Queen Victoria and the Victorian Empire

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Outline why medical advances lead to the Scramble for Africa

- Africa previously known as 'white an's grave' due to abundance of diseases like malaria and yellow fever - Cures to such diseases discovered by Europeans > able to survive in Africa

What were advancements in forensic chemistry during Queen Victoria's reign?

- Blood tests (presumptive tests, seeing if blood is present in a substance/on a material) - Development of fingerprint use for identification in criminal courts - A bullet comparison used to catch a murderer/ study of ballistics - The first use of toxicology (arsenic detection) in a jury trial.

What does Gouffee's case tell you about forensics in the 19th century?

- Completed w/o technological equipment - Based on observations of bone structures - Comparisons to victim; appearance, smoker??

Outline why politics lead to the Scramble for Africa

- Creation of Unified Germany (1871) + Italy meant there was no more room for expansion in Europe - Britain + France + Germany trying to maintain dominance + empire

What were the methods of forensic science used in the 19th century?

- Detecting poisons by sampling the stomach lining - Bullet matching - Mug shots - Crime scene photgraphy (later developed) - Fingerprint analysis

Outline why capitalism lead to the Scramble for Africa

- End of European trading with slaves- needed a form of commerce with Africa - Capitalists wished to exploit the continent > trade - Explorers discovered trade routes, raw materials, found markets (people to sell) their manufactured goods from Europe to

Why was drawing for crime scenes and particularly for mug-shots ineffective?

- Faces can look similar - More reliable identification needed

Outline what was discovered during Gouffee's second autopsy

- Hip bones + teeth > 45-40 (G=49) > 1st had estimated 35-40 - Length of bones using newly developed anthropmetrics > 173cm (G=173) - Hair = chestnut > 1st had been black (dirty) - Old injuries + deformities (gout + fractures)

Describe the social structure under Queen Victoria

- In this class-based structure, everybody had their place, and mobility between classes was a practical impossibility. - The class system that was adopted under Queen Victoria was very strict, and designed to keep certain people in power

What was the significance of the Jack the Ripper murders?

- Locality of the murders > east end (harbinger of deth and decay) - Press attention - hysterical response > birth of the popular press

What was Montague John Druitt's motif/evidence?

- Murdered women - Homicidal maniac - Was cruel to women - Carried surgical knives with him (doctor)

Outline why the end of the slave trade lead to the Scramble for Africa

- Muslims were trading inland - Local chiefs were reluctant to give up the use of slaves - Europe received reports of slaving trips + markets > wanted more to be done

Outline the Suffragist approach to gaining rights for women?

- Peaceful, constitutional campaigns, non-confrontational - Lead by Millicent Fawcett; National Union of WOmen's Suffrage Societies - Success could be gained by education and arguement - Legal approaches ; petitions, posters - Campaigned for voting for the middle-class women

What was life like in the East End?

- Poor + destitute - Prostitutes + criminals - Violence + crime - Workers, little housing > disease + poor health

Outline the story Gouffe

- Reported missing 1889 - Body found in a sack by Rhone River - Broken wood trunk discovered w/ shipping address from Paris - Associated with con-man Eyraud - Trunk shipped days after disappearance - 105kg - Body re-exhumed > autopsy > new developments

What was Joseph Barnett (fish porter's) motif/evidence?

- Shared a room w/ Mary Jane kelly, was mad that Kelly was a prostitute and they werent earning enough money - fought - He killed prostitutes to scare her, didnt work > killed her • Hated prostitutes • Had key to house • Live in area • fits descriptions

Outline why steam engines + iron hulled boats lead to the Scramble for Africa

- Steamers > exploration of the Congo + other undiscovered areas

How did some people view eugenics?

- Supporting women's emancipation - "New women"- educated, independent, modern

Outline why the exploration lead to the Scramble for Africa

- Throughout the 19th century, European expedition to Africa - Curiosity - Record details of goods, markets, resources for the financers or the trips

Outline the Suffragette approach to gaining rights for women

- Willing to take direct, militant action 'Deeds not words' - Working-class women - Chained themselves to railings, disrupted public meetings and destroyed public property - Arrested + imprisoned; continued to protest by hunger strikes - Marches

What were the 6 reasons for the 'scramble for Africa?'

1. End of slave trade 2. Exploration 3. Capitalism 4. Steam engines + iron hulled boats 5. Medical advances 6. Politics

How old was Victoria when she became queen?


When did Victoria marry Albert?


When was V's successor Prince Albert Edward born?


When did Albert die?

1861 (typhoid)

When did the oher deaths associated with Jack the Ripper Occur?


When did Victoria's reign come to a close?


Who formed the Women's social and Political Union and when?

1903, Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Christabel and Sylvia

When did Victoria become queen?

20th June 1837

How long did Victoria seclude herself after Albert's death?

25 years

Who was Jack the Ripper's 3rd and 4th victims? When? Where? How?

30th Sep 1888- Elizabeth Stride St George's in the East (Dutfield's st Whitechappel?) Throat cut.(interrupted during attack?) Catherine Eddowes Aldgate Intestines drawn out, pieces detached from body, right ear + face mutilated

When was the first victim attributed to Jack the Ripper discovered? Background details?

31st August 1881- Mary Ann Nichols Buck's Row Whitechapel Throat cut + incisions on abdomen

How many other murders occurred that were asscosciated with Jack the Ripper?


How long was Queen Victoria's reign?

63 years long

Who was Jack the Ripper's 2nd victim? When? Were? How?

8th Sep 1881- Annie May Chapman (prostitute) Hanbury Street Spitalfields Throat cut + incisions to abodmen + uterus removal?

How many children did Victoria have?

9 children (4 boys, 5 girls)

Who was Jack the Ripper's 5th victim? When? Where? How?

9th Nov 1889- Mary Jane Kelly Spitalfields Mutilated with organs across the room, face slashed, lying on bed

What was it believed that race determined?

Behaviour + character

Outline rational selection

Best people reproduce + have most offspring 'Feeble' minded should be prevented

How did Eyraud and his partner kill Goufee?

Bompard and Eyraud had known of Gouffé's wealth and reputation for sexual adventure, and they'd heard that he spent most Friday nights at the Brasserie Gutenberg after emptying his office safe. So they had set a trap. Eyraud went to Bompard's apartment, where he attached an iron ring to the ceiling in an alcove behind her divan. He passed a sturdy rope through the ring, then hid the apparatus and himself behind a curtain. Bompard, meanwhile, went to the café, found Gouffé and started flirting with him. She persuaded him to go back to her apartment, where she took off her clothes and slipped into a robe. Seductively drawing Gouffé close to her, she playfully slipped the sash around his throat. She passed the ends to Eyraud, who affixed them to the rope and, pulling with all his might, hanged Gouffé before he could react. To their horror, however, when they rifled his pockets, they found that he had left all his money behind somewhere.

What did Mary Wollstoncraft believe in/call for?

Called for women and children to be educated equally as she believed that this would lead to good wives, workers, mothers. She believed in th betterment of womens status through political change

What was the motivation of new imperialism?

Civilising the uncivilised

What lead to the Scramble for Africa throughout Europe?

Competitive nationalism Europeans believed they had the right to rule over Africans and Asians

What did V and A use their children to accomplish?

Create marriages across Europe, which lead to peace, harmony and an end to conflict

What was Victoria's childhood like?

Domineering mother, not allowed to play with the other children, unhappy

What were the European expansions motviated by?

Economic needs that were created by the IR + political + social + religous that promoted the superiority of Western societies

What were indicators of social class?

Education, occupation, income, wealth

What occurred in the decade after 1869?

Eligible to sit on county+city elections

What intensified the growth of ideological racism in Europe?

Emancipation, nationalism, imperialism

Whose rule were the Suffragettes under?

Emmeline Pankhurst

What is the East India Company?

English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India, incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600. Starting as a monopolistic trading body, the company became involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism in India from the early 18th century to the mid-19th century. Served as a catalyst for the expansion of British influence there.

What did Europeans begin doing after the renaissance and why?

Enslaving Africans Viewed them as heathens Used books in Genesis as explanation- "servants unto servants"

At birth, Victoria was 5th in line for the throne, why did she become monarch?

Father and father's brothers died, no direct male heir

Colonialism is the expression of...


When were Forensic sciences significantly applied?

In 1888, when doctors in London, England, were allowed to examine the victims of Jack the Ripper for wound patterns.

What was crime and poverty driven by?

Industrialisation- movement of people into cities

What petition was presented to the Parliament in 1867 and by whom?

John Stuart Mills- contained 1550 signatures from suffrage committees demanding votes for women

What did the people at the time see eugenics as?

Justification for unfair treatment

When was the first womans suffrage committee formed?

Manchester 1865

Who first advocated the suffragette movement?

Mary Wollstonecraft

What did positive eugenics encourage?

Middle class women to have more children

Why did European nations exploit Africa?

Mineral asnd other natural resources

What made it easier for Europeans to conquer other people?

Naval technology

What occurred to V's relationship with her children after the death of ALbert?

No longer took a role in creating her perfect family, relied on position and domineering character to control the children

What was more permanent and accurate than sketches of crime scenes, mug shots and weapons?


What did negative eugenics suggest?

Policies to stop the poor from having children

Who were some candidates for jack the ripper?

Prince Albert Victor Walter Sickert Sir William Gull (royal physician) Two doctors + barristers

What were the features of the other crimes supposedly committed by Jack the Ripper?

Prostitute, something inserted in stomach, stabbed 39 times, strangulation, mutilation, throat cut to near decapitation.

What was evident in the west during the modern period?


What evidence incriminated Eryaud?

Receipt obtained from the trunk, he had purchased it

Why was Victoria known as the 'Grandmother of Europe?'

Related through marriage to every major European power

Why is V considered the "Grandmother of Europe?"

Related through marriage to royal household of every main European power

What lead to the exploitation of Africa?

Rivalry against European colonies

What was the source of V's conflict with A?

She did not wish to share her power

What was the Suffragette movement?

Struggle for the write to vote + run for parliament office in the mid 19th century, women formed organisations to fight for suffrage

WHere did the suffrage movement take place?

Suffrage movement was wide spread, particularly in highly industrialised areas such as London.

What formed in 1897?

Suffragist societies united > National Union of Woman's Suffrage Societies

What did parliament grant in 1869?

Tax payers the right to vote in municipal elections

What was the Crystal palace?

The Crystal Palace was a cast-iron and plate-glass structure originally built in Hyde Park, London, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851.

How did the Industrial Revolution assist in the spread of ideas about women suffrage?

The Industrial Revolution assisted in the spread of ideas about women suffrage as an increased mobility lead to improved communication between like-minded groups across the country.

What was the name of an important poem of the 19th century that highlights the European view of colonialism?

The White Man's Burden by Rudyard Kipling

What did Darwin's books sanction?

The idea that the primitive primitive people are lower on the evolutionary scale

What image did A and V wish to achieve? How did they do this?

The image of a model and moral family, countless portraits depicting their harmonious family

What did Europeans believe about the Indigenous populations?

Unable to withstand the greater military and economic power of a colonising force therefore they must be pushed aside for "fitter competitors."

Who were the several rising powers in the late 19th century?

United States, Germany and Japan

Describe the hierachy

Upper class -at the top of the pyramid Middle Class-expanded greatly during the Victorian Era Working class-divided into three layers >educated working man >Intelligent artisan >working men or labourers

Outline the term Darwanian (1859-) why were his ideas assimilated into Victorian society

Used to refer to different accounts of social and developmental progress Darwin's theory of evolution held the idea of struggle for existence fit Britain's competitive capitalist economy

What was the dynamic of V and A's relationship with their children like?

V =disliked babies, attended to her kingdom A = upbringing children

Where did the other murders assosciated with Jack the Ripper occur?

Whitechapel One in Poplar?

Was the punishment harsh for crimes in the Victorian Era?

Yes- gaols, transportation, hulls on the River Thames, sent to colonies for capital crimes (until 1853) , hard labour in English prisons

What is capitalism?

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

What was new imperialism?

characterises a period of colonial expansion by European powers, the US and Japan during the late 19th Centurty and early 20th Century

It was believed that different races...

constituted different species

It was believed that races constituted...

separate species

Define nationalism

spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation / devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.

Define imperialism

the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.

What is colonialism?

the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.

Define emancipation

to free from restraint, influence, or the like (to free (a slave) from bondage.)

What were the economic reasons for imperialism?

•1870- European industrialized nations needed to expand their markets globally in order to sell products that they could not sell domestically •Businessmen and bankers had excess capital to invest, and foreign investments offered the incentive of greater profits, despite the risks •The need for cheap labour and a steady supply of raw materials, such as oil, rubber, and manganese for steel, required that the industrial nations maintain firm control over these unexplored areas. controlling these regions > setting up colonies under their direct control

What were the humanitarian and religious goals of imperialism?

•Non-whites would receive the blessings of Western civilization, including medicine, law, and Christianity. •Many Westerners believed that Europe should civilize their little brothers beyond the seas.

WHat were the military and political reasons for imperialism?

•Possession of colonies was an indication of a nation's greatness •Colonies guaranteed the growing European navies safe harbors and coaling stations > times of war •Military leaders believed that a strong navy was necessary to become a great power. Naval vessels needed military bases around the world to take on coal and supplies. • Crucial to military power, national security, and nationalism.

What was Prince Albert Victor's motivation/evidence?

•The government invented jack the ripper to kill the nanny of an illegitimate daughter that eddy had had •Reports of eddy acting out murders under hypnosis •Pain from syphilis drove him to commit murders in fits of rage •Resemblance to eye witnesses accounts

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