Public Speaking Final

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Confidence or conviction you have in the existence or truth of some proposition is considered

A Belief

When speakers establish a direct relationship between two events, they should use the

A cause-effective pattern

If the deductive argument is structured as "Either A or B; Not A; Therefore B," it is labeled as:

A disjunctive syllogism.

an example of a central idea(thesis) is

A hot air balloon rise will increase enjoyment in life

Which of the following is NOT a type of informative speaking?

A speech telling the students good reasons to donate blood

Stories are effective forms of support in a presentation because they allow you to create a situation that illustrates the point you are making to the audience. Which of the following is a guideline to consider when using a story during a speech?

All of the above

The concept that suggests that people make choices between options based not on preferences, but rather internal consistency among the options is called

Arbitrary Coherence

A process of advancing claims supported by good reasons and allowing others to test those claims and reasons or to offer counter arguments


. Which of the following is an essential element of assessing for listening, comprehension, and critical listening ?

Assessing structure of ideas

The tendency to respond positively or negatively to people, objects of ideas


In persuasion, your rhetorical strategies should be selected according to expected

Audience Response

The use of Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees to sell a particular brand of sports product might reflect the fallacy of appeal to..


Everyone agrees that the customer is always right is an example of the...

Bandwagon fallacy

what type of visual aid is effective at making statistics information more effective to listeners.

Bar Graph

According to the textbook, when speaking to an unmotivated, unknowledgeable audience, the higher your credibility, the _______ your chances are of being a successful persuader.


An extemporaneous speech is

Carefully Prepared

Which of these is NOT a key objective of informative speaking?

Changing negative attitudes

Which of the following in NOT A GUIDELINE FOR INFORMATIVE speeches?

Choose a topic that is not very difficult

A statement that judges whether something is right or wrong.

Claim of value

If a speech to inform leaves the audience confused largely due to the effect of poor organization and imprecise language, the speaker likely devoted too little attention to the feature of.


The use of preliminarily and final summary in a speech indicates what principle of effective word choice?


Which of the following is NOT a step in Monroe's Motivated Sequence?

Concluding with finality

John is delivering a speech on the aspects of the Vietnam War through use o f mass media. What should john use to help his audience better understand speech?

Construct Visualization

All of the following are imperative for studying public speaking except

Consumer imperative

The major challenge of manuscript delivery in speech is

Conversational manner

"All Americans are motivated by success. bob Jenkins is an american therefore he must be motivated by success" This is an example of....

Deductive Reasoning

Thinking about your audience according to cultural populations they represent, such as sex, ethnic or socioeconomic groupings, is

Demographic Analysis

which of the following statements is most accurate about dialects

Dialects are based on regional or ethnic patterns

When we listen to a message for the purpose of drawing conclusions from the way the message is presented rather than from what is said, we are engaged in what type of listening?

Discriminative listening

Valuative framing is used

Ethics to deliver the message

A players batting average is figured by dividing the number of hits he has received by the number of times he has been at bat. This is an example of what form support?


Affect displays are generated most generally through

Facial expressions

"This college is complying with the government's 'Disabilities act'" is a claim of:


A fallacy is a flaw in the motivational properties of an argument:


A rhetorical question is one that is asked while expecting a direct verbal response.


Always save your strongest point until last so you can build up to it and end in the most impressive way possible


Applying general truth to specific situations is called "introduction"


Because you are just learning the skills of public speaking, how you dress for your classroom speeches doesn't matter at all


Facts cannot be disputed


It is important for you, the speaker, to learn to use notes in a way that listeners should never be aware you are using notes


Motive Cluster is a group of individual appeals which are grounded on the same fundamentals of human motivation.


The easiest ways to persuade people is to show them that their values are wrong


Visual material aids listening comprehension and not listening retention of info.


"Last summer I received poor service on Podunk Airlines. This summer my mother was bumped of a flight. This airlines has terrible service" Which Fallacy of reasoning occurs in this example?

Hasty Generalization

Language that evokes sensory responses in the imagination


The statement- "The riptide grabbed me and pulled me under. The board bashed against my ribs, emptying my lungs.I could feel the sand and grit in the water rushing by me. I struggled to rise as the water dragged me down" is an example of...


What type of speech that is given on the moment with little preparation


Carol has a friend who likes University X. On a visit to campus she meets forty students, all but one of whom likes the University- and that one simply doesn't like school. She concludes that university X is a good school. This is...


Most speeches text identify 3 general purposes

Inform, Persuade, and Entertain

When a persuader assigns a trait, attitude, or belief to a person and then makes a request of that person consistent with the trait, attitude, or behavior, this is called the _________technique.


Structure principle for organizing the body of an oral report is to select an organizational pattern best suited to needs of


The approach to persuasion that appeals to an individual logic is


Daniel is a Jehova's Witness who, based on his religious principle, refuses to pledge to the United States flag. His classmates harass him for his refusal. He feels it would be so much easier just to say the pledge and get the rest of the kids off his back. The difficulty David is experiencing relates to which strategy for communicating unity through diversity.

Maintaining self-identity when facing differences.

In deductive reasoning, "denying the consequence" is labeled.

Modus Tollens

Of the several essential qualities of informative speeches, perhaps the most important is.

Motivating the Audience

When you recognize that a country such as the United States possesses not a unitart culture but several subcultures, you are focusing on


__________ as explained by Aristotle is a persuasive strategy which uses cultural story lines as a means of helping audiences identify and agree with the speakers argument


If someone were to change a politician's opposition to an important law was due to the political action committee money he had received, they would be employing the Fallacy of...

Name Calling

What is wrong with the use of following stats? "You should wear your seat belt. Last year 1043 people died.

No Source is cited

Erica employs fear and sympathy in her speech about second-hand smoke. What type of proof is she using?


These speeches incorporate facts and values support

Policy speeches

Which of the following is NOT a trigger factor as explained in classroom lecture on persuasive strategies?


Logical fallacies in a speech affect its perceived


RRA Technique in listening stands for

Review Relate Anticipate

Bob is not good at math and science, but he is forced to take a physics class. bob also heard john is really dull and boring lecturer. which barrier to effective listening is likely to play and important role in bobs ability to do well

Self Fulfilling prophecy

Recycling should be made mandatory because products would be reused instead of being wasted. Which fallacy of reasoning occurs in this example?

Sequential Fallacy

A fallacy linked between causal reasoning

Sequential fallacy

Which of the following is a question of policy?

Should alcohol use on campus be controlled

The saying, "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning." is an example of reasoning by


If a speaker follows Abraham Lincoln's advice to, "Speak so the most lowly can understand you, and the rest will have no difficulty," which principle of effective word choice applies?


Narrative framing is using

Stories to deliver the message

Which method in the visualization step on Monroe's Motivated Sequence describes the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the plan proposed by the speaker?

The contrast method

When following a deductive pattern of reasoning:

The general statement must be true for the conclusion to be true.

Central idea that binds the major points together in the star pattern

Thematic circle

All of the following are reasons for using visual aids EXCEPT..

They require more speech time to achieve results.

If a speech is organized in the following ways which organizational pattern is employed?


If a person experiences anxiety in every communication situation, this refers to

Trait apprehension

A culture is a system of meaning


A speaker can be true to him/her self and his/her commitments while adapting to others.


Although listeners at a sports banquet may differ in age, gender, and background, them mutual interest in sports is more salient than their other characteristics.


Clustering motivational appeals taps multiple dimensions of listeners' lives


Color on visuals makes the visual more persuasive.


Information in and of itself tells us nothing.


Line graphs show relationships between two or more variables over time.


Persuasive speaking is the process of producing oral messages that reconnect the audience physiologically or induce it to act at new stuff and different ways.


Simple language is not simplistic


The burden of proof rests with the person who advocates change


The difference between reasoning from cause effect is that signs assume only that one event follows or precedes another while causality assumes one event is the direct result of another.


The first step in handling objections to your position in anticipating them.


The intensity of the words you use communicates your attitude to your audience:


Unlike the "real world" listeners expectations and reasons they are present in classroom have nothing to do with choice of topic or focus on speech.


when reasoning by analogy, you infer that what is true of one case will also be true in another case.


An argument is considered to be sound when it has both...

True evidence and valid reasoning

"Birth control is immoral" is a claim of


Comparison of a child's smile to the attributes of a rainbow is an example of?

a figurative analogy

Josef is narrowing his speech topic he should consider

all of the above

Intelligibility is related to volume, pronunciation

and Enunciation

conventional gestures are physical movements that

are symbols with specific meaning assigned by custom

Which of the following is NOT a "motive cluster" as described by the textbook?


Another meaning for ethos


It is considered cheating to use research for 1 class as speech material for another


note taking is a barrier to effective listening


When a speech tends to be integrative it means the speaker

identifies and expresses shared values of a group

Which is NOT a suggestion for using visual aids successfully?

let the visual act as a major part of your message

When you cite the opinions or conclusions of others who are responding directly to your speech topic, this type of speech support is called?


A personal experience is a legitimate form of support material?


It is possible to mislead/misguide listeners without really lying to them


Jargon is a major hazard for informative speakers.


Precise phrasing of the central idea conveys the essence of the subject matter, setting up audience expectations


Given the advice regarding the distraction that may result from visual aids and your desire to provide material to clarify speech ideas, when, if possible, would be the best time to hand out this material?

when you address this material in your speech

If you are trying to explain a complex relationship like the amount of time spent studying to grades earned, which type of visual aid would be most appropriate.

A line graph

Obtaining responsible knowledge on a topic might include

All of the Above

Speech anxiety is a common place, can be designed, and can energize performance

All of the Above


All of the Above

A motivational appeal is

All of the above

The wording of a central idea/thesis determines

All of the above

The purpose of an informative speech is to. A. clarify a concept or process for listeners. explain terms or relationships. C. Broaden listeners' knowledge.

All the Above

______________________ are useful to connect what is familiar with what is lesser known


A brief personal story that relates to an important idea in the speech is called?


Depending on the purpose, thesis may be written in the form of 1 or more questions or declarative sentences


Ethics has nothing to do with topic Selection


If you are an expert on the topic being discussed you don't need to develop much in the way of other secondary support materials


If you have no experience with a concept, issue, process or object, you cannot credibly present it in an informative speech.


One function of speech conclusions is to establish credibility.


Pictographs signify size or number through the use of photographs.


Regard to communication, context refers to physical setting, social expectations, laughter and yawns of audience


Stats are such a good method of support that it is difficult to overuse them?


When selecting a topic for your speech, it is a good idea to begin with researching the topic.


When speaking is a transnational event, speakers send messages and the audience provides feedback, like back and forth in ping pong


You should keep your visual aids on display throughout your speech.


it is important for you the speaker to learn to use notes in a way that the listeners will never be aware that you are using notes


You're giving a speech, and 2 people frown when you say "Abortion". In the text communication model. frowns are


The first task of the speaker is to

Gain the listeners Attention

When gesturing, speakers should coordinate ____________ with verbal message.


Which of the following is true about introductions and conclusions

Introductions and conclusions form important first and last impressions with the audience

Gesturing, posture, and facial expressions are related to


Spatial pattern of organization is for topics based on

Location of one part in relation to others

When the speaker defines IQ by explaining scores on an IQ test, what type of definition is he using?

Operation Definition

Wave, spiral, and star patterns are called __________ patterns, and chronological, spatial, and topical are called _____________ patterns.

Organic; Linear

Jake is a good public speaker. He is not effective because the audience has a hard time hearing her. Jake has a problem with

Para language cues

Audience perception of formality/information of speech and your relationship to them is based on nonverbal category called


"To get my audience to know the 3 parts of the human ear."

Specific Purpose

Someone uses stories about homeless people in their speech. Each story has increasingly more dramatic content. Which pattern of organization are they using?

Spiral pattern

The major function of conclusions are to focus the thoughts of the audience on the thesis, convey a sense of finality, and....

Summarize main ideas

stats that tell where we are now and where we may be going are called


A preview statement informs the audience of the main ideas of the speech and sets the tone and direction of the presentation


Credibility is the audience's perception of a speaker's believability


Just because you find an article that says everything you want, you would be well advised to search out other sources that support the same ideas.


Listeners minds tend to wander because they comprehend ideas more rapidly than the speaking rate of the average speaker


One of the most common complaints about informative speeches is that they are boring.


Outlining provides a way for speakers to get an overview of the speech, so they can see if their ideas move steadily toward a logical conclusion


Reiteration and rephrasing are techniques that can enhance the clarity of a speech.


Skillful use of a visual aid can add to your credibility.


Speakers should organize the body of the speech into 3 to 5 main points


Textbooks, Scholarly analysis and critical review are examples of secondary sources


The judgments you make about speaking direction, reliability, and capacity for leader based upon direction is called vocal stereotypes


The speaker/listener are the active partners in communication process.


Which of the following is NOT an essential element for listening comprehension


Mary lists the essential steps in changing the oil of a car on a poster for her instructional speech. This poster serves to aid Mary's speech by..

enhancing listener comprehension and memory

______________________ Is explaining the origin or a word to define it


The occasion may dictate the type of visual aid needed


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