psychology module 22&23

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As strange as it may seem, James has run into the same co-worker four times today, in four different locations. He gets a little nervous, wondering if she is following him. His ability to unconsciously keep track of the number of times he has run into the co-worker is known as:

Automatic Processing

Given the research on _____, it is likely that many mammalian species can differentiate animals by their facial characteristics.

Facial recognition

When Lisa earns a perfect score on a(n) _____ test in history, she passes a _____ test of memory.

essay; recall

A recall test is to a recognition test as _____ is to _____.

fill-in-the-blank; multiple choice

John remembers very clearly the day his best friend died in a bicycle accident at the hands of a drunk driver. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Hakeem has a very clear memory of his daughter's birth. He remembers the weather, what he was wearing, the sounds in the hallway, and the joy he felt. Psychologists would say that:

he has a flashbulb memory for this event.

Professor Wallace studies memory in people who have had strokes. Professor Hansen studies people who claim to have clear memories of events that happened over three decades ago. Such research on the extremes of memory:

helps one to understand how memory works.

The _____ is the brain area involved in processing explicit memories for storage.


Luke experiences some damage to his cerebellum. Based on information provided in the textbook, Luke's _____ memory may be impaired.


In _____ memory, knowledge, skills, and experiences are permanently stored for future retrieval.


Procedural memory involves:

motor movement.

Tarik has a chemistry test in two days. He has to memorize the elements on the periodic table, so he writes them on index cards. He keeps the cards with him at all times and frequently reads through them. Tarik is using _____ to encode information in short-term memory for longer-term storage.


Rory agreed to join a biology study group. When the study group leader gave him her phone number, he had nothing on which to record the number. So, Rory repeated the number to himself several times until he found a pen to write the number on his hand. The process Rory used to encode the number into longer-term memory is called:


In daily life, when one says one remembers some information or a piece of knowledge, one means that one is able to use it. Memory, therefore, entails not only encoding and storage but also _____.


Theo suffers from depression and is currently in treatment. His physician is using electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which will affect his _____ memory.


After having an argument with one's significant other, one is likely to view him or her very negatively as a person. This is BEST seen as reflecting:

state-dependent memory.

Which of these will one MOST likely store as an implicit memory?

one's conditioned fear of guns

Episodic memory is exemplified by one's memory for:

one's first kiss.

The primacy effect refers to the fact that:

the first-presented items in a list are more likely to be remembered than items in the middle of the list.

_____ aids can be used to help remember things like speeches or lists of items. These aids often incorporate the use of vivid imagery and organizational devices.


Which statement BEST captures the relationship between priming and a retrieval cue?

Priming is the unconscious awakening of memories based on retrieval cues.

Although one might wish that studying occurred automatically, successful studying, unfortunately, requires the attention and conscious work known as:

effortful processing.

"Dog food, coffee, paper towels . . ." Michelle's roommate begins reciting items into the phone as she gets into her car; Michelle is supposed to stop by the store on the way home. The roommate continues to list a few more items. Finally, he wraps up with, ". . . coffee creamer, spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and iced tea mix." Michelle forgets a few things, but the spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and iced tea mix are in the bag. Her memory for these items reflects the _____ effect.


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