Psych Exam 2

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In which of these decades would psychologists have been LEAST likely to claim a research interest in consciousness?


If a person gently wakes someone who is in the REM stage of sleep, there is about a(n) _____ percent chance the person will report being in the middle of a dream.


Allan is 34. Beryl is 50. Callie is 63. Which of these individuals is middle-aged?

Beryl and Callie are middle-aged, whereas Allan is not.

Hussein is concerned because he cannot remember events before he was about 4 years old. What is the MOST likely cause for this infantile amnesia?

His hippocampus was not developed enough.

Recently, there was a horrible story about a 14-year-old girl who was kept in isolation by her parents and was not exposed to any type of language. Now that she is out of isolation, what is the MOST likely outcome for her language development?

It is unlikely she will be able to master any language.

Which individual is expected to show the MOST severe grief?

Melanie, whose husband died suddenly in a car accident

A woman who is seven months pregnant has been reciting poems and singing to her fetus. Is she wasting her time?

No, she is not wasting her time. Her baby can hear her and will likely recognize her voice immediately after birth.

During adolescence, most individuals achieve _____'s cognitive stage of formal operations.


Which statement about death and dying is false?

Terminally ill and bereaved people go through predictable stages of grief, such as denial before anger.

Which effect is NOT associated with stimulants?

a drop in respiration

Rather than just seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, consciousness helps one to:

act in one's long-term interests.

The wear and tear of telomeres is accelerated by all of these EXCEPT:

alcohol consumption.

"I don't care whether you want to wash the dishes, you will do it because I said so!" This statement is MOST representative of a(n) _____ parenting style.


Leon's parents set firm rules, but are responsive to his needs. They give him a chance to explain himself, and also explain their position on why they cannot allow him to stay out past midnight. Leon's parents have a(n) _____ parenting style.


Dr. Gonzales seeks to account for the substance abuse of her therapy clients in terms of their abusive home environments, their limited sense of life purpose, and the altered functioning of their neurotransmitter systems. Dr. Gonzales is MOST clearly using a _____ approach to understanding addictive behaviors.


Two sealed, pyramid-shaped containers contain what are clearly identical amounts of a liquid. However, a child suddenly judges them as holding different amounts of liquid after one container is inverted. The child apparently lacks a:

concept of conservation.

Dr. Cole's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-raising practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is MOST likely that Dr. Cole is a _____ psychologist.


Dr. Matsuko's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-raising practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is MOST likely that Dr. Matsuko is a _____ psychologist.


Jarmilla dreamt that she was driving a shiny red sports car and that she was pulled over by the police, but the officer was her best friend. Her psychoanalyst interpreted this as meaning that Jarmilla feels her friend is holding her back. In this case, the _____ represents manifest content and the _____ represents latent content.

dream content; interpretation

When Marcia goes into the bedroom to check on the child she is babysitting, she observes that his eyes are rapidly moving back and forth under his eyelids. The child is also lying very still. It is likely that he is:


Selective attention is NOT illustrated by:

dual processing

Compared to a century ago, menarche now occurs _____ in life and adult independence begins _____ in life.

earlier; later

What do developmental psychologists seek to understand?

growth and change across the life span

Ten-year-old Janelle is sad. She is crying. Her older brother looks at her and then continues watching television. He may be showing signs of:

impaired theory of mind.

Corey is trying to cut back on his consumption of caffeinated beverages. He will NOT experience:

increased energy

José has trouble falling sleep. Even though he goes to bed at 11 each night, he is often still awake at 2 or 2:30 in the morning. José suffers from:


According to Erik Erikson, older adults can MOST effectively cope with the prospect of their own death if they have achieved a sense of:


Erik Erikson proposed that at the _____ versus _____ stage of life, people struggle to form close relationships and to gain the capacity for adult romantic love.

intimacy; isolation

Judith just turned 68 years old. Judith is in the developmental stage called _____ adulthood.


Carole has stopped ovulating and is now incapable of reproduction. Carole has experienced:


Men do not experience anything equivalent to _____; that is, they do not experience a cessation in fertility or a sharp drop in hormones.


When adolescents reach the stage of formal operations, they tend to become:

more idealistic.

Philip is worried that he will become addicted to the depressant he has been taking to relieve his pain and anxiety. He is MOST likely taking a(n) _____.


What marks the beginning of adolescence?

physical signs of sexual maturation

Jeannette is in her mid-seventies and she is in remarkably good health. If she were to worry about getting sick, she should probably worry MOST about:


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the majority of children younger than age 9 have a _____ morality.


_____ is the capacity to focus awareness specifically on certain stimuli to the exclusion of others.

selective attention

Chuck is a middle-aged, overweight man who snores loudly and feels very sleepy during the day. Chuck may be suffering from a sleep disorder called:

sleep apnea

Juan Carlos' son was just arrested for setting the school's outdoor shed on fire. Juan Carlos and his wife admitted to the police that their son has always had an aggressive streak. This example represents the _____ side of the _____ developmental issue.

stability; stability and change

When Mary puts her finger onto her newborn daughter's mouth, the baby pulls Mary's finger into her mouth. The baby is demonstrating the _____ reflex.


Benny enjoys the feelings created by drinking alcohol. However, over the last several years he has noticed that it takes more and more alcohol to create the desired effects. MOST specifically, Benny's experience illustrates the phenomenon of:


Thomas smokes crack cocaine. When he first started using it, he used to get high using a small amount but now he finds he needs to smoke more and more to get the same high. This is an example of _____.


Jose is trying to quit smoking. A withdrawal symptom that he would NOT experience is:

weight loss

Puberty is a time:

when one is maturing sexually.

Leanne is 5 months old. Chastity is 8 months old. Dominique is 25 months old. Which infant should show the MOST evidence of stranger anxiety?


The process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence was highlighted by _____ theory.

Erik Erikson's psychosocial development

If one studies through the night and does not sleep to prepare for an exam, how is this likely to affect one's ability to remember material the next day during the exam?

One will remember less than if one slept.

Karen is a research assistant at the psychology lab and is surprised to find that the mice cortices she is studying are thinner and lighter than normal. What might have happened?

They were raised in deprived environments.

_____ is a condition in which a person can respond to a visual stimulus without actually experiencing it.

blind sight

Because of cataracts, a neighbor was deprived of visual experiences during early childhood. Last year, her vision was restored by surgery but she is having difficulty in dealing with the visual world. This is probably because:

brain cells normally devoted to vision died or were diverted to other uses.

In grade school, Jessica thought boys had cooties and refused to be within inches of them. Now in high school, she flirts with boys and is anticipating dancing close with some of them at an upcoming dance. Her attitude toward boys represents the _____ side of the _____ developmental issue.

change; stability and change

An introductory psychology student expresses an interest in growth and change during childhood and adolescence. Which psychology course should the student consider taking next semester?

developmental psychology

Norma lost her baby during her eighth week of pregnancy. During which stage of prenatal development did she have the miscarriage?


If professional baseball players are a valid indication, one's physical peak occurs in one's:

late twenties.

Like infants all over the world, Jonah could sit before he could stand, and stand before he could walk. This orderly sequence of motor milestones reflects:


A researcher develops a self-report questionnaire assessing "morningness." High scores indicate the tendency toward being a lark, or morning person, whereas low scores indicate the tendency toward being a night owl. Based on the textbook's discussion, the researcher should find a _____ correlation between scores on this measure and scores on a measure of the Big Five trait of openness, and a ______ correlation between scores on this measure and scores on a measure of the Big Five trait of conscientiousness.

negative; positive

Studying for his final exams, Leon is forced to do a great deal of memorization. Unfortunately, his next-door neighbor has a dog that is prone to barking at night. Amazingly, the barking coincides almost precisely with Leon's REM sleep cycle, interrupting his ability to dream. Leon does very poorly on his exams. According to the information-processing theory of dreams, an explanation for his poor performance is:

the barking interfered with his REM sleep, which interfered with memory consolidation.

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