Psych 2e Ch 13 Review (quiz)

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Hershel is a strict, goal-oriented manager. When his team achieves their daily productivity goals he rewards them with long lunches and bonus pay. When his team falls behind, he extends the work day by an hour and cuts lunch by fifteen minutes. What type of leader is Hershel?

Walter Dill Scott

Which individual was one of the first psychologists to apply the science of the field to advertising, management, and personnel selection?


Which term describes a form of informal training in which an experienced employee guides the work of a new employee?


According to Edwin Locke, job ________ is the state of feeling resulting from appraising one's job experiences, and a more modern definition includes the extent to which a person enjoys their job.


Dr. Diop is the head of an academic department in a school whose teachers have all been told to teach from home for the next month. She gets them all to have weekly check-ins using web-conferencing software so that they can meet while they're all at home. This is an example of a ________ team.

occupational health

Dr. Smyth conducts research that examines how stress, disease, and disorders can impact individuals in the workplace. She is working in the area of ________ psychology.

job stress

Isolation, a lack of job security, work overload, harassment, and bullying are all examples of factors that can lead to ________.

42 to 54

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American work spends approximately ________ hours working each week.

work-family balance

Carlos is a small business owner. Recently, he became the primary caretaker for his aging mother. He works long hours at his business while also making sure that his mother can keep her medical appointments and has company in the evening. This exemplifies ________.

hostile environment

Rosetta is a master electrician. Often, she is the only woman at the construction site. Her male coworkers frequently make sexual comments about her appearance and tape explicit pictures of women up at the worksite. She complains to the site manager, but he tells her to toughen up. What form of sexual harassment does this represent?

Wilhelm Wundt

Several influential early psychologists studied issues that today would be categorized as industrial psychology. These individuals included James Cattell, Hugo Münsterberg, and Walter Dill Scott, who were all students of ________.


The notion that workers tend to show an increase in performance when they know that they are being observed is called the ________ effect.

Any change in a variable, such as lighting levels, led to an improvement in productivity; this was true even when the change was negative, such as a return to poor lighting.

What did the researchers, who identified the Hawthorne effect, see as evidence that employee performance was influenced by something other than the physical work conditions?


What is the favored term for human factors psychology in Europe?

driver who can operate a forklift in small spaces, drive a cement-mixer, and handle explosive material

Which of the following exemplifies an advertisement that would reflect a task-oriented approach to job analysis?

Managers neglect improving their weaknesses and overusing their strengths.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of strengths-based management?

feeling of being treated unfairly, unjustly, or disrespectfully

Which of the following is a frequent trigger for workplace violence?


Melora has a sick child at home. Her employer allows her to ________ for a week, so she can work from home, set her own hours, and complete most of her work while caring for her child.

how human behavior and psychology affect work and how they are affected by work

Industrial-organizational psychology is a branch of psychology that studies ________.

immutable characteristic

Which concept describes traits that are fundamental to one's personal identity (e.g., skin color and hair texture) that an employer cannot use to discriminate in hiring job applicants?

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