Psychology 101 - Chapter 7 - Memory

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Which of the following assumptions are made about working memory model that makes it different than the three-stages model?

In the working memory model, we process different aspects of memory simultaneously.

Which one of the following scenarios illustrates the use of implicit memory?

40 year old driving a car home from work

Which one of the following statements is true about elaborative rehearsal?

Elaborative rehearsal is better for moving information from short-term to long-term memory.

When Avec sat down to write her term paper, she turned on her computer and got right to work. She did not have to think about how to operate the computer, where letters are on the keyboard, or how to format her document. She already knew from experience. This is an example of

Implicit memory

Julius is terrified when he see's a dog. He immediately remembers a time when a dog chased him down the street. In which way is Julius's working memory working with his long-term memories?

It is creating an episodic buffer.

Which one of the following statements about memory is true?

Memory is often inaccurate.

According to the three stages of memory theory, which of the following is the tendency for words at the beginning of a list to be recalled more easily than words in the middle of a list


Which one of the following statements regarding the serial position effect is true?

The recency effect occurs when the last item in the list is recalled.

Which of the following do episodic memory and semantic memory share?

They are both declarative.

According to the encoding specificity principle, when should we have better recall of memory?

When the information is retrieved in the same setting that we learned it

Which one of the following statements is true regarding autobiographical memory?

Women are better able to remember autobiographical events because they have a greater tendency to elaborate for emotional event memories.

Why might our susceptibility for proactive and retroactive interference increase as we age?

a decline in the central executive function

In order for a memory to be retrieved from long-term memory, two conditions must be met; the memory must be available and


Which area of the brain is thought to play a role in the conditioning of fear responses?


After a stroke, Petra was diagnosed with anterograde amnesia, based on her inability to remember things that happened just a few minutes prior. What is causing this inability to form declarative memories in Petra's long-term memory?

an inability to encode new memories

Condition in which one is unable to store new memories in long term memory

anterograde amnesia

In the 2004 movie 50 First Dates, Drew Barrymore's character gets into a car accident and loses the ability to form new memories since the accident. She seems to be suffering from what condition?

anterograde amnesia

Attention-controlling component of working memory

central executive

Which one of the following correctly matches the part of the brain with the type of memory for which it is responsible?

cerebellum; procedural memory

Which of the following is a condition that develops in those who experience repeated trauma to the head, characterized by feelings of depression, and difficulties in processing information?

chronic traumatic encephalopathy

Combining small bits of information to form larger bits of information


When asked for his phone number, Dejon says 456-587-5565, pausing in between each set of numbers. Which one of the following memory devices is he using?


When studying for her exam, Zereth found she was having a hard time remembering long lists of information. She decided to find ways to group them so that they were in small but meaningful groups. What was Zereth using to process and retain information?


Storage of memories using a visual, acoustic, verbal, or semantic format

coding system

Temporary amnesia is sometimes used to determine whether a concussion has occurred, especially in student athletes. When a high school student experiences two or more concussions, what potential outcomes are likely to occur?

cognitive difficulties

While walking to class, Nila notices how warm the breeze is, and can smell the freshly cut grass. Which of the following describes Nila's awareness of the sensations she is experiencing while walking to class?


utilizes knowledge and expectations to fill in the missing details in retrieved information

constructive memory

Even though Tariq received an "A" in his psychology class, a year later he was unable to explain many of the theories that he learned. Why would this occur when at one time, Tariq knew and understood the material well?


Type of long term memory encompassing memories that are easily verbalized

declarative memory

rom where does knowledge that can be easily verbalized come from?

declarative memory

When a schema is missing information from our perception, which of the following is used to supply that information?

default values

Which of the following occurs when an episodic memory is integrated into autobiographical memory?

details are lost

Forming associations between new information and information already stored in long-term memory

elaborative rehearsal

Instead of using maintenance rehearsal to study for a quiz, what technique would be more effective in holding information in long-term memory?

elaborative rehearsal

Act of inputting information into memory


How do we input information into our memory so that we can access it at a later time?


Memory for the recent events in our lives

episodic memory

Conscious use of stored information

explicit memory

Raphael spent several hours studying for his exam. While he was studying he tried to apply words and explanations to theories so that they would be easier for him to recall. During the exam, he was able to answer exam questions on these theories. How was Raphael able to retrieve information needed to answer exam question?

explicit memory

For several years after a tornado destroyed her family home, Marah experienced strong and specific memories of details that occurred during that specific tornado. How can these memories be described?

flashbulb memories

Unusually detailed and seemingly accurate memory for an emotionally charged event

flashbulb memory

Graph of the amount of learned information that is forgotten over time

forgetting curve

Every time Apoorva smells chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, she thinks of her grandmother who made cookies for her as a child. What memory function is being activated by the smell of the cookies?


Which of the following appears to play a crucial role in the processing of declarative memory for people without amnesia?


unconscious use of stored information

implicit memory

What does explicit memory rely on?


Which area of the brain becomes active when processing verbal information and can enhance verbal learning?

left frontal lobe

predicts that elaborately processed information will be best retained and recalled from long-term memory

levels of processing model

Which is considered to be our largest and most permanent memory storage system?

long term memory

Which one of the following types of memories is our largest and most permanent memory storage system?

long term memory

Which of the following is the process involving biochemical changes at the synapse that affect the sensitivity of neuron signals, allowing memories to be stored in long-term memory?

long term potentiation

Repeating information to keep it in short-term memory for extended periods of time

maintenance rehearsal

Evan knew weeks in advance about a big exam. However, things kept coming up, and he kept delaying his studying until the night before the exam. Which one of the following terms describes his studying?

massed practice

Stabilization and long term storage of information in the brain

memory consolidation

Stored code that represents a piece of information that has been encoded into memory

memory trace

Which of the following occurs when people are exposed to information that is inaccurate, and that information is applied to memory?

misinformation affect

Distortion of memory that occurs when people are exposed to falsities

misinformation effect

The saying "King Philip Came Over for Good Soup" as a tool for remembering the animal classification and organization system -- Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. What kind of a memory device is this?


Which memory system includes features of both semantic and episodic memory, and includes knowledge of oneself and events from one's life?

personal semantic

Which system of the central executive component processes and stores verbal and auditory information?

phonological loop

Marah's house was destroyed by a tornado when she was a child, and she still can describe how scary that event was for her. Even as an adult, Marah experiences sever panic and is terrified every time there is a bad storm. These frequent and upsetting memories of the tornado that destroyed her family home has led to a condition in Marah called

post traumatic stress disorder

Tendency to recall words from the beginning of a list better than those in the middle

primacy effect

Charlie has been doing woodworking since he was a young child. His father taught him skills, which he now uses without much thought, to produce custom-made pieces. When Charlie studies a piece of wood or begins to set up equipment, and does so without much thought, he is using

procedural memory

Long term memory for skills and behavior

procedural memory

Being able to remember all the colors of the rainbow without the mnemonic ROYGBIV is an example of what kind of task?


Type of retrieval process in which the probe or cue does not contain much information


Tendency to recall words from the end of a list better than those in middle

recency effect

Type of retrieval process in which the cue contains a great deal of information


Based on the retrieval of information that contains the actual details of events experienced

reconstructive memory

Which one of the statements about explicit memory is true?

relies on language

How is information moved from the long-term memory to working memory?


Which one of the following memory processes involves being able to pull information out of memory on test day?


Commonly, when someone gets a new cell phone number, it is impossible to remember the old cell number. What phenomenon does this illustrate?

retroactive interference

Condition in which one is unable to retrieve previously stored memories from long term memory

retrograde amnesia

In which way do we organize generalized knowledge about particular concepts?


organized, generalized knowledge structure in long-term memory


While taking notes on exam information, Manoj is focusing on what seems the most important by using

selective attention

When his professor was explaining a new concept, Woojin had a memory of when he was young and a similar experience happened to him. This helped Woojin apply the material and learn it. Which process did Woojin use to apply this new information to his personal experiences?

selective reference effect

Encoding memory traces in terms of the meaning of the information being stored

semantic encoding

Long term, declarative stored experiences for conceptual information

semantic memory

All information that enters our memory must first pass through

sensory memory

Lila entered an unfamiliar room and noticed its arrangement, unique carpet, and bright lighting. The memory of what the room looked like during her observation most closely represents what stage model of memory?

sensory memory

Which one of the following types of memories is only available to you for a fraction of a second?

sensory memory

According to researchers, what is thought to be responsible for certain aspects of flashbulb memories?

stress hormones that act on the amygdala

Which of the following events is most likely to create a flashbulb memory?

surviving a bad car accident

Which of the following is an example of divided attention?

texting while walking down a sidewalk

Knowing that you know a piece of information, even though it cannot currently be recalled

tip of the tongue phenomenon

Lola was at the grocery store and ran into a person whose name she knew, but no matter how hard she tried to remember it, she could not pull it out of her memory. Which one of the following terms best describes her experience?

tip of the tongue phenomenon

According to the theory of cue-dependent forgetting, the amount of information we can retrieve from long-term memory is a function of

type of probe used.

Accesses, moves, and processes information that we are currently using

working memory

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