Psych chapter 9-13

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A characteristic or adult friendships is that:

friendships improve with age

Sternberg's love types and components: romantic love

intimacy and passion

Sternberg's love types and components: infatuation

passion only

Twins Sofia and Yeira do not have the same level of attentiveness throughout the day. Their parents discussed their concerns with the twins' primary physician. Their physician explained that some people, especially males, are naturally more alert at dusk than in the morning, a genetic trait called


organ reserve

extra power organs employ when needed

The belief that family members should sacrifice personal freedom and success to care for one another is:


Which problem is most likely to occur during adulthood?


From the time she was old enough to talk, Alpina, was told by her parents how wonderful it would be for her to become a teacher. Alpina got a teacher degree because it had always been expected of her, but she never explored other career options. Alpina's identity status would be described by Marcia as:


What is Piaget's fourth and final stage of cognitive development?

formal operational thought

Which psychosocial stage BEST represent Erikson's idea that adults "need to be needed"?

generativity v. stagnation

During the adolescent growth spurt:

growth proceeds from the extremities to the core.

When it comes to sexually transmitted infections worldwide, _______ cases occur in those younger than 26.

half of all new

After tennis practice, Audra was covered in sweat. While walking home with friends, Audra explained that sweating when it is hot is an example of:


Seventeen-year-old Noah has lost interest in their college applications and has stopped attending their future business leaders of America after-school club. One day after school, they told their friends "I don't see the point of going." Based on one's understanding of psychosocial development, Noah is likely experiencing.

identity diffusion

Heidi and Taylor come from an upper middle-class family and after college went through a period of exploration. They spent some time traveling around Asia, worked at Disneyland for a few summers, waited tables in a ski town and learned to snowboard, and then attended college and have made a clear commitment of going into business. According to Marcia, the sibling's current identity status would be described as:

identity of achievement

Julio spends several hours dressing in the morning. They are concerned with others' thoughts on each day's clothes and also practice potential conversations to prepare for interactions with classmates. Julio's behavior reflects the power of:

imaginary audience

During the fifth stage of psychosocial development, an adolescent who is confused as to which of the many possible roles to adopt is said to be:

in a crisis of identity versus role confusion

Which drug category follows a different age trend and is used more by younger adolescents than the others?



internal state of balance

Sternberg's love types and components: liking

intimacy only

The social nature of humans during adulthood is evident and highlighted in Erikson's psychological stage of:

intimacy v. isolation

The adolescent's belief that they cannot be overcome or even harmed by anything that might defeat a normal mortal is called the:

invincibility fable

Which statement describes and important component of healthy parental monitoring?

it derives from a warm, supportive connection.

In the United States, young people aged 15 to 25 make up _____ of the sexually active population and account for ______of all sexually transmitted infections.

less than 1/4; 1/2

Adolescence is typically considered a time when children distance themselves from their parents, but in fact parental influence during this time:

may be less immediate but is no less important

The cessation of ovulation is referred to as:


Serious depression among adolescents is:

more common in females than males

Rodriguez is 6 feet, 1 inch tall and has a BMI of 35. Jose recently went to the doctor and learned that with a BMI of 35, he would be classified as:


Overdose deaths from _____ are generally after the age of 30.


Overdose deaths from ______ are generally after age of 30.


The unused potential of organs is called

organ reserve

prefrontal cortex

part of the brain that regulates emotional responses

Sternberg's love types and components: consummate love

passion, commitment, and intimacy

Avery believes they should have more freedom. They argue with their mother frequently, mostly resulting from their desire for more independence from their mother. This conflict can be expected to:

peak during early adolescence

The idea that peers will push a teen to do something that adults disapprove of is referred to as:

peer pressure

Fictive Kin

people who are not genetically related to the family but are treated like family

emerging adulthood

period from 18-25;

Erikson described four arenas of identity formation as being the religious, the sexual, the vocational, and the:


A stage of cognitive development that enables one to combine contradictory elements into a comprehensive whole is called

postformal thought

What part of the brain does not reach full maturation until individuals are in their mid-20s?

prefrontal cortex

______ is NOT a component of family closeness.


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been shown:

reduce incidence of osteoporosis.

Fifteen -year-old Greta's parents are active in their local political party. Greta's political beliefs will MOST likely:

reflect the beliefs of her parents

_____ is a situation in which an adolescent does not seem to know or care what their identity is

role confusion

Television shows and videos that are most watched by teens include sexual content almost ______ each hour

seven times

Which of these describes the development of religious beliefs of adolescents?

similar to parents, but prone to questioning

Customs for usual behavior within a particular society are known as

social norms

Which action is the MOST likely indicator of moratorium for an emerging adult?

taking a year off to backpack across Europe

Dr. Brown presented research on childhood and adolescent sleep schedules to the local school board. She explained that ________ are notoriously sleep deprived in the hope that the school start time would be altered.


Which statement about peer selection is TRUE?

teens select friends whose values and interests they share.

Homeostasis is:

the body's state of equilibrium that naturally adjusts to any disruption

During what period of marriage are married couples the happiest?

the first six months


the lack sleep, activity, and nutrients can take a toll on the body

All of the following are reasons for a decrease in adolescent crime EXCEPT:

the media is more thorough about reporting adolescent crime

One hallmark of formal operational thought is the ability to:

think of possibility

suicidal ideation

thinking about suicide

Which age group of women is the only one that is currently experiencing increasing birth rates?

those over 39

An important aspect of expertise is related to accumulated knowledge through experience and therefore directly related to:


Adolescents from 15 to 17 years old are ________ times more likely to break the law than those over the age of 18.


Skipped generation families

when parents are not in a home and the children live with the grandparents

The MOST obvious change in colleges worldwide in the last 50 years is the increased enrollment of:


Oxygen dispersal in the bloodstream reduces about _____ percent per decade.

1 *possibly wrong*

How many adults under age 45 take antidepressant medications?

1 in 11

The ratio of United States adults over 50 who are divorced is:

1 in 4

Arrange Maslow's stages in order from BOTTOM to TOP:

1. physiological 2. safety 3. love/belonging 4. esteem 5. self-actualization

As many as ______ of all high school and college individuals experience violence in a dating relationship or with intimate partners.


Hearing is MOST acute at age:


Children who are raised in household with intimate partner violence are ______ times more likely to experience abuse themselves


The period of emerging adulthood occurs between ______ years old.


What percent of births involve in vitro fertilization?


In the United States, the peak age for automobile driver death as a result of a motor vehicle accident is ______ years old.


Less than _______ percent of individuals are married/have children during emerging adulthood.


Aaron and Jan are trying to conceive their first child and have sought the advice of a fertility specialist due to their age; both are over 40. The fertility specialist advises, if couples over the ages of 40 attempt to conceive, approximately _____ percent experience infertility.


Grandparenthood begins on average at the age of:


The average age of menopause is:


Serious depression affects 1 in ______ girls and 1 in ______ boys during adolescence.

5; 10

How old is the average new stepchild?


Approximately what percentage of young adults in the United States rated their health as good, very good, or excellent?


All of the following EXCEPT is usually true of Intimate Partner Violence

does not happen outside of marriage

The number one cause of injury to women between the ages of 15-44 is:

domestic violence

Who should exhibit the BEST logical skills?

Abigail who is 25

Hanninah identifies as part of the WEIRD group. Hanninah explained to coworkers that the acronym WEIRD is used in the research to identify a specific group of emerging adults that may not generalize to the rest of the world's populations. Which of these characteristics would not fit WEIRD.


The sexual-reproductive system is at its strongest during:

emerging adulthood

individuals typically have the most friends of their lives in this stage:

emerging adulthood

Which statement is TRUE about adolescent anger?

Bouts of anger are common during adolescence

The notion that two networks exist within the brain, one for emotional and one for analytical processing of stimuli, describes:

Concept of duel processing

Which of the following is a secondary sex characteristic?

Females' hips grow wider

Who coined the term emerging adulthood?

Jeffery Arnett

_____ is the MOST advanced process of cognition.

Post-formal thought

Vina and Clark were asked to give a presentation on the causes of puberty to their science class. They described to the class that the route that many hormones follow to trigger the changes of puberty is called:

The HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis

Which statement concerning a teenager's brain growth is TRUE?

The limbic system matures before the prefrontal cortex does

Why are many teenagers thrill seekers?

The prefrontal cortex is not yet mature.

sandwich generation

Those who are raising children and caring for parents at the same time

empty nest

Time to re-evaluate life after your children leave your home

Emerging Adulthood encompasses two psychosocial stages: Identity v. Role confusion and Intimacy v. Isolation.


During adolescence, psychosocial development is primarily a search to answer the question:

Who am I?

What is andropause?

a drop in testosterone levels seen in older men

Senescence is:

a gradual physical decline that occurs with age

cluster suicides

a term for several suicides with the time being close and the victims are linked in someway

Which are the three leading causes of death among people aged 18 to 25?

accidents, homicides, suicides

Dr. Lucas gave a lecture on well-being and improving health. Dr. Lucas explained to the audience that a dynamic body adjustment related to homeostasis that affects overall physiology over time is called:


Teenagers are likely to experience sleep deprivation as a consequence of their:

altered circadian rhythm


an individual tasked with uniting the family and has everyone come together

What disorder is characterized by voluntary starvation?

anorexia nervosa


any deliberate action of self-harm that could have been lethal but was not

One symptom of bulimia nervosa is:

binging and purging

a practical skill of postformal thought is the ability to:

combine subjective thoughts from personal experiences with objective thoughts from abstract logic.

Sternberg's love types and components: empty love

commitment only

High school romances:

commonly lead to breakups and to crushes that are not reciprocated.

adolescence-limited offender

criminal activity ends by the age pf 21

Which intelligence do psychologists believe increases with time/age?

crystallized intelligence

The thought process that involves taking a general statement, premise, or principle and using logical steps to figure out specifics is called:

deductive reasoning

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