psych midterm

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The 90-minute sleep cycle is an example of: a hypnagogic cycle a biological rhythm sleep spindles sleep apnea

A biological rhythm

A neutral facial expression may be perceived as sadder at a funeral than at a circus. This best illustrates: a difference threshold a subliminal effect a sensation a context effect

A context effect

In follow-up studies with children who demonstrated delayed gratification during preschool years, researchers found all of the following EXCEPT: the ability to delay gratification in later adulthood a higher tendency to be impulsive and have addiction issues higher incomes higher college completion rates

A higher tendency to be impulsive and have addiction issues

Which of the following is evidence for the dissociation theory of pain relief? Dental patients under general anesthesia report feeling no pain after the procedure is finished. Dental patients given laughing gas (nitrous oxide) report feeling no pain, and their vital signs remain stable when the drilling begins. A nonhypnotized dental patient reports a great deal of pain when the drilling begins. A hypnotized dental patient reports she is not feeling any pain, but her brain demonstrates activity in areas that receive sensory information.

A hypnotized dental patient reports she is not feeling any pain, but her brain demonstrates activity in areas that receive sensory information.

In Piaget's theory, a schema is: the understanding that two equal quantities remain equal even if the form or appearance is rearranged the inability to take another person's perspective or point of view a mental representation of the world the ability to simultaneously focus on two or more aspects of a problem

A mental representation of the world

In a national survey, which would give the MOST reliable results? a random sample of 3,000 people from all areas of the country a telephone call-in on a national television station an Internet poll that participants could only complete once a sample of 150,000 voters in the last election

A random sample of 3,000 people from all areas of the country

A framework that offers children temporary support as they develop higher levels of thinking is known as: an imprint conservation a schema a scaffold

A scaffold

Terrance has been having considerable trouble with his memory. His family has noticed that he has recently been leaving doors unlocked, getting lost in the neighborhood, and not recognizing family members. Which of the following neurotransmitters is linked to memory? GABA norepinephrine serotonin ACh


According to the _____ theory, dreaming is our subjective awareness of the brain's internally generated signals that occur repeatedly during a night's sleep. cognitive development activation-synthesis wish-fulfillment information-processing


The diversity of human traits is most clearly enabled by our shared: adaptive capacity epigenetic molecules interaction heredity.

Adaptive capacity

The broad term that refers to a condition in which a person feels compelled to take a specific drug despite negative consequences is: tolerance an altered state addiction neuroadaptation


Which of the following is TRUE about the link between thinking and learning and sleep? After learning something new, it is best for the person to put it out of his mind before going to sleep. Staying up late and cramming for exams is the best preparation for recalling the studied information. Interrupting a person's sleep to have her relearn information will enhance memory. After people work on a task, then sleep on it, they solve difficult problems more insightfully than do those who stay awake.

After people work on a task, then sleep on it, they solve difficult problems more insightfully than do those who stay awake.

The opponent-process theory is most useful for explaining the characteristics of: accommodation feature detecting blindsight afterimages


A 5-year-old girl observes a stranger in a toy store pretending to discipline a stuffed dog. When the stranger moves on to the next aisle, the girl picks up another stuffed animal and does the same thing. Her behavior seems consistent with the findings in studies conducted by: B. F. Skinner Ivan Pavlov John B. Watson Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura

Melissa is having trouble convincing her husband that spanking isn't the best way to control their child's behavior. Which of the following arguments should she use to support her position? Spanking can create fear in children. Spanking provides a model of aggressive behavior as a tool for problem solving. All of these arguments support her position that parents should avoid spanking. When spanked, children do not forget the punished behavior; they simply suppress it. They are not taught what behavior to exhibit in its place.

All of these arguments support her position that parents should avoid spanking.

Given findings from adoption studies, which of the following scenarios is the MOST likely? An adopted brother and sister raised together will share the same political and religious beliefs. An adopted brother and sister raised together will be similarly outgoing and agreeable. A biological brother and sister raised apart will share the same political and religious beliefs. An adopted brother and sister raised together will not be similarly outgoing and agreeable.

An adopted brother and sister raised together will share the same political and religious beliefs.

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____________ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. instinctive positive prosocial antisocial


Both classical and operant conditioning: are studied using an operant chamber are forms of associative learning involve operant behavior involve respondent behavior

Are forms of associative learnings

An evolutionary psychologist would be likely to suggest that human preferences for sweet-tasting foods: are genetically predisposed vary widely across cultures illustrate epigenetic influences have hindered human reproduction

Are genetically predisposed

A researcher is interested in studying hypnosis, but she only wants to include people with high hypnotic susceptibility. She should choose study participants who: do not have strong imaginations are under the age of 40 are imaginative and are suggestible are not married

Are imaginative and are suggestible

If a sea slug repeatedly receives an electric shock just after being squirted with water, its protective withdrawal response to a squirt of water grows stronger. This best illustrates: associative learning cognitive learning observational learning spontaneous recovery

Associative learning

Which of the following is NOT an attitude needed for scientific thinking? Skepticism Humility Curiosity Authority


In terms of your heartbeat, digestion, and glandular functioning, your body is pretty much a well-oiled machine that works even when you are asleep. This occurs due to your: autonomic nervous system central nervous system sympathetic nervous system somatic nervous system

Autonomic nervous system

Psychology is a collection of diverse subfields. Psychologists who conduct ____________ research contribute by expanding the knowledge base of psychology. behavior genetics basic neuroscience counseling


Assessing the relative effects of the interactions between genes and environment on individual differences in personality would be of most direct interest to: geneticists epigeneticists evolutionary psychologists behavior geneticists

Behavior geneticists

Estimates of the influences of genetics and the environment on personality traits are most directly associated with the research efforts of: geneticists epigenetic researchers evolutionary psychologists behavior geneticists

Behavior geneticists

Disorders such as gambling disorder and Internet gaming disorder are considered _____ addictions. excessive behavioral exposure cultural


Which psychological perspective defines psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior"? psychoanalysis behaviorism humanistic psychology structuralism


One way to develop a complete picture of any given behavior or mental process is to incorporate an integrated viewpoint that examines biological, psychological, and social-cultural factors. This is also known as a __________ approach. functionalist psychodynamic biopsychosocial cognitive


Dr. Grear studies the ways in which the endocrine system and the nervous system are similar. Which of the following might he conclude? Both systems include the pituitary gland as a central structure. Both systems secrete molecules that activate receptors elsewhere. Both systems are located in the spinal cord. The speed of their message transmission is similar.

Both systems secrete molecules that activate receptors elsewhere.

Brad, a 24-year-old male, has an erection during about half of the time he is asleep at night. Given what you know about sleep, you would say that: Brad is responding completely normally for someone of his age. Brad should be concerned about the danger of such extensive nocturnal activity. Brad should seek help for sexual dysfunction immediately. Brad should try to spend less of his time thinking about sex.

Brad is responding completely normally for someone of his age.

A movie star was going on and on in an interview about how terrible it is that people use psychoactive drugs. She proudly announced that she had quit smoking, stopped drinking, and had never touched another drug in her life. While talking, she took periodic sips from a steaming cup on the table. What she did not realize was that the coffee in her cup contains _____, which is a psychoactive drug. caffeine Advil nicotine Botox


All of the following have been linked to sleep deprivation and health EXCEPT sleep deprivation: can suppress immune cells that battle viral infections and cancer can lead to limbic brain responses that can contribute to the development of sleep apnea may help explain why people who sleep 7 to 8 hours a night tend to outlive those who are chronically sleep deprived slows reactions and increases errors on visual attention tasks and can lead to automobile or work-related accidents.

Can lead to limbic brain responses that can contribute to the development of sleep apnea

Older adults are more susceptible to _____________ than when they were younger. cold viruses upper respiratory flu the common flu cancer


Although correlation shows an association between two variables, it does NOT prove: a relationship that the sample is representative replication causation


The human body naturally tends to follow a cycle of sleeping and waking that corresponds to a: circadian rhythm of a 29-hour cycle sleep pattern that includes a midday nap sleep pattern that is not affected by genes circadian rhythm of a 24-hour cycle

Circadian rhythm of a 24-hour cycle

What is activated in the activation-synthesis model of dreaming? lucid dreams in which the dreamer becomes aware that he or she is dreaming the dreamer's unacceptable urges and wishes circuits spreading upward from the brainstem that arouse more sophisticated brain areas, such as visual and auditory centers the frontal lobes of the brain

Circuits spreading upward from the brainstem that arouse more sophisticated brain areas, such as visual and auditory centers

By directly experiencing a thunderstorm, we learn that a flash of lightning signals an impending crash of thunder. This best illustrates: operant conditioning behaviorism observational learning classical conditioning

Classical conditioning

According to the _____, dream content reflects a dreamer's age and level of development, knowledge, and understanding. cognitive development theory information-processing theory activation-synthesis theory physiological theory

Cognitive development theory

Rats seem to develop mental representations of mazes they have explored. These representations are called: mirror neurons latent learning cognitive maps instinctive drift

Cognitive maps

Two sealed, pyramid-shaped beakers contain what are clearly identical amounts of a liquid. However, a child judges them as holding different amounts of liquid after seeing one of the beakers inverted. The child apparently lacks a: capacity for schemas concept of conservation secure attachment sense of object permanence

Concept of conservation

Pavlov noticed that dogs began salivating at the mere sight of the person who regularly brought food to them. For the dogs, the sight of this person had become a(n): conditioned response (CR) neutral stimulus (NS) unconditioned stimulus (US) conditioned stimulus (CS)

Conditioned stimulus

The phenomenon of blindsight best illustrates that visual information can be processed without: conscious awareness bipolar cells parallel processing feature detectors

Conscious awareness

Researchers who emphasize experience and learning see development in terms of its _____. continuity instability stages influences


How a vending machine works is an example of a __________________ reinforcement schedule. continuous partial positive negative


If two traits accompany each other (that is, they vary together) then the two traits are said to: correlate replicate be biased be operationally defined.


The majority of correlational studies that have examined television violence and aggressive behavior suggest that the more hours children spend viewing violence, the more likely they are to exhibit aggressive behaviors. What is the major problem with these findings? They do not apply to elementary school-aged children. Correlation does not prove causation. The studies don't take operant conditioning into account. Girls were not included in these studies.

Correlation does not prove causation

Psychologists use the scientific attitude of ______________ to examine assumptions, appraise sources, discern hidden biases, evaluate evidence, and assess conclusions skeptical analysis critical thinking functionalism the scientific method

Critical thinking

South American Indians used __________ for hunting, but it was also briefly used at one time in surgical suites because of its ACh-blocking properties. dopamine curare botulin norepinephrine


Alcohol consumption disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memory by: decreasing self-consciousness slowing sympathetic nervous system activity decreasing the amount of time spent in REM sleep increasing anxiety.

Decreasing the amount of time spent in REM sleep

Improved judgment, impulse control, and the ability to plan for the future develops during the late teens and early twenties, largely as a result of: growth in the number of neurons and their connections a surge of hormones beginning in puberty development of the frontal lobe of the brain development of the limbic system

Development of the frontal lobe of the brain

_____ psychologists investigate the influence of multiple factors on how people change physically, mentally, and socially at every stage of life. Personality Developmental Cognitive Epigenetic


Just one week after conception, the cells of the zygote begin to ___________. In other words, the cells begin to specialize in structure and function. stabilize reproduce differentiate fertilize


According to _____ theory, hypnosis produces a split in consciousness, which allows some thoughts and behaviors to occur simultaneously with others. dissociation "good subject" social influence selective attention


_____ recordings provide evidence for the fact that the brain responds to sound stimuli during sleep. Delta wave Alpha wave EEG PET


This drug is both a stimulant and a mild hallucinogen that can destroy serotonin-producing neurons with repeated use. LSD Ecstasy heroin cocaine


The link between chronic sleep deprivation and weight gain can be attributed to all of the following EXCEPT sleep deprivation: increases cortisol, a stress hormone that stimulates the body to make fat increases ghrelin, a hunger-arousing hormone, and decreases its hunger-suppressing partner, leptin enhances limbic brain responses to the mere sight of food and decreases cortical inhibition enhances the activation of the hippocampus, which produces hormones that trigger hunger.

Enhances the activation of the hippocampus, which produces hormones that trigger hunger

Environmental factors such as diet, drugs, or stress can alter gene expression by affecting: protein molecules natural selection epigenetic molecules evolution

Epigenetic molecules

According to the principle of sensory adaptation, we become less aware of constant exposures to unchanging stimuli. Why, then, do objects not disappear from our sight even if we continue to stare at them? Our visual system does not adapt in the same way as our other senses. Perceptual set prevents our vision from adapting to images. Even if we seem to hold our gaze, our eyes move constantly. Blinking causes the image to constantly refresh, keeping us from adapting to images.

Even if we seem to hold our gaze, our eyes move constantly

With continuous reinforcement, an organism is reinforced ________________. with primary reinforcers using positive reinforcement every time the desired behavior occurs at a variable rate

Every time the desired behavior occurs

Researchers now believe that developing a fear of darkness may have contributed to the survival of our human ancestors. This finding would be most relevant to the _____________ perspective. evolutionary behavioral psychodynamic cognitive


If the top of the spinal cord is severed, a person would: exhibit a knee-jerk reflex response 50 percent of the time continue to feel pleasure but NOT pain continue to feel pleasure exhibit a knee-jerk reflex response without feeling the tap.

Exhibit a knee-jerk reflex response without feeling the tap

Signal detection theory predicts that a person's ability to detect weak signals is partly dependent on the person's: expectation, behavior, and attitude attitude, motivation, and behavior behavior, perception, and alertness experience, motivation, and alertness

Experience, motivation, and alertness

What was the conditioned response (CR) in Watson and Rayner's famous Little Albert study? fear in response to the sight of the rat the sight of the white rat fear in response to the loud clanging sound the loud clanging sound

Fear in response to the loud clanging sound

An evolutionary psychologist would suggest that people are genetically predisposed to all of the following EXCEPT to: love their own children seek healthy-looking mates fear their parents fear dangerous animals

Fear their parents

Most people achieve which of Piaget's intellectual stages during adolescence? identity formal operations competence generativity

Formal operations

Jessica and Ashley are fraternal twins raised in the same family. Jessica has warm feelings toward both parents while Ashley has less than a positive view of her father. Why? Fraternal twins forget more variation in their later family life. Fraternal twins forget more variation in their early family life. Fraternal twins recall less variation in their early family life. Fraternal twins recall more variation in their early family life.

Fraternal twins recall more variation in their early family life.

Which school of psychology was most clearly concerned with the adaptive value of complex mental processes? behaviorism functionalism structuralism psychoanalysis


The practice of acupuncture is based on the theory that one way to reduce pain is to block small fiber pain signals. This in turn is based on the: gate-control theory opponent-process biopsychosocial approach the place theory

Gate-control theory

According to the ____________, the spinal cord contains a neurological opening that either blocks pain signals or allows them to pass on to the brain. biopsychosocial theory of pain gate-control theory of pain placebo theory of pain large-fiber theory of pain

Gate-control theory of pain

A researcher subliminally flashes words that have either emotionally positive content (e.g., puppies, people embracing) or negative content (e.g., murder, accidents) immediately before showing them a picture of a house. Then, when asked to rate the house in terms of attractiveness, the participants: give the houses that follow positive content words higher ratings give the houses that follow negative content words higher ratings give the houses with more windows higher ratings do not differ in the ratings they give to the houses

Give the houses that follow positive content words higher ratings

Compared to younger people, older people are more likely to: have a larger social network prefer spending time alone have unstable self-esteem have positive feelings, with negative ones subsiding

Have positive feelings, with negative ones subsiding

Evidence suggests that heredity influences some aspects of alcohol use disorder. Which of the following findings supports this theory? Having a fraternal twin who suffers from alcohol use disorder is a greater risk factor than having an identical twin who suffers from alcohol use disorder. Having an identical twin who suffers from alcohol use disorder is a greater risk factor than having a fraternal twin who suffers from alcohol use disorder. An adopted child is more susceptible to alcohol use disorder if his adoptive parents have a problem with alcohol use disorder. An adopted child is less susceptible to alcohol use disorder if both biological parents have a problem with alcohol use disorder.

Having an identical twin who suffers from alcohol use disorder is a greater risk factor than having a fraternal twin who suffers from alcohol use disorder.

Critics of B. F. Skinner express concern that: he dehumanized people because he ignored the existence of personal freedom and dignity his research methods were flawed he ignored the influence of stimulus-response associations he relied too heavily on animals to explain general learning principles.

He dehumanized people because he ignored the existence of personal freedom and dignity

Sam, a 3-month-old baby, is staring intently at the new person who just came to sit beside him and his dad. Why is he staring so intently? He has an inborn interest in new stimuli and faces. He has become habituated. He realizes this must be a friend of his dad's. He is able to categorize a variety of stimuli.

He has an inborn interest in new stimuli and faces

To ensure he gets the most out of his cruise vacation, Tom stays up late night after night. His cabin is too noisy to catch up on sleep during the day, so he begins to suffer from REM sleep deprivation. What can Tom expect to happen during his first several nights back home? He will spend more time in periods of deep sleep and less time in REM sleep. He will dream less. He will be more likely to experience night terrors. He will experience REM rebound.

He will experience REM rebound.

Minnie, your 8-year-old cat, ran away. She got in a neighbor's cellar and was stuck there for two months while your neighbor was on vacation. Luckily, there was enough food and water in the basement for Minnie to survive, but it was pitch black down there. When your neighbor returned, she found Minnie and returned her to you. How will the sensory deprivation affect her vision? Her vision will be disturbed; she won't be able to discriminate shapes. Her vision will be unaffected by this sensory deprivation. Her night vision will be even better than before. Her vision will be disturbed; she won't be able to discriminate colors.

Her vision will be unaffected by this sensory deprivation.

Sleep consolidates our memories by reactivating recent experiences stored in the _____ and then shifting them for permanent storage elsewhere in the cortex. pineal gland hypothalamus hippocampus amygdala


Hector is concerned because he cannot remember events from before he was about 4 years old. What is the most likely cause for this infantile amnesia? His memories began to be organized differently after he turned 3 or 4 years old. His maturing cortex decreased his long-term storage after age 4. All of these things contribute to infantile amnesia. His maturing cortex allowed him to lose the sense of self he had when he was 2 years old.

His memories began to be organized differently after he turned 3 or 4 years old.

James is born with cataracts in both eyes. When he is 6 weeks old, doctors surgically remove the cataracts. What will likely happen to his vision? His vision will be disturbed, and he won't be able to discriminate shapes. His vision will be only slightly affected by the visual deprivation. His vision will be disturbed, and he won't be able to discriminate colors. His vision will be partially affected, especially his ability to distinguish brightness from darkness

His vision will be only slightly affected by the visual deprivation.

Brenda's uncle underwent radical eye surgery and had to wear an eye patch for four months straight. How will this sensory deprivation affect his future vision? His vision will be unaffected by this sensory deprivation. His vision will be disturbed; he will no longer be able to discriminate shapes. His vision will be disturbed; he will no longer be able to discriminate colors. His vision will be partially affected by this sensory deprivation.

His vision will be unaffected by this sensory deprivation.

When conducting an experiment, it is important to manipulate the factors of interest, but researchers must also make sure to: hold constant or control other factors include only males or females in their samples vary the time of day the participants are tested include case study examples in their samples.

Hold constant or control other factors

In the United States and Canada, ____________ rates doubled between 1957 and 1974, coinciding with the introduction and spread of TV. homicide graduation suicide pregnancy


These chemical messengers are manufactured by the endocrine glands, and they can influence our interest in sex, food, and aggression. hormones sodium ions potassium ions neurotransmitters


Research has demonstrated that our memories of pain depend on which of the following factors? how much pain we feel at the beginning of the experience how long the pain lasts how much pain we feel at the end of the experience the average intensity of the pain

How much pain we feel at the end of the experience

In terms of our sensory experience of light, wavelength is to ______________ as wave intensity is to brightness. amplitude hue frequency ultraviolet rays


The leader of a self-help group has asked you to recommend an approach to psychology that emphasizes personal growth and people's need for love and acceptance. Which of the following branches of psychology would you recommend for this group? structuralism psychoanalysis functionalism humanistic psychology

Humanistic psychology

James Olds and Peter Milner (1954) were trying to implant an electrode in a rat's reticular formation when they placed the electrode incorrectly by mistake. Curiously, as if seeking more stimulation, the rat kept returning to the location where it had been stimulated by the misplaced electrode. When they realized that they had actually placed the device in a region of the _____, Olds and Milner realized they had stumbled upon a reward center. hippocampus brain stem hypothalamus amygdala


Studies examining certain traits are helping to clarify our understanding of the effects of nature and nurture. For example, because ______________ have the same genes, researchers often use them in studies that examine the relative influence of environment and heredity on these traits. siblings offspring identical twins fraternal twins

Identical twins

One main difference between punishment and reinforcement is that the goal of reinforcement is to ____________ a behavior. increase decrease discourage shape


One in ten adults complains of this sleep disorder in which they have nightly problems falling or staying asleep. sleep apnea narcolepsy night terrors insomnia


The largest number of neurons within the brain and spinal cord are _____; they are responsible for the central nervous system's complex internal communications system and mediate between inputs and outputs. afferent neurons motor neurons sensory neurons interneurons


According to Erik Erikson, the two fundamental themes that dominate adult development are: the social clock and work chance events and commitments intimacy and generativity finding a mate and having children

Intimacy and generativity

Classical and operant conditioning are similar in many ways. Which of the following processes does NOT apply to both types of learning? extinction associative learning involuntary responses to stimuli discrimination

Involuntary responses to stimuli

A person who responds successfully to a hypnotic suggestion is likely to also be the type of person who: finds it hard to become riveted by movies is not likely to get absorbed in imaginary events in books or movies finds it difficult to focus on activities and tasks is frequently engaged in imaginative activities

Is frequently engaged in imaginative activities

The use of _____ is most likely to trigger perceptions of vivid geometric images and dreamlike scenes. Nembutal heroin LSD amphetamines


The Moon illusion refers to our tendency to perceive the Moon as unusually: bright when it is high in the sky bright when it is near the horizon large when it is high in the sky large when it is near the horizon

Large when it is near the horizon

The best evidence that animals develop cognitive maps comes from studies of: observational learning mirror neurons modeling latent learning

Latent learning

Which of the following students is less likely to see an improvement on his or her exam scores? Lee waits to study for the exam until the night before and then uses massed practice to study. James takes handwritten notes and places the information in his own words. After each reading assignment and lecture, Latisha discusses what she learned with fellow classmates and friends. After reading a section of the text, Marla takes a practice test on the material.

Lee waits to study for the exam until the night before and then uses massed practice to study.

Compared with identical twins, fraternal twins are: more likely to be the same sex and more likely to be similar in extraversion less likely to be the same sex and equally likely to be similar in extraversion less likely to be the same sex and less likely to be similar in extraversion more likely to be the same sex and less likely to be similar in extraversion

Less likely to be the same sex and less likely to be similar in extraversion

If you were to compare the endocrine system and the body's electrochemical information system in terms of speed, you might call the former a ________________ and the latter a text message. communication system instant message letter in the mail hormonal system

Letter in the mail

A researcher who administers a personality test to the same children every three years is conducting a(n) _____________ study. recognition longitudinal recall cross-sectional


The cessation of menstrual periods is most closely associated with: the social clock the midlife crisis menopause late adulthoodl


What type of research design combines the results of many studies in order to avoid the problems of small samples and determine an overall effect? experiment meta-analysis correlation case study


________________ to psychology as the microscope is to biology. Neurohype is An X-ray is Modern brain imaging techniques are The default network is

Modern brain imaging techniques are

Relative size, interposition, relative motion, and relative height are examples of: size constancy monocular cues perceptual constancy binocular cues

Monocular cues

To most people, the sexual abuse of a very young child is so emotionally repulsive that they immediately recognize it as shamefully immoral. This best illustrates that moral judgments may reflect: moral intuitions preconventional morality conventional morality formal operational thought

Moral intuitions

Adopted children grow up to be: more extraverted than average less confused about their personality traits than average less psychologically disordered than average more self-giving than average.

More self-giving than average

In Bandura's famous Bobo doll experiment, children who observed the model's aggressive outburst were ________________ to lash out at the doll. much more likely, compared to children not exposed to the adult model much less likely, compared to children not exposed to the adult model equally likely, compared to children not exposed to the adult model not likely at all, compared to children not exposed to the adult model

Much more likely, compared to children not exposed to the adult model

During a normal night of sleep, about half of your sleep time is spent in: REM sleep NREM-1 NREM-3 NREM-2


It is at the end of this stage of sleep that children may wet the bed or begin walking in their sleep. REM sleep NREM-2 NREM-1 NREM-3


An organism's inherited traits that increase its likelihood to reproduce and survive are the traits it will most likely pass on to the generations that follow. This pattern can be explained by the principle of: structuralism social-cultural influence functionalism natural selection

Natural selection

Correlational evidence suggests that there is a link between viewing television violence and exhibiting violent behavior. However, this doesn't prove that the television viewing is causing the violence. Which of the following alternative hypotheses might explain the correlation? There is no way to measure the effect of television violence on aggression. To learn to be more aggressive with their peers, passive children often would rather watch violent shows than nonviolent shows. Neglectful parenting could be the cause of increased aggression and increased television watching. Our society has become more passive as our television programs have become more aggressive.

Neglectful parenting could be the cause of increased aggression and increased television watching.

_____ parents are uninvolved. Negligent Authoritative Permissive Authoritarian


The brain often attempts self-repair by reorganizing existing tissue, but it sometimes also attempts to mend itself by producing new brain cells. The latter process is known as: reorganization lateralization neurogenesis plasticity


Which perspective is most relevant to understanding links between areas of brain activation and sexual motivation? psychodynamic neuroscience cognitive behavioral


Yun Hee is concerned about her daughter, who will be a year-old next week. The baby is not walking yet, and Yun Hee's family is starting to comment on it. Should she be worried? No, she should not worry. Only 50 percent of all babies in the United States are walking within a week after their first birthday. Yes, she should worry. Babies who are not walking by their first birthday are developmentally delayed. No, she should not worry. Although 75 percent of all babies in the United States are walking within a week after their first birthday, 90 percent of them are by 15 months. No, she should not worry. Only 25 percent of all babies in the United States are walking within a week after their first birthday.

No, she should not worry. Only 50 percent of all babies in the United States are walking within a week after their first birthday.

The empirical approach relies on: observation and experimentation experimentation and critical thinking skepticism and humility curiosity and critical thinking

Observation and experimentation

Which of the following is TRUE about the comparison of the emotional well-being of older adults (over 65) and younger adults? Older adults experience more positive feelings, supported by enhanced emotional control and the subsiding of negative feelings. Younger adults have higher levels of self-esteem, more emotional control, and fewer negative feelings. Younger adults have more emotional control. Older adults are more likely to exhibit negative emotions.

Older adults experience more positive feelings, supported by enhanced emotional control and the subsiding of negative feelings.

Individuals who text while driving have a much higher risk of getting into a car accident. This is because our attention can focus: only on interesting information on multiple areas at once, but the individual must practice the skill frequently on multiple areas at once, but only if the areas use very different skills only on one area at a time

Only on one area at a time

A learned association between a behavior and its consequences is central to: respondent behavior classical conditioning the association of two stimuli operant conditioning

Operant conditioning

Children often learn to associate pushing a vending machine button with the delivery of a candy bar. This best illustrates the process underlying: respondent behavior operant conditioning spontaneous recovery extinction

Operant conditioning

In order to determine if a finding from one study can be applied to other populations, it is necessary for researchers to _____ variables, thus making it possible for other researchers to try to replicate the study. replicate measure operationally define control

Operationally define

Most school-age and college students: overestimate how much their peers are using drugs underestimate how much their peers are using drugs are accurate predictors about self and peer drug use can accurately predict their peers' drug abuse but not their own

Overestimate how much their peers are using drugs

Which part of your nervous system helps you to conserve energy as it calms you down after a stressful event? parasympathetic autonomic somatic sympathetic


According to operant conditioning principles, which of the following strategies would NOT be recommended when dealing with a young girl who is resistant to going to school every morning? If the girl refuses to get in the car, parents should explain why this is a problem and use time-outs. Parents should ignore complaints or whining about school. Parents should reward the girl when she cooperates by getting into the car in the morning. Parents should express their anger by yelling at the girl, but let her stay home once in a while.

Parents should express their anger by yelling at the girl, but let her stay home once in a while.

According to social influence theory, hypnosis is a by-product of normal social and mental processes. Which of the following is BEST explained by social influence theory? Hypnotized subjects will carry out posthypnotic suggestions even if no one is watching them People who are good at role playing are good subjects for hypnosis People with meager imaginations are good subjects for hypnosis People who perform self-hypnosis are more outgoing

People who are good at role playing are good subjects for hypnosis

We recognize objects as having a consistent form regardless of how the viewing angle changes. This fact illustrates: perceptual constancy size constancy convergence interposition

Perceptual constancy

The spinal cord is like an information highway that connects the ______________ to the brain. peripheral nervous system parasympathetic nervous system central nervous systemsym pathetic nervous system

Peripheral nervous system

Adoptive parents are least likely to influence the _____________ of their adopted children. religious beliefs political attitudes moral values personality traits

Personality traits

The volley principle is most relevant to understanding how we sense: loudness intensity amplitude pitch


Dr. Boyer argues that children's innate concept of justice enables them to make distinctions between fair and unfair rules. This argument is most consistent with the views of: Aristotle Charles Darwin Plato B. F. Skinner.\


A direct relationship is considered a _____ correlation. negative neutral positive insignificant


According to Kohlberg, those who develop an abstract level of reasoning, wherein they perceive basic ethical principles and the moral good as more important than their own self, have developed what is known as: intuitionist morality preconventional morality postconventional morality conventional morality

Postconventional morality

In an experiment, it is important that independent and dependent variables are given _____, which specify procedures for manipulating the independent variable and measuring the dependent variable. precise operational definitions meaningful acronyms valid names random assignments

Precise operational definitions

The purported ability to see future events before they happen is known as: telepathy psychokinesis clairvoyance precognition


Research on the role of cognitive processes in learning indicates that the strength of a conditioned response depends primarily on the ________ of the CS-US association. frequency distinctiveness duration predictability


Recent research on subliminal sensation has shown that: we tend to avoid products that are subliminally advertised, regardless of whether the subliminal advertisement is accompanied by pleasant or unpleasant odors people are more strongly affected by subliminally presented product advertisements with odors than by regular advertisements without odors priming thirsty people with the subliminal word thirst might make a thirst-quenching beverage ad more persuasive, and the effects would be powerful and enduring priming thirsty people with the subliminal word thirst might, for a moment, make a thirst-quenching beverage ad more persuasive, but the effect would not be enduring

Priming thirsty people with the subliminal word thirst might, for a moment, make a thirst-quenching beverage ad more persuasive, but the effect would not be enduring

The ethics codes of the APA require researchers to do all of the following EXCEPT: provide an educational experience for the participant obtain informed consent before the experiment fully debrief participants on the nature of the research protect participants from greater-than-usual harm and discomfort.

Provide an educational experience for the participant

A therapist who is interested in the way(s) unconscious forces in childhood influence later adult behavior would most likely follow which of the following perspectives? psychoanalysis humanistic psychology functionalism behaviorism


A researcher who is primarily studying learned expectations and cognitive interpretations is focusing on: evolutionary influences social-cultural influences psychological influences biological influences


To determine if watching television violence and playing violent video games cause children to act more aggressively, which of the following research studies would you conduct? Randomly assign some children to play violent video games and some children to play prosocial educational games and then measure aggressive behaviors in both groups. Examine the association between the number of violent video games in the home and aggressive acts in the household. Examine the correlation between the number of hours watching violence on television and aggressive acts in school. Record the number of times a child's siblings are hit and the number of hours the child is engaged in playing violent video games.

Randomly assign some children to play violent video games and some children to play prosocial educational games and then measure aggressive behaviors in both groups.

Although physical decline begins in early adulthood, it is not until later in life that the declines become really noticeable. Which of the following show the greatest decline in later life? intelligence memory reaction time creativity

Reaction time

A lock is to a key as a neurotransmitter is to a _____________. myelin sheath receptor site motor cell battery

Receptor site

John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner taught "Little Albert" to fear white rats by: showing Albert movies of children being bitten by rats giving Albert a treat when he approached a rat. showing Albert a white rat and then presenting a neutral stimulus (NS) when he touched it repeatedly pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat

Repeatedly pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat

What is NOT a monocular depth cue that drivers rely on? retinal disparity relative size interposition linear perspective

Retinal disparity

When parents are consistently warm with and responsive to their infant, the infant is likely to develop a(n) _____ attachment to the parents. secure avoidant insecure anxious


Research conducted by Belyaev and Trut has shown that foxes can be domesticated over the course of many generations by __________ and mating animals with certain traits (e.g., responses to feeding, handling, etc.). sporadically introducing randomly introducing finding selecting


During Piaget's sensorimotor stage, children acquire a: sense of object permanence theory of mind capacity for abstract reasoning concept of conservation

Sense of object permeance

There are three well-known stage theorists in developmental psychology: Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Erik Erikson. Which of the following lists the first stage of their respective stage theories? concrete operational, competence, preconventional sensorimotor, preconventional, basic trust concrete operational, preconventional, postconventional preoperational, conventional, concrete operational

Sensorimoter, precoventional, basic trust

A number of antidepressant medications work to increase this neurotransmitter since low levels of it are linked to depression. serotonin glutamate GABA dopamine


Selby is 15 years old and has been devastatingly neglected her entire life. She has never been exposed to spoken language. What is the likelihood that she will learn language now? Since she is no longer being neglected, and the critical period for language development is not over, she will be able to learn language with intense instruction. She will have a difficult time learning language but with practice will be able to learn it. She will easily pick up language skills once she is exposed to spoken language. She will never learn language as the critical period for language development has passed.

She will never learn language as the critical period for language development has passed.

Stacey's parents are often inconsistent in terms of what they say and what they do. For example, they often tell Stacey how important it is to be polite, but they are not very polite themselves when it comes to letting other people off airplanes before them or giving up seats in public buses. How would you expect this contradiction to influence Stacey's behavior? She would not be influenced by her parents' words or behaviors. She would act rudely and talk about how being polite is not important. She would act politely and talk about the importance of being polite. She would act rudely but talk about how important it is to be polite.

She would act rudely but talk about how important it is to be polite.

By organizing isolated facts, one of the things a theory does is: control replicate complicate simplify


A scientist who begins by doubting and who analyzes all scientific claims while asking "how does it work?" is exemplifying which scientific attitude? openness curiosity skepticism humility


Which of the following statements about B. F. Skinner's views is FALSE? Skinner suggested that society could be improved by using principles of operant conditioning to shape desired behaviors at school, work, and home Skinner advocated the greater use of punishment to control human behavior and achieve a more perfect society Skinner believed that environmental conditions cause criminal and other undesirable behaviors in society Skinner believed that brain science was not needed for psychological science.

Skinner advocated the greater use of punishment to control human behavior and achieve a more perfect society

The law of effect laid the foundation for: studies of respondent behavior the study of classical conditioning Pavlov's studies of conditioned salivation in dogs Skinner's experiments on reinforcement

Skinner's experiments on reinforcement

Which of the following sleep disorders is MOST strongly associated with obesity? narcolepsy night terrors insomnia sleep apnea

Sleep apnea

Parents of newborns often complain about being chronically tired because their infants' crying, feeding, and diaper changing interrupt their sleep. After many nights, they develop what is known as: sleep apnea sleep debt night terrors narcolepsy

Sleep debt

Which of the following statements about the nature of sleep is TRUE? When in a coma, a person is just in an extended period of sleep. Absolutely no processing of external stimuli is done by the brain when a person is sleeping. General anesthesia is just a chemically induced state of sleep. Sleep is the periodic, natural loss of consciousness one experiences within a 24-hour period.

Sleep is the periodic, natural loss of consciousness one experiences within a 24-hour period

Compared to messages delivered by the nervous system, messages delivered by the endocrine system are more limited in their effects slower to arrive and longer lasting speedier but less powerful less likely to activate receptors at a distance.

Slower to arrive and longer lasting

Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky believed that cognitive development is strongly influenced by: early experiences fostering brain development social and cultural factors epigenetic factors the opportunity to actively explore one's physical environment.

Social and cultural factors

In an experiment, hypnotized subjects were told to scratch their ear every time they heard the word psychology. The results indicated that they did this only if they thought the experiment was still underway. These findings most clearly support the theory that hypnosis involves: social influence dissociation selective attention sensory interaction.

Social influence

A focus on the different marriage rituals practiced by members of different ethnic groups is most relevant to the ______________ perspective. social-cultural evolutionary cognitive psychodynamic


Axons are to ______________ as dendrites are to hearing. speaking neurons smelling action potential


What happened after Little Albert was classically conditioned to fear a tame white rat? Stimulus generalization occurred; Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects. The conditioned fear response was quickly and easily extinguished when repeated after five days. The sight of the hammer produced spontaneous recovery of the unconditioned response (UR). Stimulus discrimination occurred; Albert responded with fear to white rats but not to other furry animals or to fuzzy objects.

Stimulus generalization occurred; Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects.

Exposure to sunlight and other bright light: increases the incidence of sleep spindles increases the production of melatonin suppresses the production of melatonin increases the level of retinal proteins in the brain

Suppresses the production of melatonin

Chronic sleep deprivation is most likely to contribute to: weight loss decreased blood pressure increased creativity suppression of the immune system

Suppression of the immune system

Today, a man on television described his experience of ____________, a condition in which the senses become joined. He explained that when certain types of music are played, he often sees patterns of colors. synesthesia clairvoyance sensory interaction psychokinesis


Dr. Reid, a neuropsychologist, works with postsurgical patients who have had their corpus callosum surgically severed to reduce severe seizures. When she presents the word "SAL-TED" to one patient, "SAL" transmits to his left visual field and "TED" to his right visual field. She then asks him to tell her what he saw. What does this patient say? sal detlas ted salted


A pregnant woman was recently arrested for using heroin. She is addicted to it, and there is a risk that her fetus will develop abnormally. Heroin is clearly a _____________ for the fetus. habituated stimulant blooming, buzzing confusion teratogen social response facilitator


Conditioned taste aversions demonstrate: the power of punishment to suppress behavior that certain stimuli are easier to associate than others that any neutral stimulus is capable of becoming a conditioned stimulus that the interval between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus must be only a few seconds, or classical conditioning will not occur.

That certain stimuli are easier to associate than others

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, moral reasoning is defined as the aspect of cognitive development: that emerges when the integrity versus despair psychosocial conflict is resolved successfully.involved in overcoming moral action that has to do with how an individual reasons about moral decisions that has to do with how an individual acquires the ability to think rationally through the basic processes of social development

That has to do with how an individual reasons about moral decisions

Which of the following is TRUE about sleep? The auditory cortex responds to sound stimuli during sleep When we are in a deep sleep we are in a coma state All auditory stimuli will wake us up from sleep Our brain quits processing information when we are sleeping.

The auditory cortex responds to sound stimuli during sleep

Which area of the limbic system has considerable influence on the secretion of hormones throughout the body? the hypothalamus the thalamus the hippocampus the amygdala

The hypothalamus

Which of the following is a major contribution to the stage theory of development? the idea that people of one age think and act differently when they arrive at a later age the idea that the environment shapes behavior differently regardless of one's level of development the idea that the stages of development are not influenced by a person's environment the idea that development and learning are continuous and not fixed

The idea that people of one age think and act differently when they arrive at a later age

In a double-blind procedure, one group of men is given a beverage containing alcohol and a second group is given a similar-tasting beverage that contains no alcohol. In each group, half the men are told they are drinking an alcoholic beverage and half are told their beverage is nonalcoholic. Both groups of men then view erotic movies. Research indicates that after watching the erotic material: the men who did NOT drink alcohol will NOT feel guilty, regardless of whether they thought they were drinking alcohol. the men who thought they were drinking alcohol will feel LESS guilty than those who did NOT think they were drinking alcohol, regardless of the true content of the beverage. all of the men will feel the same amount of guilt. the men who drank the alcohol will feel guilty, regardless of whether they thought they were drinking alcohol.

The men who thought they were drinking alcohol will feel LESS guilty than those who did NOT think they were drinking alcohol, regardless of the true content of the beverage

Three hours after eating at an airport fast-food restaurant, Danielle got extremely nauseous. The next time she was in the airport and walked by that restaurant, she felt a wave of nausea. How can this best be explained? The nausea became associated with the airport, so she was going to feel sick as soon as she arrived. The nausea from the fast food is an unconditioned response (UR). The restaurant became a neutral stimulus (NS) for nausea. The restaurant became an unconditioned stimulus (US) for nausea.

The nausea from the fast food is an unconditioned response (UR).

What occurs during the refractory period? The neuron depolarizes The charge of the neuron's interior increases to about +60 millivolts The neuron reestablishes the negative-inside/positive-outside condition Neurotransmitters are released by the dendrites.

The neuron reestablishes the negative-inside/positive-outside condition

Given what you know about neural networks, what would you expect to happen when young children take ballet lessons several times a week? Neural networks do not develop in association with repeated physical activity. Because ballet takes a great deal of balance, the neurons involved will be located throughout the brain. The neurons involved in complex ballet moves will connect with each other to form networks. The majority of the networks will be located in the spinal cord.

The neurons involved in complex ballet moves will connect with each other to form networks.

Which of the following refers to what began as a zygote's outer cells and screens out many harmful substances that might be dangerous to the developing embryo and fetus? the egg the fetus the uterus the placenta

The placenta

Which of the following is TRUE regarding attachment? While the attachment bond is important to psychological development, it has no effect on the infant's physical development. The infant can form multiple attachment relationships, but the mother-infant relationship is most important. Attachment can be formed only between infants and their mothers. The quality of attachment plays an important role in determining an infant's ability to thrive physically and psychologically.

The quality of attachment plays an important role in determining an infant's ability to thrive physically and psychologically.

Which of the following statements about the two hemispheres of the brain is TRUE? The right hemisphere of the brain controls language function The left hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body The left hemisphere of the brain excels in making inferences The right hemisphere of the brain helps orchestrate our self-awareness

The right hemisphere of the brain helps orchestrate our self-awareness

Behaviorism emphasized which of the following ideas? the scientific study of observable behaviors in humans and animals the scientific study of the cognitive process involved in human and animal intelligence the scientific study of how associations are formed between mental events and overt behaviors the scientific study of mental processes in humans and animals

The scientific study of observable behaviors in humans and animals

You have probably noticed that you can't really tickle yourself. This is because: the sensation of tickling involves the brain, which is more sensitive to the tickle stimulation from another person there are no specialized nerve endings for tickling tickling is automatic, not under voluntary control there are no special receptors for tickling

The sensation of tickling involves the brain, which is more sensitive to the tickle stimulation from another person

An automatic reflex such as a knee jerk or withdrawing a hand from a flame involves: the parasympathetic nervous system the spinal cord the autonomic nervous system the spinal cord and brain.

The spinal cord

In response to bright morning light: brief but harmless instances of sleep apnea can occur the number of retinal proteins generated by the brain increases the suprachiasmatic nucleus causes the pineal gland to decrease production of melatonin the pineal gland increases the production of melatonin

The suprachiasmatic nucleus causes the pineal gland to decrease production of melatonin

Perceptual constancy best illustrates: perceptual adaptation what happens with sensory deprivation retinal disparity the top-down process

The top-down process

Gestalt psychologists were fond of saying that in perception: the whole may exceed the sum of its parts the whole may explain the sum of its parts the whole may be less than the sum of its parts the whole may equal the sum of its parts

The whole may exceed the sum of its parts

In everyday conversation, "a mere hunch" may be called a __________, but science has a more precise and detailed definition of the word. theory prediction hypothesis method


_______________ refers to people's ideas about their own and others' mental states; that is, how feelings, perceptions, or thoughts might predict behavior. Theory of mind Theory of conservation Egocentrism Abstract logic

Theory of mind

Research has shown that among European, Canadian, and American couples who live together before marriage: there is greater commitment to marriage when it occurs there are higher rates of divorce there is no effect on marital happiness or outcomes there are lower rates of divorce

There are higher rates of divorce

The pain system differs from the visual system in that: there is no one type of stimulus that triggers pain (as light triggers vision) at low intensities the stimuli that produce pain cause no other sensations the brain has two specialized pain receptors only one type of stimulus triggers pain (as light triggers vision)

There is no one type of stimulus that triggers pain (as light triggers vision)

Brianna, the manager of a food store, is trying to come up with ways of increasing sales of items with high profit margins. She decides that she is going to embed subliminal messages to buy certain items in the music playing in the store. What do you predict will happen to the sales of the items that are subliminally advertised? There will be a significant increase in the sales of those items. There will be a significant decrease in the sales of all items, whether they were subliminally advertised or not. There will be no real change in the sales of those items. There will be a significant decrease in the sales of those items.

There will be no real change in the sales of those items.

Compared with the structuralists, early behaviorists were much LESS likely to focus on the study of: smiling fighting thinking screaming.


What conclusion can we draw regarding the respondents (Murray & Wheeler, 1937) who correctly predicted the death of the Lindbergh baby? Those respondents could possibly have some psychic ability. Those respondents were no better than what could be explained by chance. Those respondents were lucky. Those respondents had prior knowledge of the crime.

Those respondents were no better than what could be explained by chance.

What characterizes the relationships between adolescents and their parents? Adolescents engage with peers and disengage completely from their parents and other family members. Parent-adolescent relationships dramatically deteriorate in about two-thirds of all families. Though peer influence grows, parents remain influential throughout their children's adolescence. Parent-adolescent relationships are stormy and usually very negative.

Though peer influence grows, parents remain influential throughout their children's adolescence.

The fact that perceptions involve more than the sum of our sensations best illustrates the importance of: signal detection theory priming top-down processing bottom-up processing

Top-down processing

Blinking in response to a puff of air directed into your eye is a(n): unconditioned response (UR) conditioned stimulus (CS) conditioned response (CR) unconditioned stimulus (US)

Unconditioned response

Adopted children are especially likely to have similar ____________ if raised in the same home. personality traits behaviors values and attitudes voice intonations

Values and attitudes

Pop quizzes at college and random checks of quality in a factory are examples of the ____________ schedule of reinforcement. fixed-interval fixed-ratio variable-interval variable-ratio


Jake is weightlifting at the gym. He works out with 100 pounds and then adds 5 pounds but notices no increase in weight. He instead adds 10 pounds and notices the increase in weight. He notices that if he increases the weight by 10 percent each time he feels the increase in weight. This best illustrates: top-down processing sensory adaptation absolute thresholds Weber's law

Weber's law

In observational learning, the most effective models are those: who use consistent actions and words who are perceived as different from the observer who are respected only a little by the general population whose actions are more important than their words

Who use consistent actions and words

In a research study conducted by Dr. Hanson, the participants' first task is to press any button if they see a red light blink. For the second task, they press the rightmost button if they see a red light blink and the leftmost button if they see a green light blink. Dr. Hanson is studying the difference in the average lag times of these two tasks. This experiment is similar to experiments conducted by which of the following early psychologists? the humanistic psychologists William James Wilhelm Wundt Ivan Pavlov

Wilhem Wundt

Psychologists who focus on the adaptive function of behaviors and emotions (that is, those who study behaviors and emotions that appear to have allowed our ancestors to survive) would likely consider __________________ an early representative of their approach to psychology. Edward Titchener Sigmund Freud William James Wilhelm Wundt

William James

If a shock is always preceded by a tone, and then sometimes also is preceded by a light that accompanies the tone, a rat will react: with fear to the light but not to the tone with no fear either to the tone or to the light with fear to the tone but not to the light with equally high levels of fear to both the tone and to the light

With fear to the tone but not to the light

Anatoli and Andrei are 11-month-old identical twins. Anatoli took his first steps yesterday. How soon will Andrei take his first steps? Within a month. Nearly 90 percent of all babies in the United States are walking within a week after their first birthday. This cannot be predicted. The timing of walking is not influenced by genes. Within a day. Identical twins generally begin walking on nearly the same day. Within four months. Nearly 75 percent of all babies in the United States are walking by 15 months.

Within a day. Identical twins generally begin walking on nearly the same day.

___________ tend to have a night owl sleep pattern. Children Young adults Older adults Middle-aged adults

Young adults

According to the _________________ theory, the retina has three types of color receptors, each of which is sensitive to one of three colors: red, green, or blue. opponent-process Young-Helmholtz trichromatic color constancyf eature detector theory

Young-Helmholtz trichromatic

Tom just learned that his roommate Ahmed's girlfriend no longer wants to see him. Tom knows that Ahmed is studying in the library, so he goes to find him. Although Ahmed looks like he is studying, Tom assumes he looks depressed. This assumption is an example of someone being influenced by: sensory adaptation bottom-up processing subliminal persuasion a context effect

a context effect

An infant is most likely to be at risk for FAS if her mother is: a heavy smoker infected with the AIDS virus a teenager a heavy drinker

a heavy drinker

A game of peek-a-boo with his dad excites Lee during his first six months of his life because he actually thinks his dad has disappeared. Lee lacks: egocentrism stranger anxiety a theory of mind a sense of object permanence

a sense of object permanence

Amanda's brother hid her favorite stuffed bear in a cabinet after Amanda had originally put the bear in her own toy chest. When she returns, though, she notices her brother's mischievous grin and is able to find her hidden bear. This illustrates Amanda's development of: a theory of mind object permanence egocentrism stranger anxiety.

a theory of mind

When we adapt our current understandings to incorporate information, we have engaged in: assimilation a mental operation accommodation cognition


Jimmy and Timmy are identical twins raised apart by different families. However, they are similar in many ways: both are postal workers, avid book readers, woodworkers, and each has two children, both males. Critics say that these similarities: give false hope to adopted children. are no different than many pairs of strangers who spent hours comparing their lives might learn. are strikingly similar considering the complexity of the world. tell us nothing about the human condition.

are no different than many pairs of strangers who spent hours comparing their lives might learn.

When we interpret our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas, we have engaged in: assimilation accommodation cognition a mental operation


Peter is a concert pianist who practices a great deal, which will have had an effect on his brain. Which area of his brain is likely to be larger than it is in a person who does not play the piano? somatosensory cortex motor cortex visual cortex auditory cortex

auditory cortex

Garry's parents set firm rules, but they are responsive to his needs. They give him a chance to explain himself and also explain their position on why they cannot allow him to stay out past midnight, and so on. Garry's parents have which type of parenting style? authoritative permissive authoritarian detached


Deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of another person's state of mind are most characteristic of: egocentrism object permanence autism spectrum disorder the preoperational stage

autism spectrum disorder

The Markowitz's son Abran excels in math. However, he lacks social and communicative skills, which limits his ability to sustain normal peer relationships. Abran's difficulties may be due to: an inability to assimilate a wild growth spurt of neural development autism spectrum disorder an impoverished growing environment

autism spectrum disorder

An example of the interaction of the nervous and endocrine systems can be seen in our response to danger. The _______________ orders the adrenal glands to release the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which act to provide a surge of energy. central nervous system pancreas autonomic nervous system somatic nervous system

autonomic nervous system

Gabby, a split-brain patient, is seated in front of a screen. As she focuses on the middle of the screen, the image of a fork is briefly flashed on the RIGHT side of the screen. Gabby will: be able to use her left hand to reach under the screen and pick up the correct object verbally deny that any image appeared on the screen probably have an epileptic seizure be able to verbally name the object

be able to verbally name the object

Steve went to see his doctor with a complaint of erectile disorder. As part of his treatment, his doctor has him participate in a sleep disorder study. The cause of his ED was later determined to be psychological, not physiological. Why? because Steve had a morning erection because Steve had insomnia because Steve slept through the night because Steve had paradoxical sleep

because Steve had a morning erection

Studies show that chronic sleep deprivation is associated with all of the following EXCEPT: depression obesity conflicts in friendships and romantic relationships better academic performance

better academic performance

Dr. Xao, a behavior geneticist, wants to look at differences in information processing after individuals have suffered a traumatic brain injury. To conduct her research, Dr. Xao should focus on which of the following levels of analysis? social-cultural influences nature-nurture influences psychological influences biological influences

biological influences

One way to develop a complete picture of any given behavior or mental process is to incorporate an integrated viewpoint that examines biological, psychological, and social-cultural factors. This is also known as a __________ approach. functionalist biopsychosocial psychodynamic cognitive


Kevitt was in a motorcycle accident that left him unable to recognize and discriminate objects visually. When his therapist tosses a crumpled piece of paper toward his head he can move out of the way but he cannot identify the tossed object. Kevitt is demonstrating the phenomenon known as: change blindness selective attention blindsight inattentional blindness


Relative luminance most clearly contributes to: size constancy brightness constancy color constancy shape constancy

brightness constancy

If Mark were to visit a sleep lab to have his brain activity measured during sleep, how would it be measured? by attaching electrodes connected to an EEG by attaching electrodes to measure his circadian rhythm by recording how often he yawns by observing his frequency of fast, jerky eye movements

by attaching electrodes connected to an EEG

Andrew failed to notice when his girlfriend Rhonda got her hair cut because he wasn't paying attention to her hair but rather what she was talking about. Not noticing that Rhonda had cut her hair is an example of: the pop-out phenomenon the cocktail party effect mindfulness change blindness

change blindness

Becky has volunteered to participate in a psychology experiment. When she arrives, a lab assistant standing on the other side of a counter greets her. He explains the informed consent procedure and asks her to sign a form. As the lab assistant reaches for the form he drops it behind the counter. He drops down behind the counter to pick it up, but another person stands up holding the form. After Becky signs it, she is asked if she noticed any difference. She replies that she did not. This phenomenon is known as: the cocktail party effect dual processing change blindness blindsight

change blindness

James tends to feel sleepy around 10 p.m. every evening and wakes up at 6 a.m. every morning without an alarm clock. That is because his _____ controls his sleep/wake cycle. amount of REM sleep hypnagogic state circadian rhythm sleep stage rhythm

circadian rhythm

"After I graduate, I really want to help people with schizophrenia," says Elaine. Elaine most likely wants to be a _________ psychologist. counseling developmental social clinical


Dr. Stevens provides psychotherapy to people who suffer from excessive anxiety. Dr. Stevens is most likely a ______________ psychologist. clinical developmental cognitive social


Which of the following psychoactive drugs produces a quick and very powerful rush of euphoria? barbiturates cocaine alcohol marijuana


The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are the three tiny bones that transmit vibrations to the: cochlea basilar membrane auditory canal middle ear


A focus on how we perceive, process, and remember information is most relevant to the ____________ perspective. behavioral evolutionary social-cultural cognitive


Even when grass is seen through sunglasses, it appears equally as green as it does without glasses. This best illustrates: accommodation color constancy binocular depth cues continuity

color constancy

Mark knows that he is sitting in the library reading a book. He also knows that he is both tired and hungry. Psychologists call Mark's knowledge of the world and himself: awareness consciousness alertness daydreaming


Frank was a participant in a research study looking at the content of people's dreams. If he is typical, most of his dreams will: be concerned primarily with sex and sexual activities be very incoherent, illogical, chaotic, and concerned with fantastic images and very bizarre stories have female dream characters and positive themes and feelings contain a story line that incorporates traces of previous days' nonsexual experiences and preoccupations

contain a story line that incorporates traces of previous days' nonsexual experiences and preoccupations

When 3-year-old Luca is in the grocery store with his mother he sometimes throws temper tantrums if she refuses his requests for a particular cereal. Parent-training experts in operant conditioning would suggest that his mother should: continue shopping while not giving in to Luca's tantrums, explaining why. return any foods Luca likes that are already in her cart to the store shelves. agree to buy the cereal Luca wants only if he quiets down and behaves himself. threaten to punish Luca if he continues his tantrums, but put the cereal in her cart.

continue shopping while not giving in to Luca's tantrums, explaining why.

Pharmaceutical studies sometimes test their experimental drugs against an already available medication to see if the experimental drug works the same or better than the existing medication. Those participants who get assigned to the existing-medication group would be in the: experimental condition control condition treatment condition random condition

control condition

In an experiment that examines the effect of sleep deprivation on mental alertness, mental alertness is the: independent variable experimental condition dependent variable control condition

dependent variable

Alcohol initially produces feelings of euphoria, talkativeness, and outgoing behavior because it: stimulates activity in regions of the brain that are involved with emotion, especially positive emotions depresses activity in the brain regions involved with self-control and judgment, lowering inhibitions increases activity in the motor regions while simultaneously decreasing activity in sensory regions is a stimulant

depresses activity in the brain regions involved with self-control and judgment, lowering inhibitions

Professor Bernstein conducts basic research on the progressive changes in an infant's perceptual skills during the first year of life. Professor Bernstein is most likely a ______________ psychologist. social personality clinical developmental


_____ psychologists investigate the influence of multiple factors on how people change physically, mentally, and socially at every stage of life. Epigenetic Personality Cognitive Developmental


Neither the participants nor the researchers participating in a drug-treatment study know whether the participant is receiving the experimental drug or the placebo. This is known as the: double-blind procedure random assignment procedure blind procedure experimental-blind procedure

double-blind procedure

Which of the following is an altered state of consciousness that is spontaneously induced? meditation dreaming hypnosis hallucinations


When Brad was first learning to drive a car, he had to focus on how far he was turning the wheel and how hard he was pushing the gas pedal. Now, after many years of driving, the skill has become automatic. He can now talk to his passengers or listen to music while driving. Brad's experience best exemplifies the psychological phenomenon of: the cocktail party effect cognitive processing change blindness dual processing

dual processing

Environmental factors such as diet, drugs, or stress can alter gene expression by affecting: evolution protein molecules natural selection epigenetic molecules

epigenetic molecules

Ten-year-old Adam frequently watches violent movies on television. This is most likely to lead him to: underestimate the actual frequency of violent crimes in the real world. become less fearful about being criminally assaulted. experience less distress at the sight of other children fighting on the school playground. become more hesitant about personally starting a fight with another child.

experience less distress at the sight of other children fighting on the school playground.

In an experiment, participants are often assigned to one of two groups. The _____ condition refers to the group that receives the treatment. The control condition refers to the group that does not receive the treatment. dependent double-blind natural experimental


Kevin is participating in a study in which he is placed inside a tube-shaped machine and then asked to look at photographs of people making various facial expressions. The experimenters explain that they are looking at areas of his brain that show increased blood flow, which would indicate higher levels of activity when he looks at the photographs. The device the researchers are utilizing is a(n): PET MRI fMRI EEG


Marleen suffered a stroke in the underside of the right temporal lobe. Which brain function is likely to be affected? language comprehension facial recognition visual perception of shapes spatial recognition

facial recognition

Emma has just given birth to a 6-pound baby girl. Her infant's head is small and slightly disproportioned. Emma did drink alcohol while she was pregnant, although it is not clear to the physician how much or how often she drank. It is possible that her infant has: become habituated a preference for faces fetal alcohol syndrome increased central nervous system activity

fetal alcohol syndrome

Due to severe health complications from diabetes, Stacey's pregnancy had to be terminated during the third month. In what stage of prenatal development did she have the termination? fetus egg embryo zygote


Conditioned (secondary) reinforcers are powerful tools for shaping behavior because they have become associated with primary reinforcers. Which of the following is NOT a conditioned reinforcer? praise food money grades


Epigenetics is the study of environmental influences on ______ that occur without a DNA change. gene expression natural selection evolution behavior

gene expression

When James celebrated his 25th anniversary at the company, he felt that the rare autographed baseball he was given, while nice, was just a meaningless trinket. He thought that his wife and children were much more important than his job. James is in the stage of development called: generativity versus stagnation intimacy versus isolation initiative versus guilt identity versus role confusion

generativity versus stagnation

These cells in the nervous system support, nourish, and protect neurons. sensory neurons glial cells myelin sheath cells motor neurons

glial cells

Research has demonstrated that premature human babies exposed to massage: go home from the hospital sooner than babies not exposed to massage are not affected by the massage exposure have a higher metabolic rate than babies not exposed to massage gain weight at a slower rate than babies not exposed to massage

go home from the hospital sooner than babies not exposed to massage

In addition to controlling other endocrine glands, the pituitary also has primary responsibility for regulating: the level of calcium in the blood the level of sugar in the blood the "fight or flight" response growth


Shaping was a method used by Skinner to: decrease an undesirable behavior condition meerkats to seek out heat lamps demonstrate how classical conditioning works guide an organism to exhibit a complex behavior using successive approximations

guide an organism to exhibit a complex behavior using successive approximations.

Ashley lightly sprayed cold water on her younger brother Sammy's face while Sammy was sleeping. The next morning Sammy is most likely to report: having a dream about fish having a dream about flying that he got up several times to go to the bathroom having a dream about swimming near a waterfall

having a dream about swimming through a waterfall

Jorge was born with cataracts, but he didn't have cataract surgery until he was 30 years old. The surgery restored his sight, but: he could not sense colors, nor could he distinguish between figure and ground. he could recognize objects by sight that were familiar to him by touch. he could not recognize objects by sight that were familiar to him by touch. he could sense colors, but he could not distinguish between figure and ground.

he could not recognize objects by sight that were familiar to him by touch.

Albert decided that it was time to invest his money. He was quite excited and told his friends about his new financial venture. Even his wife was supportive. Albert liked a number of riskier companies, but he decided to invest in the companies which had good financial standing. A year later, when five of the six companies went bankrupt, Albert's wife was furious and told him, "Anyone could have seen these companies were going to fail." This is called: the ability to see patterns intuitive thinking overconfidence hindsight bias

hindsight bias

Thomas just found out that the prom king and queen from his high school are splitting up. He thinks back to the last time he saw them together and has the feeling that he could have predicted their divorce. Which of these is the MOST likely cause for this feeling? overconfidence intuition hindsight bias astute observation powers

hindsight bias

Sixteen-year-old Jake is trying out different clothes and hairstyles. His father is confused and sometimes shocked by his combinations of shirts and pants, earrings, chains, and hair colors. His mother, on the other hand, just laughs. Jake is in the stage of development called: initiative versus guilt intimacy versus isolation identity versus role confusion generativity versus stagnation

identity versus role confusion

According to research on the stability of temperament, which of the following is the MOST stable over time? impulsiveness openness to experience agreeableness social attitudes


As Natalia was driving home from school, she stopped at an intersection. She looked to her left and right for oncoming cars and then made a left turn, pulling out right in front of a motorcycle. Even though she had looked in that direction, she failed to see the motorcycle, likely because she was looking only for cars. Her inability to see the motorcycle is a phenomenon known as: inattentional blindness change blindness the cocktail party effect blindsight

inattentional blindness

In a study, participants watched two teams pass a basketball among teammates. One team was wearing white shirts, and the other was wearing black shirts. Participants were told to count how many times the team wearing the white shirts passed the basketball, thereby directing their attention to the white shirts and ignoring the black shirts. Interestingly, half of the study participants failed to notice when a man wearing a black gorilla suit walked through the swirl of players, even though the gorilla paused to thump its chest. This phenomenon is known as: the cocktail party effect change blindness blindsight inattentional blindness

inattentional blindness

Magicians exploit a phenomenon known as _____, which occurs when we fail to notice something in our clear field of view because our limited attentional resources are directed toward another task or object in the environment. blindsight inattentional blindness the visual perception track the cocktail party effect

inattentional blindness

Dr. Brohil's research examines cognitive changes that occur as people progress from young adulthood to late adulthood. Dr. Brohil is a developmental psychologist. Which of the following is something he is NOT likely to focus on? individual similarities and separations among humanity nature and nurture continuity and stages stability and change

individual similarities and separations among humanity

Dr. Prima has been hired to assess job satisfaction and worker productivity. Dr. Prima is most likely a(n) ______________ psychologist. industrial-organizational cognitive clinical social


The primary function of the myelin sheath is to: insulate the axon and increase the speed at which neurons convey their message inhibit the opening and closing of ion channels on the axon's membrane reduce the speed of neurotransmitters crossing the synaptic gap provide support and nutrition to the dendrites

insulate the axon and increase the speed at which neurons convey their message

George, who is 68 years old, is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he has made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. George is in the stage of development called: identity versus role confusion. integrity versus despair generativity versus stagnation initiative versus guilt.

integrity versus despair

George, who is 68 years old, is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he has made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. George is in the stage of development called: integrity versus despair generativity versus stagnation initiative versus guilt identity versus role confusion

integrity versus despair

Danielle has a good job, a cat named Jake, and 31 candles on her latest birthday cake. She feels lonely at times, though, and wonders if she'll find a life partner. Danielle is in the stage of development called: integrity versus despair identity versus role confusion intimacy versus isolation initiative versus guilt

intimacy versus isolation

The sensory experience of bending one's knees or raising one's arms illustrates: top-down processing kinesthesia the vestibular sense sensory interaction


"I dreamed that there was a large purple elephant chasing my car last night," said Suan. In terms of Freudian dream theory, Suan is describing the _________________ content of his dream. unconscious latent conscious manifest


Cognitive neuroscience is best described as the interdisciplinary study of brain activity linked with: inattentional blindness selective attention mental processes altered states of consciousness

mental processes

If a child is watching a favorite sibling getting scolded for misbehavior, which type of neuron may be activated in an empathic response to this observation? mirror neuron motor cortex neuron observational neuron theory of mind neuron

mirror neuron

Compared to fraternal twins, identical twins would be: more similar in risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and more similar in risk of divorce. less similar in risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and more similar in risk of divorce. less similar in risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and less similar in risk of divorce. more similar in risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and less similar in risk of divorce.

more similar in risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and more similar in risk of divorce.

Nancy has just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. As the disease progresses, neural communication from the brain to some of her muscles may slow down and she could lose some muscle control as a result of the degeneration of the: myelin sheath neural receptor sites dendrites in her motor neurons axon terminals in her sensory neurons.

myelin sheath

Carolyn is busy with project work that she brought home. Her son wants her to set up a movie for him. Carolyn tells him to wait for 10 minutes, but he whines and complains so much that Carolyn decides to just go ahead with it. Her son's whining best illustrates: negative reinforcement conditioned (secondary) reinforcement shaping behavior respondent behavior

negative reinforcement

Professor Jones is interested in studying how the approximately 300 trillion synaptic connections in an adult brain's cerebral cortex are organized into an information-processing system. He should consider studying which of the following topics? neurotransmitters neural impulses neural networks action potentials

neural networks

Five-year-old Ami is beginning to show signs of being able to plan ahead in a somewhat rational manner. At her age, this development is likely due to: an increase in serotonin pathways. the pruning process. increased neurotransmitters available in her synaptic gaps. neural networks sprouting in her frontal lobes.

neural networks sprouting in her frontal lobes.

Dr. Williamson is working with the National Institute of Mental Health to determine if omega-3 fatty acids have beneficial effects on anxiety disorders. Which perspective is Dr. Williamson subscribing to? cognitive behavioral neuroscience psychodynamic


For conditioning to occur, a(n) ____________ must repeatedly come before a(n) unconditioned stimulus. neutral stimulus (NS) unconditioned response (CR) conditioned response (CR) conditioned stimulus (US)

neutral stimulus

Muscular strength, reaction time, sensory keenness, and cardiac output begin to decline in the late 20s. Research has shown that these processes of aging can be reversed by: perceiving one's life with a sense of integrity nothing can reverse the decline associated with aging exercise and lifestyle changes brain-training exercises

nothing can reverse the decline associated with aging

It is 1965, and Professor B. F. Skinner is lecturing in your introductory course. He defines psychology as "the scientific study of __________________." the mind's structure cognition mental life observable behavior

observable behavior

After one chimpanzee sees a second chimp open a box that contains a food reward, the first animal opens a similar box with great speed. This best illustrates: associative learning observational learning respondent behavior acquisition

observational learning

Christy is a 7-year-old girl who frequently witnesses her father's anger and physical abuse of her mother. Later, when she's in her room playing with her stuffed animals, she begins to yell at them and hit them for "being so stupid and not having dinner ready." Her behavior is a clear example of: observational learning reinforced conditioning classical conditioning operant conditioning

observational learning

A dog learns that if she sits, her owner will give her a treat. The dog likes treats, so she will repeat the sitting behavior often in order to get a treat. This example best illustrates: spontaneous recovery operant conditioning respondent behavior observational learning

operant conditioning

Four years ago, Acme Tool and Die included its employees in a profit-sharing plan in which workers started receiving quarterly bonuses based on the company's profits. Since this plan was initiated, worker productivity at the company has nearly doubled. This productivity increase is best explained in terms of: shaping classical conditioning spontaneous recovery operant conditioning

operant conditioning

At the beginning of the school year, college students were asked to predict a variety of their own social behaviors, such as calling their parents or voting in an election. The students reported being 84 percent assured in their self-predictions. However, they correctly predicted their own behavior only 71 percent of the time. This human tendency is known as hindsight bias intuition overconfidence "I-knew-it-all-along" phenomenon.


Lucy is excited about her wedding this Sunday. She's read that half of all marriages end in divorce but knows that she and Steve will be happy for the rest of their lives. This tendency to make predictions about one's life so self-assuredly is called: the "I-knew-it-all-along" phenomenon hindsight bias intuition overconfidence


An example of the interaction of the nervous and endocrine systems can be seen in our response to danger. The _______________ orders the adrenal glands to release the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which act to provide a surge of energy. somatic nervous system pancreas central nervous system autonomic nervous system


Cassandra has had her driver's license for many years. When she first started driving, she had to think about where to put the key, which pedal to push with her feet, and how to move the gear into the "drive" position. Now she does these behaviors automatically and can respond quickly to a road hazard. As an experienced driver, Cassandra is using _________________________ to process routine information needed to drive the car. grouping accommodation feature detection parallel processing

parallel processing

Cassandra has had her driver's license for many years. When she first started driving, she had to think about where to put the key, which pedal to push with her feet, and how to move the gear into the "drive" position. Now she does these behaviors automatically and can respond quickly to a road hazard. As an experienced driver, Cassandra is using _________________________ to process routine information needed to drive the car. parallel processing feature detection accommodation grouping

parellel processing

Most of the TV shows that 9-year-old Jabrile watches involve violence. This may lead him to: react with a sense of distress at the sight of two children fighting on the school playground. overestimate the pain and injury experienced by victims of violent crime. be more inhibited about personally starting a fight on the school playground. perceive the injuries of victims of violence as less severe.

perceive the injuries of victims of violence as less severe.

Most of the TV shows that 9-year-old Jabrile watches involve violence. This may lead him to: react with a sense of distress at the sight of two children fighting on the school playground. perceive the injuries of victims of violence as less severe. overestimate the pain and injury experienced by victims of violent crime. be more inhibited about personally starting a fight on the school playground.

perceive the injuries of victims of violence as less severe.

Professor Schmidt is conducting a study on _______________. He shows his study participants a picture of an adult-child pair. He tells half of the participants that they are looking at a parent and her child, while he tells the other half that they are looking at a day-care worker and a child in the day-care center. The group that thinks the pair is related rates them as looking more alike than the group that thinks they are NOT related. sensory adaptation perceptual set the just noticeable difference difference thresholds

perceptual set

Both _______________ indicate how our experiences help us to construct perception. perceptual set and subliminal sensations subliminal sensations and perceptual set perceptual set and context context and subliminal sensations

perceptual set and context

When people look at a photograph of an adult-child pair and are told that the two individuals are parent and child, they tend to say the pair looks more alike than people who are told the pair is unrelated. This is most likely due to: sensory adaptation emotion adaptation subliminal sensation perceptual sets

perceptual sets

Leon's parents divorced when he was 5. His father has moved out of state, and his mother is kept busy with trying to keep a roof over their heads. Leon is now 13 and has been getting into some minor troubles at school and with the law. Despite this, his mother still allows Leon to come and go as he pleases, she rarely if ever punishes him, and she gives in to whatever he wants. She feels guilty about the divorce and the fact that Leon doesn't have much contact with his father. Leon's mother has which type of parenting style? permissive authoritarian authoritative detached


After suffering a severe brain injury in a dirt-bike accident that permanently damaged much of his right motor cortex, 9-year-old Amir was partially paralyzed on the left side of his body. Amazingly, after several months of intensive physical therapy, he partially regained the use of his left leg and left arm. This example best illustrates the principle of: neurogenesis plasticity lateralization localization


The successful functioning of children who have had an entire cerebral hemisphere surgically removed best illustrates the significance of: lateralization plasticity neurogenesis split brain


fter suffering a severe brain injury in a dirt-bike accident that permanently damaged much of his right motor cortex, 9-year-old Amir was partially paralyzed on the left side of his body. Amazingly, after several months of intensive physical therapy, he partially regained the use of his left leg and left arm. This example best illustrates the principle of: plasticity neurogenesis lateralization localization


Dr. Saunders is studying how human functioning can be scientifically guided to establish and promote goals to enhance human flourishing. Which of the following areas of psychology is Dr. Saunders exploring? humanistic psychology behavioral psychology psychoanalysis positive psychology

positive psychology

When Carl was injured in a car accident, he lost consciousness for 10 minutes. He had sustained numerous lacerations, a right femoral contusion, and, most importantly, had a large open wound on his head. When he arrived at the emergency room, the attending physician immediately ordered which neuroimaging technique to rule out any damage to the soft tissue of the brain? positron emission tomography (PET) electroencephalography (EEG) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) functional MRI (fMRI)

positron emission tomography (PET)

Jarrud thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him so that he can make sure he avoids punishment. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that Jarrud demonstrates ________ morality. intuitionist preconventional postconventional conventional


Thomas was in a serious bike accident in which the front of his head slammed into a tree. Since the accident he is irritable and has trouble controlling his behavior and planning future activities. Thomas likely damaged his: motor cortex occipital lobe prefrontal cortex somatosensory cortex

prefrontal cortex

Gloria is 85 years old and having trouble with her hearing. She worked in a factory for many years at a time when there were no regulations against too-high sound levels. The most likely reasons for her sensorineural hearing loss are normal aging and: prolonged exposure to ear-splitting noise. a punctured eardrum. damage to the basilar membrane. damage to the middle ear.

prolonged exposure to ear-splitting noise

One common thinking error is the assumption that a strong correlation: is rarely negative is rarely positive suggests a bias in sampling proves causation

proves causation

Leroy wants to provide medical treatment, including prescribing psychoactive drugs, to help individuals with psychological disorders. Leroy wants to be a ____________________. counseling psychologist social psychologist psychotherapist psychiatrist


Dr. Shavez is a sleep researcher who wishes to record brain activity during sleep. He is most likely to use which of the following methods? monitoring blood levels of melatonin recording brain waves on an electroencephalograph (EEG) tracking changes in breathing, blood pressure, and body temperature doing MRI scans

recording brain waves on an electroencephalograph (EEG)

Katie acts so differently with her parents than with her girlfriends that she often thinks her personality is completely phony. Erik Erikson would have suggested that Katie is experiencing: role confusion isolation inferiority conventional morality

role confusion

Children are especially likely to behave aggressively after viewing TV violence in which an attractive person commits: seemingly unjustified violence that causes no visible pain or harm. seemingly justified violence that causes no visible pain or harm. seemingly unjustified violence that causes a lot of visible pain or harm. seemingly justified violence that causes a lot of visible pain or harm.

seemingly justified violence that causes no visible pain or harm.

Drivers are slower to detect traffic signals if they are also conversing on a cell phone. This best illustrates the impact of: consciousness the visual action track selective attention the visual perception track

selective attention

Brandon works at the airport as a member of the ground crew. Because he finds the hearing protection cumbersome, he typically takes it off. His prolonged exposure to the roars of the jet engines will likely result in: conduction hearing loss sensitivity only to low-pitched sounds sensorineural hearing loss stereophonic hearing

sensoirneural hearing loss

Ivy starts to get into the hot tub, but the water feels extremely hot. She stands in the water for a few moments, then slowly eases the rest of her body down into the water. After a few minutes, she feels quite comfortable; the water no longer feels too hot. This decline in sensitivity to a constant stimulus that Ivy has experienced is called: sensory adaptation emotion adaptation bottom-up processing transduction

sensory adaptation

Samantha taught her 4-year-old cousin how to do jumping jacks. First, she rewarded him for jumping up and down on the spot. Then, she rewarded him for jumping up and down while alternating wide-leg landings with narrow-leg landings. Finally, she rewarded him for doing this kind of jumping while also raising his arms from his sides in time to each of his wide-legged jumps. This learning strategy best illustrates the process of: classical conditioning negative reinforcement shaping delayed reinforcement


Melissa is worried about her young children being exposed to the violence on television. You tell Melissa all of the following EXCEPT: the more hours children spend watching violent programs, the more at risk they are for aggression and crime as teens. she should not worry; children do not model television violence. correlation does not prove causation. correlational studies do link violence viewing with violent behavior

she should not worry; children do not model television violence.

Professor Smithers studies the impact of boredom and fatigue on people's absolute thresholds. His research is based on: subliminal stimulation signal detection theory. Weber's law the just noticeable difference

signal detection theory

Robert, a nurse, notes that some parents of asthmatic children respond to very small changes in their children's breathing and seek care accordingly. However, other parents might not notice the same small changes. This difference in reaction to the same stimuli is best explained by: the differences in the processing of subliminal stimulation the difference threshold between the two groups of parents signal detection theory the effects of priming

signal detection theory

Robert, a nurse, notes that some parents of asthmatic children respond to very small changes in their children's breathing and seek care accordingly. However, other parents might not notice the same small changes. This difference in reaction to the same stimuli is best explained by: the effects of priming signal detection theory the difference threshold between the two groups of parents the differences in the processing of subliminal stimulation

signal detection theory

Two TSA officers are scanning bags at the airport. One of the officers lets a bag go through when the other officer yells, "Wait, didn't you see that? Its hidden under something in the bag." Why one officer saw a weapon and the other did not is best explained by: signal detection theory the absolute threshold differences in the processing of subliminal stimulation differences in transduction

signal detection theory

Charles has always been a chronic snorer, much to the dismay of his wife, Elaine. For the last three months, though, Elaine has noticed him momentarily waking, gasping for air, and then snoring until it happens again. He may be suffering from: sleep apnea night terrors insomnia narcolepsy

sleep apnea

Dr. Hillburton has received approval for his research grant to study the effects of divorce on children aged 5 to 12 in terms of maturational milestones. Dr. Hillburton is most likely a _________________ psychologist. clinical developmental social counseling


Professor Chung conducts basic research to investigate whether a teacher's negative perceptions of some students can affect the students' subsequent academic performance. Professor Chung is most likely a ______________ psychologist. clinical personality biological social


A focus on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and societies is most relevant to the ____________ perspective. social-cultural cognitive behavior genetics behavioral


Which of the following promotes better retention of material studied than massed practice? intermediate practice spaced practice delayed practice massed practice

spaced practice

Nate and his girlfriend are listening to a lecture on an author's travels through Eastern Europe. After listening for an hour he becomes drowsy and his head begins dropping forward, until his girlfriend elbows him to wake him up. Nate's drowsiness is an example of an altered state of consciousness that occurs: consciously spontaneously willfully psychologically


Janice has not performed well on her last two psychology exams. She is at a loss because she studied three hours for each exam. Janice's professor suggests that she use the SQ3R method of study. This procedure involves various steps in the following order: - reading the chapter, taking a practice test, and taking notes on the chapter consisting of material you missed on the practice test - surveying the chapter, using learning objectives and headings to question your understanding before reading, reading actively, taking a practice test, and reviewing to check your understanding - using learning objectives and headings to question your understanding before reading, actively reading a section of the chapter, taking notes on the chapter, and taking a practice test - reading each section actively, using learning objectives and headings to question your understanding before reading, taking notes on the chapter, and taking the practice test.

surveying the chapter, using learning objectives and headings to question your understanding before reading, reading actively, taking a practice test, and reviewing to check your understanding

Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin will thereby increase the concentration of serotonin molecules in the: glial cells synaptic gap axon terminals cell body

synaptic gap

The areas of the motor cortex responsible for precise movements, for example, of the fingers and the mouth,: are controlled by only the right side of the motor cortex are controlled by only the left side of the motor cortex reside in a smaller area of the motor cortex take up a larger area of the motor cortex

take up a larger area of the motor cortex

Tamika is having difficulty scoring as well as she believes she should on her psychology exams. The class teaching assistant suggests that Tamika may be overestimating what she knows about the terms and concepts in each chapter. Tamika may be familiar with the terms and concepts but may not always be able to apply them during an exam. The teaching assistant suggests that after studying, Tamika should spend more time _____ her knowledge of the content. actively studying reviewing testing rereading


Months after Tina's left index finger was severed in a factory accident, she noticed an increase in the sensitivity of the fingers near the missing one. The increased sensitivity is caused by: the area of the motor cortex once occupied by the missing index finger now receiving input from the adjacent fingers. the area in the somatosensory cortex once occupied by the missing index finger now receiving input from the adjacent fingers. new synaptic connections in the area of the motor cortex that corresponds to the missing finger. neurogenesis in the somatosensory cortex in the area of the missing finger.

the area in the somatosensory cortex once occupied by the missing index finger now receiving input from the adjacent fingers.

Larry has procrastinated and is cramming in an attempt to memorize a great deal of material for his final exams. Finished at last, he goes to bed. Unfortunately, his next-door neighbor has a noisy, barking dog. The barking interrupts Larry's sleep cycle, especially during REM sleep. The next day Larry does very poorly on his exams. According to the information-processing theory of dreams, one explanation for his poor performance (in addition to his study habits) is that: the barking interfered with his REM sleep, which in turn interfered with memory consolidation the barking increased neural activity the latent content of the exam material did not relate to the manifest content the barking made him dream about the dog

the barking interfered with his REM sleep, which in turn interfered with memory consolidation

Carla, who is participating in a dichotic listening study, is asked to ignore any information that is presented to her right ear. She finds that she has no problem doing this except for when she thinks she hears her name in her right ear. Carla is experiencing: inattentional blindness blindsight the cocktail party effect change blindness

the cocktail party effect

Amber asked her roommate to turn down the radio because she was trying to study. Her roommate had increased the volume from a volume level of 14 to 15. This was just enough for Amber to detect the increase and subsequent decrease. Amber's detection of the increase and decrease of volume is an example of: the difference threshold an absolute threshold prosopagnosia sensory adaptation

the difference threshold

As Erika walks out into the fresh air after a rap concert, she notices that her ears are ringing. The ringing indicates possible damage to: the hair cells on her outer ear the hair cells of her cochlea's basilar membrane the hammer, anvil, and stirrup her outer ear

the hair cells of her cochlea's basilar membrane

fter the attacks on the United States in September 2001, a friend suggested that the CIA and FBI should have foreseen the likelihood of this form of terrorism. According to her, all the clues were there. This perception may illustrate: intuition her ability to perceive patterns the hindsight bias her skill in detecting correlations

the hindsight bias

Larry was in an automobile accident in which he suffered serious head trauma. When he regained consciousness, he could not remember any new information and experiences that occurred since the accident. Larry likely had damage to which area of the limbic system? the amygdala the thalamus the hypothalamu sthe hippocampus

the hippocampus

Larry was in an automobile accident in which he suffered serious head trauma. When he regained consciousness, he could not remember any new information and experiences that occurred since the accident. Larry likely had damage to which area of the limbic system? the hippocampus the hypothalamus the thalamus the amygdala

the hippocampus

Lee fell off of his bike and hit the back of his head on the sidewalk. For a few minutes afterward, his vision was distorted. His friend, Jackson, says that the fall couldn't have affected his vision because he hit the back of his head, not the front. You know that Jackson is wrong because: the temporal lobe is located in the front of the head the occipital lobe is located in the front of the head the occipital lobe is located in the back of the head the parietal lobe is located in the back of the head

the occipital lobe is located in the back of the head

John was hit in the back of the head by a beer bottle during a bar fight. After the blow he was dazed and could not see for about two minutes. Which lobes were affected? the temporal lobes the parietal lobes the frontal lobes the occipital lobes

the occipital lobes

Which lobes of the cerebral cortex are most directly involved in vision? the frontal lobes the parietal lobes the temporal lobes the occipital lobes

the occipital lobes

Sherron learned how to ride a bike when she was 6 years old, but when asked to explain how she balances the bike she is unable to do so. All of the following explains why Sherron cannot explain this skill EXCEPT: the skill of riding the bike is now an automatic ability the skill of riding the bike is now an unconscious skill her practicing of the skill has moved that skill from a conscious to an unconscious knowledge the skill of riding the bike is only accessed through conscious processing

the skill of riding the bike is only accessed through conscious processing

Ever since Allison vomited all over her boyfriend after she ate a chicken salad sandwich that had been sitting in the sun all day, she becomes nauseous at the smell or taste of chicken salad. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is _____ and the conditioned response is nausea. vomiting nausea the smell or taste of chicken salad her boyfriend

the smell or taste of chicken salad

Based on research into the responses of infants immediately after they are born, we can be MOST certain that the human fetus would be aware of and learn to recognize: novel visual stimuli the sound of the mother singing the mother's feelings of happiness or elation the mother's fears and anxieties

the sound of the mother singing

Monica improves her studying method. After reading each section of her textbook, she assesses her memory of the reading by taking the practice quiz for that section. When she is finished studying for the exam, she takes a practice exam and finds that her grades have improved a letter grade since the beginning of the semester. Monica's grade improvement is an example of: overlearning the testing effect intuition maturity

the testing effect

Which area is NOT a part of the limbic system? the hippocampus the thalamus the amygdala the hypothalamus

the thalamus

Kittens, monkeys, and humans who experience prolonged sensory deprivation early in life all end up with permanent damage to their visual functioning. This finding suggests that: there is no critical period for normal sensory and perceptual development there is a critical period for normal sensory and perceptual development neural organization is not related to sensory experiences sensory deprivation in adulthood results in damage to visual functioning

there is a critical period for normal sensory and perceptual development

Erum's metabolism has been irregular, and she has been moody, tired, and weak. If the problem lies in her endocrine system, she likely has an abnormality with her _____________ gland. hypothalamic pituitary adrenal thyroid


When a person needs a gradual increase in the amount of a psychoactive drug to produce the desired effect, _____ has occurred. beta blocking addiction withdrawal tolerance


When Casey opens her eyes in the morning she sees a photograph by her bedside. At that point, her eyes are receiving light energy. Her eyes then change the light energy into neural messages for the brain to process. This conversion of one form of energy into another is called: sensory adaptation the difference threshold the absolute threshold transduction


In classical conditioning, what is the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US), such as salivation, when food is in the mouth? neutral stimulus (NS) conditioned stimulus (CS) conditioned response (CR) unconditioned response (UR)

unconditioned response (UR)

Gamblers and fisherman sometimes have a difficult time controlling their need to gamble and fish, respectively, because of the _____________ schedule of reinforcement. fixed-ratio fixed-interval variable-ratio variable-interval


Jennifer has oversight responsibility for the servicing and repair of her company's fleet of cars, so she frequently calls the garage mechanic to inquire whether service on various cars has been completed. Because service completion times are unpredictable, she is likely to be reinforced with positive responses to her inquiries on a ______________ schedule. variable-interval variable-ratio fixed-interval fixed-ratio


George, who is 48 years old, recently had his sight restored after 45 years of blindness. After the operation, he could associate people with their distinct features (e.g., hair color), but could not recognize their faces. He was also not good at judging the size of objects when their distance from him changed. His case suggests that: vision can be restored completely, even if a person was blind from an early age. vision develops during a critical period. there is no critical period for normal visual development. normal development of vision does not involve experience or learning.

vision develops during a critical period

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