PTI Practice Questions - Exam 1

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Awareness of safety measures during exercise protects the patient and the therapist. All of the following measures should be routinely taken to prevent injury to the patient and/or therapist except: A. recommend that the patient discontinue taking any medication that might impair balance or tolerance for physical activity B. maintain proper body mechanics while applying manual resistance, stretching, or joint-mobilization techniques C. assess the physical environment for adequate space and equipment D. provide the necessary feedback and education for proper performance of therapeutic exercise


In which of the following scenarios are the plantar flexors most likely able to generate the greatest force upon the calcaneus? A. eccentric contraction midway between plantar flexion and dorsiflexion B. concentric contraction midway between plantar flexion and dorsiflexion C. isometric contraction in fully dorsiflexed position D. isometric contraction in fully plantar flexed position


In which of the following scenarios is home exercise performance and adherence likely to be the best? A. 40 y/o mother of 4 receiving a single exercise with video-recorded feedback of her performance B. 80 y/o visually-imparied patient receiving written and verbal instruction C. 17 y/o athlete receiving written instructions in 5 exercises without practice D. 30 y/o cognitively impaired patient receiving verbal instruction without caretaker involvement


In which of the following situations is the torque of a system maximized? A. force applied perpendicular to segment as far as possible from the axis of rotation B. force applied perpendicular to segment through axis of rotation C. force applied parallel to segment as far as possible from axis of rotation D. force applied parallel to segment through axis of rotation


Maintaining posture for a prolonged period of time requires muscles that are slow to fatigue and able to make small adjustments in muscle tension. Therefore, muscles with a high percentage of ____________ muscle fibers would be very active during a maintained pressure. A. type 1 B. type IIX(B) C. type IIA D. type III


Progressing resistance and stretching exercises vigorously during the early subacute stage of soft tissue healing: A. decreases recovery time B. prolong the inflammation and promotes adhesion formation C. increases the strength of the healing tissues D. helps scar tissue resolve more quickly


Which of the following statements best describes the length-tension relationship of a muscle? A. the total amount of tension a muscle can develop is related only to the muscle's active tension B. during active concentric contraction, maximal tension is developed in the muscle's midrange C. during active shortening, no tension is present after all cross bridges have formed and the myofilaments are overlapping D. all of the above answers are correct


With regards to maximizing torque, which of the following is NOT true: A. torque of an external force can be increased by increasing the magnitude of the applied force B. torque of an external force can be increased by shortening the distance of the point of application of the force from the joint axis C. torque of an external force can be increased by applying the force perpendicular to the lever D. torque of an external force can be increased by increasing the distance of the point of application of the force from the joint axis


You are passively stretching the hip flexors of a patient in the position of prone hip extension and knee flexion. You later note that the patient demonstrates greater hip extension passive range of motion when you allow the knee to be straight during the stretching procedure. The reason for the improved hip extension PROM may be best explained by _____________________. A. elimination of active insufficiency that occurred during the original position B. elimination of passive insufficiency that occurred during the original position C. elimination of both active and passive insufficiency that occurred during the original position D. activation of passive insufficiency that occurred in the second position


A properly applied and progressed therapeutic exercise program should: A. follow a pre-established protocol in order to be consistent for all patients with the same diagnosis B. push the patient beyond his or her current stage of recovery in order to progress the healing process C. grade the exercise to the stage of recovery to stress the tissues safely D. begin with passive exercise, progressing to active assistive exercise, active exercise, and then resistive exercise by the third week after injury


In a patient's medical record you see "knee flexion contracture". What does this mean? A. the patient is unable to actively extend the knee through the full range of motion (ROM) despite full passive knee flexion B. the quadriceps muscle group is tight and limits full, passive knee flexion C. full passive knee extension limited D. the patient cannot actively contract the hamstrings to flex the knee


In an effort to improve knee extension range of motion, you position a patient in sitting with their foot supported on a stool and their knee in maximum available extension. What tissue property are you harnessing in placing a 10-lb weight across their knee while keeping them in this loaded position for 20 minutes? A. stress-relaxation B. hysteresis C. creep D. strain rate sensitivity


When assessing a new patient with an insidious onset of low back pain, you note that he has an appreciable loss of lumbar flexion ROM, noting only 30 degrees of excursion. You elect to perform mobilizations at his lumbar spine. Upon retesting his ROM, he demonstrates 52 degrees of lumbar flexion. This is an example of the following: A. subjective asterisk; within-session change B. subjective asterisk; between-session change C. objective asterisk; within-session change D. functional asterisk; between-session change


Which of the following best describes the paired motions of pronation and supination of the forearm in the anatomical position? A. around a vertical axis, in the frontal plane B. around a coronal axis, in the transverse plane C. around a vertical axis, in the transverse plane D. around a coronal axis, in the frontal plane


Which of the following interventions is most appropriate for chronic peripheral nerve injury? A. immobilzation B. desensitization C. training in compensatory function D. motor retraining


Which of the following is consistent with a joint's open-packed position? A. the intra-articular volume is minimized B. the ligaments and capsule are tightened C. there is minimal joint congruency D. dynamic safety is compromised


Which of the following is most likely to result from tensile loading of a peripheral nerve? A. decreased cross sectional area and decreased intraneural pressure B. increased cross sectional area and increased intraneural pressure C. decreased cross sectional area and increased intraneural pressure D. increased cross sectional area and decreased intraneural pressure


Which of the following is the least critical component to assess when it comes to adherence to home exercise programs? A. the amount of time it takes a patient to complete it B. the complexity of the exercise C. time of day the HEP is performed D. any adverse reactions to the exercise


To effectively manage soft tissue lesions during the subacute stage of tissue healing, the role of the therapist is critical. The objective of treatment during the moderate protection/controlled motion phase of rehabilitation should be to: A. control the pain and inflammation B. encourage the patient to permanently stop doing the activity that caused the injury C. maintain passive range of motion (PROM) D. introduce and progress stretching to increase mobility and alignment of newly forming scar tissue


What is the best method for determining the progression of exercise during the subacute stage of healing? A. increase range of motion 10 degrees each treatment session B. increase strength training by 1 lb each treatment session C. increase endurance exercises by 3 repetitions each treatment session D. let patient response guide the progression of exercise


When treating a patient with lumbar low back pain, you perform a thrust technique directed at the lumbar spine. Multiple available cavitations are heard during the technique and the patient demonstrates improved performance of trunk AROM afterward. Which justification would you give the patient when they asked how such a technique contributes to these changes? A. restores joint positions to more functional alignment B. reduces impingement upon neurovascular structures C. ruptures painful restrictive adhesions within joints D. alters input to the nervous system reducing sensitivity


Holding the magnitude of the load applied constant, which of the following is more likely to result in a ruptured rather than elongated ligament? A. longer ligament with slow loading B. longer ligament with rapid loading C. shorter ligament with slow loading D. shorter ligament with rapid loading


In Dr. Mintken's 2008 article in the Journal of Orthopaedics and Sports Physical Therapy "A Model for Standardizing Manipulation Terminology in Physical Therapy Practice," Dr. Mintken recommends using all of the following descriptors for manual therapy except: A. rate of force production B. relative structural movement C. location in range of available movement D. desired effect of treatment


When using NMES, Russian stimulation, or FES, the motor points are: - often located in the middle of the muscle belly? (T/F) - associated with the location under the skin where the motor nerve enters the muscle belly (T/F) - where the greatest contraction occurs with the least amount of electrical current (T/F)


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