Psych Midterm #1

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Dr. Kristin Macuga's research aims to predict the effect of cell phone use on automobile driver performance. Researchers such as her are concerned with interactions among humans and other elements of a system. As such, they are ______. a.Forensic psychologists b.Engineering psychologists c.Social psychologists d.Counseling psychologists

B. Engineering Psychology

William James was influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution while he formulated the school of thought known as _____. This movement focused on the purpose that mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their environment. a. Structuralism b. Functionalism c. Humanism d. Dualism

B. Functionalism

In Positive Psychology, _____ refers to passion for a particular long-term goal or endstate coupled with a powerful motivation to achieve this objective. This perseverance of effort promotes the overcoming of obstacles or challenges that lie within an individual's path to accomplishment and serves as a driving force in achievement realization. a. Free will b. Grit c. Gestalt d. Reinforcement

B. Grit

The PERMA model adopted by Google and other companies to improve worker productivity and well-being is derived from _____. a. Behaviorism b. Positive Psychology c. Cognitive Psychology d. Cultural Psychology

B. Positive Psychology

A recent study found that "teenage boys show enhanced activity in the part of the brain responsible for emotions when confronted with threat, making threat more difficult to ignore. In one study, even when the teens were told specifically not to respond to a threat, many could not stop themselves. Magnetic-resonance-scanner readings revealed their brain activity was strikingly different from adult men." This research best represents psychology's subfield of ____. a.Cultural Psychology b.Health Psychology c.Behavioral Neuroscience d.Positive Psychology

C. Behavioral Neuroscience

_____ are falsifiable predictions about the relationship between at least two variables that are then tested using research methods such as correlations and experiments. a. Theories b. Observations c. Hypotheses d. None of the above are correct.

C. Hypothesis

Psychology is the scientific study of _____. A. The mind B. Behavior C. The mind and behavior D. None of the above are correct

C. The mind and behavior

Positive Psychology is a contemporary offshoot of _____? a. Classical conditioning b. Operant conditioning c. Humanistic psychology d. Evolutionary psychology

C.Humanistic Psychology

Knowing that most people in a class obtained a score of 78 on an exam, you would know the _____ of this sample. a.Mean b.Median c.Mode d.Range


The majority of people earning PhDs in Psychology do so within the subfield of _____. This area of psychology studies the treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Dr. Watkins represents this subfield as her research has investigated treatments for anxiety disorders and ways for women to improve their body image. a.Cognitive Psychology b.Sport and Exercise Psychology c.Personality Psychology d.Clinical Psychology

D. Clinical Psychology

In the Tuskeegee syphilis study, impoverished Black sharecroppers were given free meals, medical care, and burial insurance in exchange for participating in the research. This was an ethical violation due to ____. a. Coercion b.Failure to collect informed consent c.Failure to maintain confidentiality d.None of the above are correct—this was not an ethical violation.

a. Coercion

36. What brain structure is known as a "threat detector," playing a critical role in the appraisal of emotions? a.Amygdala b.Pons c.Medulla d.Hippocampus


Suppose a researcher conducts an experiment to determine if cognitive-behavior therapy causes an improvement in scores on the Beck Depression Inventory, a self-report questionnaire. Half of the sample is randomly assigned to the experimental group who receives the treatment while the other half is randomly assigned to the control group who receives no treatment. In this study, cognitive-behavior therapy is the _____ and the Beck Depression Inventory is the _____. a.Independent variable; Dependent variable b.Dependent variable; Dependent variable c.Independent variable; Independent variable d.Dependent variable; Independent variable

a.Independent variable; Dependent variable

_____ are the most commonly used measurement method in psychological research because they are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and allow researchers to collect data on a large number of people at one time. a.Self-report questionnaires b.Interviews c.Behavioral measures d.Physiological measures

a.Self-report questionnaires

Psychology researchers generally prefer quantifiable measures of thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and physiological functioning. When researchers measure the magnitude of one these responses, they are interested in how _____. a.Strong or severe it is b.Long it lasts c.Often it occurs d.None of the above are correct.

a.Strong or severe it is

Which of the following suggests that an individual is being deceptive in their emotional expression of happiness? a.Their smile is crooked b.Their smile comes gradually c.Their smile is relatively lasting d.They have crow's feet or crinkles around their eyes

a.Their smile is crooked

A study described in your text and in class asked participants to view photos of tennis players and judge whether the player was experiencing a positive or negative emotion (based on whether they had just won or lost a point). Some participants viewed photos of players' faces only, some viewed photos of players' bodies only, and some viewed photos of both players' faces and bodies. Results revealed that when participants made accurate ratings, they were relying on _____. a.Facial expressions b.Body language c.The combination of facial expression and body language d.None of the above are correct.

b.Body language

People can regulate their emotions via the process of reappraisal. This means that they _____ in order to feel better. a.Change their facial expressions b.Change their thoughts about the situation c.Change their behavior in the situation d.Take medication to change their physiological arousal

b.Change their thoughts about the situation

In another study described in class, girls who were stressed by a test were randomly assigned to three groups. One group spoke to their mothers by phone. Another group instant messaged with their mothers. Finally, a third group had no contact with their mothers. Researchers measured changes in the girls' stress hormones. Findings revealed that _____. a.Contact via Instant Messaging caused the greatest reduction in stress hormones b.Contact via phone caused the greatest reduction in stress hormones c.Having no contact caused the greatest reduction in stress hormones d.None of the above are correct.

b.Contact via phone caused the greatest reduction in stress hormones

Contemporary replications of Schacter and Singer's (1962) experiment have found that _____ . a.People do experience the same general arousal pattern for all emotions b.People do make cognitive inferences about the causes of their physiological arousal c.Both a and b are correct. d.Neither a nor b are correct.

b.People do make cognitive inferences about the causes of their physiological arousal

In a video shown in class, blind athletes in the Para-olympics had _____ expressions of emotion than sighted athletes in the Olympics, thus suggesting that emotions are _____. a.Similar; Dependent on learning b.Similar; Not dependent on learning c.Dissimilar; Dependent on learning d.Dissimilar; Not dependent on learning

b.Similar; Not dependent on learning

In a video we viewed in class, we saw that emotional arousal occurs via the _____. a.Parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system b.Sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system c.Both a and b are correct. d.Neither a nor b are correct.

b.Sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system

According to a video shown in class, researcher Paul Eckman demonstrated that lying could be most reliably detected by which of the following? The video ended with former president Bill Clinton exhibiting this behavior when lying about his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinksy. a.Crinkles around the eyes b.Wrinkles in forehead c.Flaring nostrils d.None of the above are correct---there is no reliable way to detect lying via facial expressions

b.Wrinkles in forehead

In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, salivation was _____. a. The unconditioned response b. The conditioned response c. Both a and b are correct d. Neither a nor b are correct

c. Both a and b are correct

Your text presents the example of viewing violent media being associated with greater aggression. The explanation given is that ______. a.Viewing violent media causes aggression b.Aggressive people seek out violent media to view c.A third variable is responsible for both viewing violent media and aggression d.Both a and b are correct.

c.A third variable is responsible for both viewing violent media and aggression

Findings from a new research study presented in class suggested that pacifier use ____ emotional development in boys. These results _____ the facial feedback hypothesis. a.Enhances; Support b.Enhances; Fail to support c.Impairs; Support d.Impairs; Fail to support

c.Impairs; Support

Suppose your friend who hardly worked on his/her assignment at all gets a much better grade than you do despite the fact that you did work really hard on this task. This upsets you to no end, but instead you act happy for your friend's success. In this case, you are engaging in the display rule known as _____. a.Intensification b.Deintensification c.Masking d.Neutralizing


When people complete a questionnaire in a way that makes them look better than they really are, this problem is known as _____. Examples of this include responding that one never gets angry or under-reporting how much alcohol one really consumes. a.Observee reactivity b.Observer reactivity c.Social desirability d.Physiological reactivity

c.Social desirability

According to the descriptions on the Basic Emotions video we saw in class, when someone's facial expression involves widened eyes, raised eyebrows, and open mouth, they are most likely expressing which of the following emotions? a.Disgust b.Fear c.Surprise d.Sadness


The Stanford prison study was problematic because _____. a.The researchers failed to randomly assign participants to groups b.The researchers confused correlation with causation in the publication of their results c.The researchers exposed participants to more than minimal risk of harm d.The researchers failed to debrief participants after the study was completed

c.The researchers exposed participants to more than minimal risk of harm

The notion of "display rules" means that the situations (when and with whom) in which people express emotions _____. a.Are universal b.Are innate c.Vary by culture d.Both a and b are correct.

c.Vary by culture

Which of the following represents the weakest correlation? a.-.74 b. +.27 c. -.27 d. 0

d. 0

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, hysteria was caused by _____. a. A lack of free will b. A frightening unconditioned stimulus c. A lack of unconditional positive regard d. A painful unconscious experience

d. A painful unconscious experience

Your text describes research by British psychologist Donald Broadbent who studied the ability---or lack thereof---of pilots to attend to many different instruments at once. This study was used to illustrate the field of _____. a.Evolutionary Psychology b.Educational Psychology c.Behavioral Psychology d.Cognitive Psychology

d. Cognitive Psychology

10. In developing his psychoanalytic theory, Freud relied on _____. a. Experimental research b. Correlational research c. Both a and b are correct. d. Neither a nor b are correct

d. Neither a nor b are correct

When a research assistant goes into a grade school classroom to conduct observations of a child identified as having a behavior problem, she might bring certain expectations to the situation that could color her perceptions of this child. In turn, the child may behave differently than normal, knowing the research assistant is there to watch him. To remedy this situation, the research supervisor asks her to observe several children without revealing which child is actually the one of interest. Meanwhile, the teacher does not tell the child that the researcher is there to observe him. Concealing the true purpose of the observation from both the research assistant and child is known as_____. a. Random assignment b.Random selection c.A single blind procedure d.A double blind procedure

d.A double blind procedure

In the above example, stress hormones were the _____ and contact condition was the _____. a.Independent; Independent b.Dependent; Dependent c.Independent; Dependent d.Dependent; Independent

d.Dependent; Independent

Moebius syndrome, as depicted in a video shown in class, is a condition in which people have difficulty _____ emotions due to _____. a.Experiencing; Paralysis of facial muscles b.Expressing; Paralysis of vocal chords c.Experiencing; Paralysis of vocal chords d.Expressing; Paralysis of facial muscles

d.Expressing; Paralysis of facial muscles

When we speak about the valence of emotions, we are talking about _____. a.How facial expressions convey emotional experiences b.How much physiological arousal is associated with emotional experiences c.How well an individual is able to regulate emotional experiences d.How an individual appraises emotional experiences as positive or negative

d.How an individual appraises emotional experiences as positive or negative

According to researcher Paul Ekman's studies, people in _____ were able to reliably judge emotional experiences based on facial expressions. These findings suggest that emotional expression is _____. a.Literate cultures; Culture-specific b.Literate and non-literate cultures; Culture-specific c.Literate cultures; Universal d.Literate and non-literate cultures; Universal

d.Literate and non-literate cultures; Universal

A correlational study described in class found that students who were frequent Facebook users made more mistakes when asked to identify happy faces than non-frequent users. Based on these results, one could conclude that _____. a.Frequent Facebook use causes greater impairment in emotional recognition b.Poor emotional recognition causes people to use Facebook c.Both a and b are correct. d.Neither a nor b are correct.

d.Neither a nor b are correct.

Schacter and Singer conducted an experiment to test their Two-Factor theory of emotion. Half of their sample was randomly assigned to a condition in which they were injected with adrenaline and exposed to an angry confederate. The other half was injected with adrenaline and exposed to a happy confederate. The results of this study showed that _____, thus confirming that people do make cognitive interpretations of their physiological arousal. a.Participants in both groups reported feeling angry b.Participants in both groups reported feeling happy c.Participants reported feeling the opposite emotion of their confederate d.Participants reported feeling the same emotion as their confederate

d.Participants reported feeling the same emotion as their confederate

B. F. Skinner's experiments led him to conclude that voluntary behavior is the result of _____. a. Free will b. Unconscious conflicts c. Stimuli that precede behaviors d. Stimuli that follow behaviors

d.Stimuli that follow behaviors

Dr. Aurora Sherman studies how thought and behavior change and remain stable across the lifespan. Her most recent research has investigated the impact of playing with sexualized dolls such as Barbie on young girls' career aspirations. As such, she is a ____. a.Developmental psychologist b.Engineering psychologist c.Biological psychologist d.Counseling psychologist

A. Developmental Psychology

In his studies of the infant, Little Albert, John Watson demonstrated that _____. a. Fears are learned b. Fears are inherited c. Fears are a product of unconscious conflicts d. None of the above are correct.

A. Fears are learned

The main tool of Structuralism was _____. a. Introspection b. Psychoanalysis c. Positive reinforcement d. Natural selection

A. Introspection

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