public speaking chapter 6 review
Which of the following is a primary source of information about Dr. Tracy Adams research?
A journal article written by Dr. Adams about her research.
interview guide
a list of all the questions and possible probes an interviewer asks in an interview, as well as notes about how the interviewer will begin and end the interview
primary question
a question that introduces a new topic or subtopic in an interview
leading questions
a question that suggests the answer the interviewer seeks
secondary question
a question thats asks the interviewee to elaborate on a response
A source's complete citation, including author, date of publication, title, place of publication, and publisher is called________________.
bibliographic information
As Mary is finishing her research interview, she quickly summarizes the main points of the interview and thanks the interviewee for her time. Mary was using which of the following interviewing strategies?
closure statement
Which of the following is NOT discussed in your textbook as a step in the research process?
constructing your own research
T or F. When documenting sources in your bibliography you need to list the author's last name and then their first initial—NOT full first name—when using MLA STYLE.
Metasearch engines should be used when you want to find:
general information about your topic
how recent information in- the more recent, the more current
You should __________________________before using any files that you have downloaded from the Internet.
read the copyright information
Becoming an expert on your topic will
reduce your speech anxiety, allow you to determine the reliability of what you know, allow you to determine the credibility of your original source.
the consistency and credibility of information from a particular source
The portion of the World Wide Web composed of specialty databases that are not accessible by traditional search engines is called_________.
the deep web
T or F. Accessing the real-time web provides you with current information for your speech.
T or F. According to your textbook it is best to go to an interview with prepared questions.
apa style ex:
Moran, M. (2008). Do it wrong quickly: How the web changes the old marketing rules. Upper Saddle River, NJ: IBM Press.
MLA style ex:
Pais, Joana. "Speech Anxiety and Rapid Emotional Reactions to Angry and Happy Facial Expressions." Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 48 2007: 321-328.
oral citations
a source of information that a speaker mentions, or cites, during a speech
bibliographic information
a sources complete citation
copyright information
a statement about the legal rights of others to use an original work, such as a song, story, poem, photograph or image
a term associated with a topic and used to search for information related to that topic
a web log that a writer updates regularly with topical entries
Cindy mentioned her professor during her speech as a source of information. This mention is called _______.
an oral citation
neutral question
an unbiased question seeking a forthright answer
Which of the following is an additional resource for you to utilize during your research?
deep web, blogs, real-time web
According to your textbook the first step in preparing to research your topic is to _______________________________.
examine your own experiences
T or F. According to your textbook the "deep web" contains websites that are usually accessible through search engines like Google.
T or F. According to your textbook, due to the advances in technology and information on the Internet, books are not a key source of information for your speech.
T or F. As you conduct your research, try to focus on one perspective in order to reinforce your assumptions.
T or F. Information found in an encyclopedia is an example of a primary source.
T or F. Libraries are no longer useful in the age of internet research.
T or F. Most search engines are able to access all of the websites on the Internet.
T or F. When conducting an interview to gather research for your speech your first step is to select the interviewees.
According to your textbook, which of the following would NOT be considered a reference work?
government publications
secondary sources
info that expresses an authors original ideas or findings from original research
When researching your topic, you want information that has currency. This means
information up to date
Which of the following will help make researching your topic a more productive experience?
keeping accurate records, scheduling research time, starting early
One of the questions Nick asked during his interview with a nuclear physicist was, "Wouldn't you agree that the benefits of nuclear power out way the risks?" This is what type of question?
As a general rule, your interview questions should be
neutral and open ended
Which of the following print mediums contains the most current information about most topics?
Sarah is preparing to interview film director Ed Buhr about his latest work. If Sarah wants to ask unbiased and impartial questions to solicit a forthright answer she should ask ____________ types of questions.
open ended
primary sources
others interpretations or adaptations of a primary source
Sally wants to use the computer to research her speech topic. To do so, she will need to develop ________ to properly guide the search engines she will use.
particular keywords
the soundness of the logic underlying information presented by a source
T or F. According to your textbook, in researching your speeches you generally want to use primary sources.
T or F. According to your textbook, today's audiences expect speakers to integrate audio, visual and multimedia resources into their speeches.
T or F. According to your textbook, when evaluating your research materials you need to check the validity of the information.
T or F. According to your textbook, when writing interview questions, in general, your questions should be neutral and open-ended.
T or F. Blogs often contain videos and audio files as well as text.
T or F. It is important to include a conclusion preview in your interview guide.
T or F. Search engines use sophisticated software programs that hunt through computer documents to locate those associated with particular keywords.
T or F. When documenting sources in your bibliography you need to list the author's last name and then their first initial—NOT full first name—when using APA STYLE.
T or F. You should choose your keywords carefully and consider alternatives to your original choice in order to produce a range of results.
Questioning the logic of an authors' conclusions or whether or not they provide adequate evidence is questioning the _________ of the authors' information
The following type of information is found in the Real-time Web:
videos, photos, microblogs