Quarter 2 Week 7

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A person who believes that the television news anchor is talking to him is suffering from

a generalized state of worry, dread, and discomfort in anticipation of stress/a threat

Anxiety is defined as:

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Brent is a 37-year-old vetern of the Navy. He spent several years fighting in the Iraq War. Lately, Brent is having anger management issues. He lahes out at his wife and children, often for seemingly small mistakes or accidents. HIs unit recently wanted to have a get-together to reunite old friends, but he refused to go and didn't want to have anything to do with his old Navy buddies. Brent is most likely suffering from:


Emmit, who has just suffered a serious knee injury, cannot undergo an MRI because he has an irrational fear of narrow, enclosed places. Emmit suffers from:


Every time she thinks about having to speak in front of her class, Bridget starts to worry. She gets herself so worked up that she has trouble breathing. She used to arrive late to class each day because she needed to calm herself enough to enter the room. Eventually, Bridget just started skipping class altogether. Bridget most likely suffers from:

Generalized anxiety disorder involves anxiety about a large variety of things, whereas phobic disorder involves anxiety about a specific thing.

How are generalized anxiety disorder and phobic disorder different?


Julio believes he is an alien who has been left behind on Earth by his "pod." He is often difficult to understand, because he speaks frequently in rhyme and makes up his own words. Julio most likely suffers from:

Panic Disorder

Ken went to the emergency room because he was short of breath, had a rapid heartbeat, was sweating, and feared that he was having a heart attack and would die. When the physician examined Ken, she was unable to find anything physically wrong with him. When she questioned Ken further, he told her that these physical symptoms occurred right before he was to give an important presentation. Which of the following is a possible explanation for Ken's symptoms?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Mark is a 55-year-old real estate agent who runs his own business. He constantly worries that this business is going to fail even though he doesn't have any reason to believe these things will happen. In order to prevent this outcome, Mark has a daily routine that he does in order to feel more in control. He touches his forehead three times when he leaves, drives around the block twice, and then heads to work. He gets very upset because he knows that these actions are not necessary, but he becomes distressed if he isn't able to perform them. Mark may be suffering from:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Molly is a 20-year-old college student who had the following symptoms for the past year: difficulty falling asleep, a hard time concentrating in her classes, and feeling like she is constantly on edge. Lately, she hasn't even felt like showing up to class and hasn't seen her friends in a few weeks. She worries that she won't be able to graduate from college, and she knows that this is a big hurdle to getting a successful job. She says there is nothing in particular she is worried about on a daily basis, but she just feels irritable. Molly probably suffers from:

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Olivia thought she was doing pretty well. She has been able to go out and be with friends lately, and the flashbacks haven't occurred very often over the past few weeks. She still thinks she has nightmares about the attack, but she doesn't remember them as much after she wakes up. But the other night, she watched a TV show where the girl was raped. What made it worse was that the man on TV looked like her rapist, too. Olivia thought she was going into severe panic as soon as she saw it on TV and then felt like she was blacking out. Olivia is probably suffering from:

Panic Disorder

One day, while on his way home from work, Tim was struck by a wave of awful fear. His heart started pounding, he was perspiring profusely, and he had difficulty catching his breath. Tim most likely suffers from:


The rituals that a person with OCD performs to get rid of their unwanted thoughts are known as:

Bipolar Disorder

Which of the following is NOT an anxiety disorder?

Panic Disorder

While teaching her class one day, Theresa suddenly begins having difficulty breathing. Her heart starts pounding wildly, and she feels week and dizzy. She feels as if she's having a heart attack and is honestly afraid that she's going to die in the next minute or two. Theresa probably suffers from:

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