psych 12

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A person's perception of his or her actual characteristics, traits, and abilities is called their:

actual self.

Gene believes that if his luck is good on the day of his final exam, he will do well. Gene likely has:

an external locus of control.

In Freud's theory, the id, the ego, and the superego:

are in constant conflict.

During the genital stage, parents:

are no longer the focus of the child's sexual urges.

The Oedipus and Electra complexes refer to:

a child developing a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent and displaying jealousy of the same-sex parent.

Hofstede's dimensions differ from the Big Five in that they are:

based on the traits of a culture rather than an individual.

Temperament is based on:


One way in which the social cognitive view differs from psychoanalytic theory is that it:

can be and has been tested under scientific conditions.

The humanistic approach

centers around the principle of self-concept, or a person's understanding of who he or she is. Humanistic theories contend that our self-concept comprises a key part of our reality.

Adoption studies have:

confirmed what twin studies have shown about genetic influences on personality.

The conscious mind:

contains only those things that one is aware of at any given time.

Positive regard

defined by Carl Rogers as the affection and respect that comes from others. It is key in developing a positive view of the self.

One of the major problems associated with personality inventories is that they are:

dependent on the honesty of the person taking the test.

According to Freud, children in the latency stage:

develop intellectually, physically, and socially.

With regard to the Big Five traits of personality, when someone is creative, artistic, non-conforming, and curious, he or she tends to score high on the __________ trait.


Freud would say that a man who bites his fingernails is

orally fixated.

Devon is taking a personality test that includes a long list of questions. For each question, Devon must choose from a limited set of answers. Devon is taking a

personality inventory.

Freud believed that children adopt their parents' moral beliefs during the __________ stage of personality development.


Rogers believed that __________ was vital to a person's ability to cope with stress and achieve self-actualization.

positive regard

Hofstede found that the United States is low in

power distance.

According to Freud, the ________ mind is where we keep events, information, concerns, and thoughts of which we are not currently aware but can readily access.


Tests in which people are asked to tell what they see in ambiguous visual stimuli are:

projective tests.

Jim is unconsciously attracted to Max but outwardly voices an extreme hatred of homosexuals. Which defense mechanism is Jim exhibiting?

reaction formation

Shortly after her daughter is born, Anna's three-year-old son wants to start sleeping in the crib again. This is an example of


During the latency stage, children are in a state of:

repression. Repression is a process that blocks anxiety-provoking thoughts from our conscious minds

The neo-Freudians:

retained many of Freud's original concepts.

The image of oneself, which is based on information from significant people in one's life, is that person's __________.


Bandura defined __________ as a person's expectancy of how effective his or her efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance.


Alfred Bandura

social cognitive perspective.

________ believed that there was not only a personal unconscious, but a collective unconscious as well.


Cattell's personality questionnaire is based on:

16 source traits.


Alfred Adler developed the idea of the inferiority complex as being an important factor in human personality. Adler believed people often strive for perfection and superiority throughout adulthood in an effort to compensate for feelings of both physical and mental inferiority rooted in childhood.

__________ studies how much of an individual's personality is inherited.

Behavioral genetics

___________ studies how much of an individual's personality is inherited.

Behavioral genetics

__________ see personality as nothing more than a set of learned responses.


One of the main proponents of the humanistic view was __________.

Carl Rogers

One of the main proponents of the humanistic view was

Carl Rogers.

Which of the following perspectives on personality focuses on aspects that make people uniquely human, such as subjective feelings and freedom of choice?


Jim is constantly worried that he will get bad grades, that he will be late for work, or that something bad will happen to his loved ones. He is often edgy and snaps at his friends. He is likely to be a high scorer on which dimension of the Big Five?


The acronym __________ can be used to remember the core trait dimensions of the big five trait approach.


Which psychological perspective focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality and is also heavily focused on biological causes of personality differences?

Psychodynamic perspective

Which type of assessment are psychoanalysts most likely to use?

Rorschach inkblot test These tests present an ambiguous stimulus and then ask the participant to describe it or tell a story about it.

How does social-cognitive learning theory differ from a behavioral approach?

Social-cognitive learning theory is often described as an offshoot of behavioral approaches to personality. It does not rely strictly on the principles of learning but also includes attention to other people's behaviors and our expectancies of learning.

According to Carl Rogers, what is the primary determinant of how matched an individual's real and ideal self-concepts are?

The way important people in that person's life react to him or her

The ________ consists of 20 black and white pictures of people in ambiguous situations.

Thematic Apperception Test

________ are more concerned with describing personality and predicting behavior than with the explanation of personality development.

Trait theorists

Sigmund Freud's ideas were probably shaped by the historical era in which he lived, a time known as the:

Victorian Age.

John's boss yells at him. As John walks meekly out of the boss's office, Dana walks past him and says, "Hello!" John yells at Dana and proceeds to berate her for the job she did on the last contract. Freud would say John is using __________ as a way of dealing with his stress.


Social Cognitive theorists

do not rely strictly on the principles of learning but also include attention to other people's behaviors and our expectancies of learning.

Karen Horney

emphasized that children have a basic sense of anxiety and must work toward overcoming this.

Bandura's concept of reciprocal determinism consists of:

environment, behavior, and personal factors.

The social learning theory that involves locus of control is based on the principle that __________.

events are either under the control of the individual or they are due to chance

The key factors influencing a person's decision to act in a certain way in a particular circumstance are reinforcement value and __________.


Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory is based on:

extensive research, such as the Bobo doll study.

According to Freud, unresolved conflicts can cause __________ in a certain stage of development.


Psychodynamic theorists

focus on the interaction of mental forces. Psychodynamic theories are based on two beliefs: We don't usually know what our true motives are, and we have defense mechanisms that keep our unpleasant thoughts and motivations in our unconscious mind.

Researchers have found evidence of genetic influences on personality by comparing identical twins to:

fraternal twins.

Heidi is exploring her options and trying to decide where her best potential and abilities lie. She has a good idea of who she is and what she wants out of life. Carl Rogers would say that Heidi is a __________.

fully functioning person

super ego

governed by how we ought to behave, based on internalized rules from society.

In the behaviorists' view, personality is simply a set of:


The five-factor model

has implications for the diagnosis of personality disorders.

The five-factor model:

has implications for the diagnosis of personality disorders.

According to the humanistic view, internal conflict can be avoided by:

having a realistic view of one's real self.

Rogers believed that __________ is necessary if one is to become a fully functioning person.

having the unconditional positive regard of one's loved ones

What is heritability?

how much some trait within a population can be attributed to genetic influences, and the extent individual genetic variation impacts differences in observed behavior

Which of the following perspectives on personality focuses on aspects that make people uniquely human, such as subjective feelings and freedom of choice?


The ________ comes from those important, significant others in a person's life, most often the parents.

ideal self

According to Freud, the desired outcome of the phallic stage of psychosexual development is __________.

identification with the same-sex parent

In examining the five-factor model (or the Big Five), Costa and McCrae believed that these traits are not ________. In other words, knowing someone's score on one trait would not give any information about scores on the other four traits.


According to Freud, the oral stage:

involves the conflict of weaning

Sophie has a chance to interview for a promotion at work. She is sure she will do poorly anyway, so she decides against it. Bandura would say that Sophie has:

low self-efficacy.

Some believe that humanistic theory is __________.

more of a philosophical view than a psychological explanation.

Some believe that humanistic theory is:

more of a philosophical view than a psychological explanation.

According to the five-factor model, a person who is calm and stable would score low on the trait of:


According to the five-factor model, a person who is calm and stable would score low on the trait of


Social cognitive learning theorists hold that __________ can lead to the formation of patterns of personality.

observational learning


one of Freud's three interacting divisions, or systems, of the mind. It tries to satisfy our basic drives and survival instincts. exists at birth


one of the five trait dimensions of the Big Five Factor Model of personality. An individual who scores high on this dimension is usually outgoing and social.


one of the five trait dimensions of the Big Five Factor Model of personality. This refers to an individual's willingness to try new experiences.

Julian Rotter

one of the principle founders of the social cognitive perspective on personality.

Introversion is an example of a __________.

source trait.

The psychodynamic perspective:

still exists today. Psychodynamic theories are based on two beliefs: We don't usually know what our true motives are, and we have defense mechanisms that keep our unpleasant thoughts and motivations in our unconscious mind.

Erik Erikson

stressed the importance of developing and maintaining social relationships at each stage of development.

Turning socially unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behavior is known as __________.


Turning socially unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behavior is known as:


According to Adler, humans' driving force was not the pursuit of pleasure but the pursuit of


Joe complains that his coworker, George, is irritating because George never has a nice thing to say about anyone or anything. Joe believes George's problem is an enduring characteristic with which George was born. In other words, Joe dislikes George's:


In Rogers' view, problems arise when:

the ideal self is impossible to attain.

Carl Jung, unlike Freud, believed that _____ held much more than personal fears, urges, and memories.

the personal unconscious

Sigmund Freud is considered the founder of:

the psychodynamic movement in psychology.

The ego works on:

the reality principle. It attempts to achieve the id's goals through actions that will be pleasurable rather than painful.

According to the humanistic perspective, personality is influenced by:

the things that make people uniquely human, such as the freedom to choose one's own destiny

According to the humanistic perspective, personality is influenced by

the things that make people uniquely human, such as the freedom to choose one's own destiny.

The __________ differs from the other perspectives of personality in its basic goals.

trait perspective

Freud believed that there was a portion of the brain that remained hidden from the individual except in symbolic form in dreams and other behaviors. This portion of the brain is called the __________.


Freud believed the mind was divided into three parts: the ________, the ________, and the preconscious.

unconscious; conscious

Although many traits are considered to be universal, the expression of those traits:

varies across cultures.

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