Texas Government- Chapter 12

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Texas Board of Water Engineers

3 member appointed by governor, 6 year terms

National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius

4 liberal justices believed constitutional, 4 conservative justices countered they weren't

High school graduation rate


John Sharp

A Partnership for Independence: Welfare Reform in Texas

Ross Perot

Appointed by White to chair Select Committee on Public Education

Tom Suehs

Health & Human Services commissioner against ACA


Liberal: turn state-federal programs into national program

reasons for declining acceptance of Medicaid a form of medical insurance

Low payment and excessive red tape

Comptroller Susan Combs

Medicaid= Big Red

long term

One quarter of all welfare recipients remained on roll for 5+ years

59% of water used in Texas comes


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

make families self sufficient by ending cycle of dependency on government benefits

Individual mandate

mandatory coverage increased for preexisting conditions and expanded medical insurance


medical services to low-income people

Non-capitated plan

no average dollar amount per patient per month set by the state to pay for the cost of health care service

Primary Care Case Management program

non-capitated program enabling Medicaid recipients to receive medical home services from primary care provider

Big Red

push state budget into red

Gilmer-Aikin Laws

school districts consolidated into administrative units, state equalization funding provided to supplement local taxes, teacher salaries raised, and minimum school year established.

Brown v. Board of Education

segregation in schools violated equal protection clause of the 14th amendment


semi-arid savanna

Perot Reforms "No pass, no play"-

students who fail to pass (70) would be unable to participate in extracurricular activities for next grading period of 6 weeks


subtopic and humid


underground pools of water

San Antonio v. Rodriguez

using property taxes to fund public schools


water flowing

Texas Water Trust

water rights held for environmental flow maintenance purposes

Robin Hood plan

wealthier school districts transfer funds to poorer school districts in order to equalize funds available to all public schools

Texas regulatory authorities

power to regulate use of water drawn from an aquifer in the public interest, but may have to pay property owners with a stake in that water any damages that are incurred by regulation

TX Water Development Board

primary water planning and financing agency

Department of Public Welfare Major issues

problem of the constitutional ceiling on welfare spending. Fixed with flexible standard- couldn't exceed 1% of budget

President FDR's New Deal

programs to stimulate the national economy and provide relief to Great Depression victims caused federal government to expand its role in addressing the needs of the poor and the unemployed

Supplemental Security Income

provide assistance to individuals in need who have disabilities or are aged

House Bill 1863

provided number of "carrot and stick" incentives seeking to mold character of welfare recipients in positive ways and wave them off welfare

Children's Health Insurance Program

provides coverage for children in families with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid

STAR Health

provides health care services to children in foster and kinship care

Senate Bill 351

re-creating county education districts to equalize wealth across districts by broadening the tax base

Groundwater law

regarding water flowing

3 issues shape education policy

desegregation, equity in funding, search for educational excellence

El Paso


Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Burrell Day and Joel McDaniel

2 farmers applied to the Edwards Aquifer Authority for permission to pump 700 feet per year of water to irrigate their 350 acre ranch. Argued rights to water from aquifer based on ownership of land above it. Granted permit got pumping only 14 feet

state board of welfare

3→6 members appointed by governor for 6 year terms. Appointed executive director- chief administrative officer of the department

Commissioner of Education

4 year term and chief executive officer for TEA: responsible for setting standards for public schools, supervising the public schools of the state, handling federal funds related to public education

Average SAT score= __ in reading and __ in math

481, 504

Texas Department of Water Resources

develop TX water resources, maintain the quality of water, and assure an equitable distribution of water rights

Work Incentive Program

Conservative attempts to compel welfare recipients to participate in job-training programs

single most important confronting policy makers regarding Medicaid


Measured in terms of number of people receiving welfare assistance

Degree reforms help lower the number of welfare recipients and help take people off welfare and into workforce

Conservation strategy

Emphasis on the importance of expanding and developing and available water throughout Texas

Family Support Act

Established number of new workfare programs whose goals were required to get people off of welfare and into the workforce

___ deicide where program money is spent


Groundwater districts

develop regulations to protect water supply

capitation payment

Reimburse member health care providers with monthly payment


Replaced TAAS and expanded number of subjects assessed from grades 3-11 (now 3-8 grade)

Edgewood III

SB 351 violated 2 constitutional provisions: failed to get the required local voter approval of school property taxes levies and violated the prohibited state property tax

Edgewood II

SB1 failed to restructure the overall funding system

first school district in the nation to comply with Brown v. Board of Education

San Antonio school district

Private property rights derived from 3 sources

Spanish law, traditional English common law, and statutory law

Permanent School Fund

Support public education through one-quarter of the occupation tax, $1 pull tax, and local taxation


acute & long-term medical services for individuals on SSI

Medicaid goal

pay medical bills of low-income individuals on public assistance

Department of Public Welfare→ Department of Human Resources→ TX Department of Human Services→ Health and Human Services Commission

Wanted to be less of welfare agency and more of service agency to poor

A Partnership for Independence: Welfare Reform in Texas

Welfare failed to help those most in need or to encouraged independence

Traditional fee-for-service programs

a doctor or hospital provides a service directly to the patient and is paid a fee for that service


benefit limitation to 36 months, alimony for spouses who couldn't support themselves, and 5 year ban on reapplying when benefits run out

Poverty Index

calculates the consumption requirements of families based on their size and composition

Edgewood IV

challenged SB 7 but upheld as constitutional: TX Supreme Court ruling that school system was being financed by an unconstitutional state property tax→ 3 special sessions for compromise

Federal portion of Medicaid determined every year by

comparing average state per capita income to the average national per capita income

Texas Groundwater Act

created water districts to manage groundwater supply

A Nation at Risk, by National Commission on Excellence in Education

declining test scores and raising functional illiteracy rate

State Board of Education

elected 21 member board: policymaking body for public education in the state, selecting budgets, establishing regulations for school accreditation, executing contacts for the purchase of textbooks, and investing in the permanent school fund

Senate Bill 7

equalization and recapture provisions: 280,000 cap on per student taxable property value base in districts

Social Security Act of 1935

established number of state-federal public assistance programs


expanded education and job training programs

President Johnson "War on Poverty"

expanded number of social programs available to the poor

Texas Water Bank

facilitate the transfer/sale/lease of water and water right throughout the state

Law of capture

first person to capture the water by pumping it out of ground and using it owns the water

Select Committee on Public Education

fund pay raises for teachers & evaluate system of public education

Managed care organization model

health maintenance organizations or doctor-hospital networks act as an intermediary between the patient and the doctor and negotiate discounted fees for medical services

Medicaid Women's Health Program

helps pay for birth control, health screening, and family exams for select group of women on Medicaid

Edgewood Independent School District

high property tax rates but raised $37 per pupil while Alamo Heights raised for $413 with lower property tax rate

Senate Bill 1

implemented funding adjustments to further assist public school districts but didn't restrict the ability of wealthier districts to enrich themselves through their higher property tax basis

House Bill 72

increase state aid to poor districts→ plaintiffs amended lawsuit: new system of public school funding→ state appeals court reversed decision→ appeal to Texas Supreme Court: plaintiffs win→ require a standard of substantially equal access to similar revenues per pupil at similar levels of tax effort


individuals don't have resources to meet their basic needs (food, shelter, health care, transportation, and clothing)

Health Benefit Exchange

individuals will get assistance in accessing affordable health insurance

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

informant of environmental regulations regarding water


integrate publicly funded programs in Dallas region directed toward mental health and chemical dependency services for the indigent and poor

Vast majority of aquifers used in


TX ranked __ in health care services and delivery


Houston and the Central Railroad Company v. East

law notion of property law for percolating underground water

Water Rights Adjudication Act

merged various water rights doctrines dating back to the 19th century into a unified water permit system

Department of Public Welfare Basic strategy

minimize cost to state while maximizing federal dollars

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

monitor Medicaid & establish basic services/delivery/quality/funding/eligibility standards

Bush reforms

more discretion to school districts to achieve educational goals

Welfare reforms evaluated along 2 dimensions

number of people receiving welfare assistance and number of people moving from welfare to work

Chief Justice Roberts

rejected idea people would be forced to buy insurance under Congress's power to regulate commerce but tax penalizing people who didn't get medical insurance met constitution: States must have choice as to whether they participate

Bush reforms "No pass, no play"=

relaxed: 6→ 3 weeks and lift ban on practicing while on scholastic probation

Affordable Care Act "Obamacare"

required individuals not covered by existing plan to pursue health insurance or pay a penalty

Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act

required school districts to adopt policies that would protect religious speech on campus

Texas Board of Water Engineers

reservoirs have been built to more effectively distribute water during times of shortage and to control flooding

Department of Public Welfare

run the state's various public assistance programs

Plessy v. Ferguson

separate but equal

Edgewood ISD v. Kirby

states reliance on local property taxes to fund public education discriminated against poor children by denying them equal opportunities in education

State Water Plan

strategies for meeting the short and long-term water needs

Texas Education Agency

supervise public education in the state

STAR (State of Texas Access Reform) program

targeted at nondisabled children, low income families, and pregnant women

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