Psych Test 3

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Based on the textbook's discussion, which choice may enable one to prevent stress rather than simply manage it once it has occurred?

building social support

While walking 30 yards from the ocean shoreline, Grant heard a swimmer cry for help. However, he continued walking because he figured that one of the many swimmers in the vicinity would provide aid if it was needed. His reaction BEST illustrates the _____ effect.


The World Health Organization lists all of the following as determinants of health EXCEPT:


_____ can be defined as any physical or verbal behavior that is intended to hurt or destroy.


Abdul just discovered that his term paper is due tomorrow when he thought it was due next week. According to Hans Selye, Abdul will likely be experiencing the ______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


Tammy was hired to improve morale at a large manufacturing company. Which change should have the MOST positive effect on morale?

allowing workers to stop the conveyer belt when they see a problem

An individual who endangers his or her own life by jumping onto railway tracks to rescue a stranger is BEST seen as exemplifying:


Which brain area is similar in heavy social media users and those with a substance use disorder?


The correct order of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

an alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion.

Nadine has strong feelings about a website used to enroll in health insurance. These feelings stem in part from her political beliefs, and they may influence her voting behavior in subsequent elections. Nadine has a(n):


Rubia develops an _____ when she tries to explain her neighbor's irritating actions.


Outward signs of emotion tend to _____ in different cultures.

be the same

Prejudice involves a three-part mixture of:

beliefs, emotions, and predispositions to action.

Monique hasn't eaten since early this morning. It is now time for dinner. Her stomach is growling, and she feels very hungry. One reason that she is feeling hungry is because her:

blood glucose level has dropped.

As cognitive psychologists define it, a concept is a(n):


Marcus is going through a particularly difficult time because of work-related stress, his parents' health problems, impending final exams, and term paper deadlines. Marcus has a history of not dealing well with stress. The continuous stress is likely to cause all the following EXCEPT:

cause Marcus to develop cancer.

Research suggests that humans can MOST easily master the grammar of a second language during:


In a senior writing seminar, students were asked to write a brief autobiography. Sixty years later the students MOST likely to be alive and healthy are those who had expressed _____ in their autobiographies.

happiness, love, and other positive feelings

_____ is a basic bodily need.


Two-year-old Alma is very bored. She has been in her playpen for 30 minutes, has played with every toy available to her, and has looked at everything in the living room. She wants with all her being to escape. She is motivated to escape the playpen to:

increase her arousal to an optimum level

When someone mentions hamburgers, Trisha immediately thinks of a Big Mac. In this instance, a Big Mac is a(n):


Dr. Navarre investigates the link between coping strategies and immune system functioning during stressful situations. Dr. Navarre is BEST described as a:


A friend is feeling very edgy about an upcoming test and is consuming large quantities of starchy, carbohydrate-laden foods. But she is also surprised by how much of this type of food she is eating. Sweet and starchy foods are comforting because carbohydrates increase levels of the neurotransmitter:


Serafina is preparing a lecture on the benefits of exercise, and she will highlight that exercise orders up mood-boosting chemicals such as _____.


Social facilitation is MOST likely to occur in the performance of _____ tasks.

simple, well practiced

Ned's friend yells at him for being several minutes late for their meetup. Ned concludes that his friend may be having difficulties with their business partner, making his friend's behavior a result of their:


Nina was almost hit by a bus. However, she is okay, and her parasympathetic system is responding accordingly. Nina's parasympathetic system is:

slowing her heart rate and activating her digestion.

Lars is an excellent violinist. In front of an audience, he tends to play his violin even more beautifully than when he is alone. This is MOST likely caused by

social facilitation

At her health club, Bonnie pedals an exercise bike much faster when other patrons are using nearby equipment. This BEST illustrates:

social facilitation.

When we perform better on simple or well-learned tasks in the presence of others, this is called:

social facilitation.

Marty enjoys watching violent action movies and television shows most evenings as well as listening to music with violent lyrics. When faced with real-life conflict, he tends to respond with aggressive behavior because he believes that he needs to "act like a man." According to social psychologists, his beliefs are due to _____, which is/are mental tapes for how to act due to this exposure to media violence.

social scripts

What are culturally determined mental files about how to act that people use when they are unsure of how to behave?

social scripts

Females tend to outscore males on which skills?

spelling, detecting emotion, and verbal frequency

With each new accomplishment, each career advance, and each raise, Jamie somehow feels that it is still "not enough." Jamie's example BEST illustrates:

the adaptation-level phenomenon.

Which theorist(s) would say that our hearts race at the same time that we are afraid?


Why is it difficult to identify differences in emotions based only on physiological measurements?

Different emotions can have very similar physiological signatures.

Food consumption is _____ correlated with portion or serving size.


_____ is an unjustifiable, usually negative attitude toward a group and its members.


NK cells:

pursue and destroy diseased cells in the body.

When retested on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), a person's second score generally matches his or her first score quite closely. This indicates that the test has a high degree of:


A _____ test gives consistent scores no matter when an individual takes the test.


Two-year-old Dirk's sentences—"Dad come," "Mom laugh," and "Truck gone"—are examples of:

telegraphic speech

Christine looks down while sitting at the top of the roller coaster right before it dives down the track. She immediately feels her heart start to pound, and she simultaneously experiences fear. Which theory BEST explains this emotional response?

the Cannon-Bard theory

According to _____, there is a pyramid of human needs such that the most basic physiological needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs become active.

Abraham Maslow

In a follow-up obedience experiment, Stanley Milgram used 40 new teachers to determine whether participants obeyed because the learners' protests were not convincing. The new teachers complied fully, to the last switch, _____ percent of the time.


Coral's IQ score is 104. She is in good company: Nearly _____ out of 10 people have IQ scores between 85 and 115


Which statement is NOT a criticism of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?

Low ability in one area is balanced by high ability in another.

Janet is concerned about the amount of time her son spends online. Which of the following is NOT a strategy that can be used to balance online activity and real-world connections?

Make sure you keep in touch online with all your close friends

Reggie recently received a large inheritance from a distant relative. Based on research, we can expect that:

Reggie would initially be happy and then eventually need more to be happy

Dr. Yen is designing an experiment on obedience to authority. She will set up a learning laboratory and have participants deliver loud blasts of sound as punishment for incorrect answers (given by a confederate of the researcher). How can Dr. Yen increase the likelihood of the participants' obedience?

She can make sure the participants know that she has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university.

_____ psychologists explore how we think about, influence, and relate to one another.


To experience an emotion, a person must be physically aroused and cognitively label that arousal. This theory of emotion was suggested by:

Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer.

Tarek has many friends who are overweight. According to research on obesity, what hypothesis can you make about Tarek?

Tarek is probably overweight as well

Ancel Keys conducted an experiment in which men were given half the food they had previously become accustomed to eating. Which statement does NOT describe a result of the experiment?

The men got used to it and continued as before

Nikolas is suspected of a crime and is asked to take a polygraph test. Although he is innocent, what are the chances that he will be falsely accused?

These tests are inaccurate about one-third of the time.

Julia is startled in the middle of the night by the sound of breaking glass. Her increased heart rate and respiration can BEST be explained as:

a fight-or-flight response.

Charles Spearman noted that people who score highly in one area of mental ability tend to score highly in other areas as well. These observations combined with work in factor analysis led to his proposing that _____ is the key to understanding human mental abilities.

a general intelligence factor

This afternoon, Mica's boss wants to meet with her. Mica is sure it is about the customers who complained about her yesterday. The best-case scenario would be for Mica's boss to decide that her behavior was the result of:

a situational attribution.

Heterosexual strangers placed in male-female pairs were instructed to stare into each other's eyes for two minutes. They reported feeling:

a tingle of attraction and affection.

Cynthia thinks that her new neighbor is mean and snobbish. This _____ will likely influence Cynthia to act negatively toward her neighbor.


Proximity, similarity, and physical attractiveness combine to yield:


The easier it is for an individual to remember a circumstance in which a car battery failed to function, the more he expects such an event to recur. This BEST illustrates the impact of the _____ heuristic.


The vocal sounds not included in one's native language first begin to disappear from usage toward the end of the _____ stage of language development.


Four-month-old Susan is starting to say things like "ah-goo" and "da-da-da-da." Susan is in the:

babbling stage.

A potential source of irrationality is _____, people's tendency to cling to their beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence.

belief perseverance

Jenny has a job interview and is waiting in the lounge for her name to be called. Her heart is pounding, and she is sweating slightly. She is also biting her lip. She keeps thinking to herself, "Calm down. It will be fine." Jenny's increased heart rate is an example of:

bodily arousal

Psychologists refer to the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating as:


Kayla received a low grade on a recent class exam. She considers her low grade to be a result of her lack of academic capability. Margaret also experienced a low exam grade but believes that her grade on the test is unfair. Kayla now feels depressed, and Margaret is angry. This BEST illustrates that emotions are influenced by:

cognitive appraisals

Festinger is to Zimbardo as _____ is to _____.

cognitive dissonance; role playing

oachim and Julie have been happily married for 10 years. Their love is BEST described as _____ love.


Sherif's (1966) study with boys at a Boy Scout camp showed that perceptions of each of two groups at the camp were influenced by:

competitive and cooperative activities.

Pigeons can reliably discriminate pictures of cars from pictures of chairs. This BEST illustrates their capacity to develop:


One makes an attribution when one:

decides what is causing an individual's behavior.

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system _____ salivation and _____blood pressure.

decreases; increases

During a riot, a large sporting event, or mob action, we lose self-awareness and self-restraint. This is known as _____.


Seven-year-old Evan's parents use a great deal of harsh physical punishment and verbal intimidation to control his behavior. Studies have shown that if his parents continue this type of discipline Evan is more likely to:

demonstrate delinquent behavior in the future.

Jim has been taking medication and going to psychotherapy to treat his depressive symptoms. Which of the following would you also recommend to enhance his treatment?

do aerobic exercise

Many people report feeling happier after performing "random acts of kindness." This is an example of:

doing good promoting feeling good.

Lara's mouth is dry, and she realizes that she hasn't had anything to drink all morning. The water level in her cells has dropped, and she feels thirsty. Seeing her classmates drinking from their water bottles is distracting her from paying attention in class, and at the next opportunity, she will go to the water fountain and take an extra large drink. Her feeling thirsty and taking an extra large drink can be understood in terms of the _____ theory of motivation.


Lara's mouth is dry, and she realizes that she hasn't had anything to drink all morning. The water level in her cells has dropped, and she feels thirsty. As soon as she leaves her classroom, she will go to the nearest drinking fountain. Which explanation can be used to understand why she is motivated to get a drink?

drive-reduction theory

According to drive-reduction theory, when a physiological need, such as hunger, creates an aroused tension state, it:

drives the organism to reduce the need.

_____ is an organism's response that includes a mixture of physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience


Dani consciously adopts an "attitude of gratitude" and a positive outlook when things aren't going well in her life. In these instances, Dani is dealing with stress through ______ coping.


Alexandra is well liked by her friends. When you watch her, you can see that she mimics her friends' gestures and seems to match their moods. Alexandra's behavior would suggest that this automatic mimicry is a component of:


_____ refers to identification with others and the ability to imagine walking in their shoes.


Meg is extremely creative when it comes to her development psychology course. Her written assignments always demonstrate not only knowledge on the subject matter but also a unique perspective on the topic, originality, humor, and excellent writing skills. Which quality does NOT help Meg be creative?

extrinsic motivation

If people mimic another person's facial expressions of emotion, they probably will feel increasing empathy for that person. This is BEST explained in terms of:

facial feedback effect

With respect to the study of stress reactions, Cannon is to Selye as _____ is to _____.

fight-or-flight response; general adaptation syndrome

Need is to _____ as drive is to _____.

food; hunger

Emma has worked hard in high school to attain high grades in hopes of going to college after graduation. This BEST illustrates the importance of:


Parents who discipline their children with beatings are often teaching aggression through the process of:


Marci suggests that the aggressiveness of her sister's new friend is the result of the friend's abuse during childhood. Marci's inference about the cause of the girl's behavior is an example of:

an attribution.

A high school counselor gave Amy a test designed to predict whether she could learn to become a successful architect. Amy MOST likely took a(n) _____ test.


It is toward the end of Ken's junior year in college, and he is applying to medical school. Ken must first take the MCAT as a requirement of his application. The MCAT is a(n) _____ test.


The SAT is intended to predict high school seniors' performance in college. The SAT is therefore a(n) _____ test.


If one wanted to predict an individual's ability or potential for success in a given area, one would use an _____ test. If one wanted to measure an individual's level of knowledge in a given area, one would use an _____ test.

aptitude; achievement

Monkeys will spend time trying to figure out how to open a latch that opens nothing. With respect to theories of motivation, this BEST exemplifies:

arousal theory

The sympathetic nervous system is to _____ as the parasympathetic nervous system is to _____.

arousal; calming

Shane's doctor suggests that he begin an aerobic exercise program in addition to the psychotherapy he receives for his depression. As a result, Shane will experience all of the following EXCEPT that he will:

become more depressed from the stress of the exercise program.

Joanna disagrees with her classmates on an issue. During a class discussion of the issue, Joanna is MOST likely to conform to her classmates' opinion if she:

believes the rest of the class is unanimous in their position.

Jim just entered high school. After a few weeks, his parents notice that he wants to get some new clothes and change his hair style so that he can fit in with the other students. Jim is MOST likely motivated by _____ needs.

belongingness and love

Brendan must give an oral presentation in 10 minutes, at the start of his class. In response to this "threat":

blood flow increases to Brendan's muscles.

The theory that suggests you would NOT experience anger unless you first noticed your racing heart (or other symptoms of physiological arousal) is the _____ theory.


As she was riding her bicycle down a hill, Amy hit a large rock and started to lose her balance. She managed to come to a stop without falling. Once she stopped, she noticed her heart was racing and she was shaking. After that, Amy realized she was frightened. The _____ theory of emotion BEST explains this sequence of events.


Jennifer was driving her car to school when it broke down. Which of the following statements is true?

Jennifers feelings of frustration is a stress reaction

Which question would a social psychologist be LEAST likely to research?

What factors are related to the development of schizophrenia?

Aidan is a bright young man who scored very high on both the critical reading and mathematics sections of the SAT. He is an excellent map reader, and his reasoning abilities are fantastic. According to Spearman, what is likely underlying these abilities?

general intelligence (g)

Which form of influence occurs as a result of one's willingness to accept the opinions of others about reality?

informational social influence

The ingredients of emotion include:

conscious experience and bodily arousal

The adage that "familiarity breeds contempt" is _____ by research on the _____ effect.

contradicted; mere exposure

Researchers find that conformity to the group does NOT increase when:

one is made to feel secure.

A vehicle speeds through a red light as Julie rides through an intersection on her bicycle. The vehicle very nearly hits Julie. Julie's emotional arousal is likely to be accompanied by:

dilation of her pupils.

A train is rapidly approaching, and Antonio's car stalls in the middle of the railroad tracks. His emotional arousal is likely to be accompanied by:

dilation of his pupils

At 17 months of age, Julie says "wada" whenever she wants a drink of water. Julie is MOST likely in the _____ stage of language development. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Barry attempts to solve an abstract word problem that he has never seen before. He is given three minutes to come up with the solution. Barry most likely relies on his _____ intelligence to complete the task.


For years, the most common grade in Dr. Gunn's class has been a B. The second most common has always been a C. At the beginning of each semester, Dr. Gunn asks his class which grade they think they will get at the end of the semester. Most students indicate that they think they will get an A. This example BEST illustrates:


Jessica believes she can complete a term paper, from start to finish, in two days and begins the paper two days before its due date. Unfortunately, once she begins, she realizes it will more likely take four or five days to complete. Her failure to accurately determine how long the assignment would take BEST illustrates:


Richard learned at an early age how to sell numerous items ranging from chocolate to small electronics. Many say his most significant education came from the streets on which he grew up. This BEST illustrates ______ intelligence.


Jamale is prone to depression. He is likely to have increased activity in his:

right frontal lobe.

Laxmi is a mother. The responsibilities and expectations associated with this position constitute a social:


Cognitive dissonance theory is MOST helpful in understanding the impact of:

role playing on attitude change.

Deliberate isolation of an individual is known as:


Anders just received devastating news about the coffee shop he owns. Things seem very bleak because a nationally known competitor is moving to the same block. Anders has many debts to pay off, and his wife is expecting their fourth child. When he hears the bad news, his heart rate zooms and he feels faint, as if he is in shock. According to Seyle's general adaptation syndrome, Anders is in Phase:

1, experiencing an alarm reaction.

According to the text, emotionality is truer of women, a perception expressed by nearly 100 percent of _____ Americans.

18- to 29-year-old

Currently, online dating is responsible for 1 in _____ marriages.


Transitioning from an active exercise routine to a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of depression in the next two years by just over _____ percent.


According to the text, in looking at several studies that examined the ability to detect deceiving expressions or identifying lies, people were _____ percent accurate.


Type _____ personalities direct their negative emotion toward aggression or anger.


Zelda is a human resources director for a chain of fast-food restaurants. When interviewing prospective employees, Zelda is known to finish their sentences and to be very short with them if they do not finish a sentence quickly. According to Friedman et al., Zelda is a Type _____ personality.


Researcher _____ and his team fed wartime conscientious objectors a "starvation diet" to demonstrate the importance of physiological needs.

Ancel Keys

Which Greek philosopher referred to human beings as "the social animal"?


Your brother is considering adopting an infant from an orphanage that has a reputation for minimal child-caregiver interaction. A 1-year-old boy is available for adoption, but he is passive and not speaking yet. What advice would you give your brother?

As long as the boy is provided with responsive caregiving, chances are good that he will learn to talk.

_____ refers to the rate of energy expenditure for maintaining basic body functions when the body is at rest.

Basal metabolic rate

Tom is attending college in a city far away from home where he does not know anybody. According to the principle of proximity, Tom will be MOST likely to make friends with:

Bill, his roommate.

Cognitive dissonance theory states that we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts clash. In the foot-in-the-door phenomenon, people who agree to a small request will find it easier to agree later to a larger one. Which of these concepts is/are correctly defined?

Both cognitive dissonance theory and the foot-in-the-door phenomenon are correctly defined.

A 14-year-old student slams a 13-year-old classmate into a metal locker. A 15-year-old student spreads a cruel rumor about a classmate. Based on this information, which student(s) is/are being aggressive?

Both the 14- and 15-year-old are being aggressive.

Imagine that you see an oncoming car headed directly toward you. You experience an emotion. According to the _____ theory of emotion, your heart pounds and you simultaneously experience fear.


According to Carroll Izard, humans experience 10 basic emotions, and most of these are present during infancy. _____ is one of these basic emotions.


Dr. Cheng studies social influence. He is concerned because he finds that rates of conformity in his experiments are much higher than those reported by his cousin, another social influence researcher. Which reason might account for this difference?

Dr. Cheng is conducting his experiments in a country that prizes collectivism, whereas his cousin is conducting experiments in a country that prizes individualism.

_____ is the study of the interaction between genes and environment.


Frank loses a contact lens in his kitchen; he searches for it by examining each linoleum tile in turn to see if the lens is contained within the square. Gemma loses a lens in her kitchen; she looks for it near the base of the fridge and around the stove because these are the two appliances she remembers using when she was last in the kitchen. In this scenario:

Gemma is using a heuristic and Frank is using an algorithm

Vicky thinks two of her friends are highly compatible, so she is trying to get them together. Which action might help to get them interested in each other?

Have them gaze into each others eyes for a couple of minutes

A college student is feeling stressed by friends on social media and is unable to focus on schoolwork. She decides to start a new routine of taking a peaceful walk in a park or wooded area. How is this likely to affect her academic performance?

Her grades will improve with her concentration.

A month ago Jason lost his job due to circumstances beyond his control, and he is very concerned about his financial situation. Since then, he has learned that his wife will not be able to return to the United States because she cannot get her green card and that his rent-controlled apartment is being sold, meaning he must find another place to live. Given what happens when people feel unable to control their environment, which of the following do you think is happening to Jason?

His immune response is dropping.

_____ is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to control blood glucose.


Your instructor has just asked the class, "What is intelligence?" Which statement embodies the spirit of psychology's simplest answer?

Intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure.

Alone in the woods, a man hears a noise. He thinks he sees a bear coming toward him. His heart starts pounding, and then, a moment later, he realizes how frightened he is. This sequence of events is BEST explained by the _____ theory of emotion.


Alone in the woods, a woman hears a noise. She thinks she sees a bear coming toward her. Her heart starts pounding, and then, a moment later, she realizes how frightened she is. This sequence of events is BEST explained by the _____ theory of emotion.


Hallie is trying speed dating and has already talked to several potential dates. She has two more to go. When Jae sits down, he asks her the following question: "When was the last time you laughed so hard you had trouble breathing?" When Joe sits down, he asks her, "Where did you go to college?" Toward which of the two men will Hallie likely have the MOST positive feelings?


Zac and Nina are studying for a psychology test. Zac states that heritability refers to the extent to which genes are responsible for an individual's level of a particular characteristic is genetic. Nina disagrees, stating that heritability refers to the extent to which genes are responsible for variation among individuals in a particular characteristic. Which student is correct?

Nina is correct.

Children will master the past tense for a regular verb like push (i.e., pushed) before they will learn the past tense construction of an irregular verb like go (i.e., went). This phenomenon was BEST explained by:

Noam Chomsky.

_____ is a hunger-triggering hormone secreted by the hypothalamus.


Taste preferences in humans are NOT the result of:

Origin of feed

Selma participated in a research project in college, and she was identified as being less happy than average. During a follow up-study 20 years later, researchers found all of the following EXCEPT:

Selma was less likely to have met all of her life goals than her happy peers.

Which person BEST illustrates Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence?

Selma, a 9-year-old who solves complicated mathematical problems in record time

The notion of creative intelligence is associated with:


According to the _____ law, performance is optimal when arousal is moderate.


_____ have demonstrated that some emotional responses involve no conscious thinking.

Zajonc and LeDoux

Supporters of each of the two major political parties claim the moral high ground and view beliefs of the other party as Godless, corrupt, or uncaring. This example BEST illustrates:

an ingroup bias.

In a crowd of faces, researchers have found that people are quickest to detect a(n) _____ face.


Myra has such low self-esteem that she often listens for critical comments that others make about her appearance and personality. Myra's behavior BEST illustrates the dangers of:

confirmation bias

The assistant chief of police has decided to forgo using the polygraph test on a suspect and use a different technique to assess the suspect's physiological responses to crime-scene details. This is known as the:

concealed information test

With respect to the abilities of people with IQ scores below about 70, understanding money and time are examples of _____ skills.


William James would suggest that people feel sorry because they _____ and feel afraid because they _____.

cry; tremble

Jody is completing a test in which she has to name as many state capitals as she can in one minute. Aditi is trying to complete analogies between pairs of abstract diagrams. Jody is completing a test of _____ intelligence, whereas Aditi is completing a test of _____ intelligence.

crystallized; fluid

As David approaches the counter at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the clerk yells at David for having waited in the wrong line. David is convinced that the clerk should find another line of work—one in which his angry personality traits will not interfere with his job. However, David disregards the possibility that the DMV is short of help that day. David has just fallen prey to the _____ error.

fundamental attribution

In what way do different cultures vary the MOST in their expression of emotion?


Louis is an expert on psychometrics and assessment; however, three of the clinicians disagree on his choice of scales. Louis decides to change his opinion for the good of the group. This BEST illustrates:


In a 2010 Kaiser Family Foundation survey of students, roughly one-_____ of the heaviest users of the internet and other media had grades of C or lower, whereas one-_____ of the lightest users had grades of C or lower.

half; quarter

Janie is amazed how Andy can recognize and identify people who are of Asian ethnic groups, while she struggles with this type of identification. One can assume from this example that Andy:

has more experience interacting with Asian people.

Twin and adoption studies are helpful for assessing the proportion of variation among individuals in intelligence scores that can be attributed to genetics; that is, such studies are helpful for assessing the _____ of intelligence.


Angie is obese. Which of the following conditions is NOT an effect associated with being overweight?

increased metabolism

During a discussion, Dr. Mansfield argues that Asch's participants conformed to the confederates' responses because they wanted to be correct about the lengths of the lines in the experiment. Dr. Roach counters that the participants conformed because they simply sought the confederates' approval. Dr. Mansfield is suggesting that Asch's conformity is an example of _____ social influence. Dr. Roach is suggesting instead that it reflects _____ social influence.

informational; normative

Marcus is taking advanced placement chemistry in high school because he enjoys science and is fascinated by chemistry experimentation. Wade is taking advanced placement chemistry because his guidance counselor told him he had to if he intended to apply to a pre-med program at a competitive university. Marcus is motivated by _____, while Wade is motivated by _____.

intrinsic; extrinsic

If intelligence is a singular, unitary phenomenon rather than a diverse collection of specialized abilities, then one might expect:

little variability in scores across the different components of an IQ test.

Jennifer has been experiencing depression. Which of the following recommendations from her doctor is likely to be MOST successful?

join an exercise group

Raymond just moved into a new neighborhood. This new neighborhood is full of people addicted to drugs who live in run-down houses. He often sees them struggling to find food on the street and shivering through the cold winter. When his friend asks him if he feels bad seeing these people suffer, he replies, "Good people don't end up that way, so I don't feel bad for them." Raymond's attitude BEST illustrates the _____ phenomenon.


Spoken, written, or signed words and the ways they are combined to communicate meaning constitute:


Bullying younger children earns Diego the attention and respect of many classmates. As a result, his bullying behavior increases. This MOST clearly suggests that his aggression is a(n):

learned response.

Erika is in a positive mood. She will experience increased activity in her:

left frontal lobe

Dr. Schmidt studies the factors that energize and direct human behavior. Dr. Schmidt studies:


Brandon thinks that he is a great guy. He thinks that he is good-looking and smart and that any girl would be lucky to have him as her boyfriend. He knows that all girls are attracted to him. Brandon's example illustrates:


According to the drive-reduction theory, we are pushed by our _____ and pulled by our _____.

needs; incentives

Marcie is invited to a black-tie dinner at the Ritz-Carlton. She has never been served a 10-course meal, so she is unfamiliar with the social etiquette regarding silverware selection. Because Marcie is in a foreign environment, she gets through the night by watching others who appear to know what they are doing. For each course, she follows their selection of silverware. Marcie is displaying _____ social influence.


People often conform to gain approval. This is called _____ social influence


Sharon is just learning to speak. She says words like da-da, kitty, and ma-ma. This is not unusual because, whatever the language, when children begin to speak, they tend to use mostly:


An aroused state of intense positive absorption in another is to _____ love as deep affectionate attachment is to companionate love.


his is an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another that is usually present at the beginning of a love relationship.

passionate love

Murphy's Law—the notion that if anything can go wrong, it will—expresses a(n) _____ outlook.


People with a(n) _____ outlook expect negative outcomes.


When someone mentions "sports," Vic thinks immediately of football; he does not think of curling or lacrosse. Football is Vic's _____ of the category "sport."


Those who emphasize the importance of the g factor would be most likely to encourage:

quantifying intelligence with a single numerical score.

People who make outstanding creative contributions to the arts or sciences are MOST likely to:

receive above-average scores on tests of divergent thinking

If shown an angry face in a frightening situation, how will most people judge the face?


All of Ernest's basic physiological and safety needs have been met, and he feels a solid sense of belonging and of being loved. According to Abraham Maslow, this suggests that he will next seek to satisfy his need for:


Conformity is MOST likely to be highly valued in a country:

that has a collectivist culture.

Veronica's friend has a cockatiel that he trained to discriminate between pictures of dogs and cats. Her friend shows the cockatiel a picture of a dog, and the bird pecks at a dog symbol on the cage. Veronica's friend shows him a picture of a cat, and the bird pecks at a cat symbol. The bird is showing:

that it can form concepts.

As psychologists use the word, resilience refers to:

the ability to bounce back from adversity.

Attitudes are most likely NOT to affect behavior when:

the attitude is unstable.

In "person-who" reasoning, one offers the experience of a single individual as evidence to evaluate a claim. "But I know a person who smokes two packs a day. He's 88 and in great health!" Person-who reasoning is persuasive because it is easy to imagine the individual whose experience is cited. Person-who reasoning is BEST seen as capitalizing on:

the availability heuristic

Ashley, a psychology major, remarks that she has become interested in the study of intelligence. Thus, Ashley is interested in:

the capacity to solve problems, adapt to the environment, and learn from experience.

If one student in a classroom begins to cough, others are likely to do the same. This BEST illustrates:

the chameleon effect

It is an election year, and a volunteer asks if Jay would put a small sign (12 × 12) in his yard. He agrees. The following day Jay's wife cannot believe he agreed to put a 3-foot sign in their yard. This scenario is explained by:

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

A job applicant is five minutes late for an interview. The interviewer assumes that the applicant is unconscientious and fails to consider that she may have had difficulty finding a parking spot. The interviewer is demonstrating:

the fundamental attribution error.

Tim's new roommate Jaxon leaves dirty laundry all over his room, and Tim assumes he must be a slob. Tim ignores the fact that Jaxon is currently studying for finals and working 30 hours per week. Tim is demonstrating:

the fundamental attribution error.

While visiting the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after World War II, one German civilian is said to have remarked, "What terrible criminals these prisoners must have been to receive such treatment." This reaction is BEST explained in terms of:

the just-world phenomenon.

Laurie is traveling in Japan and finds that she has more difficulty matching names to faces. What principle may explain her difficulty?

the other-race effect

Undocumented immigrants often take jobs that most American citizens refuse. Conversely, immigrants with specialized work visas often hold positions for which few citizens are qualified. Nevertheless, immigrants are often blamed for the economic anxiety many Americans experience. This example BEST illustrates:

the scapegoat theory.

What principle explains why we help children and others who cannot give back as much in return?

the social-responsibility norm

A group of protesters went on a hunger strike and drastically lowered their caloric intake. It is likely that in response to this semistarvation:

their basal metabolic rate decreased and they lost weight.

Why did Binet and Simon originally want to measure the intelligence of French schoolchildren?

to identify students with special needs in order to better educate them

While driving his girlfriend to work, Nicholas narrowly avoided a collision with another vehicle. Moments later he experienced an unusually warm glow of affection for his girlfriend. His romantic reaction is BEST explained in terms of the _____ theory.


The excitement that lingers after a frightening event can often facilitate passionate love. This phenomenon is BEST explained by the:

two-factor theory of emotion.

The fundamental attribution error involves:

underestimating the situational influences on another person's behavior.

Imagine that you see an oncoming car headed directly toward you. You experience an emotion. According to the James-Lange theory:

your heart pounds and you experience fear.

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