psychology Chapter 5 memory

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The sites where nerve cells communicate with one another by means of chemical messengers are called _____.


After being verbally threatened by a person in a passing car, Teresa was asked if she recognized the man who was driving the car. Several hours later Teresa mistakenly recalled that the driver was male rather than female. Teresa's experience BEST illustrates:

the misinformation effect.

Using nonsense syllables to study memory, Hermann Ebbinghaus found that:

the most rapid memory loss for new information occurs shortly after it is learned.

Memories before age _____ are often unreliable.


According to survey research cited in the text, about _____ percent of people falsely recall improbable events that occurred when they were 2 years old or younger.


Ceci and Bruck's study of children's memories showed that _____ percent of the children who had not received genital examinations from a pediatrician still pointed to either the genital or anal area when asked.


In one study by Ceci and others, nearly _____ percent of preschoolers produced false memories of events that never happened.


In a study of several hundred convicts later exonerated by DNA evidence, just over _____ percent were convicted by faulty eyewitness accounts.


After reading a list of words aloud, people falsely recognize having read a new but similar word about _____ percent of the time.


A group of 50-year-old adults is asked to think about their high school classmates. Although they have difficulty recalling their classmates, when presented with their yearbooks they can recognize about _____ percent of their pictures and names.


Which phrase BEST describes the typical forgetting curve?

a rapid initial decline in retention becoming stable thereafter

After a severe bout of encephalitis, Clive Wearing could no longer develop new memories. Clive suffered from _____ amnesia.


Colton wakes up in a hospital. Apparently, he cannot remember anything that happened immediately following a severe head injury. Colton's BEST case demonstrates:

anterograde amnesia.

You hear a familiar word in your native language, and it is virtually impossible not to recognize the word's meaning. This BEST illustrates the importance of:

automatic processing.

Deep brain structures involved in movement and the formation of our procedural memories for skills are the _____.

basal ganglia

When Bill studies for an exam, he reads the textbook, stops to think about the material, and then takes a practice exam. According to the computer information-processing model, Bill is actively:

encoding, storing, and retrieving.

John remembers very clearly the day his best friend died in a bicycle accident at the hands of a drunk driver. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Recalling a visual scene of last month's party and holding it in working memory would be MOST likely to activate the brain's _____ lobe.


Most forgetting curves indicate that the course of forgetting is initially rapid but then it levels off with time. One explanation for the shape of the curves is a(n):

gradual fading of the memory trace.

Having read a story once, certain amnesia victims will read it faster the second time even though they can't recall having seen the story before. They have MOST likely suffered damage to the brain's _____.


Some patients suffering from amnesia are incapable of recalling events. Yet they can be conditioned to blink their eyes in response to a specific sound. They have MOST likely suffered damage to the brain's _____.


This prolonged strengthening of potential neural firing is believed to be the basis for learning and memory and is known as:

long-term potentiation.

An attorney uses misleading questions to distort a court witness's recall of a previously observed crime. This BEST illustrates the _____ effect.


When people are given subtle misleading information about a past event, they often misremember the true details surrounding the event. This is known as the _____ effect.


While sitting in the park one day, Morris witnessed a robbery. When asked by the police to describe the "young criminal," Morris recalled erroneously that the criminal was a teenager rather than an adult. Morris' experience BEST illustrates the _____ effect.


Those suffering from depression are more likely to have their memories affected by priming negative associations. This is known as:

mood-congruent memory.

In the _____ effect, the first items in a list are better remembered than the middle items in a list.


A multiple-choice test is a good example of a test of:


_____ memory refers to our tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with our current mood.


With respect to amnesia, antero is to retro- as _____ is to ______.

after; before

We remember exciting or shocking events for a long time due to activation of a structure in the limbic system called the _____.


We remember exciting or shocking events for a long time due to activation of the limbic system's:


According to psychologists, memory refers to all the following EXCEPT:

changes in behavior.

Some patients with anterograde amnesia have learned how to spot hard-to-find figures in the Where's Waldo? series without any conscious awareness that they can do so. This BEST illustrates their retention of _____ memories.


Some patients with anterograde amnesia have learned how to spot hard-to-find figures in the Where's Waldo? series without any conscious awareness that they can do so. This BEST illustrates their retention of _____ memory.


An essay test is a good example of a ______ test of explicit memory.


Melissa studied adequately for her short-answer psychology exam. However, while taking the final, she could not remember the material she previously retained. According to the computer information-processing model of memory, Melissa is having difficulty with _____.


Which ability is NOT a measure of retention?


Almost everybody has had the feeling of knowing the answer to a question but not being quite able to say it. This is called the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, which is a failure of:


In _____ interference, information learned recently disrupts the recall of information learned earlier.


Sebastian took three years of Latin in high school. In college, he takes three courses in Spanish. By the end of college, he finds it hard to remember much Latin. Sebastian is experiencing _____ interference.


Walid has been working 70-hour work weeks and has been getting his days and nights mixed up. He also has been having trouble separating his dreams from reality. Just yesterday he thought a project had been completed, but in reality, it was only a dream. This problem is known as:

source amnesia.

When people learn something while in one state (for example, when they are feeling joyful or sad), they are better able to recall that thing while in the same state. This is known as:

state-dependent learning.

Clarice presses the Ctrl and S keys on her keyboard to save a document. A file is then created on her computer's hard drive. Clarice's action is MOST analogous to the memory process of:


Preserving information is to accessing information as _____ is to _____.

storage; retrieval

_____ amnesia involves an inability to form new memories.


The three-stage processing model of memory was proposed by:

Atkinson and Shiffrin.

Two brain areas involved in the formation of implicit memories are the _____ and the _____.

basal ganglia; cerebellum

To "get information into our brain" is to:


The network that processes and stores explicit memories in the brain includes the _____ lobes and the hippocampus.


In daily life, when one says somebody "remembers" some information or a piece of knowledge, one means that somebody is able to use it. Memory, therefore, entails not only encoding and storage but also _____.


Maximizing _____ cues is a good way to improve your memory of something.


Recent research (Ravizza et al., 2017) suggests that students may spend as much as one-_____ of a typical class hour browsing the internet.


A memory _____ is a lasting physical change in the brain as a memory forms.


Encoding is to _____ as storage is to _____.

data input into a computer; data saved on the hard drive

"I remember that day!" Marta exclaims, showing a friend a "memory" status from four years ago that appeared today in her social media site newsfeed. Marta seems to have a clear _____ memory for the day in question.

episodic Challenge

Mr. Nydam suffers amnesia and is unable to remember playing golf on a particular course. But the longer he plays the course, the more his game improves. His experience illustrates the difference in:

explicit memory and implicit memory.

Which choice pairs a brain structure or region with the correct memory system?

frontal ...

In _____ interference, information learned earlier disrupts the recall of information learned more recently.


An essay test is a good example of a test of:


Which measure of retention is the LEAST sensitive in triggering retrieval?


In the _____ effect, the last items in a list are better remembered than the middle items in a list.


Jermaine is happy to hear that his class final will be all multiple-choice questions, because he believes he has a better chance to pass the class by using _____.


Ebbinghaus is associated with:

the forgetting curve.

Tarik has a chemistry test in two days. He has to memorize the elements on the periodic table, so he writes them on index cards. He keeps the cards with him at all times and periodically reads through them. Tarik is using _____ to encode information for storage.

distributed practice

As Trent reads a textbook, he actively integrates sentences with the memory representation of earlier sentences that he is maintaining in memory. Trent's active processing is taking place in _____ memory.


_____ amnesia involves an inability to retrieve old memories.


According to _____, one reason that people forget is because they are repressing painful memories.


_____ interference is the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information.


Regarding long-term memory, which statement is MOST accurate?

The capacity of long-term memory is essentially limitless.

According to Freud, one reason that people forget is because they are _____ painful memories.


In _____ amnesia, memory is lost for events preceding an injury or accident; in _____ amnesia, memory is lost for events following an injury or accident.

retrograde; anterograde

The tendency to recall the last and first items in a list is known as the _____ effect.

serial position

When learning occurs in the Aplysia snail, the snail releases more of the neurotransmitter _____ at certain synapses.


After Maya gave her friend the password to a protected website, her friend was able to remember it only long enough to type it into the password box. In this instance, the password was clearly stored in her _____ memory.


_____ refers to faulty memory for how, when, or where information was learned or imagined.

Source amnesia

Forest often has vivid dreams. In the morning, he can recall them in great detail. This sometimes gets him in trouble because he can't figure out if he is remembering a dream or something that he actually experienced. This problem is known as _____ amnesia.


The amygdala boosts activity in the brain's memory-forming areas when stimulated by:

stress hormones.

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