Psych 136: Human Sexuality

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Sherry Height report

(1970s)- feminist women sampled feminists & found that women preferred sex w/ selves over sex w/ men Not representative

research methods: the Kinsey study

-(1940's) 1st major survey, not much known about human sexuality @ time, his work was seen as radical/dangerous, gov't tried to shut it down, wrote bestselling novel afterwards -sample size= 17,000, disproportionately young, urban dwelling, college educated, Protestant, tried & failed to get other people -revolutionary findings: virtually all males masturbated (seen as sin at time), 1st report on female sexuality- 62% masturbated, 70% routinely dreamed about sex, 2/5 women were active before age 17


-improves sexual health, reduces unwanted pregnancy, helps avoid STIs -decreases sexual tension and anxiety, outlet for sexual fantasy -allows for experimentation/learning about bodies -complements an active sex life or compensates for lack -unrelated to health or relationship status -common throughout life for men and women, frequency decreases w/age

cultural variation

-masturbation is rare in preliterate cultures -foreplay is usually initiated by males in heterosexual couples -heterosexuals engage in sexual intercourse most commonly at night before sleep -female orgasmic ability varies from culture to culture -collectivist culture- emphasizes cultural group as a whole and less about individuals in the society, may value marriage more than individualistic culture -minority homosexual youths feel more anxiety than majority -some cultures bury placentas (Kenya), some hang outside the home

Tips to ensure sexual health

-regular visits/checkups -protect self from STDs -BSE's -get to know body -no smoking/drinking

observational methods


pubic hair


representative samples


sexual response cycle + childbirth


3 phases of menstrual cycle

1. Menstrual phase (days 105)- down levels of estrogen & progesterone signal uterine lining to shed, signals pituitary gland to release FSH 2. Proliferative (days 5-14)- end of menustration to ovulation, up levels of FSH stimulate some follicles to grow, release estrogen which causes endometrium growth + alkaline cervical mucus (vagina is usually acidic to reduce bacterial infection, but can kill sperm), peak of LH = ovulation, corpus luteum remains in ovary 3. Luteal phase (days 15-28)- ovulation to beginning of menustruation, corpus luteum remains in ovary & produces p & e, p thickens endometrium -If no implantation: LH & FSH levels decrease, corpus luteum degenerates, e&p decreases, endometrial cells die/uterine lining sheds

cancers (3)

1. endometrial: -risk factors: older age, early menarche, late menopause -high survival rate if detected early 2. CERVICAL: -risk factors: HPV infection, sex at young age or multiple partners, long term use of birth control and cigarette smoking -often asymptomatic- tested by pap smear- easily identifiable lecion which progresses slowly -high survival rates -preventative: HPV vaccine, rates have decreased -treatment- surgery, radiation, chemo, hysterectomy 3. breast: -1 in 8 women develop breast cancer -3/10 women die -risk factors: family history, early onset of menustration, alcohol consumption, smoking, never having kids, late menopause -to detect: breast self exam (BSF)

male sexual response cycle

1. excitement- erection (tumescence) starts quickly (speed of this response lengthens w/ age, often lasts briefly- uncomfortable DEtumescence) testes enlarge & elevate (shortens distance btwn sperm & vagina to maximize change of pregnancy, to avoid injury) penis partially erect, testicles become 50% larger 2. plateau- fully elevated testes, fully erect, glans penis becomes engorged, drops of alkaline fluid from Cowper's gland released (sometimes comes out pre-ejaculation and can have sperm in it/cause pregnancy), sex flush for some men, nipple erections 3. orgasm: 1. emission- contractions in the vas deferens & seminal vesicles & prostate gland, fluids gather at bast of penis and mix 2. expulsion- ejaculation out due to muscle contractions, -urethral sphincter relaxes -orgasm and ejaculation do not always occur together, some men can have orgasms w/o ejaculating and can have several orgasms before ejaculating, men can teach themselves to have multiple orgasms -can shoot 24 inches, force of ejaculate correlated w/ level of desire, shorter w/ age -missionary position maximized pregnancy b/c downhill easier than uphill 4. resolution- return to unaroused state, glans of penis decrease in size even before general penile detumescence, men go into refractory state- cannot be restimulated to orgasm for a certain period of time, this period gets longer w/ age

stages of sexual response cycle

1. excitement- physical arousal, eyes dilate, veins dilate, faster heart rate 2. plateau- during sex, leading up to orgasm 3. orgasm- peak of arousal (men can exercise restraint & have multiple mini orgasms, some men can have another ejaculation after mandatory refractory phase) 4. resolution

female sexual response cycle

1. excitement- vasocongestion --> transudation (lubrication- takes longer lying down than standing up which explains why it takes most women longer than men to feel ready for sex), TENTING effect- the walls of the vagina expand, labia majora thins out and flattens and pulls slightly away from introitus for women who have not had children, labia minora turns bright pink and increases in size (aster for women who have had children), clitoral glans becomes erect, seratonin, can last from minutes to hours, sex flush towards the end nipple erections, areolas enlarge, breasts enlarge 2. plateau- breast size continues to increase and nipples remain erect, clitoral glans retracts under hood, labia minora deepens in color turns red, Bartholin's gland may release fluid, sex flush spreads 3. orgasm- vasocongestion creates an orgasmic platform in the lower third of the vagina + labia minora + labia majora, vigorous contractions expel the blood that is trapped in the surrounding tissues and cause pleasurable orgasmis sensations, MYOTONIA of the pelvic muscles causes contractions, lasts longer for women than men b/c occurs in the entire pelvic region instead of just penis and testicles, all orgasms are causes by direct or indirect clitoral stimulation -14% of women experience multiple orgasms- more common during direct stimulation of clitoris than during penile thrusting 4. resolution- body returns to pre-excitement conditions, extra blood laves genitals, sex flush disappears, breasts decrease in size in 5-10 minutes, clitoris returns to original size but remains sensitive Note: sexual excitement occurs more frequently during last 14 days of menstrual cycle, also orgasms may reduce cramps

cancers (2)

1. penile cancer- rare, deadly if not treated early 2. testicular- rare, most common btwn 14-34, important to detect & treat early, dull ache, hard/irregular mass grows in testicle

prostate diseases (3)

1. prostatitis- enlarged & inflamed by bacteria 2. benign prostatic hyperplasia- increase in size as men age, pressure on urethra 3. prostate cancer- most frequently diagnosed cancer in males (besides skin cancer), kills 30,000 men/year (1/36), large range of severity usually for men > 50, more common among black men, genetically linked, high fat diet and calcium and red meat screening= physical test + blood test + "blind biopsy" (12 samples taken at random areas, may miss the cancer), new biopsy being developed w/ MRI signs: lower pain, inability to urinate, pain/burning/dribbling treatment- "watchful waiting," radiation or cryosurgery (freezing), drugs, vaccine

survey design flaws

1. wording of questions can skew answers (ex. Kinsey asked "How often do you masterbate" vs "Do you masturbate") 2. close-ended questions restrict info (ex. Likert Scale) 3. people may misrepresent through shyness or lying 4. important that questions validly assess what you want to know 5. order effect 6. mindset/ extent of respondent's knowledge about study 7. gender/competence of interviewer


1800s, founded first sexological society in Berlin w/ Hirschfeld

labia majora

2 lips

seminal vesicles

2 pouches between bladder & rectum, function isn't 100% clear excrete alkaline fluid rich in fructose- helps give sperm energy and helps b/c vagina & male urethra=acidic sperm become motile here 70% of seminal fluid

uterus (+ muscle layers)

3x3 inches, 3 layers of muscle cells: 1. endometrium- nutrition & blood for baby 2. myometrium- dense muscular middle 3. perimetrium- stabilizes uterus

process of obtaining permission to do research

An institutional review board (IRB), also known as an independent ethics committee or ethical review board, is a committee that has been formally designated to approve, monitor, and review biomedical and behavioral research involving humans. They often conduct some form of risk-benefit analysis in an attempt to determine whether or not research should be done

common methods for overcoming infertility

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) -also used by same-sex partners, treatment depends on cost, woman's age, duration of infertility, chances of conceiving w/o treatment -time consuming and expensive and do not guarantee success- 37% lead to pregnancy but only 30% result in live birth 1. Fertility drugs- to treat hormonal problems, can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome- might lead to breast/ovarian cancer, increase likelihood of multiple births + prematurity + defects + infant death 2. Surgery- to repair/remove blockage 3. Artificial insemination- ejaculated sperm collected, washed and deposited in the vagina, cervix, uterus, or Fallopian tubes -sperm can be frozen for up to 10 years 4. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)- test-tube baby, conceived in petri dish, used if blocked Fallopian tubes or endometriosis, fertility drugs are first used to stimulate the ovaries 5. Gamete and Zygote Intra-Fallopian Tube Transfer (GIFT)- ova and sperm mixed and placed in fallopian tube before fertilization OR embryo placed in fallopian tube, natural fertilization OR natural implantation, higher success rate but more invasive 6. Intracellular Sperm Injections (ICSI)- for couples w/ sperm problems or ova resistant to fertilization, injecting a single sperm into the center of an ovum under microscope, higher risk for genetic defect because eliminates natural barriers to conception 7. Oocyte and embryo transplants- for women who are not able to produce healthy ova because of ovarian failure or age-related infertility or same sex couples, donor ova or embryo 8. Surrogate parenting- sperm and ovum combined and implanted in surrogate mother, commercial surrogacy is growing 9. Other options- freezing of embryos/sperm for later use for men and women who are ill and need time for treatment, do not always survive thawing process experimental treatment= ova freezing, risky b/c ova has higher water content than sperms/embryos


Grafinger spot (named after researcher, not an anatomical part of body, more considered a location of group of cells, not yet specifically differentiated from surrounding cells, 1-3 inches on interior portion of vagina


Institute for Sexology in Berlin believed that negative attitudes towards homosexuals were inhumane and unfounded

problems w/ self report methods

Interviews: time consuming and expensive Questionnaires and surveys: may be more honest than interviews but may leave out questions that cause most anxiety Internet: lying, participants can submit multiple responses, internet users may not represent all of America

William Masters & Virginia Johnson

Masters- gynecologist, Johnson- psychology researchers 1st observational study of human sexuality studied sexual response cycle, normative behavior, stages of arousal, changes w/ age, physiological data sample size= 13,000, individual & married couples, college educated, sexually active published Human Sexual Response based on 700 heterosexual men and women published Human Sexual Inadequacy about sexual dysfunction found that all female orgasms result from direct or indirect clitoral stimulation

the penis

No bones/muscles IN penis Size is not related to race, virility, sexual skill (first 1/3 of vagina is where nerves are) -average flaccid = 3 in, erect (less variability)= 6 in, 1.25 diameter Three cylinders: 2x cavernous bodies (corpora cavernosa)- fill w/blood 1x spongy body (corpus spongiosum)- forms head of penis, urethra runs through it -urethra- semen, urine -head is sensitive (like clitoris), skim is fixed to penis but top hangs over (cut off in circumcision)


Outer, visible genitalia, from Latin "womb" Two major functions: 1. protects internal parts by secreting fluids & being closed 2. sexual stimulation

Richard von Krafft-Ebing

Psychopathia Sexualis one of the most significant medical writers on sexology in late 19th century, interested in deviate behavior and sexual pathology


Refers to birth canal only, from Latin "sheath," "scabbard" External cleaning unnecessary, can throw off ph

testes (+internal structure)

Reproductive gland, produces sperm & androgens: Seminiferous tubules- the site of sperm production, contain sertoli cells Epididymis (about 20 feet long) on the back of each testicle- sperm maturation occurs in the Interstitial cells- located between the seminiferous tubules and are the major producer of androgens (testosterone) in men

vas deferens

Shorter extension of epididymus (about 18" long) vas is carried into pelvic cavity through the spermatic cord, over the top and down back/side of bladder Vasectomy involves severing the vas deferens, reversal is successful 50% of time, freezing sperm isn't good b/c sperm degenerates over time, sperm aspiration being developed- to remove sperm from epididymus

anatomy vs. physiology

Structure vs. function

ejaculation (+ stages)

Two stages: 1. Emission- fluids (sperm + seminal vesicles + prostrate + Cowpers) mix to for mejaculate, ale will sense the ejaculation coming point of inevitability- it's poss. for males to teach selves to stop it before this point (causes mini orgasm) 2. Expulsion phase- muscles @ base of penis rhythmically contract to expel semen, urethra contracts to keep urine in force of ejaculate is correlated w/ male's desire, not w/ size of penis

myths about female sexual anatomy (4)

Wandering Uterus- Plato thought it caused diseases, blocked passages Toothed Vagina- "vagina dentata," penis bitten off Dangerous Clitoris- 16-19th century prescribed removing clitoris to cure masturbation & immoralityContaminated mensus- menustration was "dirty"/"unholy"

toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

bacterial infection, can be deadly, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, aching muscles

Cowper's gland

below prostate, produce alkaline fluid to lubricate flow of seminal fluid through urethra can contain active sperm & cause pregnancy w/o ejaculation


bottom of uterus, small opening that keeps uterus closed, can be seen/felt w/naked eye


clitoral hood, analogous to foreskin

premenstrual dysphoric disorder

consistent depression for a week before period


covers introitus, can break in situations unrelated to sex so not a good indicator of virginity

oral sex (in general)

cunnilingus- on women, fellatio- on men -practiced through history (Greece, India, 19th century playing cards), but many taboos -most adults in all age groups have engages at some point -decreases w/ age -may make ppl feel emotionally distant OR can be most intimate b/c requires trust/vulnerability -ppl are less alert to sensory impression when aroused so flavors may be more appealing


diet affects taste, ejaculate is usually 1-2 teaspoons

Havelock Ellis

early 1900s, said homosexuality and masturbation were not abnormal


engorgement of tissues/blood vessels w/blood during sexual excitement, male & female

correlational studies

establish correlation but not causation

general vaginal problems: vaginitis

fairly common inflammation infections, bacteria, yeast

mons veneris (mons pubis)

fatty area, protects bone underneath, separates into labia majora

Evelyn Hooker

first empirical study to challenge that homosexuality was a mental illness


first period age 8-16, usually 12/13

Clelia Mosher

first researched to ask women about sexual behavior


follicle stimulating hormone- stimulates development of eggs & release of estrogen

urethral opening

for urination

ejaculatory ducts

formed from union of vas deferens + excretory duct of seminal vesicles


growth of endometrial tissue outside of uterus ranges from mild-severe -symptoms: pain during period -treatment:only treated if severe

fallopian tubes

have "fingers" that coax eggs out of ovary, conception happens in fallopian tubes


helps expand to hold baby, can measure baby by seeing distance from fundus to cervix


inability to conceive/ impregnate after 1 year of regular vaginal intercourse w/o use of birth control, fertility rates decline w/ age, motherhood mandate most common causes- ovulation disorders, blocked Fallopian tubes, endometriosis, structural uterine problems, excessive uterine fibroids, for males- sperm production, infections


individuals cycle of birth/rebirth (karma) Kamasutra- 3rd/4th century sex manual

sertoli cells

inside seminiferous tubules, provide nourishment for sperm

premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

irritability, breast tenderness, craving sweets

Bell and Weinburg

large scale study in 1968 on influences of homosexulaity found that homosexuals were psychologically well-adjusted and satisfied w/ intimate relationships supported biological basis for homosexuality- not learned or result of negative experiences published Homosexulaities and Sexual Pregerences

labia minora

lips inside vulva, vary in size (can be larger than majora) swells and lubricates during arousal, contains some glands for lubrication

pituitary gland

located at base of brain, main part of brain that communicates to ovaries, produces hormones (messenger chemicals in bloodstream), secretes FSH and LH


loose pouch/sac of skin beneath penis w/ 2 chambers, each holds one testes


luteinizing hormone- triggers ovulation & thickens endometrium in preparation for egg

major social and political issues gay men and lesbians confront

marriage is not nationally recognized in US • no Social Security, inheritance or tax breaks • trouble adopting- ex. illegal in Florida until 2010 • trouble getting joint custody of child • employers may not grant parental leave or benefits for child housing rights- zoning laws compensation & health benefits of couples limited access to fertility treatment homosexuality is opposed in Christianity & Judaism

corpus luteum

mass of cells left over after follicle releases egg, secretes progesterone & estrogen


more sexually permissive than Hebrews, pederasty was considered a natural form of sexuality, Rome had few restrictions until late in the history of the empire


name of location between labia majora and anus


no more follicles left in ovaries to mature eggs age 45-60, usually 52


pain during intercourse

internal male anatomy

pair of testes + duct system for transporting sperm

prostate glands

pressed against bladder, enlarges as men get older & make men pee ore often, 1/6 men get cancer in prostate note: ducts under bladder closed during ejaculation


primary- period never starts, physical stress, low body weight/fat secondary- period stops, health condition, assoc. w/ low body weight/fat

Katharine Bement Davis

prostitution and STIs, defended homosexuality

cremasteric muscles

pull testes closer to body in cold temperatures - to produce viable sperm, the testes must be at the right temperature, and these muscles allow testes to be raised or lowered to control the temperature


seminal fluid one ejaculation contains 200-500 million sperm which provide only 1% of volume, 70% seminal vesicles, 30% from prostrate semen can transmit HIV if swallowed


sexuality was not sinful when performed as part of the marital union

ovarian follicle

small sac in which ovum develops, releases the egg when it matures

case studies

small samples can be illustrative (ex. gay identitcal twins)


store mature sperm, 20ft long, vas deferens starts @ epididymus

informed consent

subject knows what to expect, how the info will be used, and confidentiality will be assured Participants must be over 18

circumcision + phimosis

surgical, foreskin removal about 50% or males are circumcised, not recommended (neutral stance by American Academy of Pediatrics) benefits: lowers risk of HIV, STDs, UTIs, penis cancer, social reasons drawbacks: affects sex? (less sensitive), fear of risks, proper hygiene can lower risk of STDs phimosis- extremely tight foreskin

spermatic cord

testes are suspended by spermatic cord, carries sperm out of vas deferens

experimental method

to document causation independent & dependent variables random assignment


uncommon, often psychological origin involuntary muscle spasm

Mortan Hunt

used phone data to improve upon Kinsey frequency of premarital, oral, anal sex

breasts (+ components)

usually asymmetrical size has nothing to do w/ lactation- men can lactate as well w/ certain hormones fat pad (edipose tissue) + suspensory ligaments determine firmness & size mammary glands- sacs that produce milk, milk travels down milk glands to nipple areola- surrounds nipple


vaginal entrance, usually closed


vaginal/vulvar pain burning, stinging, usually chronic, many causes

bacterial vaginosis

very common imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria -symptoms: off-white vaginal discharge, malodorous w/o irritation -risk factors: douching or new/multiple sexual partner (but role is unclear), douching destroys balance of bacteria -treatment: intra-vaginal or oral antibiotic meds

urinary tract infection (UTI's)

very common imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria -symptoms: urgency, frequency, painful urination -prevention: urinate before/after sex, cranberry juice/tablets, no genital contact after anal contact -treatment: water, cranberry juice/tablets, prescription antibiotics important if infection enters uterus

specific vaginal problems: candidiasis

very common yeast infection- overgrowth of fungus regularly present in vagina itching, burning, redness in vagina & vulva white, cottage-cheese like discharge, usually odorless -risk factors: antibiotics, oral contraceptives -prevention: eat yogurt -treatment: intra-vaginal or oral medication intercourse can be uncomfortable

glans of clitoris

visible portion, pea sized, analogous to penis, can harden and become erect like penis


voluntary & involuntary muscle contraction during sexual activity


walnut sized produce & house eggs, excrete hormones about 400,00 eggs @ birth


woman's essence (yin) was viewed as inexhaustible, man's essence (yang/semen) was limited -Asian American women masturbate significantly less than non Asian American women


women like it to begin slowly and gradually blowing air into a pregnant woman can force air into uterine veins and cause air bubbles to obstruct a vessel- leading to vatal air embolism most popular sex for lesbian/bisexual

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