Psychology Ch 15 Connect Questions

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Dissociative disorders are characterized by the ____________ of different facets of a person's personality that normally work together


The most prominent symptom that defines schizophrenia is

severe distortion of reality

What is a typical behavior pattern of someone with narcissistic personality disorder?

an exaggerated sense of self-importance

A recurring thought, such as constantly thinking about whether or not you locked your car when you parked it today, is an example of what?

an obsession

Which are typical symptoms of panic disorders?

gastric sensations; sweating, faintness, and dizziness; heart palpitations and shortness of breath

The experience of long-term, persistent anxiety and worry is characteristic of ____________ anxiety disorder


Which of the following are anxiety disorders?

generalized anxiety disorder; panic disorder; phobic disorder

Disturbances in emotional experiences that are strong enough to intrude on everyday living are called ____________ disorders


Disturbances in emotional experiences that are strong enough to intrude on everyday living are called

mood disorders

A ____________ disorder is characterized by inflexible, maladaptive behavior that keeps a person from functioning appropriately in society


What type of disorder is characterized by a set of inflexible, maladaptive behavior patterns?


A specific ____________ is an intense, irrational fear of a specific object or


Unlike ____________, which are stimulated by specific objects or situations, ____________ do not have an identifiable, specific cause

phobias, panic attacks

While ____________ are stimulated by specific objects or situations, ____________ do not have any identifiable stimuli

phobias, panic disorders

Which list below includes anxiety disorders?

phobias, panic disorders, and generalized anxiety

Physical disturbances cause by conversion disorders have no identifiable ____________ reason, rather they are purely ____________

physical, psychological

A severe distortion of reality is the primary symptom of what disorder?


Which of these are hallucinations?

seeing bugs crawling up the wall that are not really there; hearing voices no one else hears

Around ____________ million people in the United States suffer from major depressive disorder


Almost one in ____________ people in the United States experience major depressive disorder at some point in life


What disorder is marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and generally a great deal of inappropriate activity?


Which of the following is an example of a hallucination?

Adrian sometimes hears voices, but there is no one around

Which of the following is an example of a compulsion?

Alex has to wash his hands many times a day because he fears germ

Which of the following is an example of an obsession?

Alyssa has disturbing thoughts that she can't remove from her mind

Another term for generalized anxiety disorder is

free-floating anxiety

Which of the following is an example of a manic episode?

Julia stops sleeping and spontaneously buys a house she cannot afford

Which of the following is an example of a panic attack?

Mandy has discrete periods of panic during which she thinks she may be having a heart attack

"Glove anesthesia" might be found in a person suffering from

a conversion disorder

When we statistically calculate what behaviors are rare in a specific culture and label those deviations from the norm as abnormal, we are employing which definition of abnormality?

abnormality as deviation from the average

Mary Ann, who rarely leaves her home because she gets very anxious and has a panic attack when she leaves, is likely diagnosed with


The fear of being in a situation in which escape is difficult that may lead to people never leaving their home is called


Dissociative ____________ is a dissociative disorder in which a significant, selective memory loss occurs


A feeling of apprehension or tension in reaction to stressful situations is called


A feeling of apprehension or tension in reaction to stressful situations is called ____________


A general class of disorders characterized by feelings of apprehension or tension occurring without an obvious external cause and which affect daily functioning are known as ____________ disorders


Which type of disorder affects daily functioning without an obvious external cause?


Even though there are clear physical disturbances in a conversion disorder, there

are no biological causes

Abnormality as deviation from the average is based on the concept of "abnormal" as behaviors that

are rare or occur infrequently in a society

A common childhood disorder characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, and a low tolerance for frustration is ____________-____________ hyperactivity disorder


Evidence suggests that bipolar disorders are primarily caused by

biological factors

An alternation of manic and depressive episodes is called

bipolar disorder

A person ____________ with personality disorder has difficulty developing a secure sense of who they are


Alyssa relies on her friends to define who she is and frequently loses her temper when those same friends reject her in any way. Alyssa is most likely suffering from

borderline personality disorder

Irresistible urges to repeatedly carry out some act that seems strange and unreasonable even to them is called a


Caleb has disturbing, intrusive thoughts, and then he finds that he must act upon them. The disturbing thoughts are obsessions, and the urges to act on them are ____________


Megan has to turn the light switch on and off ten times before she feels like she can enter a room. This abnormal behavior would be considered


People with obsessive- ____________ disorder are plagued by unwanted thoughts or feel that they must carry out actions against their will


If a person wakes up one morning blind and deaf or experiences numbness that is restricted to a certain part of the body but there is no medical explanation for these conditions, the diagnosis would most likely be ____________ disorder, a type of somatoform disorder


Somatoform disorders in which there is an actual physical disturbance like the inability to see or hear with no biological cause are called

conversion disorders

People with schizophrenia have ____________, firmly held, unshakable beliefs with no basis in reality


Unshakable, firmly held beliefs with no basis in reality are called


People who suffer from major ____________ may have appetite and sleep disturbances and be at risk for suicide.


Seligman and other theorists suggest people give up on fighting aversive events and become hopeless, thereby resulting in


Diagnosed depression differs from normal depression in

depth; duration

____________ is when a significant, selective memory loss occur

dissociative amnesia

Disorders characterized by the separation of different facets of a person's personality that are normally integrated and work together are called

dissociative disorders

In what disorder does a person display characteristics of two or more distinct personalities?

dissociative identity disorder

True or false: Sadness after breaking up with a significant other is usually classified as major depression


People take sudden, impulsive trips and sometimes assume a new identity in states of dissociative ____________


Which of the following is an example of a hallucination related to schizophrenia?

hearing voices in one's head

Learned ____________ is produced when people give up fighting aversive events and feel that negative outcomes are inevitable, which causes them to become depressed


Learned expectation that events in one's life are uncontrollable and that one cannot escape from the situation is called learned


One of the chief reasons some researchers believe women may suffer more frequently from depression is that the fluctuation and frequent changes in ____________ levels leave them vulnerable to depression


Because 25-50% of women who take oral contraceptives report symptoms of depression, it suggests that ____________ is/are a factor in women's depression


A somatic symptom disorder in which people have a constant fear of illness and a preoccupation with their health is called

illness anxiety disorder

Kirsten goes to the doctor twice a month complaining of another illness she believes that she has, but each time the doctor assures her that small aches and pains are normal. Kirsten is likely suffering from which disorder?

illness anxiety disorder

Individuals with mania may experience which of the following emotions?

invulnerability; happiness; wild elation

Ailsa has given up on trying to do something with her life because she knows that no matter how hard she tries, she won't succeed at anything. This is an example of

learned helplessness

A severe form of depression that interferes with concentration, decision making, and sociability is called

major depressive disorder

What is the most common mood disorder?

major depressive disorder

What is the name for depression that is severe enough to interfere with concentration, decision making, and sociability?

major depressive disorder

Maria, who experiences ____________, may become involved in wild schemes, believing she will succeed at anything they attempt


People experiencing ____________ feel intense happiness, power, invulnerability, and energy


What is the clinical name for an extended state of intense, wild elation?


Jane, who is wildly elated, not sleeping, and running up credit card debt of about $500 a day buying shoes, is likely having a ____________ episode


Bipolar disorder was previously known as

manic depressive disorder

Dissociative identity disorder was once called ____________ personality disorder


What was dissociative identity disorder previously known as?

multiple personality disorder

Individuals with ____________ personality disorder expect special treatment from others while at the same time disregarding others' feelings


Biochemical causes for bipolar disorder are suggested by the fact that several ____________ play a role in depression


What is a typical behavior pattern of someone with antisocial personality disorder?

no regard for the rules of society and the rights of others

A persistent, unwanted thought or idea that keeps recurring is a(n)


An ____________ is a persistent, unwanted thought or idea that keep recurring


Someone who cannot stop thinking they left the iron on after they leave the house might be suffering from a(n)


George is constantly worried from negative thoughts and feels driven to carry out strange behaviors. Which disorder is George likely suffering from?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

A ____________ disorder is an anxiety disorder that takes the form of anxiety attacks lasting from a few seconds to several hours.


____________ disorder does not have any identifiable stimuli


What disorder is characterized by episodes involving the following symptoms: heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and faintness?

panic disorder

A person with a dissociative identity disorder displays characteristics of two or more distinct:

personalities; identities

When someone is diagnosed with a conversion disorder, there is an actual physical disturbance, but the cause is ____________


Psychological difficulties that take on a physical form but for which there is no medical cause are known as

somatic symptom disorders

An intense, irrational fear of a specific object or situation is a

specific phobia

Dissociative fugue is a rare disorder in which ____________

the individual leaves home and sometimes assumes a new identity

Which of the following best describes mood disorders?

this category of disorders involves disturbances in emotional experience that are strong enough to intrude on everyday living

Which of the following best describes a somatic symptom disorders?

this category of disorders involves psychological difficulties that take on a physical form, but there is no medical cause

Which of the following best describes schizophrenia?

this category of disorders involves the severe distortion of reality

In obsessive-compulsive disorder, an individual is plagued by obsessions, or unwanted ____________, or feel that they must carry out certain ____________, which are termed compulsions

thoughts; actions

True or false: Upon first impression, a person with antisocial personality disorder will likely seem intelligent and likable


What are some symptoms of major depressive disorder?

weight loss; feeling worthless; trouble sleeping

Who is more likely to experience major depressive disorder, men or women?


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