quiz 2: personal safety
When riding a bicycle, wear:
a helmet
If you are practicing principles of defensive driving, you will:
allow yourself time and space to react to the actions of other drivers
At which of the following places should you cross the street?
at the corner at a designated crosswalk
expected to follow the same rules of traffic as car and truck drivers.
Before the car starts, the driver and all the passengers should always:
buckle and adjust their seatbelts
during an electrical storm Do not use or touch
electrical appliances
Using electrical tools while your hands are wet could cause:
Laws regulating speed, traffic flow, seat belt use, etc., were established:
for your safety
When evacuating a burning building, do not open doors that are
hot and stay low to the floor
A life jacket is designed to:
keep your head above water
If no sidewalk is available, walk on the far what side of the road, safely out of the way of oncoming traffic.
If no safe shelter is available during an electrical storm
lie on the ground
clothes helps to reflect the sun's warming rays.
light colored
Which of the following components should a fire escape plan include?
multiple escape routes from every room a safe meeting place away from the house periodic practice
The best way to prevent boating accidents is to:
obey all the rules of boating
If you are suddenly caught driving in a massive downpour, you should:
pull over to the side of the road until the storm passes
Ride your bicycle on the what side of the street with the flow of traffic.
If your clothes catch on fire, drop to the ground and
roll and cover your face
when lightning begins to strike.
seek shelter in a building
function as an early warning system, notifying you that smoke is in the air.
smoke detectors
What is the main cause of house fires?
The safest way to test for strong currents is to:
watch the movement of a stick or a leaf on the water
Children should only be allowed to play in a pool:
when a responsible adult is supervising