quiz 5

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Which of the following is not a stage in the information processing model of memory?

Episodic memory

Given what we know about the operation of the phonological loop, which of the following word lists would be most difficult for people to retain for 15 seconds


Models designed to explain mental functioning are constantly refined and modified to explain new results. Which of the following exemplifies this concept based on the results presented in your text?

Replacing the short-term memory component of the modal model with working memory

Which of the following statements about short-term memory is FALSE?

Short-term memory stores an exact replica of sensory stimuli.

According to the model of working memory, which of the following mental tasks should LEAST adversely affect people's driving performance while operating a car along an unfamiliar, winding road?

Trying to remember the definition of a word they just learned

Compared to the whole report technique, the partial report procedure involves

a smaller response set.

A task with the instructions "Read the following words while repeating 'the, the, the' out loud, look away, and then write down the words you remember" would most likely be studying

articulatory suppression.

Which of the following stimulus characteristics most challenges the processing capacity of short-term memory?


Brief sensory memory for sound is known as

echoic memory.

The primary effect of chunking is to

increase the efficiency of short-term memory.

When light from a flashlight is moved quickly back and forth on a wall in a darkened room, it can appear to observers that there is a trail of light moving across the wall, even though physically the light is only in one place at any given time. This experience is an effect of memory that occurs because of

persistence of vision

A person with a reduced digit span would most likely have a problem with ___________ memory.


Suppose you're on the phone with a customer support representative who gives you a ticket number for your records. You're later transferred to a different representative who asks for your ticket number, but you've forgotten it. This probably occurred because the number was only temporarily stored in your

short-term memory.

Research suggests that the capacity of short-term memory is

somewhat small, holding only about seven items at one time.

According to the predictions of the memory span demonstration, for which of the following types of material should a participant have the shortest memory span?


If working memory were an actual workplace, which of the following best describes the members of Baddeley's model?

workers and manager

Imagine yourself walking from your car, bus stop, or dorm to your first class. Your ability to form such a picture in your mind depends on which of the following components of working memory?

The visuospatial sketch pad

It is easier to perform two tasks at the same time if

one is handled by the visuospatial sketch pad and one is handled by the phonological loop.

Digit span is one measure of capacity of

short-term memory.

Memory-span is a measure of ...

working memory capacity.

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