Psychology Unit 2 Quizzes

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Ice cream could be considered a ______ of the _____ dessert. A. prototype; concept B. heuristic; algorithm C. algorithm; heuristic D. concept; prototype


If a person received injury to their ________ they may find themselves unable to create new semantic memories. A. hippocampus B. cerebellum C. hypothalamus D. amygdala


When older information disrupts your ability to recall new information, you are experiencing ___________. A. anterograde amnesia B. proactive interference C. retrograde amnesia D. retroactive interference


If Pavlov was able to train dogs to only salivate when he rang a bell and never salivate to other bell-like noises (a doorbell, a whistle, etc.), his dogs were engaging in stimulus ________. A. habituation B. acquisition C. generalization D. discrimination


If you are trying to remember a list of words by paying attention to the meaning of those words, you are using ______ encoding. A. self-referent B. acoustic C. visual D. semantic


Memory for facts is one type of ______ memory, specifically known as ________ memory. A. implicit; semantic B. implicit; procedural C. explicit; episodic D. implicit; episodic E. explicit; semantic


In Pavlov's famous work on classical conditioning with dogs, the meat powder was the ________. A. unconditioned stimulus B. conditioned response C. unconditioned response D. conditioned response


Very brief memories of all the sights, sounds, and smells around you are stored in your _______ memory. A. sensory B. short-term C. long-term D. working


Which of the following is NOT one of the types of models Bandura described? A. symbolic B. virtual C. verbal D. live


In negative reinforcement, A. a stimulus is removed in an attempt to decrease a behavior B. a stimulus is added in an attempt to decrease a behavior C. a stimulus is added in an attempt to increase a behavior D. A stimulus is removed in an attempt to increase a behavior


What is the primary conclusion John B. Watson's made after working with Little Albert? A. emotions can be conditioned B. behavior can be changed if followed by punishment or reinforcement C. learning can occur when a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus D. new behaviors can be learned by observing others


When a person confuses the source of a memory, for example believing they read something in a textbook that they actually read on Facebook, they are experiencing __________. A. misattribution B. blocking C. bias D. transience E. suggestibility


Assuming this is your first Psychology course, the type of memory retrieval being tested right now with this question is ________. A. recall B. recognition C. relearning D. sensory


If you insist on trying to solve a problem in the same way you did before, even when it isn't working this time, you are experiencing ________. A. hindsight bias B. mental set C. anchoring bias D. confirmation bias


In Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, the ability to solve a complicated calculus problem on an exam would indicate a high level of ________ intelligence. A. practical B. analytical C. logical-mathematical D. academic


One day you watched your friend arrive late to your Chemistry class. The professor stopped class to scold your friend in front of everyone. Now you are always sure to get to class on time because you experienced ________. A. negative reinforcement B. vicarious punishment C. vicarious reinforcement D. positive punishment E. negative punishment


When you were a child, you could always here the garage door open when your father came home from work. You ate dinner every day very soon after he got home. One evening while at a friend's house, you heard his brother open the garage and you begin to feel hungry. What is the conditioned stimulus in this example of classical conditioning? A. seeing your father B. the sound of the garage door opening C. eating dinner D. feeling hungry


An encoding failure occurs when A. a leading question causes us to create a false or distorted memory of an event B. old information we know prevents us from remembering new information we just learned C. we can't remember something because we never stored it in memory in the first place D. new information we just learned prevents us from remembering older information


If you are rewarding someone for a behavior after a set amount of time passes you are using a ________ schedule of reinforcement. A. fixed ratio B. variable interval C. fixed interval D. variable ratio


If you are unable to create new semantic or episodic memories after an injury to the brain, you have ________. A. proactive amnesia B. retroactive amnesia C. anterograde amnesia D. retrograde amnesia


One of the differences between classical and operant conditioning is that in classical conditioning the stimulus occurs ________ they response occurs while in operant conditioning the stimulus occurs ________ the response. A. after; before B. before; at the same time as C. before; after D. at the same time as; before


Schemata are ________ A. a source of emotional content for the brain B. the best representations of a concept C. a method of organizing information that allows the brain to work more efficiently D. an example of the brain's ability to form prototypes


In classical conditioning, the __________ is an unlearned reaction to a given stimulus. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen and sneeze, sneezing is an unlearned reaction to the pollen (i.e., the stimulus). A. unconditioned stimulus B. conditioned response C. conditioned stimulus D. unconditioned response


In classical conditioning, the association that is learned is between a ___________. A. neutral response and a conditioned response B. conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned response C. neutral stimulus and a neutral response D. neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus


Researchers study ________ to better understand how humans (and other animals) learn through observation. A. social learning neurons B. imitation neurons C. model neurons D. mirror neurons


When solving a problem, using ______ may take time and require precisely following the steps, but it is also the most likely to give you accurate results. A. a prototype B. a schema C. a heuristic D. an algorithm


When talking about operant conditioning, the word negative means A. bad B. punishment C. decreasing a behavior D. taking something away


Your short-term memory lasts around _______ and can hold ______. A. 1 second, around 20 items B. 20 seconds, an unlimited number of items C. 1 second, around 7 items D. 20 seconds, around 7 items E. 20 seconds, around 20 items


_________ refers to the moment when an organism first learns to connect a neutral stimulus to an unconditioned stimulus. A. conditioning B. extinction C. spontaneous recovery D. acquisition


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