psych of aging

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Boomerang kids

Adult children (18+) who move back in with their parents/family members after leaving home. the great recession contributed to the increase in this kids

______________, presence of a ___________ and _________ conditions are barriers/challenges of older patients physician communications

Ageism, third party, comorbid

What is th most common form of dementia

Alzehimers disease 60-80% of cases of dementia

which of the following is not true about BMI

BMI can evaluate to the distribution of fat tissue on the body

Which of the following is not suggested by Zarit (2009) as a framework for clinical intervention with caregivers?

Clinicians should strive to place older people in clinics as much as possible

cross sectional comparisons are subject to ________ and can result in ______________ effects of aging

Cohort effects; overestimating

medical advances that extend life by prolonging the "end stage" of life. resulting in more sick years but do not improve quality of life are referred to as

Failure of success

Inter-generational support

Grandparents/older family members are more likely to asst with child rearing in singe-parent households, provide emotional, finical and practical support

________ dementia can _____________ healthy aging studies because some people with early dementia can be misdiagnosed as healthy and some may develop dementia during the course of the study.

Hidden; contaminate

Principles of life span perspective

Lifelong development, development is multi directional, and the interplay between gains and losses

During the same developmental period, some dimensions show gains while others show declines(losses). thus is an example of


on the chart involving socioemtional selectivity theory what is the time horizon labeled for B


Which of the following is not discussed in Zarit (2009) as an empirically supported intervention with family caregivers?

Online-based cognitive behavioral therapy

The paradox of well being

Physical health declines cognitive abilities decline mental health improves right up until the very end of life. The presence of subjective well-being in the face of objective difficulties that intuitively predict unhappiness

What is compression of morbidity (COM)?

Postponing the first significant effects of aging and chronic diseases results in a much healthier but not (much) longer life.

are there effective ways to cope with potential aging related losses that are not part of the SOC model

Proactive coping;


The ability of a measure to produce the same value when used repeatedly to measure the identical phenomenon over time

socioemotional selectivity theory posits that time plays a fundamental role in

The prioritization of goals

Hedonic well-being

a dimension of well being that considers what make life pleasant an unpleasant

eudamonic well-being

a dimension of well being that focuses on meaning of life and self-realization

which of the following most precisely defines loneliness

a discrepancy between desired ans actual social relationships

why does studying work family become more important

a dramatic increase in dual income households, most working parents are juggling between work and family roles because their resources are limited(ex. time, energy, skills)

Work-family facilitation

a process whereby experience or participation in one role increases the quality or performance in the other role.

Compensation (SOC model)

acquire new resources and develop new strategies for pursing goals, becomes increasingly important later in life and relates to plasticity

in SST what are two broad categories of motivational goals

acquisition of knowledge and information, achieving emotional well being and meaning

what is a gain in the interplay of gains and losses?

acquisition or improvement of skills, abilities and strategies

what is recognize diversity of caregiving

adult children my need difficult types of help then spouses who care for an older adult. some caregiving may have untapped or untouched family resources

major roles for the third person in medical encounter

advocate, supportive of patient, passive participant(present but minimally involved), and antagonist(which works against patient)

The selection optimization and compensation model(SOC model)

age related deficits place limits on cognitive/behavioral resources. there are 3 fundamental processes essential for successful aging: Selection, Optimization, and Compensation.

cross-sectional studies can examine_______________ in cognition and longitudinal studies can examine ____________ in cognition

age-related differences; age-related changes

Barriers of older patient physician communications

ageist attitudes, sensory deficits, cognitive impairment, functional limitations, and frequent presence of a third party(which can help or hinder)

Treatment goals for older patients

aggressive treatment may not always be the best course of action. many problems cannot be solved. A physician job is to recognize when more treatments are unjustified, help patients make decisions and present facts.

level 2 of the caregiving stress process model

appraisals (subjective meaning of events) perceived stress fullness of managing these problems and activities.

examples of daily hassels

arguments conflict, time pressure at work or home, disruptions in traffic or weather.

health risks of weight loss in older adults

associated with increased death rates, weight gain does not increase death risk, voluntary vs involuntary does not seem to matter. lower weight regardless of weight loss was associated with higher risk

Longitudinal studies are subject to ________ ad can result in _____________ effects of aging

attrition; underestimating

the age at which half the indivuals born in any particular year will have died is called

average longevity

what is morbidity

being in a diseased state disabled in poor health, degree to which a health condition affects a person (patient)

which of the following us NOT an example of normal cognitive aging?

being unable to follow a familiar recipe

The acute stress response model

can be adaptive, adrenaline, nonadrenaline, cortisol released into bloodstream, heart increases, increased energy, fight or flight

Leisure activties

can be virtually anything. people have a set of leisure activities based on perceived competence and psychological comfort

In sum where do middle age adults provide to support to?

children with normative needs(parents stake); parents who need hands-on care(contingency), supporting multiple family members can have a negative effect on middle age.

Reverse causality and confounding

confounding by underlying disease leads to disease related weight loss which leads to mortality

being lazy careless late unenergetic and aimless are characteristics that fall on low end of costa and mccraes ________ dimension


_________ includes time pressures annoyances arguments and traffic jam. ________ can pile up over time

daily hassles

wandering in AD

damage to the brain regions that help us navigate the world, safety concern especially when people forget where they are, inappropriate social behavior

According to the pie chart presented in Zarit (2009), who is more likely to be primary caregivers to disabled elders?


Who becomes a family caregiver majority of the time?


terminal decline

death is preceded by an abrupt decrease in function and well being likely due to disease

which of the following is not an effect of experiencing stress

decrease in sex drive

which of the following is NOT a consequence of being socially isolated

decreased future time perspective

which of the following is not a potential impact of the aging world

decreases in the depedency ratio

behavioral interventions

decreasing problem behaviors depressive behavior, sleep issues) increasing adaptive behaviors(pleasant activity engagement, exercise)

Factors contributed to increase in boomerang kids

delayed marriage, increase in racially and ethnically diverse, families as a result of increase immigration, young adults from minority backgrounds are more likely to live with parents than white young adults, wages haven't grown, rise in student loan debt, and a shift in cultural norms

Benefits of compression of morbidity

delaying morbidity onset 1 year will prolong life < 1 year, will reduce total lifetime disease burden by shortening the time lived while suffering from disease.

which is the main idea of compression of morbidity

delaying the age of first disease onset may result in more healthy years

Selection (SOC Model)

developing and committing to personal goals, selecting certain domains of activities that they want to continue to focus energy on(elective vs loss based selection)

The life span perspective by paul baltes

development involves any change in adaptive capacity either positive or negative, development is a lifelong process, the same rules apply to all ages.

Life long development is....

development occurs at all ages and no age period holds supremacy

cohort effect

differences across age groups having to do with characteristics of the era and place in which a person was born and grew up

limitations of SOC model

does not explicitly pay attention to strategies people employ prior to potential losses in order to avoid or delay them.

focus on modifiable aspects of stress definition and examples

educate caregivers on problem solving, increase emotional support, introduce new resources(respite care)

symptoms of AD

emotional problems common:depression, paranoia, agitation. sundowning, wandering, inappropriate social behavior,

on the chart involving socioemtional selectivity theory what is the time horizon labeled for A


In SST future time perspective shapes motivational goals

expansive time horizons: priority is pursing knowledge. Narrower time horizons: priority is emotional well being , reduces social network focus on close relationships

what does the self determination theory(SDT) explain with leisure?

explains that leisure contexts that allow satisfaction o these needs may promote optimal well being outcomes.

increased longevity of family members

extended relationships, parents-children/grandparents-grandchildren, nearly one in five Americans live in a multi-generational household, inter-generational bonding and involvement, more opportunities to give and receive support

what is the failure of success

extending life could prolong "end stage" more sick years; longer life but no improvement to quality of life.

dementia is a specific type of cognitive disease prevalent in the 4th age?


normative cognitive aging is very likely due to changes to the brain that result in massive cell death and visible shrinking in brain size


______________ refers to acute stress response that can be adaptive.

fight or flight

symptoms of AD cont

gradual change in cognition, memory declines, disorientation in time/space, declines in personal hygiene and self care skills.

The Vascular Hypothesis

healthy lifestyles may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. there is an overlap between AD and vascular dementia they co-occur, healthy lifestyles reduce Alzheimer risk through their beneficial impact on cardiovascular health.

temporal perspective

how much time do we have left

example of work family conflict

if a person needs to cut back on work to take care of his or her sick child at home

work family conflict

in congruent, failure, stress; participation in a work role is made more difficult by participation in the family role and vice versa(bi-directional) ; gender also plays a huge role in this theory. ex. more work demand for women

what is BMI paradox

in older adults being overweight is associated with reduced mortality risk reduced dementia and weight loss is associated with increased risk for death even among seniors with higher bmi(longest answer on test)

3 keys contributing demographic trends

increases in longevity, increases in divorce and singe-parent households, increase in boomerang kids

Summary of the socioeminal selectivity theory

increasing age----> narrowing future time perspective, two types of goals(knowledge and emotional well being). decreasing future time perspective -----> prioritizing emotional satisfaction

negativity bias

indicates that negative info. captures our attention and lingers in memory more so than positive info.

positivty bias

indicates that older adults have tendency to pay more attention and remember positive relative to neutral and negative info.

Contingency theory in inter-generational families

individuals offer greater assistance who are in need

what is aging?

inevitable normative process and individualized variability which is multidimensional an multi directional by complex process of change over time, increases in knowledge and decreases in physiological cognitive and social skills

BMI ____________ for individuals that __________

inst a perfect proxy; low bmi can have high body fat, high bmi can still be muscular

Optimization (SOC model)

investing time and effort in service of goals;becomes increasingly important later in life and relates to plasticity

Socioemotional selectivity theory (SST)

is a lifespan theory that describes how changes in temporal perspective shape motivational goals

what does feeling lonely tell us

it gives notice that we need more social contact

according to Baltes and smith which of thw following are not true about the third age? select all that is true

it is when terminal decline commences, sizable losses in cognitive potential and ability learn, and increases in dementia rates

Development is multi directional....

knowledge continues to grow into very old age, some domains of continues may improve while other decline, raw computing power declines.

a failure to habituate or adapt to the same stressor is called

lack of adaption

social isolation

lack of contact with other objective; living alone,few social network size, and infrequent social contact.

confounding by smoking

leanness leads to mortality

what is the main idea of the cognitive reserve hypothesis

lifestyle does not prevent the disease but cognitive reserve can make more resilient brain,....

which of the following was not suggested by teugo et al

living alone is not an objective indicator of social isolation, and thus it is a more valid indicator of mortality than subjective feelings of loneliness

failure of success

longer life but more sick years( on graph)

testing effects or practice effects are major problem with

longitudinal designs

which is the following is not true about research design

longitudinal studies can establish cause and effect relationships

type of stressors

major life events( the big things in life that cause us stress); daily hassles( everyday pressures annoyances and threats(can pile up to chronic stress)

which of the following is not true about life expectancy?

maximum number of years humans can live

Group interventions

may have social benefits

Family exchange study

measuring inter-generational exchanges; emotional, practical/impractical, socializing(companionship) advice and finical support

what is the definition of population aging

median age of population is increasing over time

Third person in the medical encounter

more common in older patients: spouse, child, or caregiver, they may help or hinder

excess disability

more disability than expected based on underlying disease and impairments; doing too much of this, helping at first sign of difficulty, or taking away responsibilities can increase

compression of morbidity

more healthy years, fewer sick years (on graph)

inter-generational co-habitation

much of divorced mothers move in with their parents during the first year of divorce

which is not true about personality in adulthood

neuroticisim tend to decrease in those with Alzheimer's disease

which is not true about personality in adulthood?

neuroticism tend to increase in normal healthy aging


non-work activities for relaxation and creativity that are chosen enjoyable and meaningful. major issue is fining the time.

The middle generation provided support to children with _________; "_______________"

normative needs generational stake

what is the main criticism of stage theories for personality development

not everyone goes through the same sequence of developmental stages

which is not a factor that contributes to the challenges of diagnosing late life depression

older adults are likely to exaggerate depressive symptoms

during the lecture we discussed older adults driving which of the following best describes this issue

older drivers drive safely and may present a lower risk to other drivers but they may experience increasing personal risk due to declines in speed of processing

according to the reading what are some possible explanations for the aging paradox?

older people may have more wisdom due to thier life long experiences, older people are less responsive to stressful images than younger people, and younger adulthood is generally a more stressful time than older adulthood

flow of support in inter-generational families who gets what and why?

on average the middle generation gives more help to their grown children than their aging parents. when children received more help fro the middle aged adults they were more likely to be students, unmarried, and had a better relationship with parents

role theory

once multiple roles pile up eventually kills us as a chronic stressor

level 4 of the caregiving stress process model

outcomes such as poor sleep, emotional well-being, health.

The BMI paradox explained

overweight BMI lower death rates, normal BMI higher death rates

what is the "generational stake" in a inter-generational family?

parents are more invested in seeing children succeed

Paradox of leisure

people who would benefit most from leisure face more obstacles to participate. Older seniors participate benefit more yet participation declines in late life. which are health related, psychological, cultural-environmental and technical constraints


perception of social isolation which is subjective. discrepancy between desired and actually social relationships.

Ageism in the medical encounter

physicians may discount medical problems, spend less time with older patients or may think there more difficult, health providers may use derogatory terms such as honey or sweetie, and inappropriately match their problems due to normal processes of aging.

level 1 of the caregiving stress process model

primary stressors( providing physical assistance, managing behavioral or memory problems

a framework for caregiver interventions

principle of minimum intervention, caregiver stress is a multidimensional process, focus on modifiable aspects of caregiver stress, and diversity of caregiving and caregiving context

what does SOC model primarily describes?

processes through which people react to age-related changes that threaten personal goals

respite services

provide relief from caregivng responsibilities, adult daycare services; overnight respite

self determination theory (Ryan and deci) (SDT)

recognizes importance of 3 psychological needs in understanding human motivation. which are autonomy competence and relatedness.

the tern allostatic load

refers to physiological wear and tear resulting from chronic stress and not being able to turn off the stress response when no longer needed

why is there increase in divorce rate and single parent household?

remarriage, increase family network size, negotiating new inter-generational relationships; step-child, step-parent, step-grandparent, provision of care for step parents(divorce parents less likely to give/receive support to/from their children

what is a loss in the interplay of gains and losses?

removal or decrease in effectiveness of skills, abilities and strategies

level 3 of the caregiving stress process model

secondary stressors such as work-family conflict, financial strain, perceived loss of self.

according to the socioemtional selectivity theory, individuals with a limited future time perspective would likely

seek fewer and familiar social partners

Example of SOC model in Arthur rubenstien famous pianist(performed for 9 decades)

selection: played fewer pieces, optimization: practiced those pieces more often and compensation: with impression management to counteract loss of mechanical speed so he played slower before a fast segment so that later would still appear faster.

an approach to personality pertaining to how we view ourselves is called

self concept

leisure facilitate _________, _________, and ____________

self-determination, autonomy, competence, and relatedness

according to the socioemtional theory, what plays a critical role in paradox of well being?

shift in motivational goals

what decreases with age?

size of vision field, processig of speed, multitasking ability; the more loss of vision field more at risk for car crash

percentage of car crashes in older group

smaller % of all crashes in older group per driver, Greater % of all crashes in older group per mile. older drivers may present a lower risk to others but experience increasing personal risk of crash if drive more miles.

___________ suggests that diverse social roles n ones life promote extensive resources social support and a sense of purpose all of which are important for well being

social integration perspective

which of the following variables was not examined in Lee et al 2016

social network size

The stress hypothesis

states that healthy lifestyles reduce stress related damage to part of the brain the hippocampus that is vulnerable to Alzheimer. leisure social and physical activities promote relaxation and reduce tension

Caregiver stress is multidimensional

stressors directly related to caregiving, can handle? can I live up t my other responsibilities, target the part of the process that is most troubling to the caregiver.

the interplay between growth (gains) and decline(losses)

successful healthy aging maximizing gains while minimizing losses, the roles of gains to losses becomes less positive with age.

which is the best term that explains this: focusing on those that have survived and overlooking those that did not because of lack of visibility

survivor ship bias

which is the following is not true about Alzheimers disease?

symptoms are more severe in the morning

sundowning in AD

symptoms more severe in the evening

multidimensional interventions

targets multiple aspects of caregiving stress(problem solving skills, family meetings, education, therapist support), family focused interventions most effective.


the ability to change and improve abilities over tine and with development

what is fluid cognition

the ability to solve new problems use logic and learn new info.Ex. memory tests, speed tests and reasoning tests

What is crystallized intelligence?

the ability to use learned knowledge and experience closely related to wisdom tends to increase with age.


the active process by which the body responds to stress and maintains homeostasis( your body activate under stress which is normal)

activity diversity

the breadth and evenness of daily participation in various activities such as paid work time with children volunteering and physical activities.


the degree to which a questionnaire measures what it is supposed to measure is an indication of its

data shows that the IQ of each successive generation is higher than previous generations. this is an example of

the flynn effect

Glass ceiling

the level women may rise within an organization bt beyond which they may not go

family exchange study who gets what and why?

the middle generation gave more help to their grown children then to their aging parents, the middle generation provided support to parents who need hands on care, contingency theory

competence (SDT)

the need to achieve success


the need to experience oneself as


the need to experience satisfactory relationship with others

What distinguishes between major depression and minor depression

the number of depressive symptoms

the term "life expectancy" refers to

the number of years a person is expected to live

example of work family facilitation

the skills you use on job are useful for things you do to at home

When older parents received more help from middle aged adults they were

to be disabled, to have more crises& problems, to have high quality relationships with their middle aged child, and considered by the middle aged child as more important to them than their children(Filial obligation)

which of the following approaches has a different perspective regarding changes in personality

trait theories

Minimum intervention

treatment that disrupts older persons life as little as possible, strike a balance between helping and being overprotective, try to avoid excess disability.

which is not correct about the normative aging brain

ventricles decreases with age

among the cognitive tests below which can measure crystallized intelligence

vocabulary tests

allostatic load

wear and tear on our body that results from too much stress or not being able to turn off stress response when no longer needed

according to the lecture which of the following is not true bout health risks of weight changes in older adults?

weight gain increases death risk

which of the following is not true about age differences in emotional regulation

when experienced the intensity of negative emotions is weaker in older adults than in younger adults

possible explanations for the paradox of well being

wisdom, positivity effect and shift in personal goals

glass cliff

women are more likely to put in leadership during periods of crisis or downturn

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