PUB Exam 2 Review

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Which of these statements is most accurate about millennials?

As a generation, millennials care the most about sustainability.

Who is typically responsible for corporate brand management?

Chief Marketing Officer

What do most observers believe about companies speaking out about "hot button" social issues?

Companies should be quiet or be prepared for the backlash that comes with trying to engage customers in an issue.

The employees at Roger's Pet Store are given 4 hours of paid time off each week to volunteer in an animal shelter. This is an example of best practices in ______.

Employee Volunteer Programs

How does the concept of disclosure apply to media relations?

Everyone must get the same information simultaneously.

______ are in-depth documents providing accurate and timely information regarding a company and its financial health.

Quarterly and annual reports

______ conducted through videos can demonstrate relevance and personal fit with key stakeholders, and help reduce misperceptions about corporate social responsibility messages and the motivation behind them.


What did Starbucks state as the reason they quit writing "Race Together" on the cups after one week?

The initiative lasted for its intended run date and was simply a jumping off point in the conversation.

Which statement explains the Samsung Note 7 issue?

The issue shifted from a product crisis to a corporate crisis.

Which of the following reasons best describes why the Starbucks "Race Together" campaign was not well received?

The public thought race was inappropriate for a company to address with customers in a retail setting.

Which of the following best describes a lesson corporate communicators follow today to effectively communicate with LGBT audiences?

There is rich diversity within the LGBT community.

______ is a strategy of finding opportunities for executives to give speeches, get involved in research, or lead events so a company will be thought of as an expert within the industry.

Thought leadership

In advance of building its second headquarters in the U.S., Amazon will likely hire a public relations team to build community relations. What is the team's first step?

Understand the structure, strength and weaknesses of the community before setting objectives and goals.

Which of the following most likely occurs in a healthy organization?

Upper management shares business goals with employees.

According to a 2015 Pew Research study, which statement about social media usage is true?

Urban dwellers use social media more than rural residents.

In relation to issues management and crisis communications, what is a positive aspect of social media?

When monitored actively, social media offers an early warning of a crisis.

Research shows that the top driver of a company's reputation is its ability to provide quality products and services at a good value. What is the second strongest driver of a company's reputation?

a company's positive influence on society

According to the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, which of these community beautification programs would most help strengthen employee retention?

a corporate-funded "Parks and Planters" gardening program with employee volunteers and local school children

The most effective PR professional hired to build community relations is someone who is ______ at the local level.

already deeply involved

The crisis phase typically begins with which of the following?

an event that disrupts normal operations

Which term describes the process of issues management?


What is the main objective of PR activities during mergers and acquisitions?

attaining corporate unity

Which of the following enabled Taco Bell to avoid a PR disaster?

being transparent and aggressive

What is the broad goal of internal communications?

building and maintaining a strong organizational culture

Which of the following is an advantage of using social media for public relations?

can speak directly to a targeted audience without alterations by a media gatekeeper

When beginning discussions about corporate social responsibility, PR professionals often need to first counsel upper management on the benefits of relationship-building programs, and why they need to be aligned with ______.

corporate and stakeholder values

The attributes of a company that come to mind when you hear the name represents a ______.

corporate brand

Most often, the task of building and maintaining the corporate brand is the responsibility of the ______.

corporate communications team

Which of these is a key building block to engaging in successful, ongoing corporate social responsibility?

corporate fit

During which stage of the issue life cycle will a firm experience the most media coverage?

crisis stage

Which of the following would most likely lead to a litigation crisis?

customers being injured by products

Primary stakeholders have a(n) ______ interest in an organization.


Engaging in community relations may include meeting with public officials, religious leaders, special interest groups, educators and more, primarily to ______.

earn their trust

Engaging in corporate social responsibility also means being alert to ______ and how they may or may not affect a business' corporate social responsibility activities.

emerging social issues

Mike Paul, the Reputation Doctor, recommends which of the following tools for success in crisis communications?

emotional intelligence

Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy corporate culture?

empowered employees

Which of the following reduces the likelihood that a company will experience a crisis?

engaging in issues management

Socially Responsible Investors only consider investing in companies with a demonstrated track record of meeting or exceeding ESG criteria. What does ESG stand for?

environmental, social, and governance

Which of the following should be a component of both internal and external communication campaigns?

evaluating messaging outcomes

One strategic benefit to engaging in corporate social responsibility is the ______ which reinforces the need for initiatives that adapt well to social media.

excellent PR potential

Based on information in the text, what did both Samsung and Wells Fargo do during the crisis recovery stage?

expanded their social responsibility efforts

During a merger, what is the key role of the employee relations team?

facilitating organizational change

Tools such as internal social media and intranets enable a firm's PR team to do which of the following?

gather employee insights

Researching what customers believe and know about a company or product will assist public relations professionals develop corporate social responsibility messages that are communicated in a ______ voice.


Both community relations and corporate social responsibility anchor around a business being a ______.

good citizen

Tire Tent, a national franchise, states on every invoice and in every commercial that old tires are recycled into a long-lasting, flexible material used to pave roads in third world countries. A news outlet discovered the recycling process is still in development and recycled tires are currently being stored on barges traveling continuously throughout the Pacific Ocean. Although Tire Tent wasn't aware of the fraud behind the corporate mission, this is still an example of ______.


For the PR professional who specializes in community relations, being immersed in a business' surrounding community is key to ______ the business and making it more visible.


What are two reasons organizational branding is more critical than ever before?

increase in global competition and pervasiveness of online commerce

Which of the following is an advantage for a company going public?

increased awareness of the company and its products

The Wells Fargo cross-selling issue stemmed from which of the following?

ineffective management oversight

Fred owns a private company and he needs a steady funding source to finance its growth and expansion. He has decided to issue shares and sell them to the public with a(n) ______.

initial public offering

The term employee relations is synonymous with which of the following?

internal communications

Unlike Europe, which of these factors does not impact the decision for U.S. companies to engage in corporate social responsibility?


Which of the following illustrates a corporation's commitment to being socially responsible?

matching employees' charitable donations

Americans often see the motivation behind CEO activism as desiring ______.

media attention

Company X and Company Y unite into one new company—Company Z. Which term describes this situation?


When developing a social responsibility strategy, PR professionals will determine which stakeholders can both affect corporate operations and are ______.

motivated to act

Which of the following is an internal communications task?

motivating employees

Which of the following would be categorized as an organizational crisis?

nationwide product recall

Which of the following improves employee morale in an organization?

open lines of communication

Most employees at Madison Enterprises understand the company's culture and brand identity. Which term describes this understanding?

organizational clarity

Which term refers to a situation that threatens a company and its stakeholders, seriously impacts performance, and generates negative outcomes?

organizational crisis

Corporate social responsibility considers the triple bottom line by making public interest a part of an organization's business decisions. This includes honoring _____ , profit and people.


What are the stages of Coombs' crisis communication model?

precrisis -> crisis impact -> crisis recovery

Which of the following describes issues management?

preparing for problems in advance

One risk to corporate social responsibility is that activities could be perceived as ______ versus benefiting society or the environment.

promotionally motivated

In most cases, what is the primary goal of issues management?

protecting a company's reputation

The Nielsen 2015 Global Survey on CSR reinforced the connection between consumers' environmental concerns and ______.

purchase intent

What is a key internal communication task for PR professionals when supporting CSR programs?

recruiting employee volunteers

A Super Taco customer becomes ill after eating a burrito tainted with e-coli. Super Taco pays the customer's medical bills and gives the customer $500 in food vouchers. Based on Benoit's typology, what is Super Taco trying to accomplish?

reduce the offensive act

Based on Benoit's theory, a firm that uses puffery to build its image is attempting to do which of the following?

reduce the offensive act

Particular to corporate social responsibility, public relations professionals must plan activities that ______, and communicate these activities to key stakeholders.

reinforce a company's purpose

A company's newsletter is an effective tool for accomplishing which of the following?

reinforcing the firm's values

Because corporate social responsibility is connected to every area of an organization's operations, the outcome can have a significant impact on employee recruiting, corporate ______ and shareholder value.


Corporate social responsibility can positively impact an organization's ______, while CEO activism might risks negatively impacting it.


The practice of corporate branding is an outgrowth of ______ as a key function of corporate communicators.

reputation management

In Benoit's theory, which of the following occurs in the denial category?

shifting the blame to another party

In addition to regular shipping options, an online retailer now also offers customers drop-shipping to different locker locations through metropolitan areas as one way to help reduce the company's overall carbon footprint. This new shipping option represents which type of corporate social responsibility engagement?

socially responsible business practices

Choose one option that applies to all open answers: A strategically sound communications plan for corporate social responsibility will not only take into account ______ values, but also anticipate ______ expectations to best encourage ______


Measuring corporate social responsibility efforts includes examining the impact on end-recipients as well as how ______ perceive the activities


Developing and maintaining ______ is essential to building community relations.

strategic relationships

Formulating ______ for a corporate social responsibility client involves not only recommending how to best communicate CSR initiatives to stakeholders, but also which communication channels to use.


What should be the focus during the crisis impact stage of crisis communications?

supporting people affected by a crisis

Which of the following is essential for a healthy corporate culture?

supportive leadership

What should be the goal of a PR communicator when working with the media?

to produce an accurate, balanced story that represents the company's point of view

Effective issues management relies significantly on which of the following?

tracking emerging trends

Stakeholders are often the catalyst for more ethical behavior and ______ from organizations.


In communicating corporate social responsibility to key stakeholders, two-way, ______ dialogue is best, particularly when communicated via social media.


According to both Lukaszewski and Dexenhal, the media typically focus on which element of a crisis?


A PR professional who wants to engage an audience quickly and emotionally should use which of the following tools?

video storytelling

Corporate social responsibility can be defined as the sum of ______ taken by a company to address the impact of its business operations on the triple bottom line as well as its key stakeholders.

voluntary actions

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