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according to one study, what was the percentage of hate crimes committed by perpetrators who were strongly committed to bigotry?

1 percent

What is the name of the program by which the government provides surplus military equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies?


Women make up only about [blank] percent of the total number of officers in local law enforcement.


in what year was the first law enforcement officer feloniously killed in the line of duty in the United States?


About how many law enforcement agencies are there in the United States?


About [blank] of local police officers are members of racial or ethnic minorities.

27 percent

In 2015, Yakima, Washington, with a population of 249,480, reported 8,825 property offenses. What was the property crime rate?

3,537 property offenses per 100,000 inhabitants

In 2015, Albuquerque, N.M., with a population of 905,803, reported 7,179 violent criminal offenses. What was the violent crime rate?

793 violent offenses per 100,000 inhabitants

In this case, the Supreme Court found that probable cause for a search does not demand proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Illinois v. Gates

Which is not a strategy to reduce police stress?

Increase the paramilitary focus of the police

Who was the FBI's first "Public Enemy Number One"?

John Dillinger

This case held that people, not places, are protected from government intrusion whenever they have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Katz v. United States

This was the first successful bill in England to create a permanent, public police force.

Metropolitan Police Act

Why is it difficult to measure white-collar and corporate crime?

Much of the investigation and regulation of corporate and white-collar crime is not done by law enforcement.

Which is not one of the six arguments that can be employed in the defense against a criminal indictment?

My client did it.

this is designed to gather data on each criminal act even if several acts are committed within the same complex of behavior.

National Incident-Based Reporting System

A more modern interpretation of criminology that acknowledges the possibility human choices are is possibly based on external causes, but ultimately, individuals are responsible for their choices.

Neoclassical criminology

This is the largest local police force in the country.

New York Police Department

Criminological theory that states what we think affects how we behave and how we perceive our surroundings, including other people.

Observational learning

Behaviorism is based on the psychological principle of [BLANK].

Operant conditioning

This agency is recognized as the first uniformed, professional state police department in the United States.

Pennsylvania State Police

Which criminological theory focuses on how turning points in life, such as marriage, can lead to more conventional behavior in adulthood?

Persistent-offending and desistance-from-crime theory

how has police militarization affected the nature of law enforcement?

Police identity has been reoriented from community-policing practices.

The early Chicago police had four idiosyncratic orientations to the law. Which is not one of these?

Police officers developed very formal systems of operation.

Criminological theory that states people consciously weigh the risks against the benefits of their actions and choose the action they think has the most benefit.

Rational choice theory

States that crime is most likely to occur when a motivated offender, attractive target, and absence of a capable guardian converge.

Routine activities theory

The militarization of the police and the war-on-crime analogy are most apparent in these divisions of law enforcement agencies.

SWAT teams

Criminological theory that states crime is a result of weak social bonds.

Social control theory

Criminological theory that states a neighborhood's structural and cultural conditions affect criminal behavior.

Social disorganization theory

Sutton breaks into a house when the owner is away and looks for valuable items to steal. However, he does not find anything worth taking and leaves. The owner returns later and does not notice anything amiss, nor even realize that the house was entered. How will Sutton's offense be recorded?

The offense will not be recorded; it is part of the dark figure of crime.

According to Christie, which is not one of the six attributes typically associated with the idea of an innocent victim?

The victim and perpetrator know each other.

Which is not a goal of police patrol?

To collect crime statistics

According to critical race theory, people of color are overrepresented at every decision point in the criminal justice system.


Which is not a law enforcement agency within the Department of the Treasury? *Both ATF and US Secret Service are correct; you should get full credit for either answer. There was a Blackboard error with this question, so it has been deleted from the exams (I can't make significant changes once a quiz has been attempted by anyone in the class)

U.S. Secret Service

This annual FBI publication uses data from participating U.S. law enforcement agencies to summarize the incidence and rate of reported crime.

Uniform Crime Reports

This is the most extensive and useful measure of crime that is available.

Uniform Crime Reports

Which is a reason that some law enforcement administrators believe that body-worn cameras are useful?

Cameras strengthen police accountability by documenting encounters between officers and the public.

In this case, the Supreme Court found that an arrest warrant allows only the search of a suspect's person and the immediate vicinity. Further searches require a warrant.

Chimel v. California

Written on an ancient stone tablet, this collection of over 250 laws covered a wide range of issues.

Code of Hammurabi

What does CPTED stand for?

Crime prevention through environmental design

Under which federal agency is the Federal Bureau of Investigation?

Department of Justice

Criminological theory which claims attitudes about crime and techniques for committing crime are both learned behavior.

Differential association theory

According to Moffitt, adolescent-limited offenders are more likely to become career criminals.


Most federal officers are trained here.

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

In this case, the Supreme Court determined that the test of what constitutes seizure is whether the suspect is free to decline an officer's request for a search and terminate the encounter.

Florida v. Bostick

If the prosecutor's office decides that there is enough evidence to proceed with a case, it will charge the suspect with a specific crime. The prosecutor is _____ (likely or unlikely) to dismiss the case at this point.


Which concept states that people are guided by their desire for pleasure and aversion to pain?


Which were two of the primary arguments against encouraging women to be police officers?

Women were not physically strong enough and brought different psychological attributes to police work.

These specify how the police can go about investigation, interrogation, and arrest.

all of the above state laws court cases departmental regulations

Laws must be [blank].

all of the above a. published in the criminal code b. enacted by the legislature c. enforced in a fair and evenhanded manner by the authorities

This is a duty of all law enforcement officers.

all of the above keep the peace and maintain order ensure adherence to the law investigate when laws appear to have been broken

Which issue guides precedent?

all of the above predictability efficiency reliability

The expectation of how much and what type of force an officer will use in a given situation varies according to several factors. Which is one of these factors?

all of the above time of day whether the officer is alone or working with a partner the size and sex of the suspect

Which is one of the three criteria used to determine what behaviors are made criminal?

all of the above- the effects of the law, the existence of other means to protect society from undesirable behavior, the enforceability of the law

Many offenses that enter the system are systematically excluded for several reasons, which include the following:

all of the above- error, covering up

Which of the following is an important actor in a criminal offense?

all of the above. The victim, the perpetrator, the criminal justice system

Which part of the crime picture do the UCR, self-report studies, and victimization studies tend to miss?

all of the above: corporate crime, drug sales, organized crime

Which is a logistical obstacle to measuring crime effectively and efficiently?

all of the above: problems of definition, problems of resources, problems of politics

The advantage of the NIBRS over the UCR is that it allows law enforcement to precisely identify [blank].

all of the above: the characteristics of victims and perpetrators, when and where an offence takes place, the form of an offense

This social institution controls crime by detecting, detaining, adjudicating, and punishing and/or rehabilitating people who break the law.

criminal justice

Unlike many occupations, the threat of physical injury or death in policing is a [blank] possibility.


Police officers, prosecutors, judges, and corrections officials use this to decide what happens to individual cases.


The decisions that police officers make about which laws to enforce, how much to enforce them, when to let some offenses slide, and when to devote attention to truly significant offenses are called [blank].


Which is not a method or device that police use to conduct surveillance on the public?


This legal principle states that a person cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

double jeopardy

This term refers to the multiple outsider status of women and minority police officers.

double marginality

This criminal justice model describes the expectation of a just and fair criminal justice system.

due process model

Which is a strategy to evaluate and control police officers' use of force?

ethics education

According to Hirschi, when people are concerned with the feelings of others, they are more likely to commit crime.


Feminism promotes the interest of women over men.


Marx believed crime was more rampant in a socialist society.


This agency measures crime using the Uniform Crime Reports.


Which are the three distinct levels of law enforcement in the United States?

federal, state, and local

these offenses are punishable by more than a year in a state prison.


This type of offense includes murder, rape, assault, larceny, and arson.


According to the [blank] Amendment, "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury . . ."


The procedural law that controls the activities of law enforcement is derived from the [blank] Amendment.


The early form of policing that most directly led to that of modern U.S. policing was the [blank].

frankpledge system

The ____ area is under the control of an individual during an arrest in an automobile


This slang term described police officers who accepted bribes but did not actively pursue them.

grass eaters

Mens rea means "[blank]."

guilty mind

This writ is issued to bring a party before the court.

habeas corpus

How many offenses are never reported to police?


Which of the following is not one of the major exceptions to the requirement that officers obtain warrants before conducting a search?

house searches

An example of this type of offense is conspiracy.

inchoate offense

The protection of this is an integral part of the functioning of law enforcement.

individual rights

In legal terminology, this is the state of a child who has not yet reached the specified age to be considered an adult.


Which one is an example of a special-needs search?

inmate search

A___ defense attempts to give physical or psychological reasons that a defendant cannot comprehend his or her criminal actions, their harm(s) or their punishment


this defense attempts to give physical or psychological reasons that a defendant cannot comprehend his or her criminal actions, their harm(s), or their punishment.

insanity defense

This is the administration of a punishment or reward in accordance with morals that a given society considers correct.


In this form of theft, an offender takes possessions that do not belong to him or her with the intent of keeping them.


This major English document contributed to U.S. law.

magna carta

This is the murder of three or more people in a single incident.

mass murder

This slang term described officers who actively sought situations that could produce financial gain.


Research has shown that children who are physically abused are at a greater risk for ____, ______, and crime.

mental illness, homelessness

The ____ was the first successful bill in England to create a permanent, public police force

metropolitan police act

Which is not an aspect of policing that is associated with the risk of suicidal ideation (thinking about suicide)?


This minor criminal offense is punishable by a fine and/or jail time for up to one year.


Usually the maximum incarceration for this type of offense is up to one year in jail.


According to the wedding-cake model of criminal justice, what does the bottom layer represent?


The first time that people of color worked as police officers in the U.S. was in 1805 in this city.

new orleans

What are two considerations that exempt law enforcement from the Fourth Amendment provision that police officers knock and announce their presence prior to a house search?

officer safety and giving suspects an opportunity to destroy evidence

The right to privacy does not extend to these even if officers are trespassing.

open fields

Much of local police work is especially concerned with [blank] and problem-solving.

order maintenance

Moffitt's theory, [BLANK], describes life-course persistent offenders and adolescent limited offenders?

pathway theory

This is the most visible function of police.


Where are statutes published?

penal codes

This term refers to the mindset of police who must deal with danger, authority, isolation, and suspicion while appearing to be efficient.

policeman's working personality

States that crime is a result of inborn abnormalities.


This was an important office in early English policing.


This is the most common form of county law enforcement.

sheriff's offices

This describes an incident in which the police show a sign of authority and the suspect submits.

show-of-authority stop

target hardening and CPTED are an example of [BLANK].

situational crime prevention

As long as human beings have lived in large groups, we have needed this.

social control

This consists of the rules, habits, and customs a society uses to enforce conformity to its norms.

social control

Wright Mills urges the use of this to examine issues while removed from our social location.

sociological imagination

The legal principle in which courts are bound by the decisions of previous courts is called [blank].

stare decisis

this is a law enacted by a legislature.


This type of law is enacted by legislatures.

statutory law

This temporary detention is legally a seizure of an individual.


This kind of crime includes interpersonal violence and property crime.

street crime

___ includes interpersonal violence and property crime

street crime

This type of offense tends to involve offenses in which the public's welfare is at issue.

strict liability

____ offenses are those in which the publics welfare is at issue

strict liability

This type of law sets forth what behaviors are defined as crime.


According to this case, deadly force may only be used if a suspect poses a threat to the lives of police officers or bystanders.

tennessee v. Garner

According to ____ V. ______ deadly force may only be used if a suspect posses a threat to teh lives of police officers of bystanders

tennessee, garner

This is the use or threat of violence against a state or other political entity in order to coerce.


In 1972, this commission released its report on New York City police corruption.

the Knapp Commission

This organization was among the first professional police agencies in the United States.

the Texas Rangers

This is under the control of an individual during an arrest in an automobile.

the grabbable area

What is the important difference between the criminal law and civil law?

the identity of the aggrieved party

For rape and sexual assault victims, the criminal justice process is often called this.

the second victimization

Which is not included in the typical definition of elder abuse?

the victim is not dependent on a caregiver

Which is not a reason that a victim would not report an offense?

the victim may have committed the offense.

This type of law covers personal wrongs and damage and includes libel, slander, assault, trespass, and negligence.

tort law

____ duties most often bring police officers into face-to-face contact with citizens


Which activity most often brings police officers into face-to-face contact with citizens?

traffic duties

This doctrine defines what constitutes a search.


According to Hirschi, people involved in conventional activities have less time and energy for crime


Not all psychopaths are criminals, and not all criminals are psychopaths.


Which choice best describes the sources of error in the Uniform Crime Reports?

unintentional and intentional

the Fourth Amendment states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against [blank], shall not be violated . . . "

unreasonable searches and seizures

According to the International Association of Chiefs of Police this is "the amount of effort required by police to compel compliance from an unwilling subject."

use of force

A SWAT team is not likely to do this

run routine DUI checkpoints

For rape and sexual assault victims, the criminal justice process is often called the ____ victimization.


After September 11, 2001, this former Department of Treasury law enforcement agency was moved to the Department of Homeland Security.

secret service

When law enforcement officers take potential evidence in a criminal case it is called a [blank].


In a high school class, a researcher hands out questionnaires that ask the students to identify any criminal offenses they have committed. Which term best describes this type of research?

self-report study

According to the wedding-cake model of criminal justice, what does the second layer (from the top) represent? As a hint, this would be less common than less-serious felonies, like burglary and larceny.

serious felonies

Four factors challenge the transition to greater cooperation among law enforcement agencies. Which is not one of these?

All individual agencies organize their policies and operations in exactly the same way.

Which group of people is not included in considerations of victimization?

All of the above may be included. the victims, the families of victims, victims communities

Which is a major 20th-century police reformer?

August Vollmer

In the United States, informal policing began in [blank] with the establishment of a night watch.

Boston in 1631

Which of the following is what we know with substantial confidence about police use of force?


This is useful for generating leads in cases in which biological evidence is recovered from a crime scene.


In this case, the Supreme Court found that police have the right to search suspects to ensure their own safety if they think that the suspects are armed.

Terry v. Ohio

This private police force was created by the West India Trading Company in 1798.

Thames River Police

Why does the National Crime Victimization Survey not account for successfully completed drug transactions?

The buyers do not consider themselves crime victims

To administer a legal process of judging and to pronounce a judgment.


This defense involves the defendant claiming not to have been at the scene of a crime during its commission.


What job-related problems might a police officer's family experience

all of the above A. the dangers associated with police workB. a change in the officer's personalityC. isolation of the officer

What would happen if the police attempted to enforce all the laws?

all of the above a) The mass of cases would obscure the most serious offenders. b) The workload would swamp the criminal justice system

How is excessive use of force by the police problematic?

all of the above legal liability physical injury or death loss of citizen respect

Which criterion must be met for the discovery of evidence to fall outside the Fourth Amendment's definition of a search?

all of the above 1.)The item must be in plain view of the officer. 2.)The incriminating nature of the evidence must be immediately apparent. 3.)The officer must lawfully be in the place where he discovered the evidence.

What job-related problems might a police officer's family experience?

all of the above A. the dangers associated with police workB. a change in the officer's personalityC. isolation of the officer

How did the development of the policing style in the United States differ from English policing style?

all of the above A.U.S. policing lacked a single, coherent philosophy. B.The political geography of the United States was large and always expanding. C.The United States had a large, active immigrant community.

Which is a difference between the police and the military that makes supervising the police a different, and in many ways more difficult, job than supervising the military?

all of the above discretion visibility authority

Which feature did England contribute to U.S. policing, according to Walker and Katz?

all of the above limited police authority local control fragmented system

Research has shown that children who are physically abused are at a greater risk for this.

all of the above mental illness homelessness crime

Which is a peacemaking or order-maintenance problem that the police may be called for?

all of the above mental illness issues domestic disputes crowd control

Which is a way that narcotics law enforcement can invite police corruption, according to Manning and Redlinger?

arrogation of seized property

Which type of patrol can expand the range that officers can cover, allowing officers to patrol areas where motor vehicles are prohibited, and keeping officers in touch with the community?

bicycle patrol

What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?

bill of rights

Criminological theories that focus specifically on the interaction between biology and environment and between the environment and biology.


Children in this age range account for the highest percentage of child abuse and neglect victims.

birth to age 3

Most definitions of victim precipitation assert this.

both a and b

Henry and John Fielding organized this.

bow Street Runners

This type of law comes from judicial decisions and requires judges to consider how previous cases dealt with similar issues.

case law

According to the wedding-cake model of criminal justice, what does the top layer represent?

celebrated cases

Utilitarianism and hedonistic calculus are associated with which school of thought?


written on an ancient stone tablet, the ____ is a collection of over 250 laws covering a wide range of issues

code of hammurabi

This is sometimes called case law, judiciary law, or unwritten law.

common law

This policing strategy attempts to harness the resources and residents of a jurisdiction in stopping crime and maintaining order.

community policing

In the modern United States, this type of law enforcement officer serves areas such as rural townships and is usually elected.


Which theory focuses on power differentials in relationships?

control balance theory

These are offenses committed by a corporation's officers who pursue illegal activity in the corporation's name.

corporate crime

Actus reus, mens rea, and concurrence constitute this.

corpus delicti

This is an action taken by a person or a group of people that violates the rules of society to the point that someone is harmed or society's interests are harmed.


This criminal justice model describes the expectation of an efficient criminal justice system.

crime control model

What is the number of Crime Index offenses divided by the population of an area called?

crime rate

According to Black's Law Dictionary this is, "The entire population of a county above the age of 15, which a sheriff may summon to his assistance in certain cases as to aid him in keeping the peace, in pursuing and arresting felons, etc."

posse comitatus

Common law is based on this.


According to Kohlberg, most young children are at which state of development?


This is a state or federal institution that confines people convicted of crime who are serving sentences for longer than a year.


This is a reason, based on known facts, to think that a criminal offense has occurred.

probable cause

The suspension of all or part of a sentence subject to certain conditions and supervision in the community.


This style of policing attempts to address the underlying social problems that contribute to crime by integrating research and scientific problem-solving strategies to analyze instances of crime with the goal of developing more effective response strategies.

problem-oriented policing

This type of law prescribes the methods for the enforcement and use of the law.


The [blank] law dictates how the government can go about discovering and prosecuting violations of the [blank] law.

procedural; substantive

How does the FBI currently classify arson?

property crime

Target hardening and CPTED are an example of ___crime prevention


These offenses include drug use, disturbing the peace, drunkenness, prostitution, and some forms of gambling.

public order crime

This is suspicion of illegal activity based on a person's race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on actual illegal activity or evidence of illegal activity.

racial profiling

In early England, a person who caught someone stealing chickens would be required to do this.

raise a hue and cry

in early England, a person who caught someone stealing chickens would be required to do this.

raise a hue and cry

_____ theory states people consciously weigh the risks against the benefits of their actions and choose the action they think has the most benefit

rational choice

This is suspicion based on facts or circumstances that justifies stopping and sometimes searching an individual thought to be involved in illegal activity.

reasonable suspicion

According to Merton's strain theory, the Amish would be an example of which type of individual?


According to Merton's strain theory, a wandering hobo would be an example of which type of individual?


Criminologists use this term to refer to instances wherein a victim plays an active role in initiating conflict.

victim precipitation

After the trial of James Holmes, who opened fire on an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater in July 2012, about 100 family members of the victims spoke in court about how the crime affected them. Which term best relates to this activity?

victim-impact statement

Deborah's cell phone is stolen from her bag. Later, a census taker interviews her about the incident. Which term best describes this type of research

victimization survey

Behaviors that are deemed undesirable because they offend community standards rather than directly harm people or property.

victimless crime

How does the FBI classify murder and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault?

violent crimes

While out on patrol, Officer Kealoha spots a group of youths sitting in the backyard of a house and smoking. She takes note of the situation, but because the youths are quiet and minding their own business, she moves on. What type of policing is this the best example of?

watchman style

This criminal offense is committed during the course of business for financial gain.

white collar crime

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