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___________ is characterized by moods that alternate between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the euphoric, hyperactive state of mania.

Bipolar disorder

_____ is a condition in which a person can respond to a visual stimulus without consciously experiencing it.


Which of the following is NOT a possible explanation of consciousness found by cognitive neuroscientists?

A weak stimulus that is below conscious perception will trigger areas of the brain in the same way as a stronger stimulus that is consciously perceived.

___________ is the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular sensory stimulus (for example, light, sound, pressure, taste) at least 50 percent of the time.

Absolute threshold

Before Juan's first date with a psychologist, she wants him take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Juan is uncomfortable taking a personality test for someone he barely knows. What argument could Juan use to persuade this psychologist that he should NOT take the test?

According to a National Research Council report, "the popularity of this test in the absence of proven scientific worth is troublesome."

Although physical decline begins in early adulthood, it is not until later in life that it becomes really noticeable. Which of the following declines in later life?

All of these abilities decline in later life.

We use retrieval cues to access target information. The best retrieval cues are the:

All of these things are effective retrieval cues for the memory.

Three hours after eating at an airport fast-food restaurant, Karen got extremely nauseated while in flight. The next time she was in the airport and walked by that restaurant, she felt a wave of nausea. How can this best be explained?

All of these things explain why Karen became nauseated at the sight of the restaurant.

Given findings from adoption studies, which of the following scenarios is the MOST likely?

An adopted brother and sister raised together will share the same political and religious beliefs.

Which of the following is an example of a biological constraint on conditioning?

An animal's unique characteristics and natural behavior patterns can influence what it is capable of learning.

Which of the following philosophers believed that the mind was located in the heart?


_____ is the capacity to selectively focus senses and awareness on particular stimuli or aspects of the environment.


______________ is characterized by one or more of three key symptoms, including extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

_____________are feelings that are based on beliefs. They predispose people to react in a particular way to objects, people, and events.


The tendency to exaggerate the impact of child-raising practices on children's personalities has been most characteristic of:

Freudian psychologists.

The idea that any perceivable neutral stimulus can serve as a conditioned stimulus (CS) was challenged by:

Garcia and Koelling's findings on taste aversion in rats.

You have been asked to give a brief lecture on neurons and action potential to a group of high school students. Which of the following would you use as a model to describe the chemistry-to-electricity process of the action potential?

It is similar to the way batteries generate electricity.

Which of the following qualities would researchers in psychology ascribe to a "good" theory?

It should organize observations and imply clear, testable predictions.

Evidence that neck-level spinal cord injuries reduce the intensity with which people experience certain emotions most directly refutes the:

Cannon-Bard theory.

The collective unconscious is to _____ as the inferiority complex is to _____.

Carl Jung; Alfred Adler

Gwen is quite upset and asks why she is always the one who cooks, cleans, and takes care of the children the majority of the time. Which of the following is NOT a reason for Gwen to be in this situation?

Employed women have an hour more time to devote to taking care of the children.

______________ is a statistical procedure that can be used to identify clusters of behaviors that are related to a trait.

Factor analysis

. He proposed cognitive dissonance theory.


As she was riding her bicycle down a hill, Wendy hit a large rock and started to lose her balance. She managed to come to a stop without falling. Once she was stopped, she noticed her heart was racing and she was shaking. After that, she realized she was frightened. Which theory of emotion best explains this sequence of events?

James-Lange theory

Jasper stays up very late most Saturday nights. He finds Monday mornings very difficult because he often sleeps until noon on Sunday and has trouble going to sleep at a reasonable time on Sunday night. What advice would you give him to help him with his Monday morning problem?

Jasper should try to maintain the same bedtime throughout the week.

______________ rejected the notion of innate ideas, offering his notion that the mind is a blank slate on which experience writes.

John Locke

Which of the following individuals is most likely to perform better on a newly learned task?

Joshua, who practiced the task, then went to bed right after practicing and slept 8 hours

_________________ conceded that our brains process and react to vast amounts of information without our conscious awareness.


Maureen is an introvert who prefers staying in and reading a good book. Her friend Paula is an extravert who would much rather spend her time partying. In terms of their ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion and express emotions:

Maureen is better at recognition and Paula is more expressive.

_____ is the neural storage of a long-term memory.

Memory consolidation

In a study on aggression, a group of university students were given an experimental task meant to be purposely frustrating. Then, the participants were given a task that forced them to administer (fake) electric shocks to other participants. Given what we know about gender differences and aggression, who do you think administered more painful electric shocks?

Men administered more painful electric shocks.

Regarding suicide, which of the following have researchers NOT reported?

Men have a lower suicide rate than women.

Which of the following is FALSE about ADHD?

More adults are given the diagnosis of ADHD than children.

______________ is a type of descriptive research method.

Naturalistic observation

_____________ are to an absence of appropriate behaviors as _____________ are to an excess of inappropriate behaviors.

Negative symptoms; positive symptoms

Your best friend is worried about the increase in divorce rates, prison populations, and incidence of depression in the United States. She thinks there are genetic reasons for these increases. Is this possible?

No; the human gene pool evolves far too slowly to account for high-speed cultural transformations.

_____________ result(s) from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval, whereas _____________ result(s) from a person's willingness to accept other's opinions about reality.

Normative social influence; informational social influence

__________________ behavior operates on the environment, whereas ________________ behavior involves actions that are automatic responses to a stimulus.

Operant; respondent

________________ is one phenomenon that illustrates why we should NOT rely on our intuition and common sense when trying to explain why people act, think, and feel the way they do.


Some psychologists believe that due partly to a broader definition of trauma, mental health professionals have been over diagnosing:


_____ is the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously; the brain's natural mode of information processing for many functions.

Parallel processing

A large-scale World Health Organization (2004) study—based on 90-minute interviews of 60,463 people—estimated the number of prior-year mental disorders in 20 countries. Which country had the highest rate of diagnosed psychological disorders?

United States

Experiments show that when you move your wrist at will, you consciously experience the decision to move it about 0.2 seconds before the actual movement (Libet, 1985, 2004). But your brain waves jump about 0.35 seconds before you consciously perceive your decision to move. From this study one can conclude:

consciousness sometimes arrives after decision-making.

A person's subjective experience of the world and one's self is:


Freddy was a participant in a research study looking at the content of people's dreams. If he is typical, most of his dreams will:

contain a story line that incorporates traces of previous days' nonsexual experiences and preoccupations.

___________ is a newer understanding of short-term memory that involves conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information, as well as information retrieved from long-term memory.

Working memory

Which of the following statements is true of the life expectancy of males and females?

Worldwide, women outlive men by 4 years.

Julio believes that no matter how hard he works, the "system" is so biased against his ethnic group that he will be unable to achieve economic success. Julio's thinking most clearly demonstrates:

an external locus of control.

Paula expects that diligent study will enable her to earn good grades on her tests. Paula's belief best illustrates:

an internal locus of control.

Roger went to see his doctor with complaints of erectile disorder (ED). His doctor has him participate in a sleep disorder study to determine the cause of his ED. The cause of his ED was determined to be psychological. Why?

because Roger had a morning erection

Psychology is the scientific study of:

behavior and mental processes.

Evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to predict that:

children are more likely to be safely cared for by their biological fathers than by their stepfathers.

If you were studying children raised in a culture that focused on cultivating emotional closeness, which of the following child-raising practices would you likely find?

children sleeping with their mothers and spending their daytime hours close to a family member

The thread-like structures that contain genes are called:


If you are like most people, you experience daily fluctuations in many bodily processes, such as blood pressure, the secretion of hormones, and so on. These daily variations in biological and psychological processes are called:

circadian rhythms.

If you have a frightening experience immediately after hearing a strange sound, your fear may be aroused when you hear that sound again. This best illustrates:

classical conditioning.

In the Milgram experiments, the level of obedience was highest when the "teacher" was __________ the experimenter and __________ the "learner."

close to; far from

A focus on how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information is most relevant to the ____________ perspective.


The predictability of an association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus (US) facilitates an organism's ability to expect or anticipate the occurrence of the unconditioned stimulus (US). This fact is most likely to be highlighted by a _____________ perspective.


When grocery shopping with his mother, 3-year-old Dre sometimes throws temper tantrums if his mother refuses his requests for a particular cereal. Parent-training experts would suggest that his mother should:

continue shopping while ignoring Dre's tantrums.

Studying initially healthy men over a 10-year period, researchers found that pessimistic adult men were more than twice as likely as optimistic men to experience:

coronary heart disease.

After suffering an accidental brain injury, Kira has difficulty walking in a smooth, coordinated manner. It is likely that she has suffered damage to her:

corpus callosum.

In times of stress, the outer part of the adrenal glands secrete glucocorticoid stress hormones such as:


A person who engages in ______________ does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions. Instead, he or she analyzes assumptions, looks into hidden values, and tries to determine if conclusions are warranted.

critical thinking

Jane and Sarah were watching the evening news when viewers were asked to call in about the city's proposal to raise taxes. Later in the broadcast, the results were posted. Both Jane and Sarah were skeptical of the 68 percent of viewers who supported the tax increase. They wondered who the people who called in were. Jane and Sarah are demonstrating:

critical thinking.

When Leanne read experimental evidence that indicated orange juice consumption triggers hyperactivity in children, she questioned whether the tested children had been randomly assigned to experimental conditions. Leanne's reaction best illustrates:

critical thinking.

These are studies in which people of different ages are compared with one another.

cross-sectional studies

William James would suggest that we feel sorry because we ____________ and afraid because we ____________.

cry; tremble

Critics of evolutionary psychology are particularly likely to emphasize that gender differences in mate preferences can also be byproducts of:

cultural practices.

Psychologists persistently ask the two questions "What do you mean?" and "How do you know?" because they approach the world of behavior with:

curious skepticism.

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system:

decreases salivation and increases blood pressure.

During a riot, a large sporting event, or mob action, we lose self-awareness and self-restraint. This is known as:


A _____________ is a false belief that often accompanies psychotic disorders.


The amount of information that a neuron can receive increases with the number of _____ that the neuron has.

dendrites and dendrite branches

The influence cognition has on classical conditioning:

depends on the information the conditioned stimulus (CS) provides about the unconditioned stimulus (US).

In terms of pervasiveness, ____________ is to psychological disorders as the common cold is to mild physical illnesses.


As far as we know, the primary cause of Alzheimer's disease is:

deterioration of neurons that produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Epigenetics is the study of environmental influences on ______ that occur without a DNA change.

gene expression

Highly emotional people are intense partly because of their interpretations. They may ______________ their experiences by blowing single incidents out of proportion.


These are the biochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomes.


In studies of fraternal and identical twins, only the identical twins had strikingly similar sleep patterns and durations. This study seems to indicate that sleep patterns are influenced by:


Evolutionary psychologists attribute the human tendency to fear snakes and heights to:

genetic predispositions.

Evolutionary psychologists suggest that human behavioral similarities arise from our shared:


According to Carl Rogers, three conditions are necessary to promote personality growth. These are:

genuineness, acceptance, and empathy.

Dr. Burns, a psychologist, sees his own therapist in order to be at his emotional best when working with his patients. He is open with his feelings and self-disclosing in his own therapy. Carl Rogers refers to this attitude as:


Random samples provide ___________ estimates of population averages if the samples have small __________________.

good; standard deviations

A group of racially prejudiced high school students discussed racial issues. During the conversation, their attitudes became even more prejudiced. This best illustrates:

group polarization.

Seeing one-eyed monsters would be a(n) ________. Believing oneself to be Christopher Columbus would be a ________.

hallucination; delusion

People with schizophrenia often have disturbed perceptions, such as __________, which are sensory experiences without sensory stimulation.


Therapeutic drugs that block dopamine receptors are most likely to reduce:


Bonita is suffering from major depressive disorder. Compared with people who are not depressed, Bonita is more likely to:

have a preoccupation with death or suicidal thoughts.

The majority of adults aged 65 and older in the United States are:

healthy, active, and self-sufficient.

Loren is studying emotion in her psychology class, and is surprised to find out that in individualistic cultures _____________ is related to happiness; in communal cultures _____________ matters more.

high self-esteem; social acceptance

Research has shown that, among U.S. couples that live together before marriage, there are:

higher rates of divorce.

This term is also known as the "I-knew-it-all-along" phenomenon.

hindsight bias

You've just found out that a married couple you've known since high school—the homecoming queen and the captain of the football team—are now splitting up. You think back to the last time you saw them together and have the feeling that you could have predicted their divorce. Which of the following is the most likely cause for your feeling?

hindsight bias

Albert decided that it was time to invest his money. He was quite excited and told his friends about his new financial venture. Even his wife was supportive. Albert liked a number of riskier companies, but he decided to invest in the companies that had good financial standings. A year later, when five of the six companies went bankrupt, Albert's wife was furious and stated, "Anyone could have seen these companies were going to fail." This is called:

hindsight bias.

During a test, Abe impulsively copied several answers from a nearby student's paper. He felt very uncomfortable about having done this until he convinced himself that copying answers is not wrong if classmates are careless enough to expose their test sheets. Which theory best explains why Abe adopted this new attitude?

cognitive dissonance theory

Children who receive a payoff for playing with an interesting toy have later been observed to play with the toy more often than those who did not receive the reward. These findings provide support for the role of _________________ in operant behavior.

cognitive processes

Many psychologists have criticized Skinner for discounting the influence of ________ on behavior.

cognitive processes

According to Carl Jung, humans have a reservoir of images that are derived from our universal experiences. This is known as our:

collective unconscious.

Workers at the Ito motor plant are willing to work long hours and put the company's success ahead of their own as they are from a(n) __________________ culture.


A learning theory would be most likely to emphasize the role of ________ in the onset of anxiety disorders.


Frieda is organized, careful, and disciplined. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


Researchers have found that classical conditioning can be used to produce an immune response in patients. Of the following pairings, which would be the most likely to produce this response?

repeated pairing of lemonade with the immune enhancing drug

Watson and Rayner taught "Little Albert" to fear white rats by:

repeatedly pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat.

You are watching CNN and see an online survey asking for viewers to respond with their view on the Iraq war. Later in the broadcast, the results are posted. Using your critical thinking, you know that these types of surveys are NOT truly:

representative and random.

According to evolutionary psychologists, our predisposition to overconsume fatty junk foods illustrates that we are biologically prepared to behave in ways that promoted the ________ of our ancestors.

reproductive success

Most combat-stressed soldiers do not later exhibit PTSD. This best illustrates survivor:


The second phase of general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is characterized by:


Classical conditioning focuses on ________________ behavior, whereas operant conditioning focuses on ________________ behavior.

respondent; operant

In which of the following groups is social loafing LEAST likely?

restaurant food servers who are allowed to keep the individual tips they receive

If a researcher electrically stimulates the ______________ in an animal, the animal will immediately wake up and be alert.

reticular formation

The process of getting information out of memory storage is called:


Martin's family suffered through two weeks of pain and suffering after his horrific car accident that left him in a coma. Martin was struggling for his life, and physicians predicted he would never wake up. On the thirteenth day, Martin did wake up. Martin's Aunt Marie proudly exclaimed, "I knew Martin would make it." This is called:

hindsight bias.

Lara is trying to remember events from her life as an 18-month-old. However, as hard as she might try, she has no conscious memory for anything that occurred before her third birthday. This is likely due to the fact that her ______________, which is involved in storing explicit memories, was not fully developed at that age.


The _____________ is the neural center involved in processing explicit memories for storage.


Hillary just began teaching a class and is trying to memorize the names of her students. Her ability to store these to memory will rely upon the work of her:


A large pharmaceutical company is conducting a clinical trial for major depressive disorder. They are concerned with the efficacy and safety of the new antidepressant. Their perspective is in line with the _______________ model.


Shortly after going to bed, some people claim to have been abducted by space aliens. These people commonly recall being floated off their beds. It is most likely that they have incorporated ______________ into their memories.

hypnagogic sensations

The limbic system structure that regulates hunger is called the:


Research with split-brain patients led Michael Gazzaniga to conclude that the _____________ typically constructs the theories people offer to explain their own behaviors.

left cerebral hemisphere

People with positive personalities are most likely to have greater activity in their:

left frontal lobe.

In reading these test questions, you are primarily using your _____ to understand what you are reading.

left hemisphere

In 1870, German physicians Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzig used mild electrical stimulation in an animal's brain to make parts of its body move. When they stimulated the right motor cortex the _____ side of the body moved and when they stimulated the left motor cortex the _____ side of the body moved.

left; right

Dr. Barillas is conducting a study in which she is destroying tiny clusters of a rat's brain to see what type of function and behavior is affected. The technique Dr. Barillas is using is called:


Identical twins raised apart have ________ similar personalities than identical twins raised together and ________ similar personalities than fraternal twins raised apart.

less; more

The all-or-none response of a neuron is similar to a:

light switch that only has two positions—on and off.

Depressed mood states are linked to ________ levels of serotonin and ________ levels of norepinephrine.

low; low

Evolutionary psychologists attribute gender differences in sexuality to the fact that women have:

lower reproductive potential than do men.

John was injured in a car accident and had lost consciousness for 10 minutes. He sustained numerous lacerations, a right femoral contusion, and, most importantly, had a large open wound on his head. When he arrived at the emergency room, the attending physician immediately ordered which neuroimaging technique to rule out any soft tissue damage to the brain?

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

For the past four weeks, Odessa has been feeling lethargic and worthless. Her friends are worried because she no longer shows interest in her normal social activities. It is very likely that Odessa is suffering from:

major depressive disorder.

Near-daily distress because of fatigue, loss of energy, thoughts of death and suicide, and the inability to function at work are most likely to be associated with:

major depressive disorder.

Nicole refuses to leave her house because she is fearful of being exposed to germs. Nicole's behavior is _____ because it interferes with normal day-to-day life.


If a gender-neutral face is made to look angry, most people perceive it as ________. If asked to imagine an angry face, most identify it as ________.

male; male

Casual, impulsive sex is most frequent among _________ with traditional __________ attitudes.

males; masculine

The ____________ can be particularly biased or misleading when there are a few ____________ scores.

mean; extreme

Ahmed has five sisters who are 3, 3, 5, 9, and 10 years of age. The number 5 represents the __________ of his sisters' ages.


Historically there have been a variety of models used to explain psychological disorders. The ___________ model assumes that mental disorders have physical causes that can be diagnosed and treated.


The ____________ is responsible for heartbeat and breathing.


According to research studies done on U.S. college students:

men more often than women attribute a woman's friendliness to sexual interest.

Aja is worried that as her husband approaches his fortieth birthday he will become depressed and unhappy with his life and begin to seek other women to help compensate for these feelings. Studies cited in your text indicate that very few men go through this sort of:

midlife crisis.

A diminished sense of self, space, and time is most likely to be associated with:

mindfulness meditation.

The ____________ is a simple measure of central tendency, which indicates the score or scores that occur most frequently.


The number 7 is the ___________ of the following set of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9.


According to evolutionary psychology all humans share a universal _____ that has survived from a distant past in which we lived in small groups and punished those who directly harmed others.

moral instinct

Compared with those who perceive an internal locus of control, individuals with an external locus of control are:

more likely to feel depressed and less able to delay gratification.

Compared with men, women are ________ effective in discerning whether a male-female couple is a genuine romantic couple or a posed phony couple. Women are ________ effective in discerning which of two people in a photo of the other's supervisor.

more; more

The signals for voluntary muscle movements originate in a band of tissue called the _____, which is located on the _____ lobe.

motor cortex; frontal

The action potential is produced by the:

movement of positive ions across the membrane of the axon.

Martha's child was born with an extra chromosome resulting in Down syndrome. This is an example of:


Due to a random error in genetic replication, a lion is born with a heightened sense of smell. This variation in an inherited trait is due to:


In older adults _____ disorders were formerly called dementia.

neurocognitive disorders

Scientists hope that someday, through the use of master stem cells, they will be able to help the body create new neurons for damaged areas of the brain, through the process of:


College men given injections of epinephrine felt happiest if they were told the injection would produce ________ and if they were in the company of a person who was acting ________.

no effects; euphoric

A culture that promotes individualism is most likely to encourage:


In making wedding preparations, Jason conforms to the expectations of his future bride's family, simply to win their favor. His behavior illustrates the importance of:

normative social influence.

While Thomas disagrees with his boss, he laughs at the joke anyway to gain her approval. Thomas' behavior illustrates:

normative social influence.

It is 1965, and Professor B. F. Skinner is lecturing in your introductory course. He defines psychology as "the scientific study of __________________."

observable behavior

When a 4-year-old girl suddenly picks up her ironing board and plays it like it is an electric guitar, it is likely that she has seen someone playing a real electric guitar in the same manner. Thus, she has learned via:


After one chimpanzee sees a second chimp open a box that contains a food reward, the first animal opens a similar box with great speed. This best illustrates:

observational learning.

One chimp watches a second chimp solve a puzzle for a food reward. The first chimp then imitates how the second chimp solved the puzzle. This best illustrates:

observational learning.

One form of cognitive learning is called:

observational learning.

Uncontrollable thoughts and worries are to _____ as uncontrollable behaviors are to _____.

obsessions; compulsions

People who suffer from ____________ are so preoccupied by unwanted repetitive thoughts and actions that they are unable to function in their daily lives.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

The anterior cingulate cortex is especially likely to be hyperactive in those with:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Ralph was involved in a bar fight and sustained a blow to the back of the head from a beer bottle. He was dazed and could not see for about two minutes. Which lobe was affected?


Voluntary behaviors that produce rewarding or punishing consequences are called:

operant behaviors.

Dr. Aba is conducting a study about the relationship between short stature and shyness. The study begins with an interview, and Dr. Aba is aware that some college students may seem shy in an interview setting, even if they are not usually shy. Before conducting this study, Dr. Aba needs to develop:

operational definitions for both shyness and short stature.

Students who expect that they will be able to rebound from a low test score through their own effort and self-discipline most clearly demonstrate


The proper order of Freud's psychosexual stages is:

oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.

In contrast to Freud, which of the following did psychoanalyst Karen Horney emphasize as important during personality development?

our desire for love and security

People all over the world react similarly when they are reunited with loved ones. For example, if you watch people greeting each other at family reunions, they tend to have the same joyful expressions on their faces, no matter what country they come from. This similarity can be attributed to:

our shared human genome.

At the beginning of the school year, groups of college students were asked to predict a variety of their own social behaviors (for example, calling their parents, voting in an election). The students reported being 84 percent confident in their self-predictions. However, they correctly predicted their own behavior only 71 percent of the time. This human tendency is known as:


Jamie and Robin were sure that they had answered most of their exam questions correctly because "the questions required only common sense." However, they each scored less than 60 percent on the exam. This best illustrates:


Students in Dr. Hunt's introductory psychology class come with their own preconceived notions of psychology as well as of different majors. Many are taking the course as part of their social science requirement; however, 10 of them are psychology majors, and all believe they will become psychologists. It will be interesting to follow-up with these 10 students a year from now to see how many of them have changed their majors. This tendency to make predictions about one's life so self-assuredly is called:


Several times in the past two months, Petra has experienced a racing heart, intense fear that something horrible is about to happen, and inability to breathe. Petra most likely suffers from:

panic attacks.

Symptoms that can be incorrectly perceived as a heart attack are most characteristic of:

panic disorder.

A PET scan study of people with ________ found increased activity in the amygdala.


In an effort to recall his early life experiences, Aaron formed vivid mental images of the rooms in his childhood home. Aaron was engaged in the process of:


In the process of retrieving a specific memory from a web of associations, a person needs to activate one of the strands that lead to it. This known as:


To say that the difference between sample averages is statistically significant means that the difference is:

probably NOT due to chance variation.

In 1921, Hermann Rorschach introduced what has become the most widely used ____________ test.


Jim is a 43-year-old male presenting with auditory hallucinations, delusions of reference, delusions of persecution, and claims of "special powers." Jim suffers from schizophrenia and has not been taking his medication as prescribed. Dr. Verde is evaluating Jim, and may admit him to the hospital so that she can restart his medications and monitor his response. Dr. Verde is most likely a:


According to ________ theory, anxiety is sometimes produced by the submerged mental energy associated with repressed impulses.


Harry is a 76-year-old who has an optimistic outlook on life, plays golf several times a week, and teaches English to non-English speaking people. These factors demonstrate the role of _____ factors play in helping older people live longer and flourish.


Perceived loss of control is associated with __________ stress hormone levels and __________ immune responses.

raised; lowered

Even in random data we often find order, because random sequences often don't look _____.


Bryce often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce best illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:

reaction formation.

Which of the following measures of retention is the LEAST sensitive in triggering retrieval?


Dr. Napleton prefers to give his students all essay and fill-in-the-blank questions to fully test their:


Imagine you have to pick the correct answer from a displayed list of options. This type of memory measure is known as:


Dr. Ramirez is a sleep researcher who wishes to record the rhythmic electrical patterns of the brain. He is most likely to use which of the following methods?

recording brain waves on an electroencephalograph (EEG)

In a series of experiments, men found women more attractive and sexually desirable when their photos were framed in:


Students who were told that a young woman had been instructed to act in a very unfriendly way for the purposes of the experiment concluded that her behavior:

reflected her personal disposition.

According to cognitive neuroscientists, perception, memory, thinking, language, and attitudes all operate on two levels in what is called dual processing. In dual processing, a conscious, deliberate "high road" is _________, and an unconscious, automatic "low road" is _____.

reflective; intuitive

Professor Crane was ecstatic when he learned that his research study was approved for publication. But his joyful feelings quickly dissipated when he heard his colleague recently had three different research articles approved for publication. His declining emotional satisfaction is best explained by the:

relative deprivation principle.

The perception that we are worse off relative to those with whom we compare ourselves to is known as:

relative deprivation.

One way to test memory is to check the speed of ___________ for things that we once learned but have since forgotten.


Some researchers believe that addictive disorders, such as substance abuse and binge eating, may stem from a malfunction in the brain's reward centers. Some believe that this malfunction is genetically predisposed and the addictive behavior replaces missing pleasure or relieves negative feelings. This condition is called:

reward deficiency syndrome.

Based on research with split-brain patients, we know that the _____ hemisphere is specialized for _____.

right; visual perception tasks

Cognitive dissonance theory is MOST helpful in understanding the impact of:

role playing on attitude change.

College students were asked to pretend that they were accused murderers. Under hypnosis, they typically expressed a second personality when prompted to do so by the examining psychiatrist. This most strongly suggests that dissociative identity disorder may involve:

role playing.

When trying to interpret a bar graph, do not be fooled. Make sure to check the _____________ and note their _____________.

scale labels; range

Perceptual sets are the result of ______________, which we form to organize and interpret unfamiliar information.


One cluster of personality disorders expresses eccentric behavior, and includes ______________. People with this personality disorder can be described as having an emotionless disengagement.

schizotypal personality disorder

Nonreproductive sex characteristics such as the deepened male voice and male facial hair are called:

secondary sex characteristics.

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, which of the following is the correct sequence of events when a car drives directly toward us and we experience emotion?

see an oncoming car; heart pounds and, at the same time, experience fear

Drivers detect traffic signals more slowly if they are conversing on a cell phone while driving. This best illustrates the impact of:

selective attention.

Circumstances that increase ________ are likely to reduce ________.

self-awareness; deindividuation

Elena has been in therapy for two months. When she began therapy, her therapist asked her to describe herself as she would ideally like to be and as she actually is. He explained that when these two descriptions are nearly alike, the person is thought to have a positive:


If you move your watchband up your wrist an inch or so, you will feel it for only a few moments. This best illustrates:

sensory adaptation.

In Atkinson and Shiffrin's three-stage processing model we record information in which order?

sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

Our tendency to recall the last and first items in a list is known as the:

serial position effect.

Kendra learned how to make 3-point basketball shots by successfully making very short shots before shooting from increasingly longer distances from the hoop. This learning strategy best illustrates the process of:


Theo suffers from depression and is currently in treatment. His physician is using electroconvulsive therapy, which will affect his ___________ memory.


Two TSA officers are scanning bags at the airport. One of the officers lets a bag go through when the other officer yells, "Wait, didn't you see that?" Why one officer saw a weapon and the other did not is best explained by the:

signal detection theory.

One study surveyed thousands of U.S. college students and then restudied them at age 37. College students who were happy had gone on to earn ________ money than their less-happy-than-average peers.


By organizing isolated facts, a theory ultimately __________ things.


Poverty and unemployment are likely to be explained in terms of ________ by political liberals and in terms of ________ by political conservatives.

situational constraints; personal dispositions

Which is an aspect of the scientific attitude?


Which of the following sleep disorders is most strongly associated with obesity?

sleep apnea

Early signs of antisocial behavior in children include:

slow development of conditioned fears.

Seven months ago, Quinn witnessed the gruesome murder of a close friend. Although many people expected him to suffer from this, he instead recovered quickly and demonstrated no symptoms of a psychological disorder. Quinn's response is demonstrating:

survivor resiliency

Dr. Render is a neuropsychologist who works with post-surgical patients who have had surgery to sever their corpus callosum (to reduce severe seizures). When she presents the word "sal-ted" to one patient, "sal" transmits to his left visual field and "ted" to his right visual field. She then asks him to tell her what he saw. What does this patient say?


Niko is an 11-year-old who has experienced abuse, bullying, and poverty most of his young life. This situation has produced a great deal of stress and anxiety. Due to these experiences Niko is likely to have shortened _____, which are the biological scars of these experiences and which will lead to a shortened life expectancy.


When the DNA pieces called ______________ get too short, the cell can no longer divide.


Psychologists would most likely use biofeedback to help clients reduce:

tension headaches.

A hypothesis is a prediction that is:


Which area of the brain receives all sensory input collected from the senses, except the sense of smell, and relays this information to the higher regions of the brain?


We sometimes interpret our arousal before experiencing a complex emotional reaction such as hatred. These complex emotional reactions follow a neural pathway from the

thalamus to the cerebral cortex to the amygdala.

You are trying to decide between two schools for your 8-year-old daughter to attend. The Einstein School brags that the average IQ of its students is 125, with a standard deviation of 5.3. The Marie Curie School reports that the average IQ of its students is 125, with a standard deviation of 15.6. If you are most interested in finding a school that has children with diverse abilities, which school would you choose for your daughter?

the Marie Curie School

People have a tendency to judge stimuli relative to those stimuli previously experienced. For example, if a man's current income level increases, he feels an initial surge of pleasure. However, as he adapts to that income level, he comes to consider it normal. He then requires something better to feel another surge of happiness. This is known as:

the adaptation-level phenomenon.

In all of Milgram's obedience experiments, participants were deceived about:

the amount of shock the victim actually received.

Tonya had her left index finger severed in a factory accident. Months later she noticed that the sensitivity of the fingers near the missing finger had increased. This increased sensitivity is caused by:

the area in the somatosensory cortex that once received input for the missing index finger is now receiving input from the adjacent fingers.

People often commit the fundamental attribution error, especially when they explain:

the behavior of strangers who have been observed in only one type of situation.

Dr. Sanchez is at a faculty party and is attentively listening to Dr. Chen talk about her latest research on facial recognition when Dr. Sanchez suddenly becomes aware of someone else mentioning his name on the other side of the room. This phenomenon is known as:

the cocktail party effect.

One of Pavlov's major contributions to the field of psychology was to show how:

the discipline of psychology could be based on objective laboratory methods.

The gradually escalating levels of destructive obedience in the Milgram experiments best illustrate one of the potential dangers of:

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

After the events of 9/11, your friend suggested that the CIA and FBI should have foreseen the likelihood of this form of terrorism. According to her, all the clues were there. This perception most clearly illustrates:

the hindsight bias.

Which area of the limbic system regulates thirst, body temperature, and sexual behavior, and helps maintain a steady (homeostatic) internal state?

the hypothalamus

Which of the following is an important part of the endocrine system but is not an endocrine gland?

the hypothalamus

Compared with people who have recently immigrated from Mexico, Mexican-Americans born in the United States are at greater risk of mental disorder—a phenomenon known as:

the immigrant paradox.

The onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder occurs around:

the late teens and twenties.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that is most directly associated with the degeneration of:

the myelin sheath.

Most of Dakota's friends look at him with respect. He is self-aware, self-accepting, and open. He is spontaneous and caring, and does not worry about other people's opinions. According to Maslow, it is likely that Dakota is motivated by:

the need for self-actualization.

The facial expressions associated with particular emotions are:

the same throughout the world.

Ever since she ate a chicken salad sandwich that had been sitting in the sun all day and vomited all over her boyfriend, Ashley becomes nauseated at the smell or taste of chicken salad. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is _____ and the conditioned response is _____.

the smell or taste of chicken salad; nausea

Which specialized area of the brain registers and processes body touch and movement sensations and is located at the front of the parietal lobes?

the somatosensory cortex

According to Freud, this part of the personality represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations.

the superego

In response to bright morning light:

the suprachiasmatic nucleus causes the pineal gland to decrease production of melatonin.

The stability of personality during adulthood is best evaluated by:

the trait perspective.

T lymphocytes are to the ____________ as B lymphocytes are to the____________.

thymus; bone marrow

Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

toneless voices

Information processing is guided by higher-level mental processes such as when we construct perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations. This process is called:

top-down processing.

Interpreting new sensory information within the framework of a past memory illustrates:

top-down processing.

Dendrites transmit messages ___________ the cell body and axons transmit messages ___________ the cell body.

toward; away from

Blinking in response to a puff of air directed into your eye is a(n):

unconditioned response (UR).

Conditioning seldom occurs when a(n) ____________ repeatedly comes before a(n) ____________.

unconditioned stimulus (US); neutral stimulus (NS)

Cliff is homeless, hungry, and desperate for food and shelter. He will do almost anything to satisfy these needs. According to Maslow's hierarchy, Cliff will ignore all other needs:

until he satisfies his most basic needs for food and shelter.

Adopted children are especially likely to have similar ____________ if raised in the same home.

values and attitudes

Pop quizzes and random checks of quality help to produce slow, steady responding and are examples of the ____________ schedule of reinforcement.


For professional baseball players, swinging at a pitched ball is reinforced with a home run on a _____________ schedule.


Gamblers and fishermen have a difficult time controlling their need to gamble and fish because of the _____________ schedule of reinforcement.


When trying to interpret measures of central tendency, it is also important to know something about the ____________ in the data set.


Neal has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Neal interprets negative stressful events using a pessimistic explanatory style. His explanatory style creates a hopeless depressed state, which then hampers the way Neal thinks and acts, causing more negative stressful events. Neal's depression is likely due to a:

vicious cycle.

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI):

was empirically derived.

Jaydon does not realize that his alcohol misuse and family neglect is leading to the destruction of both his family and his career. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Jaydon is showing signs of a:

weak ego.

Depression is a serious, common psychological problem that affects many people. Although questions remain concerning the cause(s) of depression, we do know that:

women are nearly twice as likely to suffer from depressive disorder than are men.

People who have a sibling or parent with schizophrenia have about a __________ chance of developing the disorder.

1 in 10

People differ the most in their learning and memory abilities during:

late adulthood.

Joanna has been depressed due to the actions of her abusive husband. She feels trapped and believes she has nowhere to go and will never escape her husband. Joanna's depression and self-defeating beliefs have resulted from:

learned helplessness.

The passive resignation that accompanies an inability to avoid repeated traumatic events is called:

learned helplessness.

The social-cognitive perspective has linked the experience of depression with:

learned helplessness.

A sense of satisfaction with life is known as:

subjective well-being.

Perception that is below the threshold of conscious perception is called:

subliminal perception.

What is the most likely trigger for the few people with psychological disorders who do commit violent acts?

substance abuse

One strength of the case study method is that it:

suggests hypotheses for future study.

Compared with monkeys left in stable groups, monkeys who were housed with three or four new roommates each month were more likely to experience:

suppressed production of lymphocytes.

Your mother just called to tell you that, in a single day, five different men she met on an over-50 Internet dating forum invited her out on dates. You can't believe it! Which of the following statements can be used to explain your mother's great news?

"With a large enough sample, any outrageous thing is likely to happen."

Olivia has an ongoing disagreement with her husband about their 7-week-old infant. Olivia is certain that their infant can experience a wide variety of emotions. Her husband says young infants do not have that ability. Olivia is right, because according to Carroll Izard, people experience ________ basic emotions, most of which are present at infancy.


According to your text, emotionality is "more true of women," a perception expressed by nearly 100 percent of ____________________ Americans.

18- to 29-year-old

Bipolar disorder affects women and men in a ratio of:


What is the median of the following set of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 9?


Sternberg suggests that there are ______ intelligences and his theory is known as the _______________.

3; triarchic theory

What is the mean of the following set of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 9?


The Big Five personality traits are reported to have a heritability of approximately _____ percent for each dimension.


Among your _____ chromosomes, ____ are unisex.

46; 45

Harry Bahrick and his family found that the longer the space between practice sessions was, the better their retention of the foreign language word translations up to ___ years later.


Which of the following individuals is most likely to be at his or her peak level of arousal?

65-year-old Donovan, who begins a crossword puzzle at 7:30 A.M.

Some individuals have an amazing ability to remember things. For example, Russian journalist Shereshevskii could remember up to _______ digits or words.


Kaleb decided to go to his 25-year high school reunion. He looked in his yearbook to see whose picture he might recognize. According to research, he should expect to recognize _____ percent of his classmates' pictures.


Participants in a study conducted by Haber were shown more than 2500 slides of faces and places for only 10 seconds each. Later, they were shown 280 of these slides, paired with other unseen slides, and they were able to recognize _______ percent of the slides they had seen before.


_______________ is demonstrated in reacting adaptively to novel situations and generating novel ideas.

Creative intelligence

____________ is more than just being social. It allows enduring ideas and traditions shared by a group of people to be transmitted from one generation to the next. For example, although chimpanzees are social animals, their lives function in pretty much the same way they did 10,000 years ago. Humans, on the other hand, are living in a way their ancestors from 200 years ago could not imagine.


A gene is a small segment of a(n):

DNA molecule.

Which of the following is an example of a psychologically induced altered state of consciousness?

Deirdre has just entered a state of hypnosis with the help of a psychologist.

Emotions consist of which of the following components?

Emotions consist of all of these things.

She found that in over 125 studies of sensitivity to nonverbal cues, women generally surpass men at reading people's emotional cues.


____ is the proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes.


A month ago, Jason lost his job due to circumstances beyond his control and he is very concerned about his financial situation. Since then, he has learned that his wife will not be able to return to the United States because she cannot get her Green Card and that his rent-controlled apartment is being sold, so he must find another place to live. Given what happens when people feel unable to control their environment, which of the following do you think is happening to Jason?

His immune response is dropping.

______________ develop from a single fertilized egg, whereas ______________ develop from separate fertilized eggs.

Identical twins; fraternal twins

_____________ disorders are characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning.


Maya owes the credit card company $20,000, her adjustable rate mortgage has just gone up, and she has been out of work for 3 months. Her husband of 15 years came home today to tell her he was having an affair and wants a divorce. With that news, she collapsed and had to be taken to the emergency room. According to Selye, she is in which stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

Phase 3, in a state of exhaustion

Selye noted that in general adaptation syndrome (GAS) the greatest threat to one's immune system is during:

Phase 3.

_______________ is often required for everyday tasks, which are frequently ill-defined, with multiple solutions.

Practical intelligence

Rachel is a very optimistic young woman. She usually expects the best, even in uncertain times. Her college roommate, Leah, is pessimistic and is always expecting the worst. For these two women, what do you predict will happen during finals week?

Rachel will have less fatigue and fewer colds than will Leah.

Although Skinner and other behaviorists did not think that it was necessary to refer to thoughts or expectations when explaining human learning, findings from experiments with rats suggest otherwise. Which of the following findings suggests that cognitive processes are involved in operant learning?

Rats appear to experience latent learning while exploring mazes.

Women appear to be more sensitive to nonverbal cues than men. Which of the following research findings support this?

Research has found all of these things are true.

_____ is behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus.

Respondent behavior

____________ is like a warning light in a car. When it is evident, it is telling us to stop and take protective measures.


To experience an emotion, a person must be physically aroused and cognitively label that arousal. This theory of emotion was suggested by:

Schachter and Singer.

If people who are aroused by watching rock videos are then insulted, their feelings of anger will be greater than those of people who have been similarly provoked but were not previously aroused. This is best explained by the:

Schachter-Singer two-factor theory.

Schizophrenia is a severe disorder characterized by:

Schizophrenia is characterized by all of these things.

Dr. Yen is designing an experiment on obedience to authority. She will set up a learning laboratory, and have participants deliver loud blasts of sound as punishment for incorrect answers (given by a confederate of the researcher). How can Dr. Yen increase the likelihood of the participants' obedience?

She can make sure the participants know that she has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university.

Nicole's parents are often inconsistent in terms of their behaviors and what they say. For example, they often tell Nicole how important it is to be polite, but are not very polite themselves when it comes to letting other people off airplanes or giving up seats on public buses. How would you expect this contradiction would impact Nicole's behavior?

She will act rude but talk about how important it is to be polite.

The law of effect laid the foundation for:

Skinner's experiments on reinforcement.

_____ is periodic, natural loss of consciousness one experiences within a 24-hour period.


_________________ assumes that children learn gender-linked behaviors by observing and imitating others and through the rewards and punishments they receive for their imitation.

Social learning theory

_____ practice promotes better retention of material studied than _____ practice.

Spaced; mass

Although stress does not create cancer cells, it may affect their growth by suppressing the activity of:

T lymphocytes.

Viral infections are to ________ as bacterial infections are to ________.

T lymphocytes; B lymphocytes

You are a school psychologist who administers the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) to all sixth graders before they enter into junior high. You notice that the intelligence scores have a smaller standard deviation than when you administer the WISC to children in your consulting practice. Why?

The community in your consulting practice is more diverse than the school.

In a psychology class debate on the humanistic perspective, you need to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which of the following criticisms of the humanistic perspective can you cite?

The descriptions of self-actualizing people reflect Maslow's personal values.

What occurs during the refractory period?

The neuron reestablishes the negative-inside/positive-outside condition.

Which of the following is NOT one of the key defining features of anorexia nervosa?

The person recognizes that he or she has an eating disorder and is aware of the seriousness of her weight loss.

A local high school is running an experiment with a colony of infant rats. Half of the infant rats are isolated in barren cages and the other half live together in an enriched environment with lots of rat toys and exercise equipment. What would you expect the outcome to be at the end of the school year?

The rats in the enriched environment will have significantly larger cerebral cortices.

Ruben has been on his bike for 35 miles and has run out of water. While every mile seems much longer than it is he notices a sign that an ice cream shop is only 1 mile away. He immediately speeds up and the mile to the ice cream shop seems very short. What caused Ruben's change in perception?

The sign for the ice cream caused him to become more motivated and thus changed his perception of the distance.

As the manager of a food store, Angie is trying to come up with ways of increasing sales of items that have a high profit margin. She decides to embed subliminal messages to buy certain items in the music that is playing in the store. What do you predict will happen to the sales of the items that are subliminally advertised?

There will be no real change in the sales of those subliminally advertised items.

Which of the following statements is true of intelligence according to Charles Spearman?

Those who score high in one area of intelligence typically score higher than average in other areas.

The brain is essential for behaviour?


Friedman and Rosenman referred to relaxed and easygoing individuals as ________ personalities.

Type B

Selective attention is BEST illustrated by:

change blindness.

Who was the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology?


According to researchers, which of the following is NOT likely to occur during sleep?

We can learn a foreign language.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding heredity?

We can never say what percentage of an individual's personality or intelligence is inherited.

Psychologists who today focus on the adaptive function of behaviors and emotions (that is, those who study behaviors and emotions that appear to have allowed our ancestors to survive) would likely consider __________________ an early representative of their approach to psychology.

William James

______________ suggested that we can stimulate the subjective experience of cheerfulness simply by acting as if we are already cheerful.

William James

Using the principles of natural selection, _________________ studies how behavior and the mind have evolved.

evolutionary psychology

_________________ have demonstrated that some emotional responses involve no conscious thinking.

Zajonc and LeDoux

A unified understanding of explanations provided by the neuroscience, cognitive, social-cultural, and other psychological perspectives is most clearly provided by:

a biopsychosocial approach.

An integrated understanding of associative learning in terms of genetic predispositions, culturally learned preferences, and the predictability of certain associations is most clearly provided by:

a biopsychosocial approach.

An integrated understanding of psychological disorders in terms of stressful memories, evolutionary processes, and gender roles is most clearly provided by:

a biopsychosocial approach.

One of the hallmarks of schizophrenia is disorganized speech and behavior. Theorists suggest that people with such disorganized speech and behavior have:

a breakdown in selective attention.

Sean just discovered that his roommate's girlfriend broke up with him. Sean learns that his roommate is studying in the library and goes to find him. He sees his roommate studying and assumes he looks depressed. Sean's assumption is an example of being influenced by:

a context effect.

Who were the neo-Freudians?

a group of personality theorists who recognized the importance of many of the basic principles of Freudian psychoanalytic theory but went on to develop their own personality theories

According to Abraham Maslow, people are motivated by:

a hierarchy of needs.

Humanistic psychology emphasizes the importance of:

a positive self-concept.

In a national survey, which of the following would give the most reliable results?

a random sample of 3000 people from all areas of the country

The best basis for generalizing behavior is from:

a representative sample of cases.

This technique gathers peoples' self-reported attitudes or behaviors by questioning people randomly and representatively.

a survey

Strangers placed in male-female pairs were instructed to stare into each other's eyes for 2 minutes. They reported feeling:

a tingle of attraction and affection.

A drug that blocks the reuptake of a particular neurotransmitter is called a(n):


The relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake state are called:

alpha waves.

Memories of emotional events are especially likely to be facilitated by activation of the:


The limbic system structure that influences aggression is called the:


Freud suggested that adults with a passive and submissive personality, marked by a childlike dependence, demonstrate signs of:

an oral fixation.

Which basic emotion is facially expressed by brows drawn together and downward, eyes fixed, and mouth squarish?


In a crowd of faces, researchers have found that people are quickest to detect a(n)___________ face.


Although she is underweight, Lindsey is extremely afraid of becoming obese. She often checks her body in the mirror for any signs of fat and refuses to eat most foods because she insists they are fatty or high in calories. Lindsey most clearly demonstrates symptoms of:

anorexia nervosa.

In ______________, the affected person is aggressive and ruthless, and shows no sign of having a conscience that would inhibit wrongdoing.

antisocial personality disorder

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____________ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. When children have _____________ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.

antisocial; prosocial

The insula is activated when people experience emotions such as:

any of these emotions.

Although the cause of antisocial personality disorder is unclear, some people do appear to have a genetic vulnerability. For example, twin and adoption studies indicate that biological relatives of those with antisocial personality disorder:

are at increased risk for antisocial behavior.

Central route persuasion is most likely when people:

are naturally analytical.

People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder:

are tense and apprehensive all of the time.

Emotions are often hard to describe, but one way of clarifying them is to place them along two dimensions. Thus, people can describe where an emotion falls along two dimensions: (low versus high) ___________ and (pleasant versus unpleasant) ___________.

arousal; valence

Although they beg and plead, a preschooler's parents have zero success in coaxing him to eat broccoli. The parents might try to use peer influence by:

asking his daycare center to serve broccoli and seating him with classmates who like to eat it.

The ______________ of the cerebral cortex are not involved in primary motor or sensory functions; rather, they are involved in learning, remembering, thinking, and speaking.

association areas

Both classical and operant conditioning are forms of:

associative learning.

If on repeated occasions a sea slug receives an electric shock just after being squirted with water, its protective withdrawal response to a squirt of water grows stronger. This best illustrates:

associative learning.

Learning that certain events occur together is called:

associative learning.

Brian often interrupts his teacher while she iattention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.s speaking and frequently forgets to complete his homework assignments. He also has difficulty taking turns in playground games with classmates. Brian most clearly exhibits symptoms of:

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Cynthia thinks that her new neighbor is mean and snobbish. This ____________ will likely influence Cynthia to act negatively toward her neighbor.


Your professor is short with everyone on the first day of class. You think that your new professor is rude. This ____________ will likely influence you to act negatively toward your professor.


Chan is a very well-practiced concert pianist. Which area of Chan's brain is likely to be larger than that of a person who does not play the piano?

auditory cortex

The part of the neuron that carries messages to other cells in the body is the:


The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior is known as:

behavior genetics.

A focus on how we learn observable responses is most relevant to the ____________ perspective.


The concept of personality most clearly embodies the notion of:

behavioral consistency.

The interdisciplinary field of _______________ integrates behavioral and medical knowledge, applying this knowledge to health and disease.

behavioral medicine

Which of the following is an example of a dissociative experience that is pathological or abnormal?

being unable to remember one's own name or other important details about one's own life

People tend to use emotion-focused, rather than problem-focused, coping strategies when they:

believe they cannot change a stressful situation.

After study participants were told that a videotaped interviewee was a psychiatric patient, they characterized the person with phrases like "passive type" or "frightened of his own impulses." This study best illustrates the:

biasing power of diagnostic labels.

After pigs learned to pick up and deposit wooden coins in a piggy bank, the pigs subsequently dropped the coins repeatedly and pushed them with their snouts. This best illustrates the importance of ________ in operant conditioning.

biological predispositions

Which of the following does the autonomic nervous system most directly control?

bladder contractions

Jarod was in a motorcycle accident that left him blind. When his therapist throws a wadded-up piece of paper at his head he is able to move out of the way but is not able to identify the object. Jarod is demonstrating the phenomenon known as:


Our genetic predispositions help to explain:

both our shared human nature and our human diversity.

Ascending order is to _____________ as descending order is to _____________.

bottom-up processing; top-down processing

Because of cataracts, your neighbor was deprived of visual experiences during early childhood. Last year her vision was restored by surgery, but she is having difficulty in dealing with the visual world. This is probably because:

brain cells normally devoted to vision died or were diverted to other uses.

Even if the musician Stevie Wonder had his vision restored by a miracle surgery, he probably would not get his eyesight back because:

brain cells normally devoted to vision have died or been diverted to other uses.

The elderly are more susceptible to _____________ than when they were younger.


Mimi works in a hospital psychiatric unit. She cares for a patient with schizophrenia who often stands motionless in a corner for several hours. This ___________ usually ends abruptly and the patient becomes quite agitated.


Ariana believes that yelling at her husband serves to calm her feelings of anger toward him. Her belief is most clearly consistent with:


Which of the following is not one of the lobes of the cerebral cortex?


We feel happier in the presence of happy people than in the presence of depressed people. This illustrates the:

chameleon effect.

Janis volunteered to participate in a psychology experiment. When Janis arrives to the lab she is greeted by a lab assistant standing on the other side of a counter. The lab assistant explains the informed consent and asks her to sign the form. As the lab assistant reaches for the form he drops it behind the counter. The lab assistant reaches down behind the counter to pick up the form and unbeknownst to Janis another person stands up holding the form. After Janis signs the form, she is asked if she noticed the change. She replies that she did not. This phenomenon is known as:

change blindness.

David Rosenhan and colleagues conducted a study examining the biasing power of diagnostic labels. They went to psychiatric hospital admissions offices and complained of "hearing voices" that said the words "empty," "hollow," and "thud." This was the only complaint they reported and they displayed no other symptoms. They were all:

diagnosed as mentally ill and the causes for their disorders were "discovered."

According to Carroll Izard, there are 10 basic emotions that humans experience and most of these are present during infancy. Which of the following is one of these basic emotions?


Jorge's boss reprimanded him for an accounting error in front of his coworkers. When Jorge returned home from his job, he yelled at his wife for not having dinner ready. His wife then scolded the children for leaving their toys all over the house. These events best illustrate the use of a defense mechanism known as:


According to DSM-5, children who were once given the diagnosis of bipolar disorder are not likely to be given the diagnosis of:

disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.

The experience of a "fugue state" is indicative of a(n) ________ disorder.


Researchers have suggested that the role playing of fantasy-prone patients in response to the leading questions of therapists has often contributed to:

dissociative identity disorder.

The most controversial dissociative disorder involves extensive memory disruptions along with the presence of two or more distinct identities. This disorder is called:

dissociative identity disorder.

An evolutionary psychologist would suggest that people are genetically predisposed to:

do all of these things.

Last week Becky read that labels can bias perceptions, so she does not support placing diagnostic labels on psychological problems. If we were trying to convince her that these types of labels do have benefits, we might tell her that mental health professionals use diagnostic labels to:

do all of these things.

While researchers have discovered that there are an excessive number of receptor sites for _________________, it is not the only neurotransmitter involved in schizophrenia.


Margaret gave birth to a premature baby boy. It was a difficult birth with obstetrical complications. In addition, she always had very little money and, for 20 years, she cared for the boy at a level below the poverty line. Thus, Margaret's son has experienced BOTH biological and social risk factors. Results from a Danish study would predict that the boy has ________ of committing crime, as compared to men with only biological risk factors or social risk factors.

double the risk

As opposed to automatic processing, ______________ refers to encoding that requires attention and conscious effort.

effortful processing

While you probably wish that your study time was automatic, unfortunately successful studying for Introductory Psychology requires attention and conscious effort known as:

effortful processing.

Brain activity results in telltale electrical signals that can be detected by a(n):

electroencephalogram (EEG).

Although Phoebe strongly disagrees with her sister's opinion, she effectively controls her anger and responds to her sister's frustration with empathy. Her behavior best illustrates:

emotional intelligence.

When Robby becomes upset about getting a poor grade, he typically fails to realize that he feels scared. This lack of self-insight best illustrates an inadequate level of:

emotional intelligence.

Willis again picked the wrong day to ask his boss for a day off, especially with the multimillion-dollar project proposal due in a couple of days. This best illustrates a lack of:

emotional intelligence.

The processing of information into the memory system is called:


External influences on development such as social support are said to constitute our:


A stressor is a(n):

environmental event that threatens or challenges us.

Environmental factors such as viral infections can "turn on" specific genes that predispose schizophrenia. This best illustrates the impact of:

epigenetic factors.

Dr. Wi is interested is studying how our environment can affect whether a gene is expressed or not, and thus affect the development of various psychological disorders. Dr. Wi is studying the _____ of psychological disorders.


Tamera is 73 years old and is having problems remembering significant events in her life. She has to write down appointments and meetings at her church or she will forget about these commitments. Tamera is demonstrating a decline in:

episodic memory.

With continuous reinforcement, an organism is reinforced ________________. With intermittent reinforcement, an organism is reinforced ________________.

every time the desired behavior occurs; sporadically when the desired behavior occurs

Your professor suggests that the increasing problem of obesity in Western cultures might be attributable to our inherited predisposition to love the taste of sweets and fats. Although these foods were difficult for our ancestors to find, they helped them to survive famines. Now, these foods are easily available and Westerners are eating too much of them. What field does this theory belong to?

evolutionary psychology

Inherited traits are to learned habits as the _____________ perspective is to the _____________ perspective.

evolutionary; behavioral

Most of the signals neurons receive are ___________; others are the opposite, or ________.

excitatory; inhibitory

The third phase of general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is characterized by:


Unlike correlation, the only way to demonstrate causation is to conduct a(n):


Mr. Nydam suffers amnesia and is unable to remember playing golf on a particular course. But the longer he plays the course, the more his game improves. His experience illustrates the difference in:

explicit memory and implicit memory.

Mable has Alzheimer's disease and her _____________ memories for people and events are lost, but she is able to display an ability to form new _____________ memories by being repeatedly shown words.

explicit; implicit

The most unambiguous nonverbal clue to our specific emotional state is provided by our:

facial muscles.

Which of the following is a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items on a test?

factor analysis

Which procedure is used to identify the different dimensions of performance that underlie people's intelligence scores?

factor analysis

Which of the basic emotions is facially expressed by eyelids lifted, mouth corners retracted, and brows level while drawn in and up?


After receiving approval to begin a long-awaited consulting project, Dr. Morris was much more inclined to contribute to the local giving campaign in town. This best illustrates:

feel-good, do-good phenomenon.

You are excited to be studying developmental psychology in China. You know that children's facial expressions are universal and that children do all of the following EXCEPT:

fidget when they are sad.

Walter Cannon perceived the stress response to be highly adaptive because it prepared the organism for:

fight or flight.

Some of our memories for an emotionally significant moment or event are vividly clear. These are known as:

flashbulb memories.

Last year, Nikki was diagnosed with schizophrenia and one of her symptoms is related to inappropriate emotion. She sometimes lapses into a "zombielike" state of apparent apathy known as:

flat affect.

Researchers asked homeowners for permission to install a large, poorly lettered sign in their front yards. Only 17 percent of the homeowners consented to the installations. Researchers then approached different homeowners and asked if they could post a small sign. Nearly all agreed. Then, when asked two weeks later if they could post the large, ugly sign, 76 percent consented. The results of this experiment support the:

foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

You are trying to convince your parents to send you to Europe. First, you ask them for a small favor (a bus ticket to a local city), hoping that later they will be more willing to send you on the longer trip. This technique is known as the:

foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Two individuals are most likely to differ in personality if they are:

fraternal twins who were raised apart.

Kanesha meets with a therapist because she wants to do something about the path her life is taking. The doctor tells her to lie down on the couch, relax, and say whatever comes to mind. This psychoanalytic method is known as:

free association.

PET scans illustrate reduced activation in the ____________ lobes of a murderer's cortex.


Jason is participating in a study in which he is situated inside a tube-shaped machine and asked to look at photographs of people making various facial expressions. The experimenters explain that they are looking at areas of his brain that have increased blood flow, which indicates higher levels of activity when he looks at the photographs. The device the researchers are utilizing is a(n):

functional MRI (fMRI).

James Olds and Peter Milner (1954) were trying to implant an electrode in a rat's reticular formation when they mistakenly placed the electrode incorrectly. Curiously, as if seeking more stimulation, the rat kept returning to the location where it had been when it received a stimulus from this misplaced electrode. On discovering that they had actually placed the device in a region of the _____, Olds and Milner realized they had stumbled upon a _____.

hypothalamus; reward center

A large pharmaceutical company begins to write a research protocol based on their belief that the new medication called Drug R may be useful in treating anxiety. They predict that Drug R should lower symptoms of anxiety. This prediction is a:


Psychoneuroimmunology is most broadly concerned with how the psychological, neural, and endocrine systems together affect the:

immune system.

Marie was driving home from school and she stopped at an intersection. She looked to her left and right for oncoming cars and then made a left turn, pulling out right in front of a motorcycle. Even though she had looked in that direction, she failed to see the motorcycle, likely because she was looking only for cars. Her inability to see the motorcycle is a phenomenon known as:

inattentional blindness.

One main difference between punishment and reinforcement is that the goal of reinforcement is to ____________ a behavior, while the goal of punishment is to ____________ a behavior.

increase; decrease

Aerobic exercise ____________ the body's production of serotonin and ____________ its production of the endorphins.

increases; increases

The fundamental attribution error is more apparent in ___________ than it is in ___________.

individualist Western countries; East Asian cultures

Fiona, now 6 years old, has no memory of a trip she took to the hospital when she was 2 years old. The rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail, but Fiona has no recollection of the event. Her inability to remember this event is known as:

infantile amnesia.

After carrying out the appropriate statistical calculations of their data, the researchers concluded that the probability of obtaining the results, if random factors alone were operating, was less than 1 chance out of a 100. The researchers used _____, and can conclude that the results are _____.

inferential statistics; statistically significant

The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations is known as


The sort of problem solving that demonstrates "school smarts" is what researchers have historically assessed in their tests of:


In atrocious situations such as Zimbardo's simulated prison, some people succumb to the situation and others do not. This best illustrates the:

interactive influence of persons and situations.

According to Erik Erikson, the two fundamental themes that dominate adult development are:

intimacy and generativity.

Howard Gardner proposes that humans have multiple intelligences that are relatively independent of each other. Which of the following is one of the intelligences?


Becky grows tomatoes for the sheer joy of it; Lauren grows them to sell at a profit. Becky's behavior reflects ________, whereas Lauren's behavior reflects ________.

intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation

Structuralists introduced which research method to identify basic elements of the human mind?


Researchers today can use technology such as CT scans and fMRI scans to measure brain activity. Some researchers ask their research participants to describe elements of their experiences (for example, sensations, images, feelings) while undergoing the scans. This ___________ technique is similar to the methodology of ___________.

introspection; Titchener

You need to hire someone who is good at reading emotions based upon his or her ability to detect minor, quick changes in people's facial expressions. Which of the following personality types would you choose?


Some people are better at detecting other people's emotions. For example, shown a 2-second scene of an upset woman, people who are _____________ are better able to detect her emotion.


Classical conditioning is to operant conditioning as _____ are to _____.

involuntary responses; voluntary responses

Elsa is a 50-year-old teacher who is openly gay. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Elsa's homosexuality:

is NOT classified as an illness.

If the results of a study are deemed significant, this means that the observed difference:

is probably not due to chance variation between the samples.

According to your text, anger is not always wrong because:

it motivates people to take action and achieve goals.

Neurotransmitter is to _____________ as neural receptor site is to _____________.

key; lock

Using Asch's procedure, conformity to group judgments would be LEAST likely when:

participants are not observed by other group members when giving their answers.

Optimists are more likely than pessimists to experience:

perceived control.

Primates at the top of the social pecking order are less likely to contract cold-like viral infections than those with lower social status. This best illustrates the value of:

perceived control.

When looking at a photograph of an adult-child pair, people who are told that the two individuals are parent and child tend to say the two look more alike than people who are told the two individuals are unrelated. This difference is most likely due to:

perceptual set

Janis tried to get her 6-year-old son Donnie to drink diet soda instead of regular soda, which contains sugar. She filled the bottle that normally contains regular soda with diet soda. Donnie never noticed the difference. Donnie perception was influenced by:

perceptual set.

Both _______________ and _______________ indicate how our experiences help us to construct perception.

perceptual set; context

Opinion change resulting from incidental cues such as a speaker's attractiveness illustrates:

peripheral route persuasion.

B. F. Skinner's critics have claimed that he neglected the importance of the individual's

personal freedom.

Basic research on persistent human traits, such as optimism and pessimism, is most characteristic of the specialty known as ____________ psychology.


Starke Hathaway is to _____________ as Alfred Binet is to _____________.

personality measurement; intelligence measurement

Identical twins separated at birth and raised in completely different home environments would be most likely to have similar:

personality traits.

Mark typically responds to stress in a calm and thoughtful manner. Chandler usually becomes agitated. The reactions of Mark and Chandler indicate that each has a distinctive:


Although Mark realizes his behavior is unreasonable, he is so distraught by high bridges that he avoids them and takes an unnecessarily lengthy route to and from work each day. Mark appears to suffer from a(n):


When shown a face with an evenly mixed expression of fear and anger, ________ children were much quicker than other children to see anger.

physically abused

Melatonin is manufactured by the:

pineal gland.

Amir suffered a severe brain injury in a motorcycle accident and was partially paralyzed on the left side of his body. After several months of intensive physical therapy, he gradually regained the use of his left leg and arm. This example best illustrates the principle of:


People with acute schizophrenia more often have the ________ symptoms that respond to drug therapy.


Michael is an Olympic swimmer who believes that competition gives him an edge. His arousal has:

positive valence.

If the points on the scatterplot show an upward pattern (both scores going up), the correlation is:


Evidence that many DID patients have suffered abuse as children leads some psychologists to include dissociative disorders under the umbrella of:

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Richard learned at an early age how to sell numerous items, ranging from chocolate to small electronics. Many say his best education came from the streets he grew up on. This best illustrates:

practical intelligence.

Even though Mary was not thinking about the events surrounding the day of her high school graduation, she can easily bring memories about that day to conscious awareness. In terms of Freud's theory of personality, Mary's memories are stored at the _____ level of awareness.


Research on the role of cognitive processes in learning indicates that the strength of a conditioned response (CR) depends primarily on the ________ of the CS-US association.


One component of emotional intelligence involves:

predicting accurately when feelings are about to change.

Tyree was in a serious bike accident in which he smashed the front of his head into a tree. Since the accident Tyree has been irritable and has had trouble controlling his behavior and planning future activities. Tyree likely damaged his:

prefrontal cortex

Teens who smoke typically have friends who smoke. To avoid overestimating the impact of peer pressure on teens' smoking habits, it would make the most sense to consider the impact of:

smoking preferences on friendship choices.

If you have an intense fear of speaking in public, eating out, or going to parties, you may be suffering from:

social anxiety disorder.

The culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement is known as the:

social clock.

When we perform better on simple or well-learned tasks in the presence of others, this is called:

social facilitation.

Janice is very skilled at being able to detect tension and possible conflict in her third grade classroom. Thus, she can successfully intervene and prevent the tension escalating into conflict. Janice is demonstrating a high level of:

social intelligence.

Amanda blames herself for her recent job loss. Her therapist suggests that her depression results from this self-blame, rather than blame of the slumping economy. Her therapist's suggestion best illustrates a:

social-cognitive perspective.

An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are:

specific and temporary.

This is the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response (CR).

spontaneous recovery

As a child, Jane had leukemia and underwent numerous bouts of chemotherapy, during which she associated the hospital waiting room with nausea. Now 35 years old, Jane returns to this same hospital to take her mother for breast cancer treatment. Jane becomes nauseated while in the hospital waiting room with her mother. Her nausea best illustrates:

spontaneous recovery.

Michael and his girlfriend are listening to a lecture on an author's travels through Eastern Europe. After listening for an hour Michael becomes drowsy and begins dropping his head forward, until his girlfriend elbows his arm to wake him up. Michael's drowsiness is an example of an altered state of consciousness that occurs:


The ________________ is a measure of ________________.

standard deviation; variation

If you learn a list of chemistry terms while you are in a great mood, you have a better chance of recalling that list if you are in the same kind of mood when you take the exam. This is known as:

state-dependent memory.

A person attacked by a fierce dog develops a fear of all dogs. This best illustrates:

stimulus generalization.

The retention of encoded information over time is called:


Dr. James found a correlation of +0.81 between obesity and the consumption of fast foods. This would be considered a __________ correlation.

strong positive

Titchener is to _________________ as Freud is to personality theory.


Anthony Greenwald and his colleagues (1991, 1992) randomly assigned university students to listen daily for 5 weeks to commercial subliminal messages that claimed to improve either self-esteem or memory. But the researchers switched half the message labels. Some students who thought they were hearing affirmations of self-esteem were actually hearing memory enhancement messages. Others who were hearing affirmations of self-esteem thought they were listening to messages about enhancing their memory. The researchers found that:

students' test scores for self-esteem and memory, taken before and after the 5 weeks, revealed no changes, yet the students perceived themselves as receiving the benefits they expected.

Which of the following will you most likely store as an implicit memory?

your conditioned fear of guns

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