Psycholgoy chapter 13-15

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_____ is to Aaron Beck as client-centered therapy is to _____.

Cognitive therapy; Carl Rogers

_____ refers to efforts to master, reduce, or _____ the demands created by stress.

Coping; tolerate

Which of the following is NOT among the common symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder?

an increase in psychosomatic diseases

An unwanted thought that repeatedly intrudes upon an individual's consciousness is called

an obsession.

Valium and Xanax are two types of

antianxiety drugs.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are all

antidepressant drugs.

The primary therapeutic drug treatment for schizophrenia involves

antipsychotic drugs.

Which of the following statements concerning homeless individuals is true?

approximately 1/3 of the homeless suffer from a severe mental illness

The type of therapy in which a problem drinker is given a drug that induces nausea when combined with alcohol is called

aversion therapy.

Therapists who emphasize the application of learning principles in treatment use the _____ approach to psychotherapy.


"What has been learned can be unlearned" is a central assumption of

behavior therapy.

The subtype or category of schizophrenia that is characterized by a severe deterioration of adaptive behavior with symptoms of irrational thought, emotional indifference, and social withdrawal is

disorganized schizophrenia.

A type of dissociative disorder characterized by sudden loss of memory for important personal information that sometimes occurs after a person has endured a traumatic event is

dissociative amnesia.

Recent research into the possibility of a neurochemical basis for anxiety disorders has generated evidence that suggests anxiety disorders may result from

disturbances in the neural circuits using GABA.

Research concerning the etiology of schizophrenic disorders has implicated excessive activity of the neurotransmitter(s)


The major emphasis in client-centered therapy is to provide the client with

feedback and clarification.

Kim suffers from anhedonia, which means that she

has difficulty experiencing pleasure.

Correlations between mood disorders and a variety of structural abnormalities in the brain suggest that reduced volume in the ____ is related to depression.


The rise of the medical model in the study of psychopathology brought about

improvements in the treatment of individuals who exhibited abnormal behavior.

Brain-imaging studies of people with schizophrenia show all of the following EXCEPT

increased myelinization.

People who use "giving up" or behavioral disengagement as a coping strategy typically experience

increased, rather than decreased, distress.

Social support is _____ correlated with mortality



involves expectations or demands that one behave in a certain way.

Research concerning the etiology of mood disorders suggests that the influence of genetic factors

is stronger for bipolar disorder than for major depressive disorder.

When the adrenal medulla is stimulated

large amounts of catecholamines are released into the bloodstream.

Neurogenesis appears to enhance _____ and may lead to _____ when suppressed

learning and memory; depression

Bipolar disorder is frequently treated with

lithium or valproate.

An anxiety disorder that typically follows a very painful event and is characterized by a reliving of that event, avoidance of stimuli associated with the event, or numbing of general responsiveness is

posttraumatic stress disorder.

The MOST important aspect of group therapy is that group members

provide acceptance and emotional support.

Client-centered therapy emphasizes

providing a supportive climate for clients.

A woman subjected to horrible abuse from her husband suddenly loses her memory for herself, husband, and place of employment and begins a new life, with a new identity in another state. This is MOST likely a case of

psychogenic fugue.

The community health movement emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT

reduced dependence on medication to treat psychological disorders.

Many managed care systems hold down costs by erecting barriers to access. These barriers may include all of the following EXCEPT

requiring service providers to be re-certified every six months.

Largely unconscious defensive maneuvers by a client intended to hinder the progress of therapy BEST describes


The class of disorders that are marked by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and deterioration of adaptive behavior is known as

schizophrenic disorders.

Which of the following is NOT one of humans' responses to stress?


The stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome one enters after the body is exposed to prolonged stress is called the

stage of resistance.

Brooke had been battling the rising floodwaters around her home for more than 72 hours. It seemed that no matter how many sandbags she stacked, it wasn't enough. At this point she just feels that there is nothing else that she can do. Her overall energy reserves are totally depleted, and her body just wants to give up. According to Selye's general adaptation syndrome, Brooke is probably experiencing

the stage of exhaustion.

About what proportion of autistic children have subnormal IQ scores?


Schizophrenic disorders usually emerge during

adolescence or early adulthood.

______ is to transference as __________ is to resistance.

Relating; defensive

When people who are confronted by stressful situations engage in self-blame, they are MOST likely to

aggravate and perpetuate problematic emotional reactions to stress.

Maria is afraid to leave her home to go shopping or even go to work; she avoids all public places. Maria suffers from a disorder known as


An organism first recognizes the existence of a threat and physiological arousal occurs during the ______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

alarm reaction

Which of the following people beginning antidepressant therapy should be MOST closely monitored for suicide

a 14 year old high school freshman

The cartoon character Charlie Brown, with his extreme dread, pessimism, worrying, and brooding, could be diagnosed as having

a generalized anxiety disorder.

Carol finds she is no longer interested in things she used to do, is sad most of the time, and thinks she is a terrible person. Additionally, she has recently lost a lot of weight and doesn't sleep very much. Carol's behavior would be diagnosed as

a mood disorder.

Mario has just entered treatment for a major depressive episode. He is told that most patients respond to treatment within a month and many never experience a second depressive episode. This information represents

a prognosis.

MOST cases of dissociative identity disorder have in common a background of

a traumatic childhood characterized by physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

In client-centered therapy Roger believed that is critical for the therapist to provide

a warm, supportive and accepting climate.

Finding humor in a stressful situation

can help to reduce stress by affecting appraisal of the event.

Principle types of stress include

change, frustration, pressure.

Dr. Gaustad believes that getting a promotion at work or getting married is just as stressful as losing a job or getting a divorce. Dr. Gaustad is arguing that stress for people comes from

changes in one's life that require readjustment.

Clients play a major role in determining the pace and direction of their therapy and work together with their therapist as equals in _____ therapy.


Clients receiving _____ are taught to detect and evaluate their negative self-defeating thoughts and statements.

cognitive therapy

Relatively healthful efforts that people make to deal with stressful events are referred to as

constructive coping.

Active efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress are called


The relaxation response is useful in

decreasing emotional and physiological arousal.

Largely unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt are

defense mechanisms.

Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms that have been raised concerning the impact of managed care on mental health care?

delays in providing service result in spontaneous remission of psychological disorders in nearly 25% of cases

It is MOST accurate to state that while an individual with a unipolar disorder experiences episodes of ____, a person with a bipolar disorder experiences episodes of ____.

depression; both depression and mania

Which of the following people would be the LEAST likely to seek therapy?

married black male with less than 12 years of education over the age of 65

When experiencing a stressful situation, expressing your emotions in writing or talking to others about your difficulties

may have beneficial effects.

What does the research have to say about the general effect of everyday problems and the minor nuisances of life?

minor stresses may have significant harmful effects on both physical and mental health

Social skills training utilizes the techniques of

modeling, behavioral rehearsal, and shaping.

People with higher scores on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) tend to be

more vulnerable to developing physical illness.

The hypothalamus seems to be particularly sensitive to the effects of stress. In fact, prolonged stress can impair



occurs when two or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression.

Minor stresses may be more strongly related to mental health than major stressful events largely because

of the cumulative nature of stress.

When we say that stress "lies in the mind of the beholder" we mean that

our appraisals of stressful events are highly subjective.

The anxiety disorder in which an individual experiences numerous emotional attacks characterized by overwhelming terror that occur suddenly and unexpectedly is known as

panic disorder.

Tony believes that he is Thomas Edison and that his neighbors are spies who are trying to steal his inventions. He thinks the neighbors break into his house and search for plans for new inventions when he is not home. Tony's symptoms are MOST consistent with those seen in

paranoid schizophrenia.

Advocates of positive psychology maintain the field has focused too heavily on

pathology, weakness, and suffering.

While a person with ____ experiences anxiety only in certain specific situations, a person with ____ experiences anxiety in a wide variety of situations.

phobic disorder; generalized anxiety disorder

Deinstitutionalization means that

whenever possible, the mentally ill should be treated at community-based facilities that emphasize outpatient care.

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