Civil Rights Timeline

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Wilmington Insurrection (1898)

November 10, 1898 but continued for several more days. Turning point in post-Reconstruction North Carolina politics. Event credited for bringing along racial segregation and disenfranchisement of black voters in southeastern United States afterwards. Seen as coup d'etat by Democrats to overthrow elected government. Mob of 2,000 attacked only black newspaper in state as well as black people and their property killing 15-60 people. Black tried to get help from Wilmington Light Infantry and Naval reserves but they joined rioters. Asking federal government for help produced nothing. Shows how far southern democrats would go to undo Reconstruction. Republicans had to flee which gave Democrats governmental authority to pass the grandfather clause.

Colfax Massacre (1873)

Occurred April 13, 1873 in Colfax, Louisiana. Group of white Democrats, armed, overpowered Republican freedmen and state militia protecting the Grant Parish courthouse in Colfax. Whites not attacked and many blacks killed after surrender or in prison. Whites systematically killed off blacks in attempt to steal the election. Democrats wanted revenge on Republicans for narrowly winning previous election.

Cincinnati Riots

Occurred following 2 years of police abuse and deteriorating living conditions in poor community of Avondale. Riots ignited when Posteal Laskey Jr.'s cousin for loitering near Abraham Lincoln statue. Crowds threw bottles and firebombs. OH National guard called in to restore order.

Brownsville (1906)

On August 13, 1906: group of unidentified men fired hundred of shots into private homes. Local citizen's groups blamed black infantrymen. Investigation concluded that few soldiers knew about the shooting but true identity could not be found because black troops refused to answer investigators' questions. President Roosevelt announced of 167 men in companies B, C, and D, an action which was condemned by African-American leaders and weakened their close ties with Republican party.

Minneapolis North Side Riots

Racial tensions led to Plymouth ave engulfed in flames. Led to poverty and economic hardships affecting region as people moved out.

Atlanta Race Riot (1906)

September 22-24, 1906 Caused by increasing tensions between black and white wage-workers exacerbated by black voting rights. Democratic candidate of time spread rumors about nefarious acts of blacks and their saloons. After newspaper reports on rape of 4 white women, groups began attacking blacks. Governor called militia in to restore order. Led to increased segregation of blacks and whites.

Red Summer (1919)

Series of race riots which occurred throughout 1919. Resulted from job competition, fear of communist/socialist influence, fear of anarchists, and social tensions from the demobilization of veterans of World War I. Most violent episodes in Chicago, IL, Washington D.C., and Elaine, AK. Incidents included riot in Chicago started when black youth swam into white swimming area, and when shots fired by whites inside a black church. Resulted in whites coming and trying to kill every black person they could see to try and maintain white supremacy.

Buffalo Riot

Small groups of african american teenagers cruised through neighborhood and broke car and store windows. Nov. 10, 1967, MLK Jr. visited Buffalo and gave speech. 40 injuries.

Harlem Race Riot of 1935

Sparked by rumors of a teenage shoplifter. Consequence of lingering unemployment and police brutality. 3 dead, $2 million in damages. Rumors spread that young boy had been mistreated by police. Rioters smashed windows and looted shops.

1967 Newark Riots

6 days of rioting, looting, and destruction left 26 dead and hundreds injured. Unemployment, poverty, racial discrimination, and police brutality main causes. Rumors spread that police killed black man while in custody. Outraged crowds began attacking police. $10 million in property damage.

Watts (1965)

August 11, 1965. Riots blamed on unemployment and police racism. Black motorist arrested for drunk driving. Confrontation broke out and became fight. Community outraged. 6 days of looting and arson. 14,000 members of CA national guard had to stop riot. 30,000 participants Government tried to implement programs to ease poverty in area afterwards, but failed.

Springfield Race Riot of 1908

August 14-15, 1908 Sparked by the arrest of two african-american men accused of violent crimes against whites. Mob wanting to take revenge discovered that sheriff transferred them out of city, it rioted in black neighborhoods and destroyed black property. Riot became factor in the creation of the NAACP. More white deaths than black deaths.

Milwaukee Riot

Black residents fed up with slow pace of change in housing discrimination and police brutality rioted. Arson, looting, sniping. National Guard called to suppress riot. Led to whites and blacks moving to safer communities with affected areas descending into more poverty.

Detroit Race Riot (1943)

Came as a result of police brutality and racial tensions between influx of incoming blacks. Fist fight between white and black man escalated into black vs. white affair which spread to city. Stores looted, buildings burned in Paradise Valley, a poor black community. Detroit police sided with whites, as both sides looted and destroyed buildings. President FDR had to send federal troops to stop riot. 25 blacks dead, 9 whites dead.

Hamburg (1876)

Democratic planned insurrections in majority black/Republican districts to disrupt Republican meetings and intimidate black voting. Incident based on racial and political grounds. Came as result of whites passing through obstructed town road who later filed court case for public road obstruction on black militia who was practicing there. White militia attracted by court hearing attacked 30 black militia at National Guard at armory.

Harlem (1964)

July 16, 1964: James Powell shot and killed in front of friends and many other witnesses. Incident rallied 300 students to initiate riot, eventually 4,000 participants. Rioting for 6 days: looting and vandalism. Angry crowd marched to police precinct where they started to attack police. Police fired shots without warning and violence ensued.

1967 Detroit Riot

July 23, 1967: Started with police raid on unlicensed bar. Rioting for 5 days. One of the most destructive and violent riots in US History. Immediate response to police brutality ,segregated housing and schools, and rising unemployment. Reports that police used excessive force when making arrests. 8,000 national guardsmen called in to stop riot. 33 black and 10 whites killed, 7,200 arrested, 1,189 injuries, $32 million in damages, 2,500 buildings looted.

Tampa Riots

June 11, 1967. 19 yr old Martin Chambers suspected of robbing camera store shot and killed by police. Several days of riots sparked by this in Central avenue ave following incident.

Texas Southern University Riot

May 17, 1967: Racial tension and misinformation led to riot. Rumored that black 6 yr old shot and killed by police, this was false as it was white boy that was wounded by another white. Swift reaction, objects thrown at police cruiser. Students and officers exchange gunfire killing an officer. 488 students arrested.

Tulsa Race Riot (1921)

May 31 - June 1, 1921. Group of whites attacked black community, the Greenwood District, and burned it to the ground. Greenwood district was wealthiest black community in America. 10,000 blacks left homeless, 55-300 deaths. Black man Dick Rowland accused of attacking white woman on elevator and soon after when story came out white mobs gathered.

1967 Plainfield Riots

Mirrored Newark riots, occurred in nearby Plainfield. 2 days after those, african americans marched and destroyed cars and windows. National guard called in to stop rioting.

Roxbury Riots

Mothers on welfare staged a sit-in that turned into a 3 day riot fueled by city's racial divide. June 2, 1967: Mothers for adequate welfare members chained the welfare building shut. Police arrived and began arresting and attacking people. Ended when 1900 police troops called in.

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