Public Speaking 1315: Review for Final Exam

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What are some tips for rehearsing a speech?

-finish drafting the outline of your speech early -rehearse the speech aloud before writing speaker notes -time the speech -prepare speaking notes -rehearse the speech standing up and with an audience present to practice eye-contact -record/videotape the speech -rehearse using presentation aids -practice good delivery skills while rehearsing -be well rested/arrive early

What are some strategies for dealing with receptive, un-receptive, and neutral audiences?

-identify with the audience -state your objective clearly -make it easy for audience to act -be realistic about what your speech can accomplish -establish credibility -begin the speech with noting areas of agreement before launching into something that disagrees

What are some tips for responding to questions in a speech?

-prepare answers to anticipated questions -repeat/rephrase question -stay on message -respond to the audience and not the one person who asked the question -ask yourself a challenging question (ex. "Some of you may be wondering...") -listen non-judgmentally -neutralize hostile questions -admit it when you don't know the answer -be brief/use signposts to indicate when the Q&A session is ending


-sense of mental discomfort that prompts a person to change when new information conflicts with previously organized thought patterns -Ex. talking to listeners about existing problems that is inconsistent with their current problems; causes psychological discomfort

What are some guidelines to follow for effective gesture usage?

-stay natural/relaxed/not forced -be definite/not accidental -use gestures consistent with your message -vary gestures -don't overdo it -coordinate gestures with what you say -make your gestures appropriate to the audience/situation


-the process of changing or reinforcing attitudes, beliefs, values, or behavior -3 main methods defined by Greek philosopher Aristotle

What are 8 tips for ethically using emotion to persuade your audience?

-use concrete examples that help your listeners visualize what you describe (ex. vivid descriptions) -use emotion-arousing words -use nonverbal behavior to communicate your emotional response -use visual images to evoke emotion -use appropriate metaphors/similes -use appropriate fear appeals -consider using appeals to several emotions -tap audience's beliefs of shared myths

What are the 5 steps of Alan Monroe's motivate sequence organization plan for persuasive speeches?

1) Attention: get the audience's attention 2) Need: establish why your topic should concern your listeners 3) Satisfaction: identify how your solution will satisfy the need 4) Visualization: give the audience a sense of what it would be like if your solution worked 5) Action: tell your audience what specific actions they can take to implement the solution

What are the requirements for the two types of speaking situations that will likely arise in the workplace?

1) group presentations: understand the task, brainstorm solutions, answer questions 2) public-relations speeches: discuss the need/problem, explain how the company is working on fixing it, and anticipate criticism

What are the 9 types of ceremonial (epideictic) speeches?

1) introductions (introducing the main speaker) 2) toasts (wedding, birth of a baby, reunion) 3) award presentations (presenting an award to someone) 4) nominations (similar to award presentation; noting the occasion/describing the significance of the event,and the nominee) 5) acceptances (accepting of an award) 6) keynote addresses (given at the beginning of a meeting/conference; emphasizes importance of the topic, sets the theme for the conference) 7) commencement addresses (graduation) 8) commemorative addresses/tributes (given at ceremonies to celebrate a past event/people) 9) eulogies (funerals)

What are the 4 basic methods of delivering a speech?

1) manuscript: reading a speech from a prepared text 2) memorized: giving a speech from memory without using notes 3) impromptu: delivering a speech without preparing in advance 4) extemporaneous: knowing the major ideas, which have been outlined, but not memorizing the exact wording

What are the 6 functions of gestures?

1) repeating: help repeat verbal message (ex. hold up 3 fingers when you have 3 points to make) 2) contradicting: be careful that your nonverbal message does not clash with your verbal one 3) substituting: using a gesture instead of verbal cues (ex. holding up a hand to quiet a noisy audience) 4) complementing: add meaning to verbal message/augment meaning 5) emphasizing: give emphasis to what you say by using appropriate gestures (ex. shaking fist/slicing gesture) 6) regulating: regulate exchanges between speaker and audience (ex. extending palms to invite audience to respond to a question)

What are the disadvantages and advantages of the impromptu method of delivering a speech? Tips for delivery?

CONS: speech might be less organized and not as smoothly delivered PROS: you can easily adapt to your audience, audience hears an authentic, spontaneous speech TIPS: consider the audience, be brief, organize into an intro/body/conclusion, be honest and cautious

What are the disadvantages and advantages of the manuscript method of delivering a speech? Some tips for delivery?

CONS: speech will sound as though it's being read, takes a lot of skill to make it interesting PROS: carefully crafted messages and stylistically pleasing to the audience TIPS: use only upper two-thirds of the paper, establish eye-contact/use gestures, vary pitch in your voice so it doesn't sound like you're reading

What are the disadvantages and advantages of the extemporaneous method of delivering a speech? Tips for delivery?

CONS: takes more time to prepare and skill to deliver the speech well PROS: speech will likely be organized and well researched and sound spontaneous/polished TIPS: rehearse with lots of notes first, be careful not to use the same phrases over and over again, practice enough so that you only need brief notes

What are the disadvantages and advantages of the memorized method of delivering a speech? Tips for delivery?

CONS: you may forget your speech or sound over-rehearsed/mechanical PROS: lots of direct eye-contact, and you can move around freely/use gestures TIPS: establish eye-contact/use gestures, be careful not to sound too robotic

What are the benefits of effective eye-contact?

It opens communication with your audience, keeps them interested, and makes you more credible/trustworthy.


People are more likely to change their thinking if they know it will benefit them in a good way, versus if they think something bad will happen to them if they don't listen to the speaker.


general method of persuasion that involves presenting credible information/establishing speaker credibility


general method of persuasion that involves the use of appeals to human emotion


general method of persuasion that involves using rational, logical arguments to persuade someone

problem-solution organizational pattern

make the audience aware of the problem, then present a solution that clearly solves it


outline for basic human needs; speech can appeal to audience's (sometimes unmet) needs for security, comfort, socializing, self-esteem, etc.


the theory that people can be persuaded by logic, evidence, reasoning, or through speaker credibility, arguments presented, or emotional appeals

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