Psychology 2314 Test 1

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Half of chromosomes in cell/genetic material

122yr old French Woman

How old is the oldest person on record?

Transient Exuberance

Huge increase in the number of dendrites in your first 2 years of life


Structure that contains sequence of genes


The basic institutions and ideologies that influence the child


The branch of biology that deals with the relationships between living organisms and their environment


The cessation of a response that is performed in the absence of reinforcement


Units that contain info/instuctions

Head Sparing

protection of the brain when malnutrition temporarily affects growth. (brain takes nutrients before other body parts)

Myelin Sheath

protects, insulates, and speeds conduction

Tabula Rasa View (Nurture)

(17th century) Children born as "blank slates" and acquire characteristics through experience. (John Locke)

Innate Goodness View

(18th century) Children are born inherently good (Rousseau) Little parental involvement-leads to suicide/drug abuse

Original Sin View (Nature)

(Middle Ages) Children were born into the world bad and evil and treated as adults.

Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

1. Unconscious 2. Sex/Aggression 3. Early Childhood Experiences


11 to 18/22

Early Adulthood

18/22 to 40


1st Structure to Personality Present at Birth-No logic, morals, or values. (Highly impulsive, selfish) Pleasure principle-Need for immediate satisfaction

Early Childhood

2 to 6


2nd Structure to Personality Age 2-3 Rational planning part of personality Ex.) Lookout/ Make sure you don't get in trouble. Reality principle-delay gratification or not get at all


3rd Structure to Personality Age 5-6 Judges behavior as right or wrong and can make you fell guilty for what you've done (Morals) Perfection principle-the drive to be perfect

Middle Adulthood

40 to 65

Middle and Late Childhood

6 to 11

Late Adulthood



9-10 months-Conception to birth

Social cognitive theory

A cognitively oriented learning theory that emphasizes observational learning

Positive Reinforcer

A reinforcer that, when applied, increases the frequency of a response

Negative Reinforcer

A reinforcer that, when removed, increases the frequency of a response


A set of principles that explains events

Operant Conditioning

A simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in behavior that is reinforced

Classical Conditioning

A simple form of learning in which one stimulus comes to bring forth the response usually brought forth by a second stimulus by being paired repeatedly with the second stimulus.


A statement that allows you to test a theory (A prediction)

Fixed action pattern (FAP)

A stereotyped pattern of behavior that is evoked by a "releasing stimulus"; an instinct


Community institutions and settings that indirectly influence the child, such as the school board and the parents' workplaces


Complex molecule that contains genetic information


An action pattern or mental structure that is involved in the acquisition and organization of knowledge

Apgar Scale

Assess the health of newborns at 1 and 5 mins after birth. -Infants Heart Rate -Respiratory Effort -Muscle Tone -Body Color -Reflex Irritability

Men-76 Women-81

Average Life Expectancy for Men and Women?

Processes in Development

Biological Processes Cognitive Processes Socioemotional Processes


Birth to 2


Born 3wks or more before the pregnancy has reached full term


Can infants see color?


Ego Defense Mechanism Redirect emotions to a safe substitute. Ex.) Boss yells at you, then you take your anger out on spouse/parents.


Ego Defense Mechanism Unconscious forgetting Ex.) Blocking an event from your memory (Rape)


Ego Defense Mechanism We transfer our unwanted feelings on to someone else or something else. Ex.) Pot calling the kettle Black Thief at work is the first to blame someone else

Ego Defense Mechanisms

Ego distorts reality to reduce anxiety


Female sex chromosome


Infant's brain weighs about 25% of an adult brain. Which is?


Infants have and excellent sense of smell? True or False


Infants have good taste buds? True or False


Infants have sensitive ears and deep voices upset them? True or False

4 months

Infants sleep patterns become more close to adult patterns by what age?

Fine Motor Skills

Intricate, comes later over time

Gross Motor Skills

Large muscles

SIDS Risk Factors

Low Birth Weight Infants Poor Apgar Scale Premature Births Lower SES (income) Multiple Births Second Hand Cigarette Smoke Siblings died of SIDS Exposed to Teratogens Sleep Apnea Hyperthermia (too hot) Lying on Stomach Hypothalamus Issues African American & Eskimo Infants

Benefits to Breastfeeding

Lower Incidence of SIDS Denser Bones Improved Visual Acuity Reduced Childhood Cancer Appropriate Weight Gain Fewer Allergies Reduced Breast Cancer in Mothers Lower Risk of Childhood Obesity Prevention of Diarrhea and Respiratory Infections


Males sex chromosome

Sex-linked characteristics

Males show more recessive traits

46 chromosomes

One single cell contains how many chromosomes?

Life Expectancy

Number of years a person is expected to live on average when born in a particular year

Medicated Childbirth

Relieves pain typically through an epidural


The creation of an equilibrium, or balance, between assimilation and accommodation.


The immediate settings with which the child interacts, such as the home, the school, and peers.


The incorporation of new events or knowledge into existing schemes. (Learning brand new information)


The interaction between the organism and the environment, consisting of assimilation and accommodation


The interlocking settings that influence the child, such as the interaction of the school and the larger community


The modification of existing schemes to permit the incorporation of new events or knowledge (changing/adjusting knowledge)


The potential for change


The process of providing stimuli following responses that increase the frequency of the responses

Lifespan Development

The scientific study of constancy and change throughout the lifespan.

Cognitive-developmental theory

The stage theory that holds that the child's abilities to mentally represent the world and solve problems unfold as a result of the interaction of experience and the maturation of neurological structures


The study of behaviors that are specific to a species

Ecological systems theory

The view that explains child development in terms of the reciprocal influences between children and environmental settings

Evolutionary Psychology

The ways in which humans' historical adaptations to the environment influence behavior and mental processes

8 months

What age can infants see depth?

3 1/2 to 4lbs

What does an adult brain weigh?

20 in

What is the average length of a newborn infant?

7 1/2 lbs

What is the average weight of a newborn infant?


What percentage of American Mothers are breastfeeding?


What percentage of people are happy in all age ranges?


What percentage of people are unhappy in all stages of development?

19.2 lbs

What was the largest recorded weight of a newborn infant?

Infant stage

When do we get more REM sleep than any other time of life?

Temporal Lobe

Which lobe of the brain do you use for auditory (hearing)?

Frontal Lobe

Which lobe of the brain do you use for language, motor cortex, and executive functions; such as logic, reasoning, and problem solving?

Parietal Lobe

Which lobe of the brain do you use for sensory cortex, and math?

Occipital Lobe

Which lobe of the brain do you use for vision?

23rd pair

Which number of the chromosomes is the sex chromosome?


Which of the 3 structures to personality does Freud say should have the most energy?

Moro Reflex

Which reflex is an infant using when the back arches and legs and arms are flung out and then brought toward chest?

Grasping Reflex

Which reflex is an infant using when their four fingers are holding on to something?

Ferdinand Lamaze

Who invented the Lamaze breathing technique for pregnant mothers?

Cesarean Delivery

baby is removed through incision in mother's abdomen. used for breech or other difficult baby positions used in nearly 1 in 4 US births Benefits and Risks are debated

Low Birth Weight

born after regular period of gestation but weighs less than 5 1/2 lbs. Usually due to drug use


picks up information (branch-like)


sends information away from the neuron

Prepared childbirth

similar to natural childbirth w/ special breathing technique and detailed anatomy and physiology course

Kangaroo Care

skin to skin contact that helps to stabilize heartbeat, temperature, and breathing

Postpartum Depression

symptoms of major depression after childbirth

Natural Childbirth

uses education about childbirth and relaxation techniques

Infant's Vision

worst of the senses but gets better at 8 months.

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