PSYCH unit 5

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_____ play combines sensorimotor/practice play with symbolic representation.


_____ play occurs when children engage in the self-regulated creation of a product or a solution.


time refers to how much time individuals spend watching TV, playing video games, and using computers or mobile media.


Which of the following are important functions of peer relationships?

To provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family. To provide children with a source of comparison and feedback about their abilities

In 2019, the U.S. adolescent pregnancy rate was the lowest ever recorded.


Teenagers are motivated to act in ways that conform to the gender schemas, which then fuel gender typing.


True or False: Contraceptive use decreased during college years.


True or false: By 2020, the ethnic minority population under age 18 in the United States will outnumber its non-Latino White counterpart.


True or false: Children's social cognition about their peers becomes increasingly important for understanding peer relationships in middle and late childhood.


True or false: One of the most important functions of peer relations during childhood is to provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family.


True or false: Research has found that some television shows have a positive impact on children's behavior.


True or false: When children interact aggressively with peers, they are at risk for delinquency and dropping out of school.


Amina is about equally liked and disliked by the children in her class, receiving a typical (i.e., not unusual) number of both positive and negative nominations when her peers are asked. In terms of peer status, she is best described as

an average child.

In men with low testosterone levels, testosterone replacement therapy can improve all of the following except

cholesterol levels

The term Blank______ refers to the midlife transition during which fertility declines.


Small groups called Blank______ range in size from two to about twelve individuals, averaging about five to six.


Not all friendships are positive. Which of the following would not be a positive friendship trait?


Which of the following are factors increasingly implicated in sexual risk in adolescence?

cognitive and personality

Cultures that value harmonious relationships and the interdependence of members are labeled


Cultures that value harmonious relationships and the interdependence of members are labeled Blank


Ji-hoon and Isuri enjoy spending time together after school. What function of friendship does this serve?


When immigrant parents and children are at different stages of acculturation, which of the following often results?

conflicts over cultural values

Peer interaction is influenced by Blank______, which can mean the type of peer, the situation or location, and the culture.


According to social role theory, gender differences result from the Blank______ social roles of women and men.


In terms of peer status, the Blank______ child is frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked.


Which peer status includes children who are frequently nominated as someone's best friend and as being disliked?


You encourage a friend to run for class officer. This is an example of which function of friendship?

ego support

Due to the effects that imaginary play has on cognitive development, Vygotsky believed that parents should Blank______ it.


The tendency to consider one's own group superior to other groups is referred to as


According to Daniel Berlyne, play satisfies our Blank______ drive.


Which of the following contribute to the decline in sexual activity?

family career interests

What are the reasons that the birth rate among U.S. adolescent girls has decreased?

fear of sexually transmitted infections school or community health classes increased contraceptive use

Two X chromosomes results in a


A shy person is more likely than a gregarious individual to be neglected by peers. This best describes of the effect of what on peer relations?

individual differences

All of the following are contexts that influence peer interaction except the

individual's cognitive thought processes about peers

Cultures that value self-actualization, self-awareness, self-efficacy, and the like are labeled


The rates of suicide, drug abuse, crime, and divorce are more prominent in a(n) Blank______ culture.


_____ and toddlers learn much more with direct experiences with people than with media; however, early childhood children can learn from media with educational material.


Sensorimotor play is best defined as behavior engaged in by

infants to derive pleasure from exercising their sensorimotor schemas

Adolescents indicate peer friendships provide them with which of the following?

intimacy companionship reassurance of worth

The adult male pattern of friendship often involves Blank______ while sharing useful information.

keeping one's distance

Developmental psychologists have come to Asamaa's classroom and are asking all the children to fill out surveys asking them whom they like best in the class and whom they like least. This technique is

known as the sociometric status technique

Carlos and Rosa have recently immigrated with their family to the United States from Guatemala. Please identify all barriers they may encounter

language issues changes in their socioeconomic status separation from social networks

Which of the following is more common among minority groups than among non-Latino Whites?

large and extended families

Hobbies, sports, and reading are all examples of


Sexual activity usually occurs _____ frequently in middle adulthood than in early adulthood.


Compared with those who never took vacations, men who went on annual vacations were Blank______ to die during the period of a 9-year study.

less likely

Which of the following refers to a condition in which the body does not produce enough testosterone?

male hypogonadism

A major trend in technology is the dramatic rise is in Blank______, in which individuals use two or more media concurrently, such as text messaging while listening to music on a phone.

media multitasking

Ivana has been diagnosed with cancer. With improvements in Blank______ technology, Ivana can continue to lead an active and constructive life.


The term climacteric refers to the

midlife transition in which fertility declines

People in middle adulthood enjoy more leisure times due to which of the following?

more free time paid vacation time more available money

Adult female friendships tend to be Blank______ than adult male friendships.

more intimate

Young preschool children are Blank______ older children to have friends of different genders and ethnicities.

more likely than

Latinas and African Americans have had the Blank______ recent declines in adolescent pregnancy and birth rates among ethnic groups in the United States.

most substantial

Freud believed children began to develop gender identities around the age of 5 or 6; developmentalists believe gender-typing occurs Blank______

much earlier

Of the new STI infections that occur in the United States each year, 15- to 24-year-olds account for

nearly 50 percent

One individual difference factor that has been found to impair peer relations is the trait of

negative emotionality

In terms of peer status, a(n) _____ child is not actively disliked but receives few nominations of any kind and is seldom chosen as a best friend.


Which peer status best describes Farah, who is shy and has low interaction with her classmates, but is not disliked?


Which of the following choices by a parent most influences a child's peer choices?


Critics of the concept of individualistic and collectivistic cultures argue that in many families

neither individualistic nor collectivistic values are uniformly endorsed

Sensorimotor _____ is defined as behavior engaged in by infants to derive pleasure from exercising their existing sensorimotor schemas.


_____ therapy allows children to work off frustrations and to analyze conflicts and learn how to cope better.


In terms of peer status, the Blank______ child has social skills, gives out reinforcements, listens, and maintains lines of communication with others.


Which five peer status groups have been identified by researchers measuring sociometric popularity?

popular controversial rejected neglected average

Children who repeatedly throw a ball against a wall to work on their aim are engaging in what type of play?


Running, jumping, sliding, and throwing balls are examples of

practice play

Many experts on play consider the Blank______ years the "golden age" of symbolic/pretense play.


A child who uses a hairbrush as a microphone while singing is engaging in what type of play?


What was the purpose of the Black Lives Matter movement?

protest the lack of educational opportunities for African Americans protest against police brutality

Which of the following becomes especially important in peer interchanges during the elementary school years?


In terms of peer status, children are seldom nominated as someone's best friend and are actively disliked by their peers.


Which of the following child-rearing practices does not characterize lower-SES parents?

relying less on physical punishment

Intimacy in friendships is characterized by which two of the following?

self-disclosure sharing of private thoughts

Freud believed preschool children developed a(n) Blank______ the opposite-sex parent.

sexual attraction to

Rewards and punishments play a large role in children's gender development, according to which theory?

social cognitive

Middle-aged men experience a decline in the production of the sex hormone Blank______ at a rate of 1 percent per year.


According to a 2009 study, the largest increase in media use between childhood and early adolescence is due to

video games and TV

Researchers estimate that the percentage of time spent in social interaction with peers increases from approximately Blank______ percent at 2 years of age to more than Blank______ percent in middle to late childhood.

10; 30

In 2018, what percentage of U.S. children under 18 years of age were living in families with income below the poverty line?

16.2 percent

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under _____ years of age not watch TV.


What percentage of erectile dysfunctions in middle-aged men stem from physiological problems?

75 percent

Currently, to which two of the following populations is HIV of particular concern?

Adolescent girls in Africa 13- to 24-year-old gay or bisexual U.S. males

According to social role theory, which of the following are important causes of gender differences in power, assertiveness, and nurturing? (Select all that apply)

division of labor social hierarchy

What did Harry Stack Sullivan's theory about friendships state?

Adolescents without close friendships will experience loneliness and lower self-worth. Friendships are necessary to satisfy our basic social needs. Friends are important in shaping the development of adolescents.

What are likely causes of the feminization of poverty?

Alimony is awarded infrequently. Child support by fathers is poorly enforced. Women are paid less in general.

_____ are hormones that promote the development of male genitals and secondary sex characteristics. One important example of this type of hormone is testosterone.


In a study recently of _____ to _____ year olds, gender-conforming children whose behavior was consistent with the expectation for their gender were perceived more positively than gender-nonconforming.

Blank 1: 4 Blank 2: 9

study compares aspects of two or more cultures and provides information about the degree to which development is similar or universal across cultures—or is instead culture specific.


_____ which includes the behavior and beliefs of a group of people, results from the interaction between people and their environment over many years.


is defined as behavior patterns and beliefs passed on from one generation to another.


The concept of culture is broad. Select all of the following that may be included in the concept of culture.

Culture is made of assumptions about life that guide people's behavior. Culture is made of ideals and values.

Which of the following are a negative result of screen time on children?

Decreased play time Decreased physical activity Higher rate of aggression

Which of the following statements is false about hormonal changes in middle-aged men?

Decreased testosterone production leads to male menopause.

Bernardo is about to retire. He has stopped following the news and spends less time with friends. This is an example of which social theory of aging?

Disengagement theory

Which of the social theories of aging has a more negative view of aging?

Disengagement theory

Which of the following statements about adolescent media use is not accurate?

Facebook is the most commonly used social media site among adolescents and emerging adults.

True or False: Rates of kissing, touching, performing and receiving oral sex in college years has decreased.


True or false: Parents have very little psychological influence on their children's gender development. True false question.


True or false: The Black Lives Matter movement was focused only on police brutality.


_____ of poverty refers to the fact that far more women than men live in poverty.


______ of poverty refers to the fact that far more women than men live in poverty.


Which of the following statements is false regarding gender and peer groups?

Girls' groups are more likely than boys' groups to seek to attain a group goal.

Which statement is true regarding hormone replacement therapy?

It can consist of various forms of estrogen and usually a progestin.

Which statement is false regarding perimenopause?

It is most common in the thirties but can occur in the twenties.

Generally, what has been concluded about menopause?

It is not the negative experience for most women it was previously considered to be.

Comparatively, girls in which of the following groups are the most likely to become pregnant?

Latina adolescents

_____ refers to the pleasant times when individuals pursue activities of their own choosing.


is the transitional period from normal menstrual periods to no menstrual periods at all.


_____ play involves repetition of behavior when new skills are being learned or when physical or mental mastery and coordination of skills are required for games or sports.


At what stage do children begin to participate in games involving simple rules of reciprocity and turn-taking?


play involves children using one object to stand in for another object, such as using a block as if it is a walkie-talkie.


play involves interactions with peers.


Which of the following statements most accurately depicts the frequency of aggressive versus friendly interactions as early childhood progresses?

The proportion of aggressive exchanges, compared with friendly exchanges, decreases

In which of the following ways are older adults discriminated against?

They are eased out of old jobs. They are shunned socially. They are not hired for new jobs.

What are the features of crowds?

They are larger than cliques. They tend to be based on reputation. Many are defined by activities.

Which of the following statements is false regarding erections in middle age?

They are more difficult to achieve but easier to sustain.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of games?

They are most popular in the preschool years.

Which of the following is true about ethnic minority adolescents in the United States?

They handle their challenges and stresses far better than was previously thought.

Decreased symptoms of menopause have been associated with all of the following except

bed rest

Which of the following countries has the highest rate of children in poverty?

United States

Which of the following is the least likely to pose an increased risk for depression during childhood?

Which of the following is the least likely to pose an increased risk for depression during childhood?

Males begin to differ from females when a gene on the _____ (X/Y) chromosome triggers the development of testes rather than ovaries.


Which chromosome triggers the development of male sex organs?


Aiden has not been well accepted by his peers since kindergarten. In fact, he has no friends at all, and some children say they dislike him. In terms of peer status, Aiden is

a rejected child.

Adolescents typically prefer Blank______ than in childhood.

a smaller number of friends relationships that are more intimate and intense

People in all cultures do all of the following except

accepting other cultural groups

The process by which different ethnic groups coexist in the same society by adapting to the majority culture is called


Which of the following child-rearing practices does not characterize higher-SES parents?

acting more directive and less conversational with children

Adolescents are most likely to say that they depend on their Blank______ to meet their needs for companionship, reassurance of self-worth, and intimacy.


What is it called when older adults are discriminated against because of their age?


The benefits of social support include which of the following?

an improved ability to meet one's own health-care needs a reduction in symptoms of diseases improved mental health

Estrogens primarily influence female sex characteristics, whereas Blank______ primarily influence male sex characteristics.


According to Freud and Erikson, play helps the child master

anxieties and conflicts

As compared to nonimmigrant adolescents, adolescents from immigrant families

assume higher levels of responsibility

There is nothing particularly unusual about Ramon. He gets along pretty well with most of his classmates; he is liked and disliked by an equal number of peers. In terms of peer status, Ramon can be described as a(n) child.


Which of the following are a positive influence of parental monitoring of screen time on children?

better school performance more sleep prosocial behavior

Viagra works by allowing increased _____ flow to the penis.


(Girls/Boys) are far likelier to be involved in bullying than (girls/boys) are.

boys; girls

Critics of the concept of individualistic and collectivistic cultures argue that the terms are too


The term Blank______ refers to verbal or physical behavior intended to disturb someone less powerful.


In which of the following ways does play encourage exploratory behavior?

by offering incongruity by offering novelty and surprise by offering complexity and uncertainty

What are the primary ways in which parents influence their child's gender development?

by utilization of punishments by utilization of rewards through their degree of involvement

Which of the following types of children tend to get bullied?

children who are anxious children who are socially withdrawn children who are aggressive

What type of thought did Vygotsky believe symbolic and make-believe play helped to advance?


A comparison of the value placed on academics in the United States and in China is an example of:

cross-cultural study.

Compared to cliques _____, are larger and less personal.


Compared to cliques, are larger and less personal.


Which of the following are outcomes of social support for older adults?

decreased likelihood of being institutionalized lower incidence of depression

During early childhood, the proportion of aggressive exchanges Blank______, as compared to friendly exchanges


During early childhood, the proportion of aggressive exchanges Blank______, as compared to friendly exchanges.


Which of the following are more prevalent among low-SES adolescents than among economically advantaged adolescents?

depression medical conditions smoking juvenile delinquency

A common problem in cross-gender friendship is

differing expectations

Which of the following is not a grouping used to determine socioeconomic status?


What term is defined as "the sense of being male or female"?

gender identity

Which of the following give(s) males and females with a framework for how they should think, act, and feel?

gender roles

A broad category that reflects generalizations and widely held beliefs about females and males is known as a Blank______.

gender stereotype

Media multitasking has been linked to which of the following?

higher rates of obesity increased depression lower levels of school achievement

From 4 to 12 years of age, the preference for playing in same-sex groups


Developmentalists have distinguished five _____ statuses: popular, average, neglected, rejected, and controversial.


A pleasurable activity that is engaged in for its own sake is referred to as


According to Piaget, Blank______ provides the perfect setting to exercise cognitive structures.


According to Piaget, what allows children to practice their competencies and acquired skills in a relaxed, pleasurable way?


The Blank______ approach argues that children's gender development occurs through observation and imitation and through the rewards and punishments children experience for gender-relevant behavior.

social cognitive

Which type of play includes interchanges in turn-taking and conversations about numerous topics?

social play

Which of the following refers to the extent to which children are liked or disliked by their peer group?

sociometric status

Adolescents from affluent families are particularly vulnerable to

substance abuse

People in later adulthood who display an active lifestyle, mental stimulation, positive coping skills, and social support are involved in Blank______ aging.


Which of the following are some of the negative influences that television viewing has on children?

teaching stereotypes and unrealistic world views promoting passive learning distracting them from homework

In which of the following ways do cliques generally form?

through friendships with other individuals through shared activities through a club or sports team

In which three of the following ways do parents most affect their children's peer relations?

through interactions with their children by how they manage their children's lives through the opportunities that they provide their children

Which of the following is not a characteristic of culture?

total acceptance of cultural values across the lifespan

Special problems of Blank______ immigrant families are lack of available services, low wages, and lack of benefits.


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