PUR 4000 - Lindsay Hudock - Spring 2014 - Chapter 1 Review

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What does Public Relations try to do?

Manage perceptions create images sell ideas helps organizations adjust to their social environment

What is the difference between public relations and marketing?

Marketing delivers one thing in exchange for something else deals only with the organization/customer relationship In marketing their is quid-pro-quo exchange and in PR there is no quid-pro-quo exchange

You can use advertising as a tool for PR to _____ or _______ brand _________.

You can use advertising as a tool for PR to merge or change brand identity.

What are the main tools of development?

fundraising campaigns events member services

What is the goal of investor relations

to enhance the value of the stock

What is more important, perception or reality?

The publics perception is reality

Public Affairs

Builds and maintains relationships with governmental agencies and community stakeholders to influence public policy strengthened by political science/pre law experience (Example: how many outets your company can have, where your business can be located, how often trash gets picked up)

How does resource dependency theory relate to public relations?

Can be used to prioritize publics (how to break people into different groups) (which group can help is accomplish the goal we want) Exampe: Public in oviedo ddint want a walmart, but walmart didnt care because all walmart needed was the city councilmen to rezone the land that walmart wanted to build on. They didnt need the public to get what they wanted based on resource dependency theory so they didnt try to change the publics opinion/opinion.

Press Angentry

Creating the perception that something is newsworthy to get the publics attention based on the fact that more media coverage equals a greater perception of importance.

How does PR manage perceptions?

Finding the right way to communicate to the public by asking the public questions (surveys)

How does PR help organizations adjust to their social environment?

Example: Before womens liberation 3% of women working at your company was a positive statistic, but after womens liberation that same statistic was seen as very negative.

How does PR create images?

Example: Mac is for young trendy people and PC is for stuffy old people. Through philanthropy, sponsoring a concert, donating to charity, names on football stadiums

How does PR sell ideas?

Examples: Chilis said they sell the sizzle not how good their steak is Publix commerical - feel good family oriented community based people ( cute old couple making dinner for a young couple moving in across the street)


Highly specialized builds and maintains relationship that work to persuade LEGISLATORS to propose pass or defeat LEGISLATION or to change existing LAW requires political science/pre law experience to ethically advocate the interest of their clients

How do you create positive relationships?

Know the perceptions Address the perceptions Support the image with action


Information placed in the media by an identified sponsor who paid for the time or space. It is a CONTROLLED method of placing messages in the media. PR can use advertising as a tool


Information provided by an outside source that is used by the media because it has news value. This is an UNCONTROLLED method of placing messages in the media because the source does not pay the media for placement. (Example: Farmers Market knows organic food is in so they decide to throw an event invite journalists They don't pay or ask for a story. The news thinks that farmers market has news value so they decide to do a story on their own.)

Be able to identify the 9 different functions of PR (publicity, development, etc) and the types of things you do in each function. I may describe a series of activities and ask you what function of PR they fall under.

Internal Relations Publicity Advertising Press Agentry Public Affairs Lobbying Issues Management Investor Relations Development

How do public relations and marketing work together?

PR contributes to the marketing effort by maintaining a hospitable environment How the media views an organization is a PR function not a marketing function (Example: Oil spill and BP: marletors cant make yuou get gas from BP after the spill, so BP has to come in and smooth things over before we can market.) (RJ Reynolds - marketing wanted more people to buy their cigarettes - Joe Camel cartoon - seemed to be aimed at kids - public opinion of cigarettes was already declining - PR wouldve told them not to do this because it was seemingly aimed at kids.)

What is the working (in class) definition of public relations?

PR is a MANAGEMENT FUNCTION that establishes and maintains MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL REALTIONSHIPS between an organization and its publics.

Investor Relations

Part of corporate PR that builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with shareholders others in the financial community to maximize market value. Need: finance/business/law/economics/international politics, MBA a plus

What gave PR a negative name?

Press agentry created the perception that something has news value (when it really didnt) (Example: seeing "candid" shots of celebrities are restaurants. The restaurant really paid the celebrity to come to their establishment and alerted the press that they would be there thus making their restaurant an "it'' spot and an overnight success)

What is Public Relations?

Public relations deals with the management of perceptions, images, and relationships. Public relations is a process: the result of which is positive relationships that lead to positive behavior.

What is Relationship management?

Public relations works to build and maintain positive relationships between and organization and its publics.

What is the difference between publicity and advertising?

Publicity: Student voluntarily states that a certain professors class is awesome without an compensation from the professor. Advertising: The professor says their own class is awesome or pays someone to say it is awesome

You can use advertising as a tool for PR to address _________ in the media.

You can use advertising as a tool for PR to address criticism in the media.

You can use advertising as a tool for PR to build ______ ____.

You can use advertising as a tool for PR to build good will.

Resource Dependency Theory

We enter into relationships with people because they have things we need that we dont control


Works to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between nonprofit organizations and donors, members to secure financial and volunteer support. (Example: foodbanks)

Internal Relations

builds and maintains a mutually beneficial relationship between manages and the employees whom an organizations success depends Good PR begins at home! Employees are the #1 public in PR This is why we have company outings/picnics etc

public relations is a __________ function


Issues Management

proactive process of Anticipating, identifying, evaluating, and responding to issues that impact our organizations relationship with its publics (Example: Apple was so focused on creating a new operating system that they didnt realize the digital music trend was blowing up so they didnt have a cd burner included on their new laptops so they created the ipod to combat that)

public relations is a _______ based _____ science

research based social science

public relations is _______ responsible



the management function that identifies human needs and wants, offers products and services to satisfy those demands, and causes transactions that deliver products and services in exchange for something of value to the provider

public relations involves ___ ____ communication.

two way

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