Psychology Chapter 10

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Bhavik enjoys his group members but doesn't always agree with them. However, instead of voicing his opinion, he sometimes just agrees because he wants to be liked by his group members. Which type of conformity is Bhavik displaying?

Normative conformity

Actions that help others

Prosocial behavior

Jinhoon always joins mission trips during spring breaks, and has arranged to help build houses for a local charity. What type of personality trait does Jinhoon display with these actions?

Prosocial behavior

Even though Apoorva misses her friends from high school, she finds that she enjoys the people in her dorm, and she has formed friendships with many of them. What can this be attributed to?


Degree to which one can disassociate oneself from the consequences of their actions

Psychological distance

Assigns the cause of a behavior to some characteristic of the environment of occurrence

Situational attribution

Which of the following describes how we think about ourselves and others?

Social cognition

While preparing for a group presentation, Payal put in much more effort than she would have if she was presenting alone. She knew her entire group was counting on her and she didn't want to let them down. Which of the following accounts for Payal's increased performance in preparing for this presentation?

Social facilitation

Which of the following sequences correctly identifies the process of stereotype threat?

Stereotype activation, stereotype threat, arousal, inhibited capability, decreased performance.

Phenomenon in which fears of being discriminated against elicit stereotype-confirming behaviors

Stereotype threat

Willa was nervous about the first day of her biomedical engineering class. As only one of two females in a class of 30, she was worried that the men in the class would not take her seriously because she was female. What phenomenon was Willa experiencing?

Stereotype threat

Why do people fail to help others, and display helping behaviors when someone is in need?

They do not interpret the situation as one that requires aid.

The unwritten rules of accepted behavior in a group are called


What are the unwritten rules that guide the behavior of group members?


Janine has attended rallies and protests with her mom concerning the local issue of homelessness since she was a little girl. As a young adult, Janine holds many of the same attitudes as her mother about homelessness. Which of the following learning theories best explains Janine's attitude formation?

Observational learning

Which variable that affects helping behavior causes a bystander to see the situation as a nonemergency and therefore, make them less likely to help?

Perceived ambiguity

Cues present during an aggressive event becoming associated with emotions experienced during that event

Cognitive neoassociation theory

Zereth is working in a group that gets along well. All group members have a positive attitude and the group is becoming very close-knit. What attribute is this group high in?


Which of the following terms BEST describes people who are known for emphasizing behavior and success in groups as opposed to individuals?


When Raphael's partner returns home from traveling on business, they often take long walks just to be close together. How can this feeling be described?

Companionate love

Latifah noticed that many of her fellow students were using refillable water bottles instead of disposable ones, so she purchased a refillable water bottle. Latifah's behavior demonstrates


Cognitive dissonance explains the resultant unpleasant feelings experienced when our attitudes and behavior are


The idea that we are involved with people who are similar to our level of attractiveness is called _____.

Matching hypothesis

Theory of attraction to people whose level of physical attractiveness is similar to our own

Matching hypothesis

What does door-in-the face compliance center on?


Use of foot-in-the-door compliance in an obedience situation to get people to obey increasing demands

Slippery Slope

Performing better on a task in the presence of others than if you were alone

Social facilitation

Stewart has a poster in his apartment of a beautiful model. Stewart's actual girlfriend is closer in physical attractiveness to himself though. Research suggests that this romantic involvement is a factor of

The matching hypothesis.

Manoj was not happy with the grade the group received on their research project. He blamed the group because they waited until the last minute to finalize and proofread the paper, even though he did not encourage them to finish sooner. What is Manoj using regarding his behavior in the team and on the project?

Actor/observer bias

Tendency to make fundamental attribution error when judging others

Actor/observer bias

Anke stayed late at work one night to help a colleague finish an important client project. Anke knew she didn't need to, and she had nothing to gain, but still wanted to help. Which type of behavior did Anke display?


Helping another without being motivated by self-gain


Determining the cause of a person's observed behavior is called

An attribution.

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (2005), Hispanic people are often quoted higher rents than White people for the same property. This finding reveals the effect of

Aversive racism.

Which compliance technique is based on securing agreement on small issues before moving on to larger issues?


Which compliance technique was used to encourage destructive obedience in those that took part in Milgram's studies?


Which one of the following terms describes the strategy of initially asking a small request as an opening to a much larger request?

Foot-in-the-door compliance

Idea that feelings of anger and annoyance causes aggressive behavior

Frustration-aggression hypothesis

Nila always sat at the front of class, was on time, and seemed to be attentive. Her professor thought she was a strong student, even though her first research paper was not very well done. Which type of attribution is Nila's professor using?

Fundamental attribution error

Tendency to overuse trait information when making generalizations about others

Fundamental attribution error

When a group fixates on one decision and blindly assume that it is the correct decision


Marah is considered to be a bully by her schoolmates. She frequently hits people for no reason, and has been known to knock schoolwork off someone's desk as she walks past. What type of aggression does Marah display?


Way that we understand and make judgments about others

Impression formation

As applied to the bystander effect, which of the following explains the idea that all bystanders have equal responsibility for helping in an emergency?

Diffusion of responsibility

People in the U.S. tend to prefer oranges and apples over kumquats and plantains. Which of the following best explains this preference?

Mere exposure effect

Asking people for a small request, which leads to compliance with a larger request

Foot-in-the-door compliance

Seeing a man fall onto subway tracks, Jaleel risked his life by jumping down onto the tracks and rescuing the man from an oncoming subway train. Jaleel's act is an example of


In Milgram's studies on destructive obedience, which of the following contributed to the high rate of obedience?

A perceived authority figure

Occurs when European Americans feel apathetic about African Americans, which may lead them to discriminate

Aversive racism

Thirty-eight witnesses watched as Kitty Genovese was assaulted and murdered, and failed to notify the police in time to save her. The best explanation is explained by

Bystander effect.

While listening to a persuasive speech, Woojin listened attentively to see if the persuasive message was logical and made sense. Which route to persuasion was Woojin using?

Central route

By sticking to the facts and evaluating the candidates running for office through their use of logic in a debate, Nico decides for whom he will vote in the upcoming election. Nico's decision is based on

Central route of persuasion.

Careful evaluation of persuasive arguments and generation of counterarguments; requires motivation and available cognitive resources

Central route to persuasion

Idea that we strive to have attitudes and behaviors that do not contradict one another

Cognitive consistency

After watching violent movies, Hua often has dreams that are violent. Which model of aggression proposes that cue present in these movies can become associated in memory?

Cognitive neoassociation theory

Culture in which group accomplishments are valued over individual accomplishments

Collectivistic culture

Asking people for a large request and, after refusal, asking for a smaller request

Door-in-the-face compliance

The college alumni association called former student, Theriault, to ask him to donate $50 per month for the next year. Thinking this was too much money, Theriault declined the request, to which the caller then asked for a one-time $30 donation. Theriault agreed to the follow-up request. This strategy BEST illustrates which one of the following?

Door-in-the-face compliance

Which one of the following terms, describes the technique, often used by salespeople to increase compliance, of adding terms to a sale after an initial agreement has already been reached?

Door-in-the-face compliance

Which type of aggression is aimed at achieving some goal?


Aggression that is used to facilitate the attainment of a goal

Instrumental aggression

Based on studies, why do we notice and value physical attractiveness in a potential mate?

It tells us something about person's underlying health.

Discrimination is defined as

Negative behavior toward a group of people.

Why are we more likely to consider situational factors in making attributions for ourselves in the actor/observer bias?

Our attention is focused on the other person's behavior.

Yinq and Anke both have very strong ideas of a solution that should be adopted by the group. However, the two solutions are very different. During the discussion of these options, factions in the group began to develop based on the personalities of the leaders, not their ideas. What occurred in this group?


When Aviva's laptop was stolen, her team members blamed her for all the extra work they had to do to recreate the information for their project. What did her team members consider Aviva to be, as it relates to this problem?


Aisha felt her promotion at work was due to her hard work and effort on the job. But when a customer called to complain about customer service that Aisha was in charge of, she blamed her employees, and suppliers. Which of the following accounts for Aisha taking credit for her success but blaming others for failures?

Self-serving bias

When Sarah received bad service at a restaurant, she stiffed the server on the tip. Her behavior is best explained in terms of

The frustration-aggression hypothesis.

According to psychiatrist Dorothy Otnow Lewis, what do the overwhelming majority of murderers have in common?

They suffered from extreme abuse during childhood.

Assigns the cause of a behavior to the characteristics of the person being judged

Trait attribution

Why do we find it more comfortable to be attracted to those who share out attitudes?

We avoid cognitive dissonance.

Which of the following best describes obedience?

Yielding to a demand

Although Jeff doesn't mind having a dirty car, he washes his car weekly to avoid stares and criticism from his neighbors. His behavior illustrates the importance of


In the Stanford Prison Study, male participants who volunteered to play the role of prison guard became abusive toward those who played the role of prisoner after just six days. Which of the following terms is used to explain the degraded behavior demonstrated by these male participants?


State in which behavior becomes controlled more by external norms than internal values


Adhering to immoral, unethical demands that cause harm to others

Destructive obedience

Idea that obligation for taking action is dispersed across all the people witnessing an event

Diffusion of responsibility

Which of the following is the best explanation for the bystander effect?

Diffusion of responsibility.

According to realistic-conflict theory, what causes prejudice among people?

Limited resources

Getting someone to agree to a deal then changing the terms to be more favorable


Which type of attraction is based on changes in estrogen and androgens hormones in the body?


How might serotonin help to regulate aggressive behaviors?

Serotonin reuptake inhibiting drugs tend to reduce aggression in males.

Preferring the company of those who are around the same age as ourselves is best explained in terms of


Which of the following individuals is MOST likely to respond with aggression?

Thomas, who has significantly higher levels of testosterone

During her interview, Arayla looked professional, spoke knowledgably about the company, and was able to transfer her skills and abilities to the job she was interviewing for. The hiring manager was impressed and found Arayla to have the right skills for the job. What did the hiring manager use to form their opinion?

Trait attribution

Julius just saw a picture of his favorite actor in an ad, wearing a shirt that Julius loved and had to have. How do researchers describe this affect celebrities have on our attitudes?

Classical conditioning

What is the desire to avoid contradictions in our attitudes and behaviors, because we find it uncomfortable?

Cognitive consistency

Theory that predicts that we are motivated to change our attitudes and/or behaviors to align with one another

Cognitive dissonance theory

Geert's group is very cohesive and works well together. Geert likes his teammate and values his relationship with them. When the group made a decision, Geert did not agree with, he went along to as not to create any hard feelings. Which of the following contributed to Geert's contribution to groupthink?


Theory that connections between groups is an effective means of reducing prejudice between them

Contact hypothesis

Robyn set up an intercultural project where students from the United States and students from the Middle East would have weekly meetings using their computer apps. Students talked about sports, marriage, family, and their home towns, and worked together to create a presentation about their discussions. Robyn's goal for the project was to increase tolerance and reduce prejudice. Which of the following theories support Robyn's efforts?

Cooperative contact

According to research, which of the following hormones/neurotransmitters is most likely to be positively associated with romantic attraction?


When interviewing a student for a summer internship, Yui was immediately struck by how professional and well prepared the student was. What did Yui use to make this judgment?

Impression formation

Which of the following can lead to increases in self-esteem because we perceive our association as good and desirable?

In-group bias

Culture in which personal accomplishments are valued over group accomplishments

Individualistic culture

Aggression that is done with the objective of attaining some type of goal is known as


Janice wants a new lipstick color to wear. After seeing a beautiful actress modeling a particular color and brand of lipstick, Janice decides to purchase the same lipstick. Janice's choice illustrates

Peripheral route of persuasion.

Payal always shows up for class late, and checks her cell phone messages frequently. Based on this, her professor is sure Payal will be a poor student, will look for favors and make excuses when she misses assignments, and perform poorly on exams. What is Payal's professor using to form these opinions?


High school senior Bernadette wants to pursue an engineering degree in college. Some of her teachers think she will struggle because girls don't do well on the complex math required in engineering. The beliefs held by Bernadette's teachers illustrate


What do researchers suggest as the reason for men being more aggrieve than women?


Increasing compliance by sweetening the deal with additional incentives


While looking at a new washing machine, the salesperson told Junhua about a promotion, where Junhua could get free installation, if he buys the washing machine today. Which compliance technique did this salesperson use to get Junhua to buy the washing machine today?


Claire's boyfriend, Dan, is late for their restaurant date. Claire believes that Dan is late because he is an inconsiderate jerk. However, Dan was actually late because his ride fell through. Claire has just made

The fundamental attribution error.

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