When running our first decision tree, we took out "maxdepth=". This had the unfortunate result of...
Building a very large hard to understand tree
In order to interpret Decision Tree's it is necessary to first run a linear regression
Random Forests can only be used on classification problems.
One problem with decision trees is that they are prone to if you are not careful or do not set the ???? appropriately.
Max Depth
One problem with decision trees is that they are prone to ??? if you are not careful or do not set the
What is the first variable in a decision tree called (before any of the branches)?
What is the terminal node as discussed in the lecture?
The last node (sometimes called a leaf if you google the term). The tree doesn't split after this.
Models, such as the random forest model we ran, often have a number of parameters that the analyst can choose or set. What is a the best source of up to date information about the different parameters that can be set?
The scikit learn documentation
Decision tree's are nice because they are fairly simple and straightforward to interpret.
The random forest algorithm prevents, or at least avoids to some extent, the problems with overfitting found in decision trees.
Random forests are [inputx] interpretable than decision trees