Psychology Unit 7

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_________ occurs when newly learned information prevents the retrieval of previously stored, similar information. Retroactive interference Explicit amnesia Proactive interference Implicit amnesia


According to Chomsky, the meaning of language can be found in the _______________ structure of a sentence. Surface Syntactic Phonetic Deep Dispositional


A standardization sample for developing a test: should be representative of all the types of people for whom the test is designed. is an early version of the test to determine questions that differentiate individuals. is a set of norms that will determine what score should be considered passing. should include people from all different age groups, ethnic groups, and genders. must include a standard set of directions for administering the test that all students will receive.


According to Sternberg, which of the following types of intelligence in his triarchic theory are measured by standard IQ tests? I. analytic II. Practical. III. Creative I only II only III only I and II only


Ned can no longer form any new memories after a car accident. He likely suffers from: anterograde amnesia proactive amnesia procedural amnesia retrograde amnesia script amnesia


Procedural memory would be affected by damage to the cerebellum. motor cortex. limbic system. amygdala hypothalamus


Since the 1930s, students have been exposed to more schooling, more technology, enriched environments, more practice with testing, and better nutrition. According to many scientitists, these factors would help explain the what concept which notes the substantial increase in fluid and crystallized intelligence scores since the 1930s? Flynn Effect Placebo Effect Halo Effect Standardization Effect Episodic Memory Localization


Thought that involves going from general principles to specific situations is called __________ reasoning. (All men are human, Tom is a man, therefore Tom is a human) . deductive inductive divergent intuitive fixated


Which process transfers information from sensory memory to short-term memory? Attention Cognition Differentiation Perception Sensation


Your ability to successfully complete routine tasks like returning library books on time, writing and submitting your college essays before the deadline, etc. most clearly relate to Prospective Memory Episodic Memory Semantic Memory Declarative Memory Procedural Memory


A comparison of the scores of African-American test takers to the scores of European-American test takers on current popular intelligence tests such as Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Stanford Binet indicates that: black students outperform white students on creative and practical intelligence scores. the difference between the means of scores between groups is larger than the range within groups adopted black children score higher than their biological siblings there is no difference between the scores of whites and blacks. the mean of black students is lower than the mean of white students.


A mail clerk has to rearrange mailboxes in a student dormitory and for a few days has difficulty sorting the mail since the out slots interfere with her memory of the new slots. This illustrates retroactive interference. proactive interference. the serial position effect relearning memory decay


A tendency to select wrong answers because they seem to match pre-existing mental categories is called intuition. representativeness heuristic. availability heuristic framing base rate


People often fail to make accurate generalizations because they are unduly influenced by ________ cases . randomly selected vivid representative the most frequently occurring


The tendency for humans to believe vague generalities about their personality through unscientific personality inventories and horoscopes most clearly relates to: Belief Perseverance Barnum Effect Availability Heuristic Algorithmic Thinking


The three stages of the Atkinson-Shiffrin process of memory are: iconic, echoic, encoding sensory, short term, long term shallow, medium and deep processing semantic, episodic, procedural cerebellum, temporal lobe, hippocampus


The two sentences "John solved the calculus problem" and "The calculus problem was solved by John" each contain the same __________________ structure. Syntax Deep Surface Sentence Heuristic


Working memory is associated with which of the following? sensory memory short term memory iconic memory long term memory integrated memory


A teacher finds the distribution of scores on a final exam to be positively skewed with low variability. On the basis of this information, the teacher would be most justified in concluding that a small number of students in the class didpoorly on the exam the students in her classroom have a very wide range of intellectual abilities the exam was too difficult the exam is not a reliable assessment tool most of her students are of above average ability


According to Freud, the only way to be free of repressed memories is to push them deep into the unconscious mind. eliminate interfering information. uncover them in therapy. go back to the place where they occurred. acknowledge your bias


Howard Gardner has theorized all of the following types of intelligence EXCEPT Interpersonal Intrapersonal Creative Musical


James is memorizing a list of tools to remember when he heads to home depot: screwdriver, hammer, nail, pitchfork, drill, rotor, wrench, wedge, and screws. If the law of primacy holds and he forgets the list, which of the following is Doug most likely to remember when he gets to the store? hammer, nail, pitchfork pitchfork, drill, rotor screwdriver, hammer, nail screwdriver, nail, wrench wrench, wedge, screws


Leon is an architect, he has been plotting out restaurants. For all of the restaurants in in the past Leon has worked the traffic flow in a clockwise manner. For the current restaurant this will not work, but Leon cannot think of another way to route the traffic. Leon is experiencing incorrectly identifying the problem. an anchoring bias. a mental set. divergent thinking. working backward.


Sternberg's concept of "successful intelligence" included all of the following except: Practical Intelligence Analytical Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Creative Intelligence


The best strategy by which to transfer information from working memory to long-term memory is to engage in repression. long-term potentiation. elaborative rehearsal. maintenance rehearsal. eidectic imagery.


The rules for ordering words in sentences are called grammar semantics syntax heuristics


Usually about 500 people attend the annual exquisite Irish food festival. This year however about 5000 people have attended because the word has spread that the boiled cabbage last year was 'out of this world.' Kelly who is organizing the event knows that there is usually 500 people there, while she knows more people are in attendance she estimates the crowd to be about 1000 people. She is probably underestimating the crowd due to the representativeness heuristic. self imposed limitations. the anchoring bias. mental set. cognitive maps.


Which of the following statements best describes forgetting, as characterized by Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve? We never forget. We forget at a constant rate. We forget rapidly at first and then more slowly as time goes on. We forget slowly at first and more rapidly as time goes on. Ebbinghaus�s method of relearning showed that we never really forget.


Which part of long term memory stores autobiographical memory? recognition memory eidectic memory episodic memory procedural memory semantic memory


__________ is the study of the meaning of words and language Linguistics Encoding Semantics Syntax Verbiage


Some people believe that psychology is all 'common sense' and that we already knew most of what research tells us about human nature. In reality we cannot make assumptions about human nature without doing research and collecting good data. The false belief that we already knew what psychology tells us is known as _______ the availability bias the anchoring bias ignoring base rates hindsight bias convergent thinking


The part of the brain most clearly involved in the creation of classically conditioned responses would be the _______________________________. Hippocampus Thalamus Hypothalamus Cerebellum


Which of the following is an example of metacognition? Memorizing 100 words in a foreign language Recognizing the faces of people after meeting them once Solving a complex problem in a slow, deliberate way Understanding the role of various parts of the brain in memory Knowing the effectiveness of different strategies for learning statistical formulas


Remembering to do a previously executed action at a specific time relates most clearly to: Episodic Memory Flashbulb Memory Semantic Memory Declarative Memory Prospective Memory


The value of generating positive first impressions in your initial interactions with a new employer is best underscored by the research on: overconfidence. functional fixedness. the framing effect. the representativeness heuristic. belief perseverance.


When you try to relate psychological terms you are learning in class to personal examples from your life. You are using the method of Loci. the phonological loop. maintenance rehearsal. Chunking. elaborative rehearsal.


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