Which of the following experiences most likely explains the difference? a-the two activities are very different, so they rely on different sets of task-specific resources b- practicing a task leads to decline in the resource demand for that task c-practicing the tasks improves confidence in the task d-the two activities are very different, so the task combination creates no problems with channel segregation


Attention is limited in several ways. Sometimes we can complete competing tasks at the same time, but sometimes we cannot because the tasks interfere with each other. Which combination of tasks is likely to cause the LEAST amount of interference? a- tasks that require general resources b-two tasks that require different task-specific resources c-tasks that require the same task-specific resources d-a task that requires general resources and one that requires task-specific resources


Imagine an intergalactic team of psychologists discovers a planet with robot-like androids and is trying to understand them. Which school of psychology does a researcher probably belong to if they focus exclusively on the action responses of the robots to specific kinds of stimulation?


When interpreting visual input, the processing of edges, angles, motion, and color based on incoming signals from the retina is called ______ processing, but the interpretation of that input on that basis of expectations and prior experience with the world is a result of _____ processing

bottom-up, top-down

In a study of spatial attention, participants are shown a neutral cue, a high-validity prime (correctly predicting the location of the target 80% of the time), or a misleading cue to prime the location of an upcoming target. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a- there is no difference in response times between neutral cues and a misleading cue b-response ties after a neutral cue are faster than response times after a valid cue c-response times after a neutral cue are faster than response times after a misleading cue d-response times after a misleading cue are faster than response times after a neutral cue


There is a cost to expectation-based priming, revealed by the fact that priming the wrong detector leads to slower responding. That is, getting prepared for one target seems to hinder performance for other targets. What does this finding reveal about selective attention? a- the cost of priming is inevitable b- selective attention is an unlimited-capacity system c- selection attention is a limited-capacity system d-expectation-based priming is more effective than stimulus based priming


in dichotic listening experiments, some aspects of the unattended message seem to leak through and are heard despite the participant's intention to ignore the message. Which of the following statements reflects what is LEAST likely to leak through in this fashion? a- mention of a topic of personal importance to the participant b- mention of a movie that the participant recently watched c- material that is easily distinguishable from the attended message in its semantic content d- mention of the participants name


A researcher has identified the receptive field for a neuron and has determined that the receptive field has a center-surround organization. If the researcher were to shine light into the entire receptive field, including both the center and the surrounding areas, we would expect the neuron to

continue firing at its resting rate

When the neurotransmitter released by the sending neuron cause the receiving neuron to fire more frequently we call this an _______ effect


When engaged in a _____ search, set size does not matter. However, when engaged in a _____ search, set size has an impact on performance.

feature, conjunction

The existence of task-general resources is indicated by the fact that

inferences between two tasks can sometimes be observed even if the two tasks have no elements in common

Jana is unable to to recognize everyday objects such as a hammer or a fork. However, she is able to report seeing objects, and can even draw pictures of them and mine how to interact with them. Which area of Jana's brain is most likely to be damaged?

inferotemporal cortex

To say two functions are doubly dissociated indicates that those two functions...

involve different regions of the brain

One of the cues to depth is based on the fact that our two eyes have a different perspective of the world because they are in somewhat different positions on your head. This difference in position on the retina of each eye is called ____

retinal disparity

Which gestalt law describes the tendency to group together features of the image that have similar properties in some dimsension, such as color or luminace?


An fMRI measures

the flow of oxygenated blood in the brain

If a region of the brain is "rostral" that means it is

toward the front end

The occipital lob controls which function?


We can often recognize an object even if some of the object's parts are hidden from view. Evidence indicates that this recognition from partial viewing will be easiest if

we can see enough of the object to identify some of its geons

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