Psych Final (Chps. 12-15)

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Having a strong friendship can buffer some of the negative effects of peer rejection or neglect. a) True b) False


Successful mentorships include similar aspects of successful parenting: closeness and warmth consistency and structure. a) True b) False


The hostile attribution bias occurs when one interprets another's benign or ambiguous behavior as hostile. a) True b) False


Which parenting style has been consistently found to produce the best developmental outcomes? a) authoritative b) authoritarian c) permissive d) disengaged


Experiencing a divorce during which developmental period would most likely produce problems in developing an internal working model? a) toddlerhood b) infancy c) adolescence d) middle childhood


The United States has one of the most generous parental leave acts in the world. a) True b) False


The vast majority of children with mental disorders receive prompt and complete treatment for their disorders. a) True b) False


Youth in the United States are much less likely to take part in paid employment than youth in other countries in the world. a) True b) False


Which theory forms the foundation for much of the work on interventions for families? a) behavioral theory b) psychoanalytic theory c) ecological theory d) cognitive developmental theory


Wendy sees her mother fill a BAND-AID box with stickers for storage. Wendy's brother didn't see this take place and when Wendy is asked where her brother will look when he is cut and needs a BAND-AID she says the BAND-AID box (even though she knows it is only filled with stickers). Wendy is demonstrating an understanding of ______. a) different desires b) intentionality c) sarcasm d) a false belief


A traumatic event is defined as an event that threatens injury death or the physical integrity of the self or others and it causes feelings of horror terror or helplessness. a) True b) False


As the number of adverse childhood experiences increases the likelihood of poor developmental outcomes increases as well. a) True b) False


Availability of supportive adults in the child's environment is a critical element of building resilience in children. a) True b) False


Children don't usually develop an understanding that two people might interpret the same event differently until middle childhood. a) True b) False


Children who are overscheduled could actually be at a disadvantage because they lack the free unstructured time to engage in play activities that foster creativity and innovation. a) True b) False


Chronic or prolonged stress can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches as well as hindering brain development. a) True b) False


Coparenting refers to sharing parenting responsibilities between two or more people. a) True b) False


Engaging in creative arts activities promotes many of the elements of positive youth development such as developing a sense of connection to others and making a contribution to something worthwhile. a) True b) False


Exposing children to nature such as through playing in a park or maintaining a home garden could promote positive outcomes such as decreased risk of obesity or choosing to eat more fruits and vegetables. a) True b) False


Family interventions work best when parents and professionals work together as a team rather than emphasize the expertise of the professional over the individualized knowledge of the parents about the family. a) True b) False


Intervention support can occur at any given point of a family's development. a) True b) False


Interventions that are targeted at intervening with at-risk youth before they begin to have problems can have a positive impact on their development. a) True b) False


Media literacy is the ability to understand the underlying purposes and messages of media presentations. a) True b) False


Nonparental adults are often very important people in adolescents' lives that help provide support and promote teens' growth. a) True b) False


Nonshared environmental effects include all of the environmental factors that two siblings do not share with each other. a) True b) False


One important target for bullying intervention is people who are bystanders or onlookers of bullying. Empowering these children to step in when they see bullying to stop it can help reduce bullying behavior. a) True b) False


One of the biggest problems with living in a single-parent family is that it typically is a single-earner family and thus the family is more likely to live in poverty. a) True b) False


Sibling relationships often reflect the quality of the parent-child relationships such that warmer, more supportive parent-child relationships are often associated with warmer, more supportive sibling relationships. a) True b) False


Social cognition involves how children use cognitive processes to understand their social world. a) True b) False


Successful coaches are ones who emphasize encouraging children for their efforts and learning skills rather than simply focusing on winning. a) True b) False


Unstructured play is much more important for infants' cognitive development than electronic media exposure. a) True b) False


When working with a child with chronic illness mental health professionals should also be sure to examine how the rest of the family members are doing because they are likely to also be experiencing stress. a) True b) False


Which is NOT a general trend in peer relationships in middle childhood? a) the development of crowds b) all of these c) an increase in the importance of close friendships d) general acceptance and rejection of the peer group


Which is typically the first sign of a child developing theory of mind? a) an understanding of intentionality b) an understanding of different desires c) an understanding of sarcasm d) an understanding of false beliefs


Which of the following activities do American children and adolescents engage less in than other children and adolescents in the world? a) academic pursuits such as homework b) play or "hanging out" c) media consumption d) sports


Which sociometric categories are the most stable across time? a) popular and rejected b) Neglected and rejected c) neglected and popular d) popular and controversial


While families may identify one specific family member as a "problem" a family therapist often will need to work with all family members to identify and treat the problem in the family. a) True b) False


While most American children and adolescents do participate in after-school activities very few of them are actually overscheduled. a) True b) False


Because children's immune systems are young they are more resistant to germs than older people's more worn-down immune systems. a) True b) False


Children whose parents use constructive conflict strategies when disagreeing are more likely to experience positive developmental outcomes than children whose parents do not use constructive conflict strategies. a) True b) False


Despite recent concerns about sports safety the vast majority of children and adolescents who engage in sports activities never get hurt playing their sport. a) True b) False


If a child has experienced an adverse experience there is little chance that they will be able to bounce back and produce healthy outcomes. a) True b) False


In what type of situation would problem-focused coping be ideal? a) when one does not know what the specific stressor is b) when one can control the situation c) when one is overwhelmed by their emotions d) when one cannot control the situation


In young children who experience trauma the best treatment is to act as though nothing happened so that the child does not have reminders of the traumatic event. Eventually the child will forget about the traumatic event. a) True b) False


Infants and toddlers learn best when interacting with educational and entertaining media so parents should encourage their young babies to play with this media. a) True b) False


Most children and adolescents use their free time in remarkably similar ways across cultures in the world. a) True b) False


Producing children who use media wisely involves ______. a) setting limitations on what a child watches b) all of these c) talking to the child about what they are watching d) co-viewing programs with the child


Professionals who work with parents and children are required by United States law to report any suspected cases of child maltreatment. a) True b) False


Rates of school violence have been steadily rising over the past few years with schools currently the least safe they have ever been. a) True b) False


Research has clearly demonstrated the children of gay and lesbian parents are more likely to show negative developmental outcomes compared to children of heterosexual parents. a) True b) False


Research has confirmed the stereotype that only children tend to be more selfish and less socially-skilled than children with siblings. a) True b) False


Research on the impact of maternal employment on child developmental outcomes has found more positive effects for sons than for daughters. a) True b) False


Solitary independent play has been demonstrated by research to be an immature form of play that is linked with many negative developmental outcomes. a) True b) False


Television shows typically portray similar levels of diversity (both in terms of demographic characteristics and life experiences) to real life. a) True b) False


The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) grants paid parental leave for all workers in the United States. a) True b) False


The body's fight-or-flight response was designed to deal with long-term stress but not short-term stress. a) True b) False


The current generation of children is spending the same amount of time outdoors playing with friends as they have in previous generations. a) True b) False


The hygiene hypothesis suggests that children who spend more time engaging in good hygiene practices are less likely to get sick because they are eliminating the germs on their bodies. a) True b) False


The main goal of socialization is for children to internalize social norms. a) True b) False


The two dimensions that Baumrind combined to form the four parenting styles are acceptance/responsiveness and demandingness/control. a) True b) False


Theory of mind refers to an understanding of how your own mind works and being able to think about your own thinking. a) True b) False


Vaccines can prevent both major illnesses such as measles as well as more minor illnesses such as a cold or sore throat. a) True b) False


What disorder involves reexperiencing of a trauma through intrusive thoughts distressing dreams flashbacks or extreme reactions to situations resembling the original traumatizing event? a) schizophrenia b) posttraumatic stress disorder c) obsessive-compulsive disorder d) adjustment disorder


What is the focus of positive youth development programs? a)to teach youth how to deal with their negative emotions and try to foster positive emotions b) to help youth identify and meet their full potential c) to prevent youth from falling into gangs and other negative peer groups d) to help youth engage in activities that benefit a community


What is the leading cause of death for children and adolescents in the United States? a) asthma b) unintentional injuries or accidents c) cancer d) lead poisoning


What is the name of the research technique in which researchers ask children to nominate peers for traits like popularity? a) acceptability scale b) sociometry d) nomination procedure e) peer report


What is the purpose of play therapy? a) to use play as a method of releasing stored-up energy b) to use play to communicate a child's distressing thoughts and feelings d) to teach socially-isolated children how to make friends e) to teach children how to play effectively with peers


Which of the following explanations have been proposed for why children in poverty tend to have poorer developmental outcomes than those not in poverty? a) Mothers in poverty often lack the resources to have proper nutrition and prenatal care resulting in potentially damaging prenatal effects when the baby is deprived of proper nutrition. b) all of these c) Parents in poverty usually can supply fewer resources to stimulate their children's cognitive development than those not in poverty. d) Children in poverty often live in dangerous neighborhoods with many psychosocial stressors.


Which of the following is FALSE regarding mental disorders in children? a) Many people experience similar symptoms to mental disorders but they are not at the severity or intensity that would merit a diagnosis. b) The stigma around mental disorders has largely vanished and so most children are being treated for mental disorders without fear of being discriminated against due to their disorder. c) all of these d) For many disorders an early onset could signal a worse prognosis.


Which of the following is an example of normative stress? a) experiencing sexual assault b) moving to college c) all of these d) experiencing the death of a parent


Which of the following is an example of self-oriented induction? a) "Don't take his toy! Look at him crying—don't you see how sad you just made him feel by taking his toy?" b) "You need to put down your iPad and spend some time studying. If you don't study you aren't going to do well on your exam tomorrow." c) all of these d) "Let her have a turn. You've had lots of turns and it isn't fair to her."


Which type of play involves repeated large muscle movements that serve no purpose? a) exercise play b) rhythmic stereotypies c) all of these d) rough-and-tumble play


Why are birth order effects so difficult to analyze? a) Siblings frequently change birth order. b) Birth order is often confounded with other variables like family size SES and ethnicity c) It is not always clear what the birth order is. d) No one can agree which personality factors to measure when looking at birth order.


Why are peer relationships different from all other forms of relationships in childhood? a) Peer relationships involve both partners working together at their own level of cognition and social functioning to maintain the relationship. b) all of these c) Peer relationships involve partners who are at an equal social level to each other. d) Peer relationships tend to be more fun and exciting than other relationships.


Why do infants who watch educational programs tend to have lower vocabularies than those who don't watch these programs? a) These shows do not use spoken language to teach but instead rely only on visual images. b) The parents of infants who watch these programs tend to speak less to their infants and interact with them less than parents of infants who do not watch these programs. c) all of these d) Infants who watch these programs are less intelligent than those who do not watch these programs.


Zero-tolerance policies for bullying have been shown to be remarkably effective at eliminating all forms of bullying with successful outcomes for both potential bullies and victims. a) True b) False


Danny is very athletic and aggressive. He sometimes seems to bully other peers but at other times he can be prosocial. While many of his peers do not like his tendency toward aggression they still tend to admire him and want to be around him. Which type of adolescent is Danny? a) popular-prosocial b) rejected-aggressive c) popular-antisocial d) rejected-withdrawn


What is the human tendency to respond automatically to novel moving meaningful or surprising stimuli? a) attention response b) focusing response c) orienting response d) engaging response


What is the process through which minority parents teach their children about the discrimination they may experience and prepare them with ideas and tactics to help them deal with it? a) racial preparation b) racial discrimination c) racial socialization d) racial explanation


What kind of specialist is an expert in child development who promotes optimal development in children by providing information support and guidance to children and family members who are dealing with serious health threats? a) family therapists b) pediatricians c) child life specialists d) pediatric psychologists


What type of intervention program involves input from multiple sources such as government agencies mental health services and the justice system? a) multisource programs b) existential programs c) wraparound programs d) collective programs


Which best summarizes the research on the influence of divorce on children? a) Divorce always produces negative outcomes in children no matter what ages the children are when the divorce occurs. b) Despite popular opinion divorce actually is often very beneficial for children's development. c) Research findings on the impact of divorce vary quite a bit depending on the family circumstances that surround the divorce. d) Divorce is only negative for children from low socioeconomic statuses. Divorce in high SES families tends to have no effect on children.


Which is NOT one of the goals of the America's Great Outdoors Initiative? a) make the outdoors relevant to young people b) empower and enable youth to work and volunteer outdoors c) educate children on the dangers of global warming d) ensure that young people have access to safe clean and close-to-home outdoor places


Which of the following is NOT true regarding bullying? a) all of these b) Males tend to be bullies more than females. c) Bullying tends to peak in high school. d) Females are more likely to use emotional and psychological intimidation than physical intimidation.


Why do nonparental adults who know adolescents in a formal or professional capacity tend to have less of an influence on adolescents then we might expect? a) These adults are limited in their ability to interact with teens due to legal limitations. b) Adolescents usually reject these nonparental adults' influence because they are not relatives. c) These adults tend to work with many adolescents and thus cannot devote large amounts of time to any one individual teen. d) These adults do not typically care about adolescents as much as we would expect.


What is the ability to consider what another person is thinking about your own thinking? a) reflexive thinking b) flexible thinking c) metacognition d) recursive thinking


Which best describes the typical experience of grandparents raising grandchildren? a) Grandparents typically feel rejected by their grandchildren because the children often pine for their birth parents and reject their grandparents' parenting. b) Grandparents typically feel very angry about being forced to raise their grandchildren and they often project this anger into their parenting. c) Grandparents typically feel very positive and satisfied with their situation. d) Grandparents typically feel conflicted about their situations. On one hand they love their grandchildren and want to give them a positive experience but they also often feel disappointed that they do not get to enjoy a relaxing retirement.


Which factor is NOT typically part of a successful mentorship program? a) The program lasts at least one year. b) The program focuses on the child's developmental needs. c) all of these d) The mentor is only a few years older than the mentee.


Which is NOT an example of a type of bully identified by the research? a) Chris an adolescent who is popular and fairly average in his social intelligence b) John an adolescent who is not very popular and often interprets other teens' behaviors as hostile and then reacts accordingly c) Regina an adolescent who is popular and knows how to manipulate the social group through techniques like gossiping to become dominant in the peer group d) none of these are


Which of the following is an example of problem-focused coping? a) Sally cries and talks to her friend about her feelings of sadness after her boyfriend breaks up with her. b) all of these c) Fritz is feeling very angry at his father and so he takes deep breaths and counts to ten to calm down. d) Henry lost his job so he starts searching for a new job on the Internet.


Which of the following regarding sexual abuse is true? a) Males often feel more comfortable than females disclosing their abuse to others. b) all of these c) Most of the time the victim does not know the perpetrator of the abuse. d) Sexual abuse occurs in all races and ethnicities and in all socioeconomic statuses.


Why have there been increases in the number of children with chronic illnesses in recent generations? a) We are just better at identifying chronic diseases now. There actually are not any increases in the numbers of children with these diseases. b) all of these c) The immune systems of current generations of children are much more resistant than they have been in the past. d) We are now able to treat disorders that were fatal in previous generations and so children are living with disorders that would have killed them in the past.


Why would a nonfamilial natural mentor create a positive impact on an adolescent who already has good social support from family members? a) The mentor may offset any problems that occur in the family. b) The mentor simply is supporting the other support systems which multiplies their effect. c) all of these d) The mentor may provide new insights or perspectives that the family members might not share.


What is the term for an inability to engage in play because one's emotions interfere with the free expression required for play? a) play interference b) play disengagement d) play interruption e) play disruption


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