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Ion channels open and the inside of the cell becomes more positively charged.

Which of the following best describes what happens when an action potential occurs?


During sleep, your brain rests.

Temporal lobe

A person who can hear words, but does not understand spoken language, likely has damage to what part of the brain?

The brain and the spinal cord

What are the parts of the central nervous system?

a neuron.

A cell in the nervous system that transmits information is referred to as:


Most people use only 10% of their brains.

Convenience sampling

"That sounds like pseudopsychology. In fact, there is no evidence that people only use ten percent of their brains."


A dysfunction in which of the following endocrine glands would be most disruptive to reacting to sudden danger?

the unconscious plays a crucial role in behavior.

A principal component of the psychodynamic perspective is that:


After how many days of sleep deprivation does research suggest the immune system weakens?

influencing GABA and slowing cerebral cortex functioning.

Alcohol produces feelings of relaxation and disinhibited emotional responses by

regular sleep and wake schedules.

As opposed to poor sleepers, good sleepers adhere to


As tolerance develops, what happens to the margin of safety?

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

Emilia was born with severe limb, head, and facial deformities. Which of the following words describes her condition?

Through the axon

How is an action potential delivered to its final destination?

25 percent

How much of the cerebral cortex consists of sensory-motor cortices?

Between 7 and 9 hours

How much sleep do adults need each night to maintain health and well-being?

1. Whether participants liked or didn't like each photo 2. What part of the brain was active while viewing pictures

Identify TWO dependent variables in the study.

a night terror.

Nine-year-old Janine suddenly sits up in bed screaming out loud. Her mother reassures her that everything will be okay and sends her back to sleep. After waking up the next morning, Janine doesn't remember a thing. Janine likely had

Recovering function following a traumatic brain injury

Norepinephrine is related to which of the following?

Being around a pipe or needle

Of the following, which is most likely to increase a person's vulnerability to a substance use disorder?


Subliminal messages can be used to persuade others to purchase products.

pituitary gland.

The "master gland" that regulates hormone release in all other glands of the endocrine system is the:


The part of the brain that primarily governs higher-order mental processes is the:

humanistic perspective.

The perspective that focuses on how choices and behavior are influenced by a person's self-concept and self-esteem is known as:


Too much of the neurotransmitter dopamine is associated with what illness?


Vivian ran out of money and was unable to buy heroin. She began experiencing shaking, sweating, pain, and headaches. Which of the following words describes what she was experiencing?

Behavioral perspective

Watson conditioned "Little Albert" to fear rats by consistently showing him a rat while playing a loud, startling noise. Watson's understanding of behavior is most closely associated with what perspective on psychology?

They use a systematic process to test hypotheses.

What do all scientific areas of study have in common?

The cerebrum

What does the cerebral cortex cover?

Voluntary actions

What does the somatic nervous system process?

The configuration of the receptor

What factor determines whether a neurotransmitter will bind to a specific receptor?


What is inside the synapse to help the neurotransmitter travel to the next neuron?

To bring sensory messages to the central nervous system from the rest of the body, and to send motor neurons in response

What is the primary responsibility of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?


You read about a patient who suffered brain damage, after which he could no longer form new memories. What part of the brain did he likely damage?


If a drug user requires a higher dose to achieve a drug's effect, this person is demonstrating


The class of narcotic drugs called opiates functions most similarly to which of the following?

receiving incoming signals.

The dendrites of a neuron are responsible for:

resting potential.

The difference in charges found between the inside and outside of a neuron is known as the:

Causal hypothesis

A cognitive psychologist expects that reaction times on a simple puzzle task will be impacted by mood. He randomly assigns participants to watch either a happy or a sad film before completing the puzzle and records how long it takes them to finish. Which of the following best describes the hypothesis in this study?

Naturalistic observation

A developmental psychologist visits a local playground and notices that boys were more frequently jumping off of high surfaces than girls. Now, she wants to see if she can observe gender differences in risk-taking behaviors during childhood. Which of the following methods would be the most effective tool for determining whether boys are more likely to jump off of high surfaces than girls on a playground?

integrationist perspective.

Combining perspectives to more completely account for the full range of psychological phenomena is one of the main features of a(n)


A researcher wants to study how the amygdala reacts when participants view emotional videos. What would be a good technology to use to address this research question?

reflects the whole population to be studied.

A sample of population can be considered "representative" if it:

The biological perspective The sociocultural perspective

A study investigating the connections between genetic factors involved the development of personality disorders, while also considering the impact of media influences on a person's view of the world, focuses on the interplay between which TWO perspectives?


A survey showed that the more playtime parents spend with their children, the higher their scores on a scale of parental satisfaction. Which of the following correlation coefficients would best reflect the relationship between playtime and parental satisfaction?

Changing behavior

A teacher implements a reward system so that students will pay more attention in class. This describes which of the main goals of psychology?

independent variable.

A variable that is manipulated in an experimental design is referred to as a(n):


Caffeine and nicotine are examples of drugs that increase neural activity and speed up body functions. These drugs are known as

marijuana. LSD

Depressants are to alcohol as hallucinogens are to


Depression may be alleviated by medication that prevents the reuptake of:


Eyewitness testimony is usually reliable.

1. Whether the photos were popular or unpopular 2. Whether the photos were neutral, risky, or the participant's own

Identify TWO independent variables in this study.(Research Application: Social Media and Your Brain Part 1)


Gilberto experienced a sudden rush of energy and pleasurable sensations after taking a drug that blocked the reuptake of dopamine. The drug used by Gilberto was most likely

Popular photo showing risky behavior

If this were one of the items in this study, how would it best be described?


If you're unsure of your answer while taking a test, it's best to stick with your initial hunch.

endocrine system.

Ignacio just turned 11 years old. In the past few months, he has grown two inches taller and his voice has started to deepen. These changes in his body are most likely caused by his


Immediate contact between a mother and infant after birth is critical for bonding.

They were matched based on the child's age and sex.

In Chiu and colleagues' (2020) study, how was the control group matched to the case group?


In an effort to better understand anxiety disorders, Susan focuses on how people think about the things that make them feel anxious. What perspective is she subscribing to?

the number of students who confidently believed the statement is true, even though it's false.

In this table, the numbers in parentheses show:


In which lobe does the sensory cortex process touch, pressure, and pain?

You are walking in the woods and suddenly find yourself face-to-face with a huge bear rearing up on its hind legs.

In which situation would your sympathetic nervous system be likely to take control?


Individuals can learn information, such as the content for this course, while asleep.

"That sounds like pseudopsychology. In fact, there is no evidence that people only use ten percent of their brains."

Jeremy informs his friend that most people only use around ten percent of their total brain power. How should his friend reply to this claim?

His drink was laced with Rohypnol.

Jermaine woke up not remembering what happened to him and noticed scratches and marks all over his chest. As the day progressed and after talking to a few friends, he remembered going out and having a drink. He met a girl, and things got blurry after that. What could have happened to Jermaine?

Growth hormone release. Delta wave emissions.

Jonathon got very little sleep and consequently felt muscle aches and pains the next day. What characteristics of sleep did Jonathon most likely miss out on? Select all that apply.


Maria is researching the effects of emotion on memory. She has read the results of several dozen studies and can't seem to find an overall trend in the findings. What tool could she use to help resolve the discrepancies between the studies?

taking sleeping pills may actually worsen sleepiness.

Maria takes a sleeping pill to help her sleep better following periods of insomnia. According to research


On which of the following neurotransmitters does LSD act?

Some or all of the "missing" students may have corrected their misconceptions during the class.

Only 21 of the 33 introductory psychology students who completed the questionnaire at the start of the semester completed it again at the end of the semester. Why is this information important when interpreting the results? Select the best response.


Opposites attract: People tend to have relationships with individuals who differ from them in their personality, interests, and attitudes.


People's responses to inkblots tell us a great deal about their personalities and propensities toward mental disorders.

Slow wave sleep decreases and REM sleep increases.

Select the BEST answer choice for the amount of time spent in slow wave sleep as compared to the amount of time spent in REM as the night progresses.

brief cessations of oxygen during sleep.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by


The claim that "people only use 10 percent of their brains" is an example of what?


The hormones of the endocrine system are most similar to which of the following aspects of the nervous system?


The junction between two neurons is known as the:

processing visual information.

The occipital lobe is primarily responsible for:


The part of the brain that helps maintain homeostasis in the body is the:


Which of the following principles of ethical practice involves disclosing to participants the true purpose of the research?


The process through which neurotransmitters are recycled back into the presynaptic neuron is known as:


The sleep disorder characterized by powerful urges to sleep during wake times is known as


We experience stress even when good things happen to us.

Meditation and mindfulness methods vary and cannot be generalized across all the various forms of the practice.

What is one of the problems with the purported benefits of meditation and mindfulness?

To prevent serotonin reuptake in the synapse

What is the function of an SSRI?

During sleep, metabolites that are known to contribute to Alzheimer's disease are removed from the brain.

What is the relationship between sleep and Alzheimer's disease?

It passes information between brain hemispheres.

What is the role of the corpus callosum?

Loss of specific chemical-related neurons in the hypothalamus

What is thought to cause narcolepsy?

-Caregivers in the control group experienced better sleep quality than caregivers in the case group. -Caregiver sleep quality was not associated with an increased risk of child injury.

What were the findings of this study? Select all that apply.

The visual cortex is active when we view images. This finding suggests that participants were scanning the popular images more carefully to figure out why others thought the pictures were "likable."

When participants viewed neutral photos, their brains showed more activity in the visual cortex when they saw popular photos than when they looked at unpopular pictures. Which is the best neuroscientific explanation for these results?

sympathetic nervous system.

When we are under stress, our heart races and respiration becomes rapid due to stimulation by the:

On the dendrite

Where are receptors located?

In the left temporal lobe

Where is Wernicke's area located (for most people)?

The hypothalamus

Where is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located?

The nucleus accumbens

Which area of the brain was most active when people saw a lot of likes on their own photos?

Informed consent

Which ethical principle is partially satisfied when participants are told that they may withdraw from participation at any time?

Asian Americans

Which ethnic group has the lowest rate of illegal drug use?


Which field of psychology focuses on the relationships between people and their work environments?

sleep spindles

Which of the following BEST characterizes Stage II sleep?

Sleep boosts storage of previously processed information.

Which of the following BEST illustrates how sleep benefits memory?

1. Converting a bowl of fruit eaten earlier into usable vitamins and nutrients 2. Releasing melatonin into your bloodstream late at night, causing sleepiness 3. Creating extra white blood cells to fight off a cold you caught recently

Which of the following bodily functions or actions would be controlled by the endocrine system? Choose THREE options. (Multi-select)

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Which of the following brain scanning techniques enable researchers to identify five stages of sleep?


Which of the following drug classes are considered "downers"?

Explaining results

Which of the following is NOT a step in the scientific method?

High brain activity and low muscle tone.

Which of the following is a characteristic of paradoxical sleep?

Its results are usually not generalizable.

Which of the following is a weakness of the case study method?

Improved problem solving

Which of the following is not an effect of sleep deprivation?

Does not use random assignment

Which of the following is the greatest limitation of the quasi-experimental method?


Which of the following is the most common sleep disorder?


Which of the following is the most commonly used drug in the U.S.?

The biological perspective is concerned with connections between neurological structures and behavior, while the evolutionary perspective emphasizes the reasons for behavior according to principles of natural selection.

Which of the following most accurately describes the difference between the biological and evolutionary perspectives?

The sociocultural perspective considers behavior in terms of the social structure that contribute to it, while the humanistic perspective focuses on how behaviors influence a person's happiness and ability to enjoy life.

Which of the following most accurately describes the difference between the sociocultural and humanistic perspectives?

Sensory neurons

Which of the following neurons are used to carry information to the central nervous system?

Recommended amount decreases and reported amount decreases

Which of the following options BEST represent the amount of recommended sleep people should get as they age as well as the amount of sleep people report getting?

Thyroid gland

Which of the following parts of the endocrine system is most likely involved in determining how easily a person gains or loses weight?

Participants were influenced by their peers.

Which of the following statements best expresses the behavioral results of the study?(Research Application: Social Media and Your Brain Part 2: Checkpoint)

Psychology students at all levels have a lot of misconceptions about human behavior.

Which of the following statements best summarizes these results?

Students have difficulty giving up false beliefs and misconceptions.

Which of the following statements is the best conclusion, based on these results?

Autonomic nervous system

Which of the following systems plays the largest role in regulating heartbeat when at rest?

The links between emotions and behavior in people from different parts of the world.

Which of the following would a psychologist most likely be interested in studying?

That humans are able to learn through observation

Which of the following would most likely be a theory put forward by a psychologist?

Sleep improves the body's immune functioning.

Which one of the following is a function of sleep?

Doing certain activities before bed can disrupt sleep.

Which one of the following is a true statement regarding the need for sleep?

Watching television

Which one of the following is the most reported sleep ritual in the US, Japan, Canada, Germany, Mexico, and the UK?

Pain relief

Which one of the following issues can be successfully treated with hypnosis and has been extensively documented for doing so?

Stage II

Which one of the following stages of sleep is characterized by sleep spindles?

It appears to help a person survive by preventing total sleep deprivation.

Which one of the following statements about microsleep is true?

African Americans have more sleep problems than European Americans.

Which one of the following statements about sleep is true?

Chronic alcohol use can lead to Korsakoff's syndrome.

Which one of the following statements is true about alcohol?


Which one of the following terms has a nickname of "Dracula hormone"?

The association cortex

Which part of the brain is responsible for the processing that occurs between the arrival of sensory data and the generation of movement?


Which part of the limbic system plays a key role in the emotions of fear and aggression?

It is responsible for our cognition and mental processing.

Why is the cerebral cortex important in human beings?

Caregiver sleep deprivation could be related to a decrease in the quality of parental care, leading to unintentional child injury.

Why was it hypothesized that sleep deprivation may be related to unintentional child injury?

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