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conforming to rules made by authority; dutiful or submissive compliance


noticeable; able to be seen


Conforming is troublesome when _____.

people choose to follow behavior that is wrong

What does Axis II of the DSM categorize?

personality disorders

What does Axis I of the DSM categorize?

clinical and mental disorders

Which type of therapy helps a person to overcome challenges by setting goals and helping a person to mentally focus on what is being changed?

cognitive behavior therapy

Which therapies require people to think about ways they can change their situations?

cognitive behavior therapy cognitive therapy



an accomplice


People who believe in altruism say that the opposite view is very cynical. Why is this?

It's nicer to accept gestures at face value, so a person doesn't seem skeptical and suspicious.

Jane has been selected by the teacher to lead the classroom in a discussion on a topic from their textbook. The students participate and follow Jane's directions. Why?

Jane has stewardship over the class for the textbook discussion.

Peter is concerned about the horrible feelings he constantly has and his tendency to always feel anxious. What is a healthy action he could take?

Listen to a mental health professional who can guide him through his troubles.

What is something positive that has resulted from changing views on abnormal behavior?

Men today are more emotionally expressive than six decades ago. Women respond to emotional stresses in a different, more controlled way. People view epileptics as normal and not demonically possessed.

Janetta ran a campaign for student body president, and she really wanted to win. She gave election buttons to everyone and told them how much she appreciated their friendship. Then Janetta told each person that she hoped for a vote. Are Janetta's actions altruistic?

No, because she is hoping that people will vote for her.

Why did wealthy people get therapy treatment during the early 1900s?

Only the rich could afford to pay for therapy.

Why won't some people get treated for mental illness, mild or severe?

Some people don't want a mental health record following them and cultural biases prevent them from seeking help.

Jonathon verbalized a compliment to Kayden. The compliment seemed sincere, but Kayden wasn't sure. Jonathon has been known to make things up sometimes. But when Jonathon complimented Josh, the compliment was very well received. What is a possible explanation for why two people had different reactions to Jonathon's compliment?

Sometimes it's difficult to discern a person's sincerity.

What is the main importance of withholding personal judgment against people with mental illness?

You can attempt to objectively understand a person's troubles.

What are the two most common disorders in the United States?

anxiety and depression

The professor asks his class for three volunteers to help him box up books. Everyone is silent, and Katcha looks around the room to see if anyone is going to volunteer first. Then maybe she'll raise her hand. Which term describes what Katcha was doing?

diffusion of responsibility

a person feels less responsible to help when more people are present

diffusion of responsibility

Catherine likes the name she was given, but wishes it were shorter. She decides to start going by the new name of Cathy. It's cute, short, easier to say, and more like the names of her friends. Cathy feels like her name fits in now. Which terms describes why Catherine shortened her name?

diffusion of responsibility conformity

Altruism is when you do something for others and have very little expectation of getting something in return.


The bystander effect teaches us that people are more likely to help out a healthy person when many people are around.


What is a benefit of attending group therapy?

hare opinions hear a counselor's guidance ask for suggestions

Changing views on abnormal behavior shows us that _____.

men today are more emotionally expressive than six decades ago women respond to emotional stresses in a different, more controlled way people view those with epilepsy as normal and not demonically possessed

disturbance of normal behavioral and emotional functioning

mental disorder

The 1992 Los Angeles Riots is an example of _____.

people conforming their behavior people following the illegal actions of others people's behavior being influenced by others

dispute; strife; controversy


hidden reasons for acting a certain way

ulterior motives

to recognize or perceive


What did the Milgram Experiment demonstrate?

People will obey authority even when the results will harm someone.

a statement or idea that seems to contradict itself


When is conformity inappropriate?

when you act unethically or illegally when you behave badly when you give up your personal values

Which is an example of an ulterior motive?

Becky went on a date with Rick because she hoped she'd get a free meal.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


releasing emotions that have been held within


mental health disturbance


What is the benefit of being diagnosed correctly?

A person can get the right type of treatment or medication he needs.

What is a problem with DSM diagnoses that some people don't like?

Any diagnosis indicates that you have a mental illness, no matter how mild.

Who developed a therapy technique that requires a counselor to listen without passing judgment?

Carl Rogers

What can a person learn from the Bay of Pigs incident?

If you don't speak your opinion against bad ideas, sometimes awful results can happen. Don't be afraid to voice an opinion that may be different from the leader. It's normal for people to feel uncomfortable about disagreeing with a leader.

What is a disadvantage of having insurance pay for mental health treatment?

Insurance doesn't always pay for the needed amount of time in treatment.

What is a problem with DSM diagnoses?

Some people don't fit into easy diagnosis categories.

extremely unfavorable


People are most likely to be obedient to rules that _____.

are set up by people in authority

Why do people sometimes fear or make fun of mental illness?

both lack of understanding and knowing the truth of a disorder is frightening

Abnormal behavior is not always related to mental illness, _____.

but some odd behavior can result from drug usage, which can create a disorder

distrusting or pessimistic


persistent feelings of general sadness


The five axes of the DSM represent _____.

major categories that a mental heath professional will use to assess a person

What do the five axes of the DSM represent?

major categories that a mental heath professional will use to assess a person

What does Axis III of the DSM categorize?

medical conditions and physical disorders



the watchful presence of others makes a person willing to work harder

social facilitation

Travis helped Carlos work on his car. In return, Carlos helped Travis learn some guitar chords. Travis didn't expect to get some extra guitar help, but now Travis is inspired to help Carlos again, since it seems Carlos always returns a favor. What does this situation describe?

the paradox of altruism

Withholding judgment on the mentally ill is wise because _____.

then you can try to understand what a person is experiencing

Why do people sometimes fear or make fun of mental illness?

They don't understand what a person is going through.

Which is an abnormal behavior related to mental illness?

starving yourself to stay skinny being constantly suspicious

responsibility given to you to watch over someone or something


techniques for working through tough situations


a sign or indication of something


specific care given to help a person get well


A person's abnormal behavior does not always mean he/she has a mental disorder.


Abnormal behavior can be any observable behavior that is unusual or different from cultural customs.


Obedience means that you follow laws and other rules that might not be laws.


Which is an abnormal behavior related to mental illness?

throwing up food to stay skinny

What is the purpose of the DSM?

to diagnose mental illness to diagnose clinical disorders to diagnose psychosocial problems

Why didn't lower-class people get therapy treatment during the early 1900s?

Only the rich could afford to pay for therapy.

Why does it not always work when you declare yourself a leader of a group?

People are less likely to obey people that are just like themselves and people are more likely to obey someone who represents authority.

When it comes to mental disorders, what is true of cultural customs and beliefs?

They can influence what people think is normal and abnormal.

specific behaviors or mannerisms that are peculiar to just one person


What did Zimbardo's prison experiment demonstrate?

It's possible for people to act horribly in evil situations.



What is the importance of showing sensitivity to mental illness?

Casually using disorder terms may be offensive to some. More people are suffering from mental illness than we realize.

Michelle told Jason some personal information and then Jason turned around and told it to Emily. Jason really liked Emily and hoped that sharing information he knew would impress Emily and she would like him. Was Jason's action altruistic?

No, because he was hoping to get Emily's approval by impressing her.

What can leaders count on that makes obedience always happen?

Nothing is specified that ensures that obedience will always happen.

Are there any disadvantages with having insurance pay for mental health treatment?

Yes, insurance doesn't always pay for the needed amount of time in treatment.

not normal


selfless actions


Kanya drops her notebook in the busy hallway at school. All the papers spill out, and it's a mess. People see her accident but nobody goes over to help immediately. Then finally, one girl goes over to help. Which term describes why Kanya wasn't helped out immediately?

bystander effect

a person is less likely to give help when there are many people around

bystander effect

Cultural customs and beliefs _____.

can influence what people think is normal and abnormal

Asch's conformity experimented showed that _____.

confederate answers influenced the way other students answered

people change their behavior because of social influence


a person who helps people through their problems


Carl Rogers developed a therapy technique that requires a _______.

counselor to listen without passing judgment

to classify or determine


What does the DSM allow a mental health professional to do?

diagnose psychosocial problems diagnose mental and clinical disorders diagnose developmental and learning disorders

a person exercising absolute power


Which therapy method strives for catharsis?


Which therapy encourages free association?

psychoanalysis therapy

suffering from delusions or hallucinations


What traits can you demonstrate to be the kind of leader people want to obey?

responsibility competency aptitude

We tend to feel less _____ when more people are around to help out.


people don't work as hard in groups than if they were to work alone

social loafing

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