Psych exam 2

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Implicit memory formation involves the _


Five year old Dennis is frightened by the noise thunder makes. When Dennis sees lighting, he cries in anticipation of the thunder. This is an example of _ conditioning


In _ conditioning an organism learns association between events it doesn't control


John has been a coffee drinker since he started college three years ago. Now he finds that anytime he smells coffee when he enters a nearby Starbucks, he starts to feel more alert and awake before he even takes a sip of coffee. This is an example of _

Classical conditioning

A(n) _ is a mental representation of the layout of ones environment. For example, after exploring a maze, rats act as if they have learned this kind of mental representation

Cognitive map

_ is a process of learning associations


It has been demonstrated that professional psychologists who specialize in interviewing children:

Could not be differentiated the children's real memories from false memories, nor could the children

After being bitten by his neighbor's dog, Miguel experienced fear at the sight of that dog but not at the sight of other dogs. Miguel's response best illustrates _


Malik is trying to make an online purchase, but he doesn't have his credit card. He calls his wife, who reads the 16-digit credit card number to him. Unfortunately, Malik cannot remember the number long enough to type into the computer. This is because short-term memory is limited in _ and capacity


From another room, Amanda called out to Juan to ask where he had put the car keys. At first, Juan thought he hadn't heard what Amanda asked. A second later, the question registered in his mind and he answered, "on the bedroom dresser." _ memory can explain this phenomenon


Victor often pretends to listen to what his sister is saying when he is really focused elsewhere. When she asks him, "what did I just say?", he can sometimes repeat her last few words. The mechanism behind this is his_

Echoic memory

Studying for a psychology test requires _ processing. It takes attention and conscious work, but pays off with lasting and accessible memories


Problem-focused coping is to getting a deadline extended as _ is to binge drinking


After breaking up with her boyfriend, Irina alleviated her stress by avoiding contact with him and by planning recreational activities with her best girlfriend, Irina's behavior best illustrates:

Emotion-focused coping

If one learns a list of chemistry terms while one is in a great mood, one has a better chance of recalling that list if one is in the same mood when one takes the exam. This is known as:

State-dependent memory

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by avoiding or ignoring a(n) _ , and attending to emotional needs related to one's stress reaction, is known as emotion-focused coping


The _ effect refers to the tendency to recall best the last items in a list


By the age of _ months, infants will imitate acts modeled on television


Repeated exposure to graphic violence in movies, television, and violent video games tends to cause _ to observed violence


Moderate exersice has been found to increase the average life expectancy by an average of _

2 years

British research affirms the results of Meyer Friedman's studies by showing that relaxation training may reduce such outcomes as heart attack recurrence and premature death by roughly _ percent


A word of praise is to a delicious meal as _ is to _

A conditioned reinforcer ; a primary reinforcer

If an empathetic boy sees his sibling getting scolded for misbehavior, which type of neuron is likely to be activated in him as response

A mirror neuron

Which statement about sexual abuse is false?

A recognizable group of symptoms known as "survival syndrome" has been identified

Kamilla is glad to hear that her history exam will be all multiple choice questions. She feels she has a better chance to pass by using _


Gloria is jumping rope, thereby increasing her heart's fitness. Gloria is exemplifying _

Aerobic exercise

The process of learning and imitating _ is called modeling


Many business organizations effectively use _ to train communications, sales, and customer service skills. Trainees gain skills faster when they are able to observe the skills being practiced effectively by experienced workers

Behavior modeling

People tend to use emotion-focused, rather than problem-focused, coping strategies when they _

Believe they cannot change a stressful situation

Psychologist, John Garcia found that rats did not learn to associate a taste with flashing lights and noise. However, rats did learn to associate a taste with getting ill. Which concept best accounts for this observation?

Biological preparedness

The three steps in the typical information-processing model of memory are:

Encoding, storage, retrieval

Mabel has Alzheimer's disease and has lost her _ memories for people and events, however she is able to display an ability to form new _ memories by being repeated

Explicit ; implicit

After receiving approval to begin a long awaited consulting project, dr. Morris was much more inclined to contribute to the local giving campaign in town. This best illustrates the _ phenomenon

Feel-good, do-good

Nupura receives a money saving credit card offer in the mail complete with a frequent flyer reward program. Nupura is excited until she reads the fine print and realizes that the one mile for every dollar spent may not be such a great offer at all. She'll get a $500 airline ticket only after she acquires 25,000 miles or spends $25,000. This offer is a _ schedule


In roger's psychology laboratory he and his lab partner conditioned a rat to press a lever for food when a ref light was on, but discovered that the rat would also press the lever when a white light was on. Roger and his partner reported that the rat had exhibited _


In Laurie's psychology laboratory she and her lab partner conditioned a rat to press a lever for food when a res light was on, but discovered that the rat would also press the lever when a white light was on. Laurie and her partner reported that the rat has exhibited _ through _ conditioning

Generalization ; operant

The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the impact of happiness on _


Loren is studying emotion in her psychology class, and is surprised to find out that in individualistic cultures, _ is related to happiness; in communal cultures _ matters more

High self-esteem; social acceptance

Nine year old jade has just discovered something very interesting. She can look at a picture in a book and, when she closes her eyes, she can still see the picture very clearly for a few tenths of a second. Jade is experiencing _

Iconic memory

Observational learning involves learning through _


How to ride a bike is a(n) _ memory, whereas the memory of being taught by a parent to ride a bike is a(n) _ memory

Implicit ; explicit

_ memory refers to retention of information that is independent of conscious recollection, whereas _ refers to memory for facts and experiences

Implicit ; explicit

Six year old Fiona has no memory of a trip she took to the hospital when she was two years old, yet the rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail. Her inability to remember this event is known as _ amnesia


As a practical joke, Nadine tells her younger brother a story about an event that did not happen when he was 4 years old. She said he called 911 to report a fight they were having. Nadine repeats this story several times, until her brother begins to believe that he had dialed 911. This is an example of imagination _


The biological predisposition to perform natural behaviors that can interfere with learning operant behaviors is called _

Instinctive drift

Who is most likely to have memory difficulties?

Jane, who studies Spanish and French back-to-back

The idea that an animal's natural behavior patterns did not matter and has little or no effect on the effectiveness of operant conditioning principles was challenged by research conducted by

Keller and Marian Breland

One study of happiness and income surveyed U.S. College students in 1976, then restudied them when they were 37. Because the same participants were assessed over an extended period, the study exemplifies a(n) _ research design


Dwayne has been working nights and weekend to get a project completed at work. When he succeeds, his boss surprises him with a bonus. This best illustrates the value of positive _


Raoul decided to ask a hypnotherapist to help him deal with difficult childhood issues. If the hypnotherapist asks leading questions, Raoul's "hypnotically refreshed" memories can be inaccurate because of_

Memory construction

Which is not a way to improve memory?

Minimize retrieval cues

Handy was sitting in the park one day and witnessed a robbery. When asked by the police to describe the young suspect, Tandy erroneously recalled that the suspect was a teenager rather than a middle-aged adult. Yancy's experience BEST illustrates the _ effect


Danielle's daughter repeatedly hits her playmates during their game of tag. Danielle denied her daughter dessert as a consequence. This is an example of _ punishment


According to _ conditioning principals, parents should not yell to express their anger when dealing with a young girl who is resistant to going to school every morning


Zach wants to train his dog to sit and lay down on command. Zach should use _ conditioning to train his dog


_ conditioning is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher


Animals and humans learn about the consequences of behavior through _

Operant conditioning

The cognitive processes in _ involve the organism expecting that a response will be reinforced or punished with or without reinforcement, while in _ an organism develops an expectation that the CS signals the arrival of a US

Operant conditioning ; classical conditioning

The famous bobo doll study showed that

Performance of a behavior was affected by the cognitive expectation of reinforcement or punishment

_ psychology is devoted to the scientific study of human flourishing


The faith factor denotes a _ correlation between religious activity and _

Positive ; life expectancy

Behaviorist and learning researcher Gregory Kimble acknowledged that learning in animals is not just a matter of responding to the environment but it is limited by the animals' _ to learn associations that enhance their chances of survival


Placing oneself back in the context in which one experienced something can _ one's memory retrieval


_ occurs when something previously learned interfered with recall of something newly learned

Proactive interference

Dr. santos prefers to give all essay and fill in the blank questions to fully test students' _


Essay questions are a good way to test _


Professor padmore uses multiple choice and fill in questions to test her students':

Recall and recognition ability

Essay questions are to multiple choice questions as:

Recall is to recognition

Katrina studied Russian in high school. Although not fluent, she did accumulate a large vocabulary. Years later, she decided to go to Russia, so she wanted to brush up on her vocabulary. She picked up the vocabulary much more quickly because it is easier to _; that is, to learn the material for a second time


Kiki is studying for her cumulative final exam in astronomy. Earlier in the semester, she learned and was tested on the material. She finds that she is having an easier time _ the material


_ is the measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material again


Maximizing _ cues is a good way to improve memory


The process of accessing information in memory is called _


Darlene is trying to remember the name of a woman sitting next to her on the bus. She knows she met her at a party and she is trying to remember which one. Darlene is able to imagine where the woman was seated at the party, as well as what she was eating. Darlene is using _ to remember the woman's name

Retrieval cues

Tavi easily remembers the Japanese vocabulary he studied that afternoon. However, he finds it difficult to remember the Chinese vocabulary he studied that morning. His difficulty BEST illustrates _ interference


_ occurs when something newly learned interferes with something previously learned

Retroactive interference

Aerobic exercise increases the body's production of _ and increases its production of endorphins


Theo suffers from depression and is currently in treatment. His physician is using electroconvulsive therapy, which will affect his _ memory.


Several months after watching a science fiction movie about space travel and alien abduction, Steve began to remember that aliens had abducted him and had subjected him to many of the horrors portrayed in the movie. His mistaken recall BEST illustrates _

Source amnesia

According to the national institute of health, biofeedback is most effective in treating:

Tension headaches

Religious activity emphasizes self-control. This means that religious activity promotes _

The ability to limit impulses and delay short-term gratification

_ occurs when one incorporates misleading information into one's memory of an event

The misinformation effect

In a famous experiment, John Garcia gave novel food to one group of rats and familiar food to another group of rats. Then both groups of rats were made to vomit. According to Garcia's work, which group of rats developed an aversion to their food?

The rats given the novel food

Jaspreet is struggling to remember a word. She knows that she knows it-she just can't get it "out of her mouth." She is experiencing the _ phenomenon


Umberto is struggling to remember a word. He knows that he knows it-he just can't get it "out of his mouth." He is experiencing the _ phenomenon


Which statement best expresses the relationship between humanistic psychology and positive psychology?

To large extent, positive psychology reflects the intellectual legacy of humanistic psychology

Before the bell was ever presented, Pavlov's dog salivated each time food was present. The _ is salivation

Unconditioned response

The _ phenomenon refers to the impact of happiness on helpfulness

feel-good, do-good

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