public speaking chapters 7-10
best resource to find recent articles published in scholarly journals
academic database
what is a research aid that catelogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
academic database
transitions, internal previews, internal summaries, and signposts are examples of what
the audiences perception of whether the speaker is qualified to speak on the given topic
using expert testimony is an excellent way to lend what to your speeches
MLK Jr's conclusion of "I Have A Dream" is an example of what
crescendo ending
when a speaker concludes a speech by fading out on an emotional note, they are using what time of ending
when advocating a highly unpopular position,it is particularly important to do what in the introduction
establish goodwill
basic objectives of a speech introduction
gain attention/interest of audience reveal topic establish credibility/goodwill preview body of speech
telling a story, asking a question, making a startling statement, and arousing curiosity are all methods of what
gaining attention/interest
best source of info about federal, state, local, and tribal governments in the US
government resources
recommendations for preparing main points
keep points separate use the same pattern of wording balance the amount of time devoted to each point
two major functions of speech conclusions
let audience know you're ending reinforce audiences understanding of, commitment to, the central idea
last part of a speech introduction usually does what
preview statements
if you need a quotation to use in your speech conclusion, which would be the best reference source to consult
quotation books
what do examples do to help a speaker
reinforce, personalize, and clarify ideas
even when using interest-arousing lures in introductions the speech should still do what
relate topic to the audience
brief statements that help listeners follow your ideas by indicating exactly where you are in the speech
sign post
way to reinforce the central idea in a speech conclusion
summarize speech end with quotation make a dramatic statement refer to introduction
what should you do when taking research notes
take plenty of notes record consistently separate entry for each note distinguish among direct quotes, paraphrases, and personal ideas
most important reason for limiting the number of main points
the audience has trouble sorting them out
exact info you should include in an oral citation during a speech depends on what
topic audience the claim you're making supportive material
words or phrases that indicate when a speaker has completed one thought and is moving on to another
what tips for using statistics are explained in your textbook
use to quantify ideas use them sparingly identify sources explain statistics round off complicated statistics use visual aids to clarify trends
you can make google search more precise by doing what
using quotation marks