Psych of multicultural-studyguide 1

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Discuss what we can do to reduce prejudice and discrimination

*Personal awareness and exposure.

Review the research evidence for aversive racism

1) Dividio and Gaertner i. Highering more Whites than Blacks 2) Henkel et. al i. Hurricane Katrina dynamics between patients and doctors.

Compare and contrast stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and racism

1) Stereotypes: -Generalizations about a group or its members based on their categorization -Not necessarily positive or negative evalutions -Reflects COGNITIVE component of categorization 2) Prejudice -Prejudgment about a group or its members based on their categorization -Considered evaluative component of categorization -Involves emotions-positive and negative -Prejudice seems to be associated with negative emotions -Social inequality between groups a) Common theory b) Gordon allport in 1950s really brought this up, it was pretty radical for his time, his ideas have been able to hold true c) Idea is the observation that some groups are just not treated the same as other groups d) Why is it that some groups are so unequal e) Allport said to try to come up with a justification for why some groups fair better and have a more privileged status -In group bias a) Align ourselves and feel more comfortable with people who are like us -Scapegoating a) Our tendency to blame other people for our problems b) Immigration is a very common thing for scapegoating, "were not doing well cause all these people are taking our resources and our jobs" -Personality characteristics a) We do find that certain personality characteristics are associated with the likelihood of prejudice b) Authoritarianism, social dominance, Protestant work ethic, -Media influences a) Few minority roles portrayed b) Misinterpretation of minorities in terms of perpetrators and victims c) People of color were not portrayed well on tv, portrayed in stereotypical ways, now a days minorities do have more diversities. d) Exaggerated threat of being victimized by minorities e) If you look at tv news, new reports a very skewed and biased representation of who crime is reported f) The difference between whites (victims), blacks (perpetrators), and Latinos (perpetrators) g) Whites are three times more likely to be victimized by another white person than a minority h) Rates go up on news reporters who engage in a more objective representation of what's really happening 3) Discrimination -Negative behavior toward a group or its members based on their categorization a) Actual action has taken place b) Discrimination is actually out there or outside of the person -Considered the behavioral component of categorization 4) Racism -Assumes that group differences are "biologically" based, that ones own race is superior, and that practices that formalize the domination of one racial group over another are justifiable -Also been described as, discriminatory behavior that has institutional power behind it. a) Much more serious be cause there are institutions that keep certain groups down b) Very pervasive c) Analogy: racism as similar to smog that just kind of hangs, sometimes the smog if identifiable and a lot of other times the smog is invisible. d) When we live in racial smog, we all ingest it, every single one of us is breathing some of that in and we are not even aware e) People have different attitudes of how serious "smog" is (just like racism) -Typically applies to those with institutional backing (those on the upside of power) who discriminate against those on the downside of power -Considered the institutional component of categorization *We are making progress a) In 1933, 75% of white respondents described blacks as "lazy" b) In 1993' only 5% did -Overt racism a) Estimated that 10-15% of white population still engage in this form of

What are the different types of bilingualism? What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with bilingualism?

A) Types of bilingualism: *Additive bilingualism 1. When you acquired a second langue but you still have your original language 2. Maintain both languages *Subtractive bilingualism 1. Acquired a second language and it ends up trumping the original language 2. Losing 3. Also called language attrition *Native bilingualism 1. When people start from the get go speaking more than one language B) Advantages and disadvantages: *Cognitive consequences: 1. Early studies indicated that bilingual children performed more poorly than their monolingual counterparts did. 2. Smaller vocabularies, having more "tip-of-the-tongue" experiences, generating slightly fewer words in a timed task. 3. However, bilingual individuals demonstrate better performance in nonverbal tasks that required conflict resolution 4. Being bilingual seems to give one some degree of protection against cognitive decline 5. Evidence shows the opposite, individuals who had a bilingual education actually do better at things like reading and nonverbal logic, a lot of benefits associated with this *Social consequences 1. Positive ethic identity and social support 2. Social stigma for not speaking English a. Only because of the social pressures rather than the bilingualism

Review high-context and low-context communication. Also review different aspects of nonverbal communication. Be able to identify examples of each.

a. 1) High context communication: Communication in which the context conveys much of the meaning. (Context of situation or societal rules that are internalized) *Collectivistic cultures/ similar to indirect communication b. 2) Low context communication: Language dependent communication, in which the owrds carry most of the meaning and context plays a lesser role. *Individualistic cultures/ similar to direct communication c. Paralanguage: Nonverbal vocal cues in conversation, such as loudness of voice, silences, and rates of speech.

When were individuals first allowed to choose more than one racial category when describing themselves on the U.S. Census?

a. 2000

Review demographic changes that have been observed from the 2000 to 2010 census. What are the major factors that have contributed to this changing demographic?

a. Over the course of ten years the relative demographics of groups has stayed relatively the same. b. Vast majority list themselves as one single race even though they are more than one.

Which form of racism seems the hardest to change as discussed by Sue et al (2007) and Pearson et al (2009)? Why?

a. Overt racism, because we cannot prove it really happened.

What does "majority-minority" describe? What states are already a majority-minority?

a.Increase in minority population in the US b.Currently, 1 in 3 residents is a minority. c.Some states are already "majority-minority" i. Hawaii= 77% ii. California = 59% iii. New Mexico = 59% iv. Texas = 54%

Review Kawakami et al's (2009) study on predicting behavioral and affective responses to racism.

* Why would whites exhibit such overt racist behavior? 1) Even if people are upset by an act of racism, they may not penalize individuals for violating egalitarian social norms because enforcing such norms can be costly -Confronting a racist or racist act can consume cognitive and emotional energy. 2) People may be less upset and less likely to take action in response to racism than they themselves would anticipate. -research proves discrepancies between how people imagine they would feel and behave and how they actually feel and behave upon hearing a racist comment. 3) Even those who harbor egalitarian beliefs may continue to harbor negative feelings towards blacks. *Despite current egalitarian cultural norms and apparent good intentions, one reason why racism and discrimination remain so prevalent in society may be that people do not respond to overt acts of racism in the ways that they anticipate.

Berry's model of acculturation:

*Assimilation 1. An individual who has given up his/her identity of origin in favor of identifying with the host culture's values and beliefs. 2. Major dangers associated with assimilation 3. They lose their original cultural identity, which can later cause guilt and isolation 4. Even if you let go of your identity, does not mean that you will be accepted by your host culture, you might set yourself up for rejection from your original group. *Separation 1. An individual who identifies with his/her identity of origin and rejects of all the host culture's values and beliefs. 2. Don't want to give up their original cultural identity, may want to separate or distance themselves from the host culture 3. Immigrating, but only planning on staying here for a temporary period of time so it is not worth it to give up original culture 4. Others may not want to be a part of the host cultures 5. Other times they may be harshly rejected from the host culture so they don't want anything to do with them. 6. Often important that they have a large enough support group from their original culture to partake in separation. *Integration 1. An individual who combines (integrates) aspects of his/her own culture and the host culture. 2. Is when people are able to maintain their own culture while interacting with the host culture. 3. People are seeking to participate in the host culture as members of their original culture. 4. People do want to interact and participate in the host culture but as their own culture. 5. Can only occur if the host culture is open to having people of different cultures participate. 6. A lot of time host cultures are not very open to have people of different cultures participate as an original *Marginalization 1. An individual who does not identify with either his/her own culture and the host culture. 2. Least healthy and most ineffective strategy 3. Individuals find themselves not connected to either culture 4. Don't identify with host culture or original culture. 5. May be voluntary or involuntary 6. Physical health, mental health, adjustment, etc, has the worst out come.

La framboise acculturation model:

*Assimilationist 1. Completely accept Host cultures values and beliefs 2. Major dangers associated with assimilation. 3. They lose their original cultural identity, which can later cause guilt and isolation 4. Different from Berry's as they don't see this as the melting pot idea i*Acculturated 1. Being competent in host culture w/ out giving up one culture of origin or completing accepting new culture *Fusion 1. Process where ones cultures is completely dissolved into other cultures, forming a new, homogenous culture 2. Similar to melting pot theory 3. Like fondue *Alternation 1. Process of alternating between ones culture of origin and host culture depending on what the context dictates 2. Regard both cultures as equal. 3. Feel like they are members as both 4. This is the most effective strategy *Multiculturalist 1. The perspective that there are multiple groups within a society and all groups are mutually appreciated 2. Individuals from one cultures cooperated with those of other cultures to serve common needs 3. Kind of like a salad, you can see the differences, but they all work together 4. Good in theory, difficult to practice 5. Like sf where this is china town, little Italy, etc.

Review the evidence discussing the role of genetics on our health. In particular, what gene(s) have been implicated in how people react to alcohol consumption?

*Attempts to identify genes associated with health and psychiatric outcomes *We have yet to find any Genes that we can clearly identify 1) Genes and alcohols use -ALDH2 -ADH1B *Differential rates of these genes among Northeast Asians a) Become physically ill from very little alcohol, redness b) This gene is found disproportionally in Asians c) Anybody can have this gene d) Only about 1-8% of white Caucasians have this gene e) This gene can protect you from alcoholism f) We see lower rates of alcoholism among Asians because of these genes

Review the different types of attribution (errors) and how they are related to stereotyping. Include cultural differences in attribution errors (e.g., self-serving bias and fundamental attribution error).

*Attributions 1) Internal attributions -Inferences we make about a persons behavior based on something internal about that person. Personality characteristic 2) External attributions -Inferences we make about a persons behaviors based on something outside of them, like luck, 3) Self serving bias -Less common among Asians and women (opposite) -We likely to think of we do well its because if internal personal causes -If we do poorly on something, it is not our fault. External situation. -Allows you to maintain a positive image of yourself and protects self esteem 4) Fundamental attribution error -When we attribute someone else's failures to internal causes and their successes to external causes -More common in individualistic cultures, we operate on this idea that you make your life based on what you do with it, -Assume whatever position 5) Ultimate attribution error -Our tendency to contribute causes of a behavior to some kind of internal characteristic about a group rather than just the individual.

Discuss the four different types of classism that people use against others. How does the concept of "White trashim" fit into some of the different types of classism

*Classism -Fluctuation between homeostasis and classism -When we feel like we are keeping up with our social class group, were in a state of homeostasis but when we find ourself falling out of that group by struggling to keep up, this is when we are most likely to engage in classism. *Types of classism 1) Downward classism -Somebody looks down upon, looks down, and judges those who are of lower social class than them. -Teens and kids do this a lot 2) Upward classism -Put down, judge, make comments about those who are in a higher class than us. -Snooty, snobby, uppity, think you're too good 3) Lateral classism -This one is a little different -We might engage in classist behaviors toward those in the same group as us -This most likely happens when 2 people are in the same group and one person seems to be behaving, making choices, or looking like they are not in this group. -Perception of people seen as not acting within the group norms. -Ex: Calling people white trash to wake them up for them to fall back in line. 4) Internalized classism -If someone believes they cannot keep up they may internalize that and feel anxious, embarrassed, angry, etc.

Review how culture influences how we understand mental health. How might we assess/evaluate for depression and psychosis depending on one's cultural background?

*Culture and expression of symptoms 1) Observation and description in diagnosis -We rely on people to tell us what their symptoms are, which may be expressed differently due to culture. A) Depression and somatization -In other cultural groups, there is no word in the vocabulary that is equivalent to depression -May reflect that things like depression are communicated and experienced differently. -Some cultural groups do not say things like they are sad, instead Asian Pacific Islander groups for instance explain more somatic complaints rather than depressed mood. -Their way of expressing depression is through physical somatic symptoms, B) Psychosis and spirits -In our standard American culture, if someone sees or hears spirits or ghosts we tend to think they are having a psychotic break -In other cultures this is completely normal, ex: when losing a loved one.

What can therapists do to be culturally competent, effective therapists?

*Ways to approach treatment as providers 1) Develop multicultural competence -Has just as much to do with understanding ourselves as much as we understand other cultures. -We have to know how our culture influences others, hat are biases are, so we can work on that and minimize that -Understanding our clients worldview in addition to understanding all aspects of our worldview -Knowing enough about clients personal history to have some kind of framework of what is affecting them -Developing specific skills for them -Some groups are more comfortable with more direct types of therapy. 2) Culture matching -Try to match a client with a therapist of similar background a) Female with female b) Lesbian with lesbian c) Male with male -Overall trying to match clients with therapist is doesn't overall help -It make backfire because just because they similar cultural background does not mean they feel or experienced it in the same way -Language is big factor a) If a client finds a therapist according to their primary language, their drop out rates decrease and treatment seems to be most effective. 3) Culture specific therapies -Feminist therapies -Therapies being developed for LGBT -Therapies to be used with African Americans -Not real good evidence that any of this is helpful, it ends up looking like a cookbook approach to treatment. **What seems to make the biggest difference is the multicultural competence that can Make us more effective as opposed to some of this other stuff.

Review the evidence on health disparities, including some of the major causes.

*We have the all the resources needed to have the healthier country *However, we have been found last in terms of health with highest death rates compared to all industrialized societies *Things are not equal, access to health care, lifestyles people live, diet they have access to are all due to the inequality that exists in a society. *The more inequality between people in a country, the more unhealthy they are. *Minorities are more likely to be diagnosed with late stage breast cancer and colorectal cancer than are whites *Ethnic minorities are found the have been diagnosed later *Patients of lower SES are less likely to receive recommended diabetic services and more likely to be hospitalized for diabetes and its complications. *When hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction, Hispanics are less likely to receive optimal care *The use of physical restraints in nursing home is higher for minorities Causes: • An individuals perception of a health threat is influenced by at least three factors: o 1) General health values o 2) Specific beliefs about vulnerability to a particular disorder o 3) Beliefs about the consequences of the disorders • Some factors related to health disparities o Lack of trust in healthcare providers. • Tuskegee study o Racism and discrimination • High blood pressure • Substance use • Negative birth outcomes • Chronic health problem o Poverty • Affects access to health care • Living in poverty is a big stressor • Access to transportations, phones, etc o Differential treatment • People with the same exact illnesses are not always treated the same, overt and covert racism

Review Sue et al.'s (2007) article on racial microaggressions. Be able to define what racial microaggressions are and what the different types look like.

*What are racial microaggressions? i. Brief, subtle, put-downs ii. Often unconsciously delivered iii. Because of how subtle they are there is a big risk of these getting dismissed A)Things to consider: i. Context ii. Anybody can engage in microaggressions/ racial micro aggressions * Forms of micro aggressions 1) Micro assault -Similar to overt racism but typically done more in private or when one loses control (ex: intoxicated) -Online forums allows anonymity and people can say whatever they want and a lot are very racist and these people wouldn't really say it if people knew who was really saying it. 2) Micro insult -Communications that convey rudeness/insensitivity that demean persons heritage -Hidden, subtle snubs -Ex: when someone makes a reference to how different your name is just because its "different" which conveys an insult to the person. -Context, manner in which it is said, tone. -Not totally obvious, but felt that something insulting happened in some way. 3) Micro invalidation -An action that excludes, negates, or dismisses the perceptions of the target person. -Include things like: when someone talks about an experience related to racism and someone will say "don't you think you're being too sensitive", let it go, etc -Effect of that is having ones experiences invalidated

White trashism

*What does it mean to be "white trash?" 1. Not based just on money 2. They way in which they are perceived to carry themselves and the assumptions about their manners etc 3. This stereotype is perpetuated by middle class 4. Most frequently used by middle class individuals 5. Less frequently used by upper class and lower class *When they use these terms it make separate themselves from the lower class lifestyle. 1. When they look at those people that way it make the person feel like, well at least I'm not there. *How derogatory is "white trashism." 1. The assumption is that white individuals should be able to do whatever they want to do so if they find themselves in this situation in must be because they want to be there.

Review McIntosh's article on white privilege. Be able to identify examples


What factors influence the development of stereotypes? Be able to identify examples.

1) Availability heuristic: -Importance, frequency, or probability of something is exaggerated because it comes to mind frequently 2) Illusory correlation: -Occurs when two minority events happen together and we assume there is a bigger relationship then there actually is. -Ex: shoplifting, most people don't, when we see a minority shop lift we associate shoplifting with minority -Over estimation of negative behaviors associated with minority status. 3) Cognitive dissonance -Relieve ourselves of conflicting thoughts/behaviors by justifying our behaviors/thoughts. -When we have two thoughts that are in conflict with one another, we need to make them consistent. a) Ex: we need to know why we feel one way about a minority group/person so we start stereotyping.

Review characteristics of aversive racists as described by Dovidio and Gaertner

1) Aversive racism: Covert, unintentional discriminatory behavior practiced by individuals who would deny being racist and who would be appalled to realize that they were engaging in racist acts. i. When making hiring decisions between Black and White candidates, those scoring high on aversive racism hired White candidates over their Black counterparts. When given the opportunity to discuss their decisions, aversive racists focused on the strengths of the White candidate and the weaknesses of the Black Candidates. ii. Same results in another group who hired whites with weaker resumes than blacks and still said it was due to the Whites strengths and the Blacks weaknesses. iii. Black patients consistently had less positive reactions to services they received from non-black physicians than from Black physicians. 2) Characteristics of aversive racists i. Endorse fair and just treatment of all groups ii. Despite good intentions, they harbor negative feelings toward minorities iii. When interracial interaction does occur, they experience anxiety and discomfort iv. Strictly adhere to established rules and codes of behavior when interaction in unavoidable v. Negative feelings expressed in subtle, rationalizable ways

Review Helms' White Identity Development model. Be able to identify examples of each stage

1) Contact status -Individuals in this contact status are often unaware or uniformed about racism, discrimination, prejudice, privilege -Limited exposure to people of color. 2) Disintegration status -Conflict arises where they can't deny existence if racism any longer -Conflict between loyalty to ones own group and "humanistic ideals" of everybody should be treated equally. -More aware of race issues but don't necessarily act on this. 3) Reintegration status -Retreat to their comfort zone of their white culture -Either passively or actively support white superiority 4) Pseudoindependence status -First phase of nonracist attitude development -Begin to acknowledge realities of racism -But believe it is blacks who should change, not whites -Understanding of racism is more of an intellectual exercise. -They read and talk about it, they understand, but. There is not affective or experiential layer at this stage 5) Immersion/Emerson status -Focus on changing whites, not black, by confronting own biases/prejudices -Understanding reaches affective/experiential level -They acknowledge their biases -No longer just intellectual, people have feelings about it because it means something to them 6) Autonomy status -Comfort in white identity and comfort with other racial groups -Seeks out diversity and works as an ally to combat all forms of oppression

What is the difference between cross-cultural psychology and multicultural psychology?

1) Cross cultural psychology *Global/ worldview searching for universal patterns 2) Multicultural psychology *Study of the influences of multiple cultures in a single context *What are the dynamics within in cultural group with people have to interact with each other 3) Limitation in studying both *Relatively new, a lot we don't know, a lot we don't know how to research or test *A tendency for people to jump to conclusions when people do research in this field. *People automatically assume that people differ because of their cultural differences/not always the case! *Important to remind ourselves that any individuals in any of these groups differ a lot from themselves, ex: white Caucasians differ dramatically from one another. *A lot more variability than cross groups

Review and understand the different dilemmas of racial microaggressions

1) Dilemma 1: clash of realities *Racial perceptions of minorities and white/Caucasians differ significantly a) Perceptions of most/many white Caucasians -That minorities are doing well and everything is good for them b) Perceptions of most/ many minorities -See whites and insensitive, unwilling to share wealthy, superior, needing to control 2) Dilemma 2: the invisibility of unintentional expressions of bias *How does one prove that a microaggression occurred? -Will always be difficult to prove because there will always be a logic to prove why it happened -The power of racial microaggressions lies in their invisibility. -The feeling that one is left with is something isn't sitting right with them *Internalized racism affects ALL of us. -It's built into the way we are educated in our school system, families, etc 3) Dilemma 3: perceived minimal harm of racial microaggression *Victims perceived as overreacting, overly sensitive, petty *May be easier to deal with overt racism compared to microaggressions -Because when its an obvious act of racism people will be behind you and you can get support but when it is not overt people will tell you to let it go, and not really support you *Cumulative effects of racial microaggressions can be devastating -Negative racial doubt, frustration, etc., 4) Dilemma 4: the catch 22 of responding to microaggressions *The person must determine whether a microaggression occurred *The person must determine how to react to a microaggression -Consequences of staying silent -It will bother you a lot, not good to hold in it -It also provides no opportunities for change, its hard to speak up for yourself, easier for some than others. -Person may decide to respond with anger and strike back *Consequences of speaking up

What are some of the reasons ethnic minorities underutilize mental health services. Review dropout rates for ethnic minorities in therapy.

1) Ethnic minorities less likely to seek services a) African Americans and Asian Pacific Islanders do not seek out treatment until things are very severe. b) There presenting is more severe and chronic as opposed to those who go in initially c) More likely to seek help elsewhere -Church, family, pcp, general practitioners, -Stigma attached to mental health is different 2) Drop out rate a) Of those that do seek services, ethnic minorities do not stay in therapy as long as euro Americans -Ethnic minorities are more likely to cancel after one session 3) Possible answers: a) You need an alliance with your therapist b) They may believe that the therapist does not understand them

Compare and contrast experimental studies, correlational studies, and case studies. What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of using each method?

1) Experimental studies *Independent and dependent variables I. Cause and effect *Quasi-experimental design II. Looks like an experimental design but lacks the key ingredient, random assignment. 2) Correlational studies i. Very popular in psych research ii. Easy, get a lot of people and a lot of data, relatively cost efficient iii. Only really getting to see if there are significant relationships, two things covary together iv. No causation 3) Case studies and qualitative research i. Intensively study and individual person or an individual group across time. ii. A lot of information about these people in case studies iii. Qualitative methods are often used when it is difficult to convert a question into a numerical response. iv. Hard to generalize

Describe the different dimensions of the Social Class Worldview Model as described by Liu and Pope-Davis.

1) First dimensions: class referent group -Group of origin a) Family -Cohort or peer group b) Friends -Group of aspiration c) The group you aspire to be 2) Second dimensions: social class expression -Social class lifestyle a) How we choose to organize and spend our time in our lives b) Vacations, how long, where, 3) Social class behaviors a) Behaviors we engage in that might tell something about which social class we belong to. b)People may lose their accents because it reflects a social class that belong to 4) Property relationships -Our use of material objects as a way to externally represent groups that we are in or aspire to be in.

Review some of the controversies of intelligence testing, including the standard IQ tests and Herrnstein and Murray's conclusions from The Bell Curve.

1) History of IQ tests a) Sanford-Binet IQ test -Still one of the most commonly used IQ tests b) Standardization sample not representative -Stanford-Binet harshly critiqued for not being representative of everyone else -Originally only used white, Californian, middle class people c) White middle-class bias? d) Negative conclusions -Eugenics movement -Blacks, Mexican Americans, and Indian kids were labeled genetically inferior by Binet 2) Larry P vs. Wilson Riles (1975) a) Banned IQ testing of Blacks for special education placement b) Argued there was test bias -White middle-class culture -Differential opportunities -Language *Different language in the culture of whites and blacks -Motivational factors -Standardization factors *Ex: what happens if a black kid is tested by a white tester, it might interfere with their performance -This court ruling is still true -Culture free tests are very hard to develop -The one we have right now, the tony, doesn't use any words at all. -Drawbacks: *What do you do with the black kids who need to be in special Ed, as *This is the major challenge *Parents will have to advocate really hard to get proper treatment 3) Alternative conceptions of IQ a) Most standard definitions of IQ focus on analytic abilities b) Sternbergs model 1. Analytic 2. Creative 3. Practical -Common sense 4. Went a step further when introducing creative and practical measures of intelligence. c) Gardner's model 1. Linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial (ex:maps), musical (ex: teaching oneself how to play an instrument), bodily-kinesthetic (ex: ways in which people can use their bodies in dance and what not), interpersonal (how much we understand other people and relationships), intrapersonal (how well we know or understand ourselves), natural (how to survive off the land, for instance) 2. Gardner even further expanded what it means to be intelligent. 4) "The Bell Curve" -Herrnstein and Murray (1994) a) Make conclusions such as 1. Smart people generally do better than those who are not smart 2. Ethnic minorities are not as smart as white people 3. Ethnic people should be trained for service industry job and white people should be trained in higher intellectual jobs. b) Racial differences in IQ are largely genetic 1. White people consistently scored 15 points higher than African Americans and Mexican Americans scored in between the two.

Review the difference between internal and external validity. How are each perceived in both mainstream research and multicultural research (i.e., which do we tend to favor?).

1) Internal validity i. Refers to causal inference i. Reflects how much control you have in your study, experimental study is very high ii. Researchers Favor internal validity because we like to see causation. 2) External i. Refers to the generalizability of the results we obtain i. How generalizable are your results. How well do they apply to people outside of your experiment. ii. The more internal validity the less external validity and vice versa b. Psych researchers favors internal validity because external validity is "never completely answerable"

Discuss the differences between overt, covert, modern, and aversive racism. Give examples of each.

1) Overt racism: i. Discriminatory behavior in which those in the majority engage in open, hostile acts of aggression against racial minorities consciously and unapologetically. 2) Covert racism: i. Most forms of racism are now no longer overt, but rather coverts ii. Subtle, unconscious, outside of our awareness iii. We all have airborne biases even if we are not aware of them, and here biases can affect out behaviors and decision with out our knowledge 3) Modern racism: i. Most commonly associated with political -evolved from an aggressive prejudicial behavior to a more subtle prejudicial behavior; much more difficult to see, yet is regarded more severe. ii. Hurricane Katrina iii. Black patients feeling less positive reactions to non-Black doctors. 4) Aversive racism: i. Most commonly associated with political liberal ii. Liberals show that they have a high affinity for an egalitarian society, but they still foster racial prejudices. iii. According to which negative evaluations of racial/ethnic minorities are realized by a persistent avoidance of interaction with of other racial and ethnic groups.

Be able to identify and discuss the different types of "capital" people use or accumulate to identify different types of social class groups.

1) Social capital -Who do you know that belongs to your circle and depending on who you surround yourself with that can tell us your social class group 2) Human capital -What you know a) Physical and intellectual capabilities of people b) How much education you get, what type of education you get, 3) Cultural capital -This reflects the tastes or aesthetics you surround yourself -What kind of furniture do you have etc -The food you eat -The things you buy

Be able to identify and discuss stereotype threat, including conditions required for stereotype threat to occur. Review some of the studies (e.g., Steele's studies) that have been done to illustrate the presence of stereotype threat for all groups (i.e., both majority and minority groups).

1) Stereotype threat: -A fear that one will confirm the negative stereotype of a group to which one belongs in an areas in which the individual excels -How stereotypes can be problematic, the threat of confirming a negative stereotype could impact you -Fear of confirming a negative stereotype. -Steele and Aronson (1955) studies with Freshman college students of SAT a) Compared accomplished Black and White students in English b) Black students did just as well as White students when instructions stated it was a hard test c) Black students did worse than White students when instructions alluded to measuring racial differences. d) Black students did worse when they believed it was a measure of intelligence compared to White students. -Conditions when stereotype threat occurs (Steele) a) 1) Must excel in area that is against stereotype b) 2) Stereotype must be negative *If stereotype is positive it doesn't necessarily work in the same way. c) 3) Has to be important to person *If it is not important to the person, then this will not really work d) 4) Test must be challenging *Whatever you are measuring them on has to be challenging because if it is easy they will do well. -No one is immune to this type of threat -Studies using white and black athletes. -Movie -African Americans did better than whites when they were tested more on athleticism, and natural athletic ability. -Whites did better than African Americans when they were told the test was going to be measuring strategies and strategically thinking.

Who were the first early settlers from Europe that immigrated to the U.S. in large numbers?

1) White Anglo Saxon Protestants (wasp) -Northern Europeans -Light white skin -Protestant religion 2) Welsh and scots -We're able to maintain language and culture but after a while they just became absorbed to the wasps and European American 3) Germans were largest groups from non-British Isle -Same with Germans -They all shared the Protestant religion

Review the issues that impact the worldview of LGBT individuals (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual) and women

1) Worldview of women a) Issues related to safety -Women think about safety a lot more than men b) Issues related to beauty -Pressure to look a certain way for women is a lot higher than it is for men -The idea if what it means to be beautiful -Weight, makeup, clothes, hair, etc. 2) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, world views a) Issues related to safety -They are targets of violence, so it can feel unsafe to not be straight. b) Issues related to being "curious objects" -Ex: when they come out, they end up being the "gay" friend-that becomes their predominant identity. -We ask all sorts of sexual questions that we would not typically ask straight individuals. -Can feel incredibly intrusive -Constantly bombarded with questions c) Issues related to acceptance within their own families. -Don't necessarily have the secure sense of always being accepted by their own family's -At risk of being disowned or relationships being ruined or strained because of their sexual orientation.

Define what acculturation is. Review LaFramboise et al's acculturation model and Berry's acculturation model - be able to give examples of each stage. Also review which stages are associated with the best and worst outcomes.

A) Acculturation: experiences and changes that groups and individuals undergo when they come in contact with a different culture. i. A process not an outcome, affects more than just immigrants. B) La framboise acculturation model: *Assimilationist 1. Completely accept Host cultures values and beliefs 2. Major dangers associated with assimilation. 3. They lose their original cultural identity, which can later cause guilt and isolation 4. Different from Berry's as they don't see this as the melting pot idea *Acculturated 1. Being competent in host culture w/ out giving up one culture of origin or completing accepting new culture *Fusion 1. Process where ones cultures is completely dissolved into other cultures, forming a new, homogenous culture 2. Similar to melting pot theory 3. Like fondue *Alternation 1. Process of alternating between ones culture of origin and host culture depending on what the context dictates 2. Regard both cultures as equal. 3. Feel like they are members as both 4. This is the most effective strategy *Multiculturalist 1. The perspective that there are multiple groups within a society and all groups are mutually appreciated 2. Individuals from one cultures cooperated with those of other cultures to serve common needs 3. Kind of like a salad, you can see the differences, but they all work together 4. Good in theory, difficult to practice 5. Like sf where this is china town, little Italy, etc. C) Berry's model of acculturation: *Assimilation 1. An individual who has given up his/her identity of origin in favor of identifying with the host culture's values and beliefs. 2. Major dangers associated with assimilation 3. They lose their original cultural identity, which can later cause guilt and isolation 4. Even if you let go of your identity, does not mean that you will be accepted by your host culture, you might set yourself up for rejection from your original group. *Separation 1. An individual who identifies with his/her identity of origin and rejects of all the host culture's values and beliefs. 2. Don't want to give up their original cultural identity, may want to separate or distance themselves from the host culture 3. Immigrating, but only planning on staying here for a temporary period of time so it is not worth it to give up original culture 4. Others may not want to be a part of the host cultures 5. Other times they may be harshly rejected from the host culture so they don't want anything to do with them. 6. Often important that they have a large enough support group from their original culture to partake in separation. *Integration 1. An individual who combines (integrates) aspects of his/her own culture and the host culture. 2. Is when people are able to maintain their own culture while interacting with the host culture. 3. People are seeking to participate in the host culture as members of their original culture. 4. People do want to interact and participate in the host culture but as their own culture. 5. Can only occur if the host culture is open to having people of different cultures participate. 6. A lot of time host cultures are not very open to have people of different cultures participate as an original *Marginalization 1. An individual who does not identify with either his/her own culture and the host culture. 2. Least healthy and most ineffective strategy 3. Individuals find themselves not connected to either culture 4. Don't identify with host culture or original culture. 5. May be voluntary or involuntary 6. Physical health, mental health, adjustment, etc, has the worst out come.

Compare and contrast the experiences of immigrants and refugees in the acculturation process.

A) Immigrants i. Plan their migration ii. Social support networks available iii. Opportunity to return for visits iv. Want and choose to go to a new place, they plan for a better transition, use resources, learn language, etc. reasons for leaving are usually positive and usually have the option to return back home. B) Refugees i. Departure unplanned ii. PTSD 1. Disproportionally high rate of PTSD in refugees. iii. Wanting to escape something that is potentially very dangerous iv. Don't have time to plan, learn the language, get separated from the process, etc. v. not a big support system and people around them don't necessarily know why they are there and reject them

Review the concepts of "hypo-descent," "passing," and the eugenics movement

a. 1) Hypo-decent: If you have one drop of blood in you that is not white, you are classified as "other" b. 2) Passing: Some people are able to pass, may have one or many drops of other blood, but if they look the right way, some people are able to pass as white. (Some people do this on purpose to avoid being discriminated against or labeled as an "other". c. 3) Eugenics movement: A movement that maintains that only "good genes" should be passed from generation to generation and that "undesirable" groups should be dissuaded from reproducing. (came from the results of Alfred Binet's and Simon's intelligence test, which allowed him to make negative conclusions about the mental ability of Blacks)

Discuss some of the issues described in the movie, "People Like Us," with respect to middle-class/upper middle-class African Americans who are perceived as "bourgeois."

a. African Americans who are educated and have good jobs are looked down upon by lower class African Americans because they are associated with "acting white" or better than others.

Review Clark and Clark's (1939) famous studies using White and Black dolls - how did this research impact society?

a. Black and white dolls -Both blacks and whites both thought that the white dolls were associated with more positive qualities like smart and pretty and associated the black dolls with negative symbols as ugly and dirty. b. Influence on social issues and policy c. This piece of research was one of the pieces used in court during brown vs. Education. d. Studies have been replicating this study up until a few years ago are finding the same outcome, we have not changed all that much.

Review the ways in which family roles and hierarchies change during the acculturation process.

a. Emphasis on individualism and egalitarianism -Not as strong as a hierarchy between men and women as in other culture -Easier for women to find jobs than men from other countries -Sometimes children from other countries end up becoming a translator at a young, age, can cause clashes in the family. -Men from other countries may take on more traditional female roles if they can not find work, which may cause problems between the couples. b. Two parent income c. Gender roles d. Power differential changes

Describe the major elements of the Anglo-Saxon core culture.

a. English language is dominant b. Protestant inspired core values -Discipline and hard work -Efficient use of time -Rationality -Accumulation and profit -Avoidance of temptation c. Market economy and capitalism -One of the primary reason that euro Americans came was because of economic reasons

Describe the difference between etics and emics. How does Mischel's study on delayed gratification fit in with these perspectives?

a. Etic perspective: An attempt to build theories of human behavior by examining commonalities across many cultures *Universal, global, general about the psychology of people. b. Emic perspective: An attempt to derive meaningful concept within one's culture *What makes our group unique? Or the same or different from other cultures? c. Ideally we want a balance of both d. Imposed etics: The imposition of one culture's worldview on another culture, assuming that one's own worldviews are universal. e. Delay of gratification: The ability to wait for a more desirable reward instead of taking a less desirable reward immediately. f. *Michel's studies were well intentioned, they were still an example of imposed etics: Michel thought he was studying delay of gratification (or lack therof), whereas the more meaningful concept for the children was adaptive behavior. (p. 65)

What is horizontal hostility?

a. Here were talking about prejudice or judgments we're making about people from our own group. b. Ex: When someone of one race talks, dresses, or participates in other ways from their host race and they get a lot of negative flack for it from others of their own race. c. Can feel a bit threating when one person of a group goes out and does something else, which makes them feel like that individual is not being "real" d. Certain groups may feel more fragile

Review gender differences in mental health disorders

a. No overall difference in rates between men and women b. There is a difference in terms of the types of disorders that males and females are diagnosed with. -Women more like to be diagnosed with internalized disorder -Men more likely to be diagnosed with external disorders c. Internalizing vs externalizing disorders -Women = higher depression and anxiety -Men = higher substance use and antisocial problems. -We are taught this at a young age d. Social circumstances -Women compared to men have less power, less money, juggle family in ways that men are not pressured do to -Feeling more expressive -These circumstances contribute to.. e. Different coping responses -Men and women might have similar anxiety but express them differently -Women are encouraged by talking about it -Men act out more because they are not encouraged to talk about their emotions

In the movie, "People Like Us," what observations were made about what type of bread (e.g., white bread vs. wheat bread) people preferred? How was this related to social class issues?

a. People who bought white bread were of lower social class than people who ate whole wheat and more expensive breads. b. People of lower class actually preferred white bread.

Describe the difference between race, ethnicity, and culture. What explanation do most scientists use to explain differences between race (e.g., physical/phenotypic differences)?

a. Race: 1) Biological construct: Gene frequencies in a population. Differentiated by inherited characteristics based in physical appearance (e.g. skin color, facial features, hair) *Biologically and genetically we are more similar than different. 2) Social construct: Something that society creates * Race is constructed by society and holds social meanings for different group * There is social and political significance to identifying oneself (or being identified) as "white" "black" "Latino" etc. * Example: Susie Guillory Phipps and the state of Louisiana 1. Was a white women who lived her life like a white women, she went to apply for a passport, and when she got her passport back and she was labeled as negro. 2. She was shocked 3. She was 3/33rd part black. 4. She petitioned to change her racial status. 5. 1982 it was finally settled and she lost against the state and she was required to register herself as black. *The meaning of race has varied tremendously over history and societies b. Ethnicity: Combination of race and culture. Defined as social psychological sense of people hood where members of a group share unique cultural and social heritage that is transmitted from one generation to another c. Culture: Shared attitudes, norms, beliefs, roles, and self-definition, symbols. Transmitted form generation to generation d. Race was historically thought of as being biological for centuries to justify unfair treatment.

Discuss some of the inherent problems with stereotyping.

a. They are not always correct, sometimes you're right and sometimes you're wrong. b. Stereotypes are factually incorrect, even if they have a kernel of truth to them, the fact is that you're going to be wrong a number of times that you use stereotypes. At least 1/3rd of the times you use this you will be wrong. c. Resistant to contradictory information d. When they take form and they are there, they are really stubborn. e. When you come across a number of people who don't fit the stereotype people will still hang on to them. f. Typically ethnocentric g. We often judge or place value on certain stereotypes based on our own experiences. h. Self-fulfilling prophecy i. Sometimes stereotypes can be so strong that people can end up living up to those stereotypes. j. Exert control over powerless k. Stereotypes can exert control over those who have less power, some stereotypes are so strong and pervasive there are expectations that certain people have.

Look at gender differences in communication styles.

a. Women communication *Tag questions: Questions added to a statement of assertion, such as "This is good, don't you think?" *Qualifiers: Word or phrases that soften statements, such as "I may be wrong, but...." *Use more indirect forms of communication, disclose more about themselves, empathic, *Tentative judgments b. Male communication *Less tag questions *Less qualifiers *Assertive, confident, power, authority *More direct *Straight to the point *Self disclosure makes you vulnerable *Give advice to solve problems to support c. Woods patterns of communication i.Feminine talk 1. More self disclosure 2. Expressing understanding, support 3. Feminine talk keeps conversation going by asking question ii.Masculine talk 1. Self disclosure make you vulnerable 2. Give advice or solve problems to support. 3. Men don't make people join it

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