Public Speaking Final

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The speaker should state the source of the quotation used in an introduction before giving the quotation.


"Be thankful, be gracious, be short" is good advice for a _________.

speech of acceptance

Which is not a general purpose for a speech?

to articulate

The content of the eulogy is for the audience, not the deceased.


Which type of speech delivery is utilized by the people like the President at the State of the Union?


If you were going to give a speech on the average number of A grades freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors got in Spring 2016 at your college, which graph would be best?

Bar graph

Where would you not be likely to hear a toast?

Convention presentation

Which is true about a fact?

Someone can cite who discovered the fact and how other authorities have supported it

Which is not a barrier to listening given in the textbook?

speaker's use of personal anecdotes

Speeches that are read to the audience are _____ speeches.


The statement the textbook uses to discuss the controversial nature of language is ____.

He who defines the terms wins the debate.

Which best defines a special occasion speech?

a speech designed to address and engage the context and audience's emotions at a specific event

Which is the best approach to dealing with the difficulty of persuading audiences?

all of a-c

This is a portion from Dr. King's I Have A Dream Speech. "One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land Which rhetorical devices does he use?

both a and c AKA Figurative language and metaphors alliteration

Which of the following is not a psychographic characteristic according to textbook?


A speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my audience the evidence supporting that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy in a conspiracy" is a viable informative speech topic.


According to the textbook, fear appeals are ineffective except in extreme situations, when the audience is particularly hostile.


Since race is such a controversial subject, the speaker should not consider it as part of analyzing the audience.


You are unlikely to give many special occasion speeches unless you are in sales, business, or marketing.


Which statement is true about the action step in Monroe's Motivated Sequence?

it should specify immediate, small actions that can be taken to address the problem

What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the sequence of steps in getting a tattoo"?


A directional microphone is one that only picks up a speaker's voice when coming from a specific direction.


Statistics include numerical facts, ratios, percentages, and more complex ways of analyzing and comparing numerical data.


Which of the following are true about practice?

All of the above.

The basic philosophy behind using Maslow's hierarchy of needs in speech preparation is

An audience will not be motivated at a level higher than what they are currently experiencing.

Which of these statements is not true?

Empathetic listening takes place when listening to music, poetry, or literature.

How might you best approach a speech about Area 51 in Roswell, New Mexico (rumored site of suspected alien activity)?

It can be an informative speech if you look equally at both sides, pro and con, of whether aliens were there.

The factor of attention "proximity" relates to which of the following:

Your audience sits close together and is not far from you as the speaker.

A connotative meaning for "red" could be _______.

All of a-c

Generally, a metaphor has more strength and effectiveness than a simile.


Language is tool used by humans that is separate from their identities.


Which is most abstract?

kitchen furnishings

The time that you probably will not spend on research for a special occasion speech should be spent on _____.


"A series of speeches by experts in front of an audience with possible question-and-answer afterward is a ____________."


The members of an audience the speaker most wants to persuade and who are likely to be receptive to persuasive messages constitute the

target audience

One of the problems with a small audience is _____.

the audience's feeling they can interrupt

This textbook's preferred model of communication is


The branch of philosophy that involves determinations of right and wrong is a definition for


"The main cause of climate change is human activity" is a proposition of


An introvert is unlikely to become an effective public speaker.


Because of PowerPoint changing slides, you do not need verbal transitions.


Freedom of expression is primarily an individual right and necessity.


"Decode" is the process of the listener or receiver understanding the words and symbols of a message and making meaning of them.


Props might be appropriate for ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______.

an after-dinner speech

Which of these is an example of writing style as a test of a website?

all of a-c AKA loaded language errors use of name-calling

"They found themselves in hot water when they got cold feet about the revenue -enhancing project" is an example of

all of the above

Mary wants to use a short survey to prepare her class speech. Her thesis is "Drivers over the age of 75 should be retested to renew their drivers licenses every two years." Her first question is "Do you oppose or support stricter regulations on elderly drivers to keep the roads safer?" Critique her first question.

It is not good because the wording is biased.

A straw man argument takes place when

a speaker takes a weak or faulty but small part of an opponent's position and blows it up out of proportion.

What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the life of Mother Teresa"?


Where would you be likely to hear a eulogy?

memorial service

Which is a researched-based observation about how men and women communicate differently?

men are socialized to solve problems even when it's not expected.

Which statement is true about speaker credibility?

Citing reliable sources can add to your credibility as a speaker.

Which of the following is true about using a microphone?

Clip-on style microphones work fine as well as you don't look down and speak directly into it.

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? "Eliminating the space program is clearly the right thing to do. A recent poll by CBS polling organization showed that 65 percent of Americans thought we should abolish the program."

bandwagon or appeal to popularity

Humor is never appropriate in a eulogy.

it depends

The relationship or connection a speaker makes with the audience is _____.


A major difference between a typical persuasion speech and a motivational speech is ______.

the motivational speech depends mainly on emotional arousal.

Sounds and words such as "uh" or "you know" or "like" are called ___.

vocalized pauses

What should a presentation speech include?

two of a-c AKA what the award involves (money, etc.) why the recipient is being awarded it

Manuscript speeches are best for _____.

very formal occasions where exact wording is needed

Aristotle explained the concept of ethos as one of the sources of persuasion, in the Greek Classical Age.


Monotone voice can come from lack of energy and passion and reading the text of the speech.


One of the important things to work on in practicing with an audience is eye contact.


"We will fight them on the beaches; we will fight them on the seas" is an example of


The analogy used in the textbook for explaining supporting material is a ____________.


This definition: "Diabetes is a disease affecting the endocrine system" is an example of

classification and differentiation

________ is sharing meaning between two or more persons.


Organization of speech ideas and materials involves three steps, in this order: ordering, labeling and subordinating.


Parallelism is a requirement for organized speeches.


Since the commencement speech is about the graduates, speakers should refrain from referring to themselves or their own experiences.


Special occasion speeches, because of the context, generally do not need the same type of considerations such as main ideas, transitions, and conclusions.


What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the how the meanings of libel and slander are different in the United States and United Kingdom?"

ideas or concepts

"Information that has been compiled, filtered, edited or interpreted in some way" defines

secondary sources

A definition could be thought of as _____.

setting limits on a word or phrases meanings.

Which is good advice for constructing a survey for researching your speech?

Try to include all the options that would be relevant for multiple-choice questions

This is a portion from Dr. King's I Have a Dream Speech. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." This portion uses which rhetorical devices? (check all that apply)

antithesis alliteration

Speeches should contain from three to six main points.


The first step to becoming a better listener is to bring paper and pencil to each listening event.


Which is the best pair of specific purpose/central idea statements, according to the textbook.

To inform my classmates of the origin of the hospice movement./Hospice was begun in England after WWII by Dame Cicely Saunders to allow specialized care for the dying.

Which of the following is not one of the canons of rhetoric?


Planned redundancy is not relevant to introductions and conclusions.


Many people make say negative things about President Trump on Twitter. Why is this not defamation?

he is a public person

Which statement is true about listening, according to textbook?

Our preparation beforehand influences our listening ability.

What does the "fair use" standard mean?

Since students aren't making money from a source that they use in a speech or paper, it is all right to use the material appropriately and with proper citation.

Models of communication are helpful in understanding it, but limited because ___

communication is a dynamic process

To create interesting language in a special occasion speech, use a thesaurus for synonyms.


The three parts of a syllogism are major premise, minor premise, and conclusion.


To "read laterally" means to read what other sources say about the material or source of the information.


Using research properly relates to the ethics and credibility of a speech.


The correct name for a raised platform or stage is ____.


If you construct a survey in your class about your speech topic and get your classmates' opinions, that is

primary research

Several fallacies are related to causal reasoning. Which one of these is NOT related to causal reasoning.

red herring

In which of these special occasion speeches would humor be the most important aspect?


Which of the following is not true?

Public speaking is a valuable way to relay a significant amount of detailed information to your audience.

Audiences are asking two basic questions while listening to a speaker.

Why is this topic important to me/Why should I listen to the speaker?

The difference between a simile and metaphor is that _____.

a and b are correct AKA a simile uses "like" or "as" and metaphors do not metaphors are more direct comparisons and therefore generally more powerful

A speech with the specific purpose: "To describe for my audience the battles of World War II in the Pacific" is a viable topic for an informative speech.


It is effective to use your laptop or iPad for notes in your speech.


"Rhetoric" is the word originally used for

public speaking

If you are called upon to give an impromptu speech, what should you keep in mind?

quickly plan a basic structure to keep you on track

A speaker's credibility is improved by use of clear and respectful language.


What word means "statements that cannot be argued"?


Our understanding of the concept of ethos today is somewhat different from Aristotle's in that we understand it as based in the audience whereas he saw it as an innate characteristic of the speaker.


Ned wants to give a speech in his class about a subject he is very interested in, his band. He feels he is an expert because of his experience. His specific purpose is "To inform my classmates why starting a band is a cool idea." Which of the following is a reasonable response to this specific purpose statement?

He needs to reword the specific purpose statement mostly to focus on the communication word being fulfilled in the speech.

What is the idea behind the canons of rhetoric?

It is a traditional way of explaining the process of public speaking.

Which of these statements is true about listening?

Listening involves making an effort to process and retain information.

The acronym WIIFM refers to

The audience asking why the subject/purpose is important to them.

Which of the following statements is true, according to the textbook?

The audience will not see your nervousness to the degree you feel it.

Which is true of your audience in terms of organization of speeches?

There are limits to the amount of categories or "points" that an audience can keep in their minds.

The type of speech delivery we use in this class is


When people talk about being frightened by public speaking, they are mostly afraid of the preparation part.


You should start your preparation for the after-dinner speech by finding all the humorous material you can on your main topic.


Which is good advice on using humor?

Practice your humor (whether joke or story) before others before using it in the speech.

How is correctly citing in a speech different from in a paper?

In a paper, the reader can look at the references page for full information on a source, but listeners can't.

Which of the following does not fall into the realm of plagiarism, according to cited in the textbook?

Paraphrasing a source that you cite

Although beginning speakers should be sure to have connective statements, more accomplished speakers do not need them.


Which is not an example of feedback?

the temperature in the room

Your instructor will probably want you to present your speech extemporaneously because _______.

it is the most common and practical method of delivering a speech

Which of the following is suggested for addressing anxiety about public speaking?

Examine your own thoughts about why you are anxious.

Why is organization important to a speech?

Good organization benefits speaker credibility.

Which statement is true about process-oriented speeches?

They may either be designed for information purposes only or for the audience to perform the process.

The meaning of encode is ___.

the process of the sender putting his/her thought and feelings into words or other symbols

The meaning of connotative is ___.

the subjective or personal meaning a word or symbol evokes in people together or individual

The idea of "free marketplace of ideas" originated a____.

17th century England

Speeches are classified by purposes of to inform, to persuade, and a third category. Which type of speech fits into the third category?

a eulogy at a funeral

The introduction of the speech should be

About 10-15% of speech time

The value of a strong preparation outline is ____.

All of a-d

Juana starts her speech like this: "Love is the most important human emotion. Webster's Dictionary defines love as an intense feeling of deep affection. We all need love in our lives. Parents with children, friends with friends, husbands and wives. Where would we be without love? My speech today will look at how you can express your love more clearly to those around you." Which of the following is true about her introduction?

She resorts to a pedantic method of introducing her topic.

The word used by the Roman scholars of rhetoric, "invention" comes from a word that means _____.

to discover

What is meant by "extemporaneous speech?"

A speech based on an outline, which provides flexibility in preparation and delivery.

Using another person as a visual aid is effective if:

All of the above

Which is an example of the concept of "chunking"?

Combining a series of 15 steps into 4 basic categories of steps in a demonstration speech.

Which of the following is a good use of statistical material in a speech?

Comparing large numbers to more recognizable concepts, like the national debt to the distance to the moon.

John orders some parts from his car from a big online parts warehouse. In January he gets the delivery but it is not what he ordered, so he has to send it back and deal with customer service. In April he tries again with a different part, and again the company makes a mistake. "I am never going to order parts from an online company again. All they do is mess up." What can we conclude from this example?

John has used faulty inductive reasoning because he has taken too large of a step from the evidence to the conclusion.

Why might the study of language be controversial?

Language can be used by the powerful in ways that extends their power.

Which is a lesson we can learn from the quotation about communication from Johann Goethe, the German philosopher?

One reason for studying public speaking is to become aware of the potential for public speaking's limitations or "noise" factors.

The 7X7 rule means

PowerPoint slides should limit the number of rows of text and length of words to 7x7.

Why is the following specific purpose statement not viable? "To inform my class about the events preceding the second world war."

This specific purpose is too broad.

Benjamin wants to deliver a informative speech on his favorite topic, comics. Which specific purpose is probably best?

To explain to my classmates the evolution of Batman's character from his creation to the Dark Knight trilogy.

Why should you avoid clichés?

all of a-c AKA Some of them are not understood even though people use them a lot. They are predictable and therefore stale. Some of them can be offensive to some ethnicities

What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the types of clubs in a golfer's bag"?

categories or divisions

What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: To explain to my classmates the four characteristics of a diamond?

categories or divisions

A literal analogy compares two things that are essentially different but have one or two superficial similarities, while a figurative analogy compares two essentially alike things.


An informative speech can under some circumstances have opinion as its basis.


Emotional expression is inappropriate in special occasion speeches.


Stereotyping your audience is helpful in public speaking for constructing appeals for your audience and in saving time.


In terms of public speaking, how should you approach using animals and persons as presentation aids?

get permission from the person and forewarn the instructor and audience about animals in the room.

What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To inform my audience about the legal definition of privacy"?

ideas or concepts

Speeches that are given with little or no preparation, "spur of the moment" are _____.


What type of connective is this? "So far in the speech I have discussed the purpose of the Eifel Tower in French history and who its designers were."

internal summary

"After a serviceman or woman leaves the military, he or she must find a use for the MOS." This is an example of ____.


This is a valid argument. "All tall people are from a European background. Benjamin is over 6'5". He is therefore from a European background."


Use of manuscript speaking requires ____

practice to achieve an animated voice

John uses the word "deleterious" when speaking about side effects of a medicine to an audience of senior citizens. Should he?

probably not

Speech topics such as supporting the police, buying a security system, or investing for retirement appeal to the ____ level of Maslow's hierarchy.

safety and security needs

Which of these is a common error in speech introductions?

speaking as one approaches the platform or lectern

A chart is mainly different from a graph in that a graph deals with numerical data using dots, bars, and lines while a chart can deal with other data.


An example of trying to reinforce an attitude or action would be a political speaker urging the audience to be sure to vote on Election Day for a specific candidate.


If your instructors ban electronic devices, they have evidence for doing so other than personal preference.


Inside or personal jokes are not helpful for some special occasion speeches, such as roasts, toasts, and after-dinner.


It is possible to use one organizational pattern for the main points and another for the subpoints.


One of the problems with smaller audience size is that audience members may feel it is all right to interrupt.


The importance of ethics of communication has been debated since at least the classical Greeks' time.


This is a portion of an article on Malcolm X that Barry wants to use for a speech on the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. It is from the book by Bruce Perry, Malcolm: The Life of the Man who Changed Black America, written in 1992: "Malcolm X fathered no legislation. He engineered no stunning Supreme Court victories or political campaigns. He scored no major electoral triumphs. Yet because of the way he articulated his followers' grievances and anger, the impact he had upon the body politic was enormous." Which of the following would be a correct, non plagiarizing use of the source?

Bruce Perry said of Malcolm X that, "because of the way he articulated his followers' grievances and anger, the impact he had upon the body politic was enormous."

Which statement is true about the place of the central idea in actually giving the speech?

It comes after the attention-getting material.

Manuel wants to do a really good job on his speech on horror movies of the 1920s, which requires at least five reliable sources. He uses the library's database of books and scholarly articles to find five or six good sources. He comes up with his own basic outline and then fills it in with the facts and examples from the articles. When it goes through the originality checker software for his class, it comes up flagged as 70% borrowed. What should Manuel do?

Revise his outline so that he summarizes the quotations from other sources.

Which of the following is not a type of or aspect of plagiarism, according to the book?

Using some of the sources in a speech that you used in a paper for another class.

What is the acronym the textbook author uses to explain that speakers should consider their audience's needs and interests in developing speech topics?


"To persuade my fellow communication majors to take part in a for-credit internship in their senior year" is a good specific purpose statement.

Yes, it is in the right format and specific

In which of these special occasion speeches would humor be the most important aspect?

after-dinner speech

The meaning of listening is ___.

an active process of making an effort to understand, process, and retain

Which of these is not a contributing factor to a speaker's credibility?


"The act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person" is an adequate and complete definition of plagiarism.


A rhetorical question is used to get the audience to respond and start discussing the topic among themselves.


All of the philosophers cited in the text would have agreed with "the ends justify the means" in some form.


In the communication process, one person does the encoding and the other person does the decoding.


Learning from other public speakers, and emulating their techniques, is unethical.


One tip for preparation that the textbook suggests is _________.

to eat protein for breakfast

"Fair use" is a part of copyright law that says students in classrooms can use a small amount of borrowed material in their assignments, such a quoting a popular song, since they aren't making money from it.


The specific purpose statement has three sections: the specific communication word, the target audience, and the content


Which is not a common error in speech introductions?

using a startling statistic in the first line

Manuel wants to do a really good job on his speech on horror movies of the1920s, which requires at least five reliable sources. He uses the library's databaseof books and scholarly articles to find five or six good sources. He comes up withhis own basic outline and then fills it in with the facts and examples from thearticles. When it goes through the originality checker software for his class, itcomes up flagged as 70% borrowed. In this example, did Manuel plagiarize?


Which of the following is not an element of the process of communication?


Of the types of speech delivery, which is the most impractical for students in a speech class?


The term from classical rhetoric, "invention" is essentially the process of

Choosing the particular message and approach for the audience and situation.

Which is the correct order of the credibility that an audience experiences toward a speaker during a speech?

Initial credibility, derived credibility terminal credibility

The idea that "any behavior we engage in should be what we think everyone else on the planet should do ethically" is a paraphrase of

The Categorical Imperative

What is missing from this definition of public speaking, according to the textbook? "A face-to-face attempt to inform, persuade, or entertain a group of people through words, physical delivery, and visual or audio aids."

a and b above the concept of organization the concept of intentionality or purposefulness

Similarities between the audience and the speaker have no effect on the speaker's credibility with the audience.


The philosophy of existentialism emphasizes that we are trapped by systems of other people and have limited control over our choices.


Cicero formulated the canons of rhetoric. Which is the correct order?

invention, organization, style, memory, delivery

What is the main value of extemporaneous speaking?

it allows flexibility to add or subtract points or information

Which statement is not necessarily true about a central idea statement?

it is identical to a thesis statement as you would do for English Composition class.

"The attitude of audience toward the speaker based on both reality and perception" is a definition of


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