Psychology Quiz Chapter 7

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Primacy effect

1) the tendency to recall the initial item or items in a series; 2) the tendency to form opinions of others based on first impressions

Recency effect

1) the tendency to recall the last item in a series; 2) the tendency for people to change their opinions of others based on recent interactions

Semantic memory

memory of general knowledge and information

Episodic memory

memory of specific experienced events

Explicit memory

memory of specific information

Implicit memory

memory of which you are not consciously aware; generally includes skills and procedures one has learned

Elaborative rehearsal

methods for remembering new information by creating meaningful links to information already known


nonimmediate retrieval or learned information


a memory process in which one identifies objects or events that have previously ben encountered

Short-term memory

also called working memory, memory that holds information briefly before it is either stored in long-term emory or forgotten


an idea or mental framework that helps one organize and interpret information

Maintenance rehearsal

the repetition of new information in an attempt to remember it

Iconic memory

the sensory register that briefly holds mental images of visual stimuli

Echoic memory

the sensory register that briefly holds traces of aural stimuli


the translation of information into a form that can be stored in memory

Long-term memory

the type of storage of memory capable or large and relatively permanent storage


disintegration; in psychology, the fading away of memory over time

Context-dependent memories

information that is more easily retrieved in the context or situation in which it was encoded and stored

State-dependent memories

information that is more easily retrieved when one is in the same physiological or emotional state as when the memory was originally encoded or learned


learning something a second time, usually in less time than it was originally learned

Retrograde amnesia

the failure to remember events that occurred prior to physical trauma because of the effects of the trauma

Sensory memory

the immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system

Anterograde amnesia

the inability to form new memories because of brain trauma

Infantile amnesia

the inability to remember events that occurred during one's early years (before age three)

Eidetic imagery

the maintenance of a very detailed visual memory over long periods of time


the maintenance of encoded information over time


the mental functions and processes by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved; information stored in the mind


the mental process of organizing information into meaningful unites, or 'chunks'


the process of recalling information from memory storage


the process that occurs when new information in short-term memory pushes or crowds out and replaces what was already there

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