Psychology Test Ch. 9, 10, 11

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Which of the following is a likely consequence of stereotype threat for members of minority groups?

Academic motivation declines, academic performance often suffers, standardized tests may underestimate their ability

Which of the following is a true statement about mental retardation/intellectual disability?

The majority of people who exhibit intellectual disability fall in the mild category

In which of the following cases would you expect to find the greatest similarity in IQ?

between identical twins

The sales pitch "We're the best dealership in town because the other dealerships just don't stack up against us" is an example of

circular reasoning

When you try to narrow down a list of alternatives to arrive at a single correct answer, you engage in

convergent thinking

Which of the following does not decline with age?

crystallized intelligence

Girls who mature ___ and boys who mature ___ seem to experience more subjective distress and emotional difficulties with the transition to adolescence.

early; late

The stage of prenatal development during which the developing organism is most vulnerable to injury is

embryonic stage

The cephalocaudal trend in the motor development of children can be described simply as

head-to-foot direction

Sixteen year old Foster wants to spend a few years experimenting with different lifestyles and careers before he settles on who and what he wants to be. Foster's behavior illustrates the identity status of

identity moratorium

The heritability of weight appears to be

in the range of 60%-70%

Which of the following tends to promote increased eating?

increased palatability, having a greater quantity of food available, having a greater variety of food available

Developmental norms

indicate the average age at which individuals reach various developmental milestones

Males have been found to differ slightly from females in three well-documented areas of mental abilities. Which of the following is not one of these?


The quality of infant-caregiver attachment depends

on the interaction between the infant's temperament and the caregiver's responsiveness

On most modern IQ tests, a score of 115 would be

one standard deviation above the mean

Which of the following does not belong with the others? aptitude test, personality test, intelligence test, achievement test

personality test

If a child's primary reason for not drawing pictures on the living room wall with crayons is to avoid punishment that would inevitably follow this behavior, she would be said to be at which level of moral development?


The portion of the brain that appears to be the last area to mature fully is the

prefrontal cortex

IQ tests have proven to be good predictors of

school performance

Most school districts consider children who ___ to be gifted.

score in the upper 2%-3% of the IQ distribution

Kinsey maintained that sexual orientation

should be viewed as a continuum

The determinant of achievement behavior that increases when a college student enrolls in a class that is required for graduation is

the incentive value of success

The fact that eating behavior and the experience of emotion both depend of interactions between biological and environmental determinants lends evidence to which of this text's organizing themes?

the joint influence of heredity and experience

If a test has a good test-retest reliability

the test yields similar scores if taken at two different times

In research on the need for achievement, individual differences are usually measured

with the Thematic Apperception Test

Which of the following statements is true?

For the most part, people are pretty happy; age is unrelated to happiness; parenthood and intelligence are unrelated to happiness

Which of the following is a true statement regarding Francis Galton?

He took the position that intelligence is largely determined by heredity

If you score at the 75th percentile on a standardized test, it means that

75% of those who took the test scored the same or less than you did

Five year old David watches as you pour water from a short, wide glass into a tall, narrow one. He says there is now more water than before. This response demonstrates that

David does not understand the concept of conservation

Which of the following statements about cross-cultural comparisons of emotional experience is not true?

Display rules do not vary from one culture to another

Which of the following is not one of the criticisms of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Evidence for the theory is based on children's answers to questions

Mr. and Mrs. Proudparent are beaming because their son, little Newton, has been selected for a gifted children program at school. They think Newton is a genius. What sort of advice do they need to hear?

Most gifted children do not go on to make genius-level, major contributions to society that earn them eminence

Nora has a blind date with Nick, who, she's been told, is considered a true genius by the faculty in the art department. Now she's having second thoughts, because she's always heard that geniuses are a little off their rocker. Does she have a reason to be concerned?

Perhaps. There is evidence of a correlation between major creative achievement and vulnerability to mood disorders

___ proposed that there are three facets of intelligence: analytical, practical, and creative intelligence

Robert Sternberg

Evidence indicating that upbringing affects one's mental ability is provided by which of the following findings?

Siblings reared together are more similar in IQ than siblings reared apart

Which theory of emotion implies that people can change their emotions simply by changing the way they label their arousal?

Steatite's two-factor theory

Which of the following has not been found in research on gender differences in sexual interest?

Women are more interested in having many partners than men are

During the second year of life, toddlers begin to take some personal responsibility for feeding, dressing, and bathing themselves in an attempt to establish what Erikson calls a sense of


According to the James-Lange theory of emotion

different patterns of autonomic activation lead to the experience of different emotions

Jackson had a huge breakfast this morning and is still feeling stuffed when he arrives at work. However, one of his colleagues has brought some delicious-looking donuts to the morning staff meeting and Jackson just can't resist. Although he feels full, he eats three donuts. His behavior is inconsistent with

drive theories of motivation

When the development of the same subjects is studied over a period of time, the study is called a

longitudinal study

Some recent studies suggest that exposure to aggressive pornography

may increase males' aggressive behavior towards women, may perpetuate the myth that women enjoyed being raped

A polygraph works by

monitoring physiological indices of autonomic arousal

Although the data are inconsistent, some research suggests that males exhibit ___ than females and that females have a ___ than males

more cerebral specialization; larger corpus callosum

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