Psych Exam

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The term central nervous system refers to Cerebral cortex and cerebellum Grey matter Autonomic system Spinal cord and cerebellum Brain and spinal cord

Brain and spinal cord

What brain scan can measure subtle changes in brain electrical activity? MRI CT scan EEG PET scan


Where in neurons are neurotransmitters normally produced and stored? Terminal branches The axon The soma The myelin sheath The dendrites

The dendrites

In the diagram shown which letter indicates the part of the eye that inverts and bends the light waves? Cornea Pupil Lens Retina Iris


Proximity, closure, and continuity are examples of Figure-ground Perceptual constancy Depth perception Grouping Motion perception


The stage of sleep in which an EEG would detect the bursts of rhythmic activity known as sleep spindles is called REM sleep NREM-1 NREM-2 NREM-3 Hypnagogic sleep


If this picture represents the sequence of classical conditioning, what does the bell represent in slide 2? Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response Neutral stimulus

Neutral stimulus

Reyna's therapist reminds her of her father in many ways. As a result, she has many of the same reactions to the therapist as she has to her father. This illustrates the concept of Habituation Shaping Delayed reinforcement Generalization Spontaneous recovery


Marijuana falls under what category of psychoactive drug? Depressant Mood elevator Stimulant Mood depressant Hallucinogen


Learned helplessness is more likely to occur when an organism Receives negative reinforcement Has an internal locus of control Receives positive reinforcement Has an external locus of control

Has an external locus of control

What is the median of the following distribution: 6, 2, 9, 4, 7, 3 4 5 5.5 6 6.5


In a normal distribution, what percentage of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean? 24 34 95 68 50


In the diagram shown, which part of the ear is involved with converting sound into electrical impulses? Auditory canal Tympanic membrane (ear drum) Cochlea Auditory nerve Semicircular canals

Auditory nerve

Difficulty in typing smoothly on a keyboard would most likely result from damage to the Amygdala Hippocampus Cerebellum Pituitary gland Temporal lobe


Which part of the brain is called the "little brain?" Cerebral cortex Frontal lobe Amygdala Reticular formation Cerebellum


Which of the following psychoactive drugs increases nervous system activity? Cocaine Alcohol Opioids Barbiturates Heroin


Denise just transferred from another school. She is having trouble adjusting to her new environment because she is very shy and is finding it difficult to make new friends. Which of the following types of psychologist might best help Denise work through this adjustment period? Clinical Personality Humanistic Educational Counseling


The primary purpose of the myelin sheath is to Reduce the amount of unused neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft Facilitate the incoming stimulus signals as sensory receptors Increase the speed of conduction of the action potential along the axon Protect the terminal branches of the neuron from damage by enzymes Increase the speed of passage of the action potential across the synapse

Increase the speed of conduction of the action potential along the axon

Blocking the reuptake of serotonin results in which of the following Decreased receptor sites Increased serotonin availability Long-term potentiation Increased action potential

Increased serotonin availability

Wolfgang Kohler considered a chimpanzee's sudden solving of a problem evidence of Spontaneous recovery Instinct Modeling Latent learning Insight learning

Insight learning

Afterimages can be explained by which of the following? Dichromatic color perception Color detection by rods The opponent process theory The trichromatic theory Lack of dark adaptation

Lack of dark adaptation

As a result of a cerebral hemorrhage, a patient lost the ability to breathe and died. An autopsy showed damage to which part of the brain? Amygdala Cerebellum Medulla Hippocampus Frontal lobe


Which neurotransmitter is likely in low supply if someone has narcolepsy? Serotonin Orexin Glutamate Dopamine Acetylcholine


A research group conducted a study investigating the connection between self-reported number of hours slept in a week and scores on a happiness measure. Based on the scatterplot here, the group can report that there is No relationship between amount of sleep and happiness Positive correlation Negative correlation Perfect positive correlation Perfect negative correlation

Positive correlation

In the diagram above, which letter indicates the part of the eye that contains the cones and rods? Cornea Pupil Lens Retina Iris


Which hemisphere of the brain is responsible for facial recognition of emotions? Right Left Left and right Corpus callosum None of the above


Theoretically, random assignment should eliminate Sampling error The need to use statistics Concerns over validity Many confounding variables The need for a representative sample

Sampling error

A physical stimulus is converted into a neural impulse through a process called Accommodation Adaptation Transduction Perception Priming


A scientist studies the impact of withholding affection on rats. In this example, the independent variable is ______________ and the dependent variable is _____________. Reaction of the rats; withholding of affection Withholding of affection; reaction of the rats Type of affection; reaction of the rats Reaction of the rats; type of affection

Withholding of affection; reaction of the rats

REM sleep, generally an "active" state of sleep, is accompanied by which of the following contradictory characteristics? Slowed respiration rate Immobilized muscles Reduced eye movement Slowed heart rate Lowered blood pressure

immobilized muscles

Which of the following is the strongest correlation? -.90 -.23 .40 .67 .72


Talia collects survey data that indicate students who spend more time preparing for the AP test tend to score better than other students. She can now conclude that Studying improves exam grades A relationship exists between studying and exam grades A significant correlation exists between studying and exam grades Anyone who does not study will do poorly on the exam Better students tend to study more

A relationship exists between studying and exam grades

The lowest volume level that a person can detect 50% of the time is referred to as the Difference threshold Weber's Law Signal detection theory Absolute threshold Sensory adaptation

Absolute threshold

Electrically stimulating a rat's amygdala would likely produce which of the following Calmness Coma Memory loss Aggression Sleep


Mr. Miles was teaching with a blue blazer on. He left the room momentarily and came back with a green blazer on. The fact that no one in the room noticed his new blazer is likely due to Inattentional blindness Cocktail party effect Retroactive interference Change blindness Storage decay

Change blindness

Julie is more alert in the morning than her brother Jack is more alert in the afternoon. This difference stems from a difference in the siblings' Sleep cycles Circadian rhythms Daily activities Personalities Melatonin levels

Circadian rhythms

Jose hypothesizes that a new drug will enhance mice's memories. He feeds the drug to the experimental group and gives the control group a placebo. He then times the mice as they learn to run through a maze. In order to know whether his hypothesis has been supported, Jose would need to use Scatter plots Descriptive statistics Histograms Inferential statistics Means-end analysis

Descriptive statistics

Which of the following is reduced during a fight-or-flight reaction? Adrenaline level Glucose level Respiration rate Heart rate Digestion


What technique controls for both experimenter and subject bias? Demand characteristics Double blind study Single blind study Hawthorne effect Correlational study

Double blind study

In extreme cases, severing the corpus callosum results in Epilepsy Aphasia Split brain Blindness Schizophrenia


The only type of research that can determine cause and effect is Survey Correlational study Longitudinal study Experiment Case study


May checks her phone every 30 minutes for incoming text messages. Her behavior is being maintained by what kind of reinforcement schedule? Fixed interval Variable interval Variable ratio Fixed ratio Continuous

Fixed interval

Latisha noticed that early in the evening she has difficulty seeing the vibrant colors in her artwork. Which of the following best explains her difficulty? Her rods are not functioning properly Her cones cannot detect color in dim light Light adaptation prevents sensation of color Her optic nerve is not correctly transferring color neural impulses Trichromatic color theory is at play

Her cones cannot detect color in dim light

Which of the following characterizes the role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the regulation of sleep? It responds to visual cues related to sleeping and waking It monitors levels of adenosine in the brain It acts with the endocrine system to control hunger and satiety. It acts with the eyes and pineal gland to regulate circadian rhythm. It inhibits the release of melatonin.

It inhibits the release of melatonin.

Karen can detect the position of her leg and foot while she walks. This arises by way of what sense? Vestibular sense Kinesthetic sense Cerebellar sense Olfactory sense Sixth sense

Kinesthetic sense

The information processing theory says that dreams Are random neural impulses with visual images Are our psychic safety valve, helping us express unacceptable feelings Occur during REM sleep as the brain deals with daily stress and events. Occur only after stressful events, explaining why some people never dream. Reflect our cognitive development

Occur during REM sleep as the brain deals with daily stress and events.

Which of the following statements concerning sleep is valid? Paradoxical sleep occurs during REM sleep. Longer dreams usually occur during the first sleep cycle. Individuals typically act out their dreams in real life. Sigmud Freud believed we dream to process the day's events. Sleep spindles occur during REM sleep.

Paradoxical sleep occurs during REM sleep.

Jessica is observing holiday lights in her neighborhood. One set of lights is blinking sequentially, giving the impression of a moving circle of lights. This represents the psychological term of Telekinesis Phi phenomenon Closure Continuity Accommodation

Phi phenomenon

Which of the following is FALSE as it relates to brain plasticity? The human brain has the ability to grow new neurons. After brain damage, the brain reorganizes and adapts to support the loss. The human brain is unable to regenerate dead neurons. Plasticity happens only in older brain structures. Plasticity allows humans to retrain our body after traumatic brain injuries

Plasticity happens only in older brain structures.

With which of the following statements would a behaviorist be most likely to agree? People are driven by unconscious forces Religious and cultural beliefs determine values and morals Psychology should study people's consciousness by asking them to report their conscious experiences By studying how people think and solve problem psychology can better understand how they behave Psychology can only study what we can observe, because this is all that can be empirically tested.

Psychology can only study what we can observe, because this is all that can be empirically tested.

Paradoxical sleep is to slow-wave sleep as _____________ sleep is to _____________ sleep. REM; stage 3 REM; stage 1 Stage 1; REM REM; stage 2 Stage 2; REM

REM; stage 3

Which of the following is used to reduce the effects of confounding variables in experiments? Descriptive statistics Inferential statistics Meta-analysis Algorithms Random assignment

Random assignment

A psychologist gives the same test to a class of students at the start of the day and again at the end of the day. The extent to which test scores are similar across the two administrations demonstrates which of the following? Validity Reliability Standardization Statistical significance Utility


Using cell phones while driving increases the number of accidents because use of the phone requires Perceptual constancy Feature detection Sensory adaptation Blindsight Selective attention

Selective attention

Which of the following sentences best describes the relationship between sensation and perception? Sensation is strictly a mechanical process, where perception is a cognitive process Perception is an advanced form of sensation Sensation happens in the senses, whereas perception happens in the brain. Sensation is detecting stimuli, perception is interpreting stimuli detected Sensation involves learning and expectations, and perception does not

Sensation is strictly a mechanical process, where perception is a cognitive process

Psychophysics is best described as Study of relationships between the physical characteristics and our psychological experience of them Study of changes in organisms caused by gene modification Study of the structure and function of the nervous system Study of the conscious and unconscious elements in the mind Study of the metaphysical laws of human behavior

Study of relationships between the physical characteristics and our psychological experience of them

Which of the following supports the opponent-process theory of color vision? Color constancy Feature detection Subtractive color mixing Afterimages Parallel processing

Subtractive color mixing

Dr. Grayson is interested in studying the relationship between weight loss and mood. To conduct the study, Dr. Grayson asks a group of Weight Watchers participants to describe their mood after reaching their goal weight. Which research strategy is Dr. Grayson using? Meta-analysis Naturalistic observation Experiment Survey Random sampling


Which of the following best describes how psychiatrists most often treat patients? Through intensive psychoanalysis Through behavioral therapy Through medication management Through dream analysis Through hypnosis

Through medication management

Simran has a sleep disorder for which she takes medically prescribed amphetamines. For which of the following sleep disorders is Simran most likely being treated? Narcolepsy Somnambulism Sleep apnea Insomnia Sleep terrors


During which stage of sleep is the brain the most active Non-REM 1 Non-REM 2 Non-REM 3 REM

Non-REM 2

Students from a journalism class ask only their friends to participate in a school newspaper survey and neglect to ask the rest of the student body. The journalism students' data may not be generalizable due to A lack of debriefing Sampling bias Participant bias Placebo Unethical research methods

Sampling bias

Laura arrives at a park that is located very close to a factory that produces cookies. She immediately notices the strong odor of chocolate chip cookies, but after a while she no longer detects the smell. This can be described as Accommodation Sensory adaptation Weber's law Assimilation Phi phenomenon

Sensory adaptation

When Rosa has a cold, she cannot taste the flavor of her pizza. Which of the following psychological terms describes her inability to taste? Vestibular sense Just-noticeable difference Feature analysis Optic chiasm Sensory interaction

Sensory interaction

The part of the brain that is considered grand central station for senses is Hypothalamus Cerebellum Thalamus Cerebral cortex Amygdala


Kohler's studies with apes are seen as demonstrating The apes' ability to communicate That apes are able to use objects from their natural environment as tools Latent learning in primates That learning can occur via insight Thorndike's law of effect

That learning can occur via insight

Desmond believes that nature is far more important in shaping personality than nurture. Desmond probably believes in the strong influence of Environment Learning Reinforcement Genetics Culture


Although Robert was sitting right next to his wife, he noticed the smell of a skunk before his wife. He must have a lower ___________ for skunk odor than his wife. Adaptation level Tolerance Absolute threshold Accommodation level Perception

Absolute threshold

Of the following, an evolutionary psychologist will most likely investigate the Age of children when they speak their first words Speed of an action potential Reason why many people have an innate fear of the dark Factors that make a person feel accepted by others Features of a car that make it easier for a person to operate

Age of children when they speak their first words

A drug that enhances the effect of a neurotransmitter by mimicking its effects or by preventing its breakdown in the synapse is referred to as what? Antagonist Transducer Stimulant Agonist Depressant


A person who drinks alcohol daily finds he needs to keep increasing his alcohol intake to get the same pleasure. He is experiencing Symptoms of withdrawal State-dependent learning Alcohol tolerance Fetal alcohol syndrome Sleep deprivation

Alcohol tolerance

A person who drinks alcohol daily finds he needs to keep increasing his alcohol intake to get the same pleasure. He is experiencing Symptoms of withdrawal State-dependent learning Fetal alcohol syndrome Addiction Alcohol tolerance

Alcohol tolerance

Which of the following diseases correlates with a lack of acetylcholine? Parkinson's Multiple Sclerosis Alzheimer's Autism Wernick's aphasia


What did Albert Bandura's Bobo doll experiments demonstrate? Children are likely to imitate the behavior of adults There may be a negative correlation between televised violence and aggressive behavior Children are more likely to copy what adults say than what adults do Allowing children to watch too much television is detrimental to their development Observational learning can explain the development of fears in children

Children are likely to imitate the behavior of adults

Perceiving events happening in remote locations is what type of extra-perceptual perception? Psychokinesis Precognition Hypnosis Telepathy Clairvoyance


Bailey had to get allergy shots weekly. Before administering them, the doctor would put rubbing alcohol on her skin. Now Bailey becomes fearful every time she smells rubbing alcohol. Which concept best explains Bailey's fear? Negative reinforcement Positive reinforcement Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Neutral stimulus

Classical conditioning

What does the bell represent in slide 4? Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response Neutral stimulus

Conditioned stimulus

Professor Pearson wants to design a project studying emotional response to date rape. He advertises for participants in the school newspaper. He informs them about the nature of the study, gets their consent, conducts an interview, and debriefs they about the results when the experiment is over. Which ethical considerations would you most likely have concern about in this study? Deception Informed consent Confounding variables Confidentiality Clear scientific purpose


Jonah is falling asleep on the couch when his body suddenly jerks and wakes him up. He remembers the sensation of falling right before he jerked awake. This is called a Hallucination Hypnagogic Sensation Latent content Manifest content

Hypnagogic Sensation

During the first phase of sleep, someone might experience the sensation of floating or falling. This is defined as Hypnagogic sensations Sleep apnea Accommodation Paradoxical sleep Narcolepsy

Hypnagogic sensations

Which of the following is an example of random sampling? Drawing names out of a hat from first period class for an experiment Having a computer generate a random list of 100 high school students Approaching any 50 students during lunch I only II only III only I and II I, II, and III

I and II

Classical conditioning is most effective when the neutral stimulus Precedes the conditioning stimulus by a few minutes Immediately precedes the conditioned stimulus Is presented at the same time as the conditioned stimulus Immediately precedes the unconditioning stimulus Follows the conditioned stimulus by a few minutes

Immediately precedes the unconditioning stimulus

Ani believes that her attitudes and behavior play a central role in what happens to her. Such a belief is likely to be associated with A strong ego Low self-esteem Internal locus of control Learned helplessness Extraverted personality

Internal locus of control

What is true about the blind spot in each eye? It is caused by an excess of cones/rods in the retina It is caused by retinal disparity It exists only in high levels of light It occurs where the optic nerve leaves the eye It occurs where the bipolar cells meet the ganglion cells

It occurs where the optic nerve leaves the eye

Professor Gonzalez is interested in evaluating the ability of a new method of note taking. Group A is trained in the new method. Group B uses the traditional method. What is the independent variable? Grades Group membership Subject matter used Number of students per group Method of note taking

Method of note taking

A child has learned that her teachers ignore rather than reward her tantrums with the hope the behavior will eventually stop. Which of the following operant principles are the teachers attempting to use to control the child's behavior? Negative reinforcement Delayed reinforcement Positive reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment

Negative punishment

After seeing her parents give his sister $1 for taking her dishes to the dishwasher, Bishesh begins cleaning his own dishes. According to social learning theorists, Bishesh's behavior is an example of Spontaneous recovery Discrimination training Observational learning Stimulus generalization Classical conditioning

Observational learning

Omar has a brain injury and is having difficulty with vision and audition. These symptoms indicate that damage has occurred in the Frontal and temporal lobes Frontal lobe only Temporal lobe only Parietal and occipital lobes Occipital and temporal lobes

Occipital and temporal lobes

Because Jake, the team's starting center, is late to basketball practice, Coach Peterson sits him out for the first quarter of the next game. Jake is on time for the rest of the season. Coach Peterson has used Positive punishment Negative reinforcement Modeling positive reinforcement Omission training

Positive punishment

In the morning, George watched a cartoon about a sarcastic rabbit. Later, in his psychology class, he viewed the image here and identified it as a rabbit, while his peers identified it as a duck. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon? Priming Habituation Conditioned response Discrimination Participant bias


Samantha believes all behavior originates from unconscious forces developed primarily in childhood and focused primarily on sex and aggression. With which approach to psychology is Samantha most likely to agree? Behaviorist Functionalist Humanistic Psychoanalytic Sociocultural


Coach Perry is training Lana to be the kindergarten soccer team's goalie. He starts by rolling the ball to Lana slowly so she can stop it; he gradually begins to roll the ball faster and to different parts of the goal, all the while praising her successful attempts. The technique Coach Perry is using is called The law of effect Partial reinforcement effect Shaping Second-order conditioning Modeling


Service dogs are often trained to assist in such tasks as letting their person know someone is at the door, safety crossing the street, or pushing buttons on the elevator. Which concept best describes how dogs were trained for these behaviors? Shaping Unconditioned response Latent learning Inattentional blindness Variable interval of reinforcement


Which psychologist conducted research with an operant chamber? Pavlov Freud Skinner Watson Thorndike


Roger is having trouble sleeping. He goes to a sleep clinic where they discover his sleep is interrupted by gasping for breath, waking up, and falling back to sleep dozens of times each night. His doctor would most likely diagnose Sleep paralysis Narcolepsy Night terrors Sleep apnea Sleep walking

Sleep apnea

Which of the following would NOT be considered an illusory correlation? Southern people are nicer than northern people Rabbit feet are lucky African Americans are better at basketball than Caucasians Social media use correlates with high anxiety Men are better drivers than women

Social media use correlates with high anxiety

Alice has just found out that the study she is conducting has yielded statistically significant results. She wants to tell her parents the exciting news, but they don't know much about statistics. Which of the following statements can Alice share with her parents to summarize the meaning of statistical significance? The results are unlikely due to chance The results will be an important contribution to the field of psychology The independent variable is fully responsible for the result. The dependent variable is fully responsible for the result. The results will be easy to replicate.

The results are unlikely due to chance

In the diagram shown, which part of the ear can be ruptured when exposed to explosives? Auditory canal Tympanic membr (ear drum) Cochlea Auditory nerve Semicircular canals

Tympanic membr (ear drum)

An untrained dog's salivation at the sight of a food dish is Neutral stimulus Unconditioned stimulus Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response Unconditioned response

Unconditioned response

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